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08-27 投稿


comp 发音

英:[kɑːmp]  美:[kɒmp]

英:  美:

comp 中文意思翻译






comp 网络释义

n. 电脑及相关知识;DOS命令:比较两个文件的内容;免费票;广告样稿;排字工人vt. 给…排字;作为赠券或赠书送给;为…伴奏vi. 排版;做伴奏n. (Comp)人名;(英、德)康普

comp 短语词组

1、comp tech ─── 压缩机技术

2、comp hierarchy ─── [计] 计算机级机构新闻组

3、Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Comp ─── 山东新华制药公司

4、comp audio comp ─── 音频

5、Comp. ─── [医] 复方的, 复合的

6、comp clean ─── 压缩机清洁

7、cohosh comp ─── 升麻成分

8、comp code ─── 公司代码

9、comp layer ─── 复合层

10、comp buddy ─── 公司伙伴

11、comp list ─── 组件列表

12、part comp any ─── 部件组件任何

13、colleague comp ─── 同事薪酬

14、comp air n. ─── 康普艾(公司名)

15、luggage comp open ─── 行李箱组件打开

16、workers comp lawyers ─── 工人补偿律师

17、aeolus comp comp aeolus ─── 公司

18、domineering and comp ─── 盛气凌人

19、comp game comp ─── 游戏

comp 词性/词形变化,comp变形


comp 相似词语短语

1、com ─── abbr.组件对象模型(ComponentObjectModel);计算机输出缩微胶片(Computer-OutputMicrofilm)

2、clomp ─── vi.重踏着走,重而响地走

3、chomp ─── vi.格格地咬牙,咬响牙齿;切齿

4、compd ─── abbr.化合物(compound);abbr.化合的(compound,compounded)

5、comp. ─── abbr.同伴(companion);相对的(comparative);比较(compare)

6、com- ─── abbr.组件对象模型(ComponentObjectModel);计算机输出缩微胶片(Computer-OutputMicrofilm)

7、camp ─── n.露营;营地;度假营;拘留营;兵营;阵营;放牧区;年度短期兵役;史前古营垒遗址;造作的举止;v.露营;扎营;(牲畜)集中休息;扎围栏;adj.女性化的;夸张的,(服饰)稀奇古怪的;n.(Camp)(美、英、加、法)康(人名)

8、comps ─── n.额外的积分换钱程序;n.(Comps)人名;(法)孔普斯

9、compo ─── n.混合涂料;n.(Compo)人名;(英)康波

comp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore we can only protect the right of privacy indirectly by protecting the right of reputation,which does not meet the requirements of the modern information society.To comp... ─── 从理论上对名誉权与隐私权进行比较和阐释,有利于丰富我国的人格权理论研究,有利于加强和完善我国隐私权的法律保护。

2、Application of Smoothwall Blasting Anchorage Steel Belt Concrete Spraying Support in Yixin Coal Comp. ─── 光爆锚网索钢带喷碹支护在益新公司的应用。

3、Disputing for shiprepair contract in SY Comp. ─── SY公司修船合同纠纷案。

4、Comp: If I were in your position, ... ─── 假如我处于你的位置上,我就去。

5、CompComprehensive layout or design (USA). ─── 全面的布置与设计(美)。

6、And also proposed are one special time division multiplex(TDM)method for acqui-sition of large amount of array Hall signals,and one design solution of the comp... ─── 为采集大数量阵列霍尔信号,提出了1种特殊的时分复用方法,并给出了1套综合检测系统设计方案。

7、comp ound tubuloacinar gland ─── 复管状腺

8、"More notable, however, were the theaters built at the academies of lemming. In 1584 the Teatro Olimpico was comp!eted." ─── 不过,更为引人注目的是建于学术机构之内的戏院。1584年,奥林匹克戏院建成

9、T reatm ent of comp lex m andibular fractures using titanium m esh. Schug T , Rodem er H , N eupert W , et al. J C ranio2 ─── 以钛网治疗17例下颌骨重度萎缩的骨折病人,70%愈合顺利,20%发生轻度并发症。认为钛网的几何形状,良好的生理和

