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08-10 投稿


indivisible 发音

英:[ˌɪndɪˈvɪzəbl]  美:[ˌɪndɪˈvɪzəbl]

英:  美:

indivisible 中文意思翻译




indivisible 网络释义

adj. 不能分割的;[数] 除不尽的n. 不可分割之事物;极微小物

indivisible 短语词组

1、indivisible credit ─── 不可分割债权

2、indivisible podcast ─── 不可分割播客

3、indivisible thing ─── [法] 不可分物

4、indivisible letter of credit ─── 不可分割信用证

5、indivisible game ─── 不可分博弈

6、indivisible michigan ─── 密执安不可分割

7、indivisible by ─── [网络] 不可分割

8、indivisible obligation ─── [法] 不可分债务

9、indivisible contract ─── 不可分合同

10、indivisible movie ─── 不可分割电影

11、indivisible chicago alliance ─── 不可分割的芝加哥联盟

12、indivisible consideration ─── 不可分割的考虑

indivisible 反义词


indivisible 同义词

coherent | solid | united | amalgamated |inseparable | blended | conjoined | single

indivisible 词性/词形变化,indivisible变形

名词: indivisibleness |副词: indivisibly |

indivisible 相似词语短语

1、indivisibly ─── adv.不可分割地

2、individable ─── 不可撤销的

3、subdivisible ─── adj.可以细别的;可以再分的

4、indigestible ─── adj.难消化的;难理解的

5、nondivisible ─── 不可分的

6、indivertible ─── adj.不能引开的;难使转向的

7、divisible ─── adj.可分的;可分割的

8、invisible ─── adj.无形的,看不见的;无形的;不显眼的,暗藏的

9、intervisible ─── 相互可见的

indivisible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The people's courts shall divide up and seal up those houses that can be disposed through division within the scope of amount for execution, and may seal up the whole house that is indivisible. ─── 十、人民法院对可以分割处分的房屋应当在执行标的额的范围内分割查封,不可分割的房屋可以整体查封。

2、Medvedev also said that the South Kuril Islands, is of strategic significance to Russia, the Russian territory "indivisible" part of it. ─── 梅德韦杰夫还表示,南千岛群岛对俄罗斯具有战略意义,是俄领土“不可分割”的一部分。

3、1.Out of the many we shall forge an indivisible whole capitulating only to a single throne. ─── 我们所有人将会凝聚成一股无法分割的力量,并且只服从于一个王座之下。

4、It is a complex and indivisible. ─── 它是一个综合体,不可分割。

5、indivisible and joint possession ─── 不可分共同共有

6、Ruusbroec is a thinker for whom the ultimate unity, the founding principle of reality, is not that of the static, indivisible individuality but the dynamic, living unity of love. ─── 吕斯布鲁克是这样一个思想家,他认为终极的合一、实在的基本原则并不是静态的、不可分的个体性,而是动态的、活泼的爱的合一。

7、Indivisible Logistics Network Capital System ─── 共生型物流网络资本系统

8、Sports have an indivisible relationship with economy and market. ─── 体育与经济,体育与市场产生了密不可分的联系。

9、"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ─── "我保证效忠美国的国旗,并且到它所在的共和国,在上帝指使下,是一个不可分割,拥有全部的自由和公正的一个国家。

10、I see this as a whole movement, the outward and the inner, indivisible like the waters of the sea that come in and go out. ─── 我看到这是一个整体的运动,外在和内在不可分割,就像海水的涨落一样。

11、Democritus' atom was very different from Bohr's atom, in that it was indivisible, not a configuration of subatomic particles; ─── 外国语学院还常年聘请了30名来自于英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本等国家的语言教学专家从事相关的课程教学工作。

12、For many years the atom was believed to be indivisible . ─── 在过去有很多年原子一直被认为是不可分割的。

13、People's Court in separate cases to the Housing Executive should be the subject of in the context of partition attachment, indivisible overall housing can be sealed. ─── 人民法院对可以分割处分的房屋应当在执行标的额的范围内分割查封,不可分割的房屋可以整体查封。

14、Indivisible sounds are uttered by the brutes also, but no one of these is a Letter in our sense of the term. ─── 动物也发出不可分割的声音,但他们所发出的声音没有一个是在我们所说的字母这一意义上的。