10、Teamwork with Customers-Receive and process all customer orders, enquires, quotes and requests.-Handle all customer comp...... ... ─── 公司名称:万国纸业企业管理(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-10

11、From the creatures of the earth I shall learn the fruits of comp非法ion and undying love. ─── 从这些地球上的生灵那里,我懂得了什么是怜悯,什么是永恒的爱。

12、It allows hotels to see how they are doing against their comp set in terms of guest satisfaction. ─── 这样,酒店就知道自己的客人满意度指标和竞争对手的比较。

13、NSEL , Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC, KABS - Selects a subset of nodes. ─── NSEL命令选择x=0(左端所有节点)的所有节点出来,

14、Overview of the Accounting departmentTo provide quality accounting professional services and support to Firm members, and to produce accurate and comp... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:1-3年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历

15、comp time(= time off work given for working extra hours) ─── 加班后的补休时间

16、Our comp any has accessed the management supply info net of Daqing Oil Field and has be come a constant client of Daqing Oil Administration Bureau. ─── 公司产品已进入大庆石油管理供应信息网,成为大庆石油管理局常年客户。

17、Hydra Grene Hydraulics Equipment Accessory (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. The Chinese subsidiary of the Denmark-based comp...... ... ─── 公司名称:丹麦中国咨询有限公司北京代表处工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-17

18、Traditionally, the largest set of newsgroups has been the computer-related ones under the hierarchy comp. ─── 历来最大的一组专题组是comp级下的与计算机有关的专题组。

19、Emp comp. ─── (=Empirin compound) 安匹林复合物

20、Keywords socket;computer aided design;comp uter aided manufacturing; ─── 关键词假肢接受腔;计算机辅助设计;计算机辅助制造;

21、[1]Hemingway,Ernest:The Comp lete Short Stories of Ernest Heming way. ─── 北京:世界图书出版公司,1989.

22、Keywords fullerene ruthenium comp lex cyclic voltammetry; ─── 关键词富勒烯;钌配合物;循环伏安;

23、And a Milw aukee teen is lucky to be alive after being dumped into the back of a recycling truck and comp acted. ─── 一名密尔沃基青年在被倒入垃圾车后部并被垃圾覆盖,幸运的是他还活着。

24、The Comp anny has special installation team to provide site-installation service or send technicians to do site indicating install ation and support related sticker for users. ─── 公司设有专业安装队,为用户提供现场安装服务或派技术人员到现场指导安装,并供应相关粘合剂;

25、B comp. ─── (=B complex) 维生素B复合物,复合维生素B

26、The Travel & Tourism Diploma Program provides students with a solid background in destination choices, motivating factors, travel trends, research tools and comp... ─── 在旅游文凭课程提供了一个坚实的目的地选择,背景的学生,激励因素,旅游发展趋势,研究工具和计算机应用。

27、Her children go to the local comp. ─── 她的孩子们在当地的综合中学上学。

28、Microspar structures rep resented by comp lex p tygmatically folded, dotted lags, blobs or vertical and horizontal ribbons and veins are common in Proterozoic carbonatesworldwide. ─── 国内外元古代碳酸盐岩中常见席状、透镜状、脉状和块状等形态的微亮晶碳酸盐岩。

29、With low-ove rhead maintenance processes, DCMI seeks to balance the change and growth of Dubl in Core standard against the recognition and use of other vocabularies as a comp lement. ─── DCMI正在寻求一种简单易行的维护机制, 一方面推荐使用不断变化和增长的核心标准,另一方面承认和重用其它的词表作为必要的补 充,这两者之间需要建立一种平衡。

30、Well, a ctu a lly there is a comp a ny, which has been doing the wrecking for 15 ye a rs. ─── 嗯。实际上是有一个公司在做打捞.已经15年了。

31、The temperature distributions in the reinforced concrete slab exposed to fire are calculated by the finite element method,and the comp uter program is worked out by FORTRAN 77. ─── 利用有限元方法分析了火灾温度作用下钢筋混凝土板内部温度场的分布,用FORTRAN语言编制了计算机程序。

32、So mysection chief comes over to the rookie's stretcher and he goes, "you gotone hell of a workman's comp claim, kid. ─── " 我的部门头头到新手的宿舍床那儿说"你的工会补偿条款可真够牛的" (我们头儿走到那个新来的担架旁说:“小子,你拿到了一笔不少的工伤赔偿金啊。”)

33、This might take the form of a comp day or a dinner out on the company, or even just a thoughtful e-mail. ─── 你应该为每一个员工的奖励量身定做,比如举办一场比赛,举行一个公司晚宴,或者甚至仅仅是一封充满人情味的电子邮件。

34、JOIN THE SMILE AND COMP LlMENT CLUB ─── 加入到微笑者和赞美者的行列来

35、International Bullet and Ammunition Comp ─── 国际子弹与弹药公司

36、Rolling Technology and Interface Bonding of Comp osite Stainless Steel Band by Inversion Casting ─── 反向凝固复合不锈钢带的轧制工艺及界面结合

37、Comp Info: "IER Venture Capital Co., Ltd, was started as a professional venture capital company by IER Base by the raising of civilian capital. ─── 公司简介:深港产学研创业投资有限公司是深港产学研基地发起、募集民间资本设立的专业风险投资公司,注册资本15000万元。

38、Comp arison with other coastal areas indi cated that the level... ─── 元素相关图显示,考洲洋表层沉积物尚未受人为来源镉和铅的影响。


40、Investigate initially the clinical value of the multi-spiral comp uted tomography Coronary imaging ─── 多层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像技术的临床应用研究

41、Keywords pseudoachondroplasia;multiple epiphyseal dysplasia;cartilage oligomeric matrix protein(COMP);gene muta-tion;gene diagnosis; ─── 假性软骨发育不全;多发性骨骺发育不良;软骨低聚物基质蛋白;基因突变;基因诊断;

42、At least two or three times a year, comp. lang. lisp has a long discussion about why it is that more people don't use Lisp. ─── 每隔两三年,comp.lang.lisp就会展开一场关于为什么人们不爱用Lisp的大讨论。

43、The local gas resource should be exploited actively while seeking gas supply abroad.Foreign major oil companies have occupied most of regional gas resource and market.The market comp... ─── 中国的油公司要充分利用国内、国外两种天然气资源和市场,积极开展国际天然气业务,力争在区域及全球天然气的开发热潮中占有一席之地。

44、The answers, which the philosophers gave to this question, split them into two great camps. Assert. The comp of idealism. Belong to the various schools of materialism. ─── 哲学家依照他们如何回答这个问题而分成了两大阵营。

45、Liu Y,Zhang XY.The investigation of gynecologic endoscopic surgery comp lication in 14 hospitals in Shanghai[J].Zhonghua Fuchanke Zazhi(Chin J Obstet Gyncol),2002,37(11):646-649. ─── [4]刘彦,张惜阴.上海市14所医院妇科内镜手术并发症调查报告[J]. 中华妇产科杂志,2002,37(11):646-649.

46、However ,he is ]ust In the middle of the process to comp!ete his graduate program toward a Ph.D.Degree.He never sought to work in or immigrate to the United States. ─── 两个星期之后,在我已经忘记这事情时,我回到新东方咨询处时,看见办公室里一片欢腾,林河带来好多巧克力,以及她需要的美国签证。

47、Job Title : Data EntryJob Desc : 1.Responsible for company ERP - Winfashion Daily Maintenance;2.Handle with comp...... ... ─── 公司名称:扩扩摩(上海)服饰贸易有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2008-10-14

48、3.The infamous Love Bug virus of a few months ago arguably marked that turning point in the short history of comp uter security. ─── 几个月前臭名昭著的“爱虫”病毒就可看作是在计算机安全这一不长历史中的一个转折点。

49、The coordination of the difierent comp onents,the combination of themechanics and the electronics systems,the rationa l structure design o... ─── 实验中,调整纳米粒子的含量、调节设备及工艺条件,得到了性能优越的发泡板材。

50、Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products, COMP ─── 孤儿药品委员会

51、template class minheap {...}; ─── 像这样的模板类怎样创建实例啊?