15、They believe it is extremely important and an indivisible part of energy efficiency, environmental protection and life term prolongation of systems. ─── 他们认为这是提高能源利用效率、环境保护以及延长供热设备寿极其重要和不可分割的组成部分。

16、Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible. ─── 和平、发展与环境保护三者是互相依存,不可分割的。

17、At the beginning of the 19th century, John Dalton theorised that an atom was an indivisible particle of an element. ─── 在第19世纪开始,约翰·道尔顿建立了原子是元素不可分的微粒的理论。

18、Plump berries are my seduction; tart sweetness is my guile. You will fall in love with me at first taste, and the love will be indivisible. ─── 圆润果实是我诱人的幌子,酸中带甜的独特个性就是要让你惊艳不已,细细咀嚼就会疯狂爱上我,让你体会无法割舍的爱恋滋味。

19、indivisible contract ─── 不可分合同

20、On the other hand, if the defendants caused an entire indivisible harm, each is subject to liability for the entire harm ─── 另一方面,如果被告们引起了不可分损害,那么每一个被告都要为整个损害负责。

21、Emily:Yes,and it also decided that the country should not be a collection of semi-independent states but an indivisible whole. ─── 是的,它也决定该国不应该是收集或半独立的国家,仅仅是一个不可分割的整体。

22、An element is an opaque entity that is indivisible at a given level of abstraction. ─── 元素是特定的抽象级别上不可拆分的不透明实体。

23、Out of the many we shall forge an indivisible whole capitulating only to a single throne. ─── 我们所有人将会凝聚成一股无法分割的力量,并且只服从于一个王座之下。

24、Training subject, training resource and training object comprise of indivisible entirety and influence the effect of employment training by working as a whole. ─── 培训主体、培训资源、培训客体共同构成农民工就业培训不可分割的统一体,共同影响着农民工就业培训的结果。

25、We try all our lives to separate ourselves from them,and only when they are gone do we find we are indivisible. ─── 我们穷其一生想与它们分离,只有在它们逝去时才发现,我们是不可分离的。

26、We believe that in this new global age our prosperity is indivisible. ─── 我们相信在这个新的全球化时代,每个国家都是荣辱与共的。

27、At the beginning of the 19th century, John Dalton theorised that an atom was an indivisible particle of an element. ─── 在第19世纪开始,约翰·道尔顿建立了原子是元素不可分的微粒的理论。

28、Small as atoms are, they are not indivisible. ─── 原子虽小,但并不是不可分隔的。

29、An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter. ─── 原子是最小的不可分的物质微粒。

30、"We believe that in this new global age, our prosperity is indivisible," said Gordon Brown. ─── 布朗说:“我们相信,在这个新的全球化时代,我们的繁荣是不可分割的。

31、indivisible obligation ─── 不可分割债务

32、The project units with close technical connections and that are indivisible may not be divided into sections. ─── 对工程技术上紧密相联、不可分割的单位工程不得分割标段。

33、As an indivisible part of his ontology philosophy, Heidegger's aesthetics has subverted traditional western aesthetics. ─── 海德格尔美学是其存在论哲学思想的不可分割的部分,是对西方传统美学的颠覆。

34、An indivisible, impenetrable unit of substance viewed as the basic constituent element of physical reality in the metaphysics of Leibnitz. ─── 单子莱布尼兹学说理论中认为是构成物质世界存在的最基本的和不可分的单位

35、being separate, the mind and body form an indivisible whole. ─── 心智与身体绝不是分离的,它们形成了一个不可分割的整体。

36、I pledge allegiance to the nag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ─── 我谨宣誓忠诚于美利坚合众国国旗。忠诚于它所代表的共和国,上帝庇佑下的一个国家。不容分割,人人由此享有自由与正义。

37、"Again, I find sometimes that living beings are like so many pills made of Indivisible Consciousness. ─── “此外,我有时候还发现生命好像由很多不可分割的意识制成的药丸。

38、indivisible markets ─── 不可分市场

39、Housing values indivisible, policy design is based on the Housing value, the insured is not in full compliance requirements. ─── 房屋价值不可分割,保单设计也是按整房价值计算,要求全额投保并未违规。

40、indivisible letter of credit ─── 不可分割信用证

41、indivisible train set ─── 不能拆散的列车车底

42、Since these quanta are believed to be indivisible packages of energy and so cannot be further refined, we reach a point beyond which further resolution of the world is not possible. ─── 既然这些量子被看做是一个整体,属于不可再分的能量,因此不能进一步细分,这样我们便步入了一个临界点,越过此临界点后,就不可能对世界进行进一步的分解了。

43、Is an indivisible part of this contract. ─── 合同的附件是本合同不可分割的组成部分。

44、Rousseau argues that sovereignty is inalienable and indivisible. Who is the sovereign? Why is sovereignty inalienable and indivisible? What are the limits on sovereign power? ─── 卢梭主张主权是不能让与也不可分割的,谁是主权?为什么主权不能让与也不可分割?主权权力的限制为何?

45、4 It Sought To Bring Back To Humans Degraded By Sin, A Life Of Peace, Of Love And Happiness, And Recall To Them The Only And Indivisible Creator Whose Mercy Is Boundless And Infinite. ─── 它力图把堕落于罪的人们带回到一种和平、爱和幸福的生命,让他们去记起那位唯一和不可分割的创造者,他的仁慈是无边无际和无限。

46、indivisible right ─── 共有权利

47、Teacher and protector are indivisible and the so called ‘guru-devotion’ relationship is the heart of this Buddhist practise. ─── 导师和保护者是不可分割的,所谓的'导师-虔诚'的关系是佛教执业的核心。

48、The. rishis of olden times renounced everything and then contemplated Satchidananda, the Indivisible Brahman. ─── 往昔的圣人已经与一切断绝了关系,然后就凝视萨特旦安达,不可分割的梵天。”

49、An atom is the smallest indivisible unit of matter. ─── 原子是最小的不可分割的物质单位。

50、indivisible operation ─── 不可分操作

51、In the magnificent stage of the Universe, the GREAT BREATH gives form and life to millions of individualities that, nevertheless, are indivisible parts of the GREAT TOTALITY. ─── 在宇宙的华丽舞台上,伟大的呼吸给出数以亿万计个体的形式和生命,然而,那些依然是伟大万有的不可分离的部分。

52、The number 15 is indivisible by 7. ─── 15不能被7整除

53、The Letter is an indivisible sound of a particular kind, one that may become a factor in an intelligible sound. ─── 字母是一种特殊的、可以成为有意义声音的构成要素且不可分割的那一类声音。

54、The statements within a transaction are treated as an indivisible unit: either all are executed or none is executed. ─── 事务内的语句被视为不可分的单元:或者所有语句都执行,或者都不执行。

55、Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the "four unswerving adherences" are a dialectical unity, in which the both are interdependent, interactive and indivisible. ─── 摘要中国特色社会主义和“四个坚定不移”是辩证的统一,二者相互依箱,相互促进,不可分割。

56、For application of stones, China is one of the earliest country with a long history and is an indivisible part of Chinese national culture. ─── 中国是世界上应用石材最早的国家之一,有着悠久的历史,是中国民族文化不可分割的一部分。

57、For application of stones , China is one of the earliest country with a long history and is an indivisible part of Chinese national culture. ─── 中国是世界上应用石材最早的国家之一,有着悠久的历史,是中国民族文化不可分割的一部分。

58、As the cell is the smallest unit for a living thing, so the family forms an indivisible unit for a society. ─── 如同细胞是生物的最小单位,家庭则是社会的最小单位。

59、indivisible consideration ─── 不可分约因

60、indivisible thing ─── 不可分物

61、The ancient theory of Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucretius, according to which simple, minute, indivisible, and indestructible particles are the basic components of the entire universe. ─── 原子论古哲学家德谟克利特、伊比鸠鲁、卢梭等所持的唯物主义理论,认为简单微小的、不可分割、不可消灭的微粒是整个宇宙的基本组成部分

62、Relations between international organizations and Taiwan The sovereignty of each State is an integral whole which is indivisible and unsharable. ─── 国际组织与台湾的关系问题。每个国家的主权是完整的,既不能分割,也不能分享。