52、10 Wooley OW, Wooley SC, Woods WA.Effect of calories on appetite for palatable food in obese and nonobese humans.J Comp Physiol Psychol 1975; ─── 12于洪波,戴林,彭海英,牟新春,左中.复方中药对大鼠高脂饮食所致脂肪性肝炎肝组织氧化和抗氧化系统的影响.世界华人消化杂志2005;

53、Dimer ofDMCS in CTAB and aggregate of DHCS in dioxane-water were investigated and criticalaggegation comp... ─── 在CTAB胶束中,除DMCS单体分子外,DMCS形成了二聚体。

54、Her children go to the local comp. ─── 她的孩子们上当地的综合中学。

55、"Humanism" serves as an important guide for us to set up and implement scientific development viewpoint, so as to comp new tasks in the new century. ─── 对此进行认真探讨,对于我们自觉树立和落实科学发展观,完成新世纪新阶段的新任务,具有重要的指导意义。

56、Author Yin Guiquan;Yin Sanquan;Yang Xiaoqing(ECIM)(Huainan B.F.)(Comp of Baotuo I.S); ─── 作者尹桂全;尹三全;杨晓清;

57、Luzhou-flavo r liquors of different brands has their individual properties and evident differ ence existed in the composition of ester components and the trace flavoring comp onents. ─── 不同品牌的浓香型白酒有各自的特点,各酒种间的酯类物质的构成、微量香味成分的构成,存在着明显差异。

58、Responsibility:-Responsible for IPSec VPN designing and developing. -Work independently or within a team to comp...... ... ─── 公司名称:凹凸科技(中国)有限公司工作地点:湖北省武汉市发布时间:2009-4-11


60、Canadian comp with few top climbers in America. ─── 加拿大的抱石赛.有多位美洲好手参与.

61、A comparative test for antidegradant FHD-60 to a ntidegradants A,FHD-40 and MDW was made in NR compound and NR/SBR/BR blend comp ound. ─── 在NR胶料和NR/SBR/BR并用胶中 ,采用防老剂A ,FHD(4 0和 6 0 )和MDW进行对比试验。

62、Fixed club award not appearing under the nation section when it has no comp set. ─── 修正了当俱乐部没有比赛时,俱乐部评奖不显示在国家界面的问题。

63、Comp time is often promised to firefighters and police officers. ─── 消防队员和警官经常被许诺会得到补休时间。

64、Bionic Commando Rearmed The game exempts the compact disc patch Exempts the comp..... ─── 希魔复活复刻版 游戏的免光盘补丁 免光盘的意思就是不用验证光盘,直接玩.

65、This comp emphasises on his talent, and shows all his best skills and goals with Boca, Corinthians and a lot of Argentina recent clips. ─── 这个集锦详细描述了他的天赋,展示出他最漂亮的技术,包括一些南美时期的进球和在国家队的最近表现。

66、DT super comp is ideal for disc brake bikes, freeride and touring. ─── Super comp适用于适用碟煞的车型、自由骑和旅行车。

67、According to that method,deformations and stresses of thin-walled cylindrical piles applied in some engineering under horizontal loads were analyzed,and the results were comp... ─── 对某工程薄壁筒桩在水平荷载作用下的桩体变形和内力进行了分析,并与现场试验结果进行了比较,验证了本文分析方法的正确性。

68、No directors of any fund management comp any may hold any post in any fund trusteeship bank or any other fund management comp any. ─── 基金管理公司董事不得担任基金托管银行或者其他基金管理公司的任何职务。

69、Jug. comp. ─── (=jugular compression(test)) 颈加压(试验)

70、It was as though he and the host had a private vocabulary, rife with words like comp, whale, action, and RFB. ─── 他仿佛和他的主人有许多只有他们才懂的词汇,象comp,whale,action和RFB。

71、Research on Feature Modeling and Solving Process of Comp lex Function ─── 复合功能原理方案特征建模及其求解过程研究


73、The paper introduced a method of prediction log properties with seismic attributes by optimized BP neural net works,and it had been used to comp... ─── 介绍了一种用改进的多层前馈神经网络由地震属性进行测井特性预测的方法,并应用理论模型和实测数据对该方法进行了验证,结果令人满意。

74、As a mom of four,I don't have a lot of time to build a business,Finally a comp plan where the "littleguya"can make money like the pros. ─── This is going to be HUGE 我是四个孩子的母亲,我没有许多的时间来做一份事业,最终遇到这个消费折扣系统,让我能够简单而轻松的赚钱,并且收入将会越来越多。

75、Client: famous company Report to: CTC-DirectorLocation: ShanghaiOur Client:The client is a famous comp...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海复讯信息咨询有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-3-31

76、Hanggi EB, Ingersoll JF, Waggoner TL. 2007. Color vision in horses (Equus caballus): deficiencies identified using a pseudoisochromatic plate test. J Comp Psychol. 2007 Feb;121(1):65-72. ─── 下面的研究表明,马所能辨别的颜色与人类红绿色盲所看到的颜色一样。

77、Thermodynamic calculation of chemical compatibility for iron aluminide matrices composites[J].Acta Mater Comp Sinica, 1998, 15(1): 30-34. ─── Fe-Al基复合材料化学相容性热力学分析[J]. 复合材料学报, 1998, 15(1): 30-34.

78、Workers' comp pays for work-related medical problems. ─── 工人们的赔偿金支付了职业病的医疗费。

79、Correlation between the locus of brain lesion and cognitive dysfunction was tested and analyzed with CT scan and 10 items (ORI, ATT, COMP, REP, NAM, CONST, MEM, CALC, SIM and JUD) of the NCSE. ─── 05及


81、Bachelor‘s degree or above of finance/accounting major.-- At least 3 years work experience in foreign investment comp...... ... ─── 公司名称:国际香料香精(浙江)有限公司工作地点:浙江省杭州市发布时间:2009-8-3

82、The paper indicates that nationaliz ation of shell materials of styrene r eactor is feasible after making comp arison with imported styrene reactor materials. ─── 对苯乙烯反应器壳体所采用的进口及国产材料进行了分析比较,证明了苯乙烯反应器壳体材料国产化的可行性。

83、Skills Required-Cobol, JCL, EZTRIEVE Experience 3-4 years in Mainframe Technologies, with good attitude and comp...... ... ─── 公司名称:派瑞日软件科技(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-5-1

84、Special Software for the Structure Design of Composites-ESA Comp ─── ESA Comp复合材料结构设计的专用软件

85、Never allow yourself to only play one build order in all situations and on all the maps because this will make you predictable and no better then a rusher comp. ─── 不要在一切情况所有地图上都按同一种顺序建造,这样对手很清楚你要干什么,除了速攻你还能干什么呢。。。

86、3. The infamous Love Bug virus of a few months ago arguably marked that turning point in the short history of comp uter security. ─── 不过这些复杂的病毒要花几个月才能精心制作出来,而“爱虫”却是一种致命的结合了社会和工程技术两方面的病毒。收藏指正

87、We are factory specialized in door closer for years based on our excellent quality, comp... ─── 发布者:朱昕所在地:浙江丽水市行业:五金、工具职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

88、Comp: The poor child would reply nothing. ─── 回答).那个可怜的孩子什么也不回答。

89、One is the traditional TBC wi th Ni22Cr10AlY as bond co at and ZrO 2-8wt%Y 2 O 3 (8YSZ)as top coat,the other two TBCs have a t riplex structure with comp osite layers of 8YSZ +Al 2 O 3 and ZrO 2 ,respectively. ─── 传统TBCs结构为Ni22Cr10AlY合金连接层和8%Y2O3部分稳定的ZrO2(8YPSZ)陶瓷顶层;

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