63、indivisible credit ─── 不可分割债权

64、A Short Proof for the Existence of the Indivisible Continuums of Pythagorean, Democritus, Plato and Galileo ─── 关于Pythagoras,Democritus,Plato和Galileo等的不可分割的连续统的存在性的短的证明

65、All relevant additional agreement, contract and business documents are indivisible with this agreement. Those documents have the same legal effect. ─── 与本协议相关联的补充协议、合同、往来业务文件等均与本协议不可分割,具有同等的法律效力。

66、Note the division is still the smallest tactical unit and the land unit and its brigades are indivisible, but for technology purposes the brigades are distinct. ─── 但是注意师仍然是最小的战术单位,同时一个师和他的旅之间也是不可分割的整体,不过从科技的角度来说旅是独立的。

67、The ancient theory of Democritus,Epicurus,and Lucretius,according to which simple,minute,indivisible,and indestructible particles are the basic components of the entire universe. ─── 原子论古哲学家德谟克利特、伊比鸠鲁、卢梭等所持的唯物主义理论,认为简单微小的、不可分割、不可消灭的微粒是整个宇宙的基本组成部分。

68、having the indivisible character of a unit. ─── 以整体性为特点的,不可分的。

69、An indivisible operation that, from an external perspective, occurs either in its entirety or not at all. ─── 一种不可分割的操作。从外部看,原子化操作要么整体发生,要么根本不发生。

70、I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ─── 我宣誓效忠美利坚合众国国旗及其所象征的共和国,国家一体,自由公正与我们同在。

71、indivisible atoms ─── 不可分裂的原子

72、Next he finds that the form merges in the Indivisible Absolute. ─── 下一步,他会发现所有的形相都融入不可分割的绝对本体里面。

73、indivisible mass ─── 不能分开的大件物品

74、A transaction is a series of operations that are treated as an atomic (indivisible) unit. ─── 事务是被视为一个原子(不可拆分)单位的一系列操作。

75、an indivisible union of states; one nation indivisible. ─── 不可分开的联邦;一个不可分割的国家。

76、A Sufficient Condition for General Equilibrium in Indivisible Markets ─── 不可分市场中一般均衡的一个充分条件

77、In America, we believe it is a concept which is indivisible. ─── 我们美国人民认为这是一个不可分割的概念。

78、After all, faith is not one thing or two or three things; it is an indivisible totality of beliefs that inspire me. ─── 除此之外,信念并非一种或两三种具体的事物,而是鼓舞着我所有信仰的整体,是无法分割的。

79、An indivisible union of states ─── 不可分离的国家联盟

80、In the early nineteenth century, Dalton, an English school teacher, stated in this atomic theory that matter was made up of tiny, indivisible particles, which he also called atoms. ─── 在19世纪早期,当时是一个英语学校老师的道尔顿提出,物质是由细小、不可再分的粒子构成。

81、indivisible train unit ─── 不能拆散的列车车组

82、indivisible territory ─── 不可分割的领土

83、As the electron carries nature's smallest unit of electric charge, it also carries the indivisible unit of spin ─── 因为电子是携带电荷的天然最小单位,所以电子也携带不可分的自旋角动量单位。

84、Beam contributor means an indivisible optical assembly including a lens. ─── 光束发射器指一个包括透镜的不可分割的光学总成。

85、This paper generalizes the general equilibrium theorem to the case of indivisible markets where preferences is strictly convex, continuous and strongly monotonous. ─── 摘要给出了不可分市场中一般均衡存在的一个充分条件:消费者偏好函数是强凸、连续和严格单调的。

86、Perfecting the practice of anuyoga, may all concepts of samsara and nirvana be purified into the state of indivisible bliss and emptiness and may I experience the pure realm of Akanishtha! ─── 完美修持阿努瑜珈,愿一切轮迴涅槃的概念净化入空乐无别的状态中,愿我体验报身净土。

87、The appendix is an indivisible part of this contract. Details listed in appendix 1 shall not come into affect until being checked and signed by both PARTY A and PARTY B. ─── 4本合同的附件是本合同必不可少的组成部分。附件一列明的物品在甲、乙双方核实签字后生效。

88、indivisible projects ─── 不可分项目

89、The author concludes that electricity and electronics are really indivisible, each forming part of the other. ─── 作者的结论是,电学与电子学不可截然分开,彼此成为对方的组成部分。

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