fritting 发音
英: 美:
fritting 中文意思翻译
fritting 短语词组
1、fritting meaning ─── 熔块意义
2、fritting glass ─── 烧结玻璃
3、fritting in dentistry ─── 牙科烧结
4、fritting meaning in dentistry ─── 牙科学中的熔块意义
5、fritting current ─── 熔块电流
6、fritting furnace ─── 烧结炉
7、fritting definition ─── 烧结定义
fritting 相似词语短语
1、frittering ─── v.浪费(时间、金钱);挥霍;弄碎;n.油炸馅饼;n.(Fritter)(美、英、加)芙特尔(人名)
2、flitting ─── v.轻快地行进,掠过;不停地移动;很快转变;(非正式)搬家(flit的现在分词);n.迁移,搬家
3、fretting ─── n.微振磨损;侵蚀;v.给弦乐器装品定音;用回纹饰装饰;使烦躁;侵蚀(fret的ing形式)
4、-tritting ─── 氚
5、frichting ─── 刷新
6、fritzing ─── 烧结
7、frighting ─── n.惊吓;惊骇;vt.使惊恐
8、gritting ─── n.铺砂砾;v.在……上铺砂砾,覆以砂砾;咬紧牙关;摩擦作声(grit的现在分词)
9、fitting ─── n.(设备或家具的)配件,附件;可拆除装置(常复数);安装,装配;试衣;adj.适合的,恰当的;在某方面合适的,合身的;v.合适;试穿;安置;组合;符合;癫痫发作(fit的现在分词);n.(Fitting)(美)菲廷(人名)
fritting 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The experiment and research about how to use lead zine ore to produce lead borate frit ─── 利用铅锌矿焙砂生产铅硼熔块的实验研究
2、Keywords Leadless Glaze of Frit Preparation; ─── 无铅;熔块釉;研制;
3、The asphalt can meet the requirement of in-situ fritting asphalt, thereby reaching the temperature which is required by construction. ─── 本发明能满足现场热熔沥青的要求,使其达到施工所需的温度。
4、reverberatory frit kiln ─── 反射式熔块炉
5、frit outlet ─── 多孔出口
6、Temperature Control System for Intelligent Fritting Furnace ─── 智能烧结炉温度控制系统
7、Separation of the two components is accomplished by dissolving the frit in dilute nitric acid ─── 将玻璃料溶于稀硝酸中来完成两个组分的分离。
8、Reduced energy consumption of fritting by strengthened measure of technological transformation and production management ─── 加强技改技措和生产管理降低烧结能耗
9、Japanese frit ─── 日本熔块
10、Temperature Control System for Intelligent Fritting Furnace ─── 智能烧结炉温度控制系统
12、multpath frit ─── 多孔玻璃限流器
13、We report on the contact process utilizing fritting phenomena between al electrode and probes made of tin or tin gold alloy. ─── 我们曾经报告过利用铝电极和锡或锡合金探头之间的烧结现象来实现接触的过程。
14、Low COE engobe applied with some frit (H01 or H02), suitable for wall or floor tiles. ─── 低COE化妆土150低COE化妆土搭配适量之熔块(H01或H02),适用于墙砖、地砖。
15、Keywords induction furnace;lining material;ramming technology;refractory;drying;fritting; ─── 感应电炉;炉衬材料;筑炉工艺;耐火材料;烘烤;烧结;
16、fritting wear ─── 微动磨损
17、Production tests show that reasonable knotting, drying and fritting technology of rammed lining rises the furnace life significantly. ─── 生产试验表明:合理的捣筑炉衬打结工艺和烘烤烧结工艺,使炉龄大幅度延长。
18、New type stove for frit in laboratory ─── 实验用新型熔块炉的研制
19、frit gum ─── [医] 假龈
20、selenium-enriched frit ─── 富硒熔块
21、Raw materials are selected in the premise,the fritting technology is the key process of letting a lining have good microscopic structure to its full heat resistant properties. ─── 在原辅材料选定的前提下,烧结工艺是使炉衬获得良好显微组织结构,以充分发挥其耐高温性能的关键工序。
22、Keywords leadless frit;fluxing agent;melting temperature;coefficient of linear expansion;bone china; ─── 无铅熔块;熔剂;熔融温度;热膨胀系数;骨质瓷;
23、How to Change a Frit ─── 怎样更换滤头
24、The circular sampling FRIT is first used in the sonar image denoising technique, and makes high improvement to heighten the Signal Noise Ratio. ─── 将FRIT处理技术应用在水下声纳图像去噪技术中,基于该方法提出循环抽样FRIT去噪算法,提高了处理结果的信噪比及边缘保持效果。
25、gum frit ─── [医] 假龈颜料
26、Gratis greeting frit in one set ─── 免费迎宾水果一份
27、a furnace formerly used in glassmaking for calcination of materials into frit ─── 一种以前用在玻璃生产中的火炉,用于原料到玻璃质的锻烧
28、frit seal glass ─── 封接玻璃
29、double frit glaze ─── 双熔块釉
30、We report on the contact process utilizing fritting phenomena between Al electrode and probes made of tin or tin gold alloy. ─── 我们曾经报告过利用铝电极和锡或锡合金探头之间的烧结现象来实现接触的过程。
31、of frit gush law to be analysed from product angle, with abandon dosage of medical and product, wholesome material namely the biggest. ─── 从产品角度分析,用即弃产品、医用卫生材料用量最大。
32、3. Heavy metal free glass enamels for toughening and heat strengthening. Borosilicate frit with added metaloxide pigments. All standard colors are intermixable. ─── 无铅油墨适合于钢化,热硬化,组成成分为玻璃粉添加金属氧化物色粉混合而成,所有的颜色均可混合.
33、In respect to these two drawbacks, this paper demonstrates two methods to improve the FRIT. ─── 最后更进一步介绍了脊波变换的应用前景,总结了整个过程遇到的主要问题。
34、Have pot of the Asia's biggest a zinc, frit zinc quantity amounts to 340t, use international advanced " dry method " undertake heating up dip galvanization. ─── 拥有亚洲最大的一口锌锅,熔锌量达340t,采用国际先进的“干法”进行热浸镀锌。
35、High Boron Frit with Low Expn. ─── 低膨胀硼熔块。
36、Zinc Matte Frit for Fast Fire ─── 快烧锌无光熔块
37、Multi-layered image coding based on modified orthonormal FRIT ─── 基于改进的正交FRIT的分层图像编码算法
38、The application and development of zinc-free leadless clear frit ─── 无锌无铅透明熔块的开发与应用
39、fritting zone ─── 初熔区
40、Study on Frit Seal Breakdown of CDT and Its Improvement ─── 彩色显示管粘接面高压击穿研究及改善
41、low melting sealing frit ─── 低熔点焊料玻璃
42、finite ridgelet transform(FRIT) ─── 有限脊波变换(FRIT)
43、To make into frit. ─── 制成玻璃料
44、Keywords low temperature glaze;frit;glaze performance; ─── 低温釉;熔块;釉面性状;
45、Change frit - Clear plugged frit ─── 更换滤头
46、Low temperature frit glass ─── 低熔点玻璃
47、low temperature frit ─── 低温熔块
48、finite fidgelet transform (FRIT) ─── 有限域Ridgelet变换(FRIT)
49、However, when these hard probes are used for fritting contact process, aluminum debris adheres to the probes and the contact failure occurs after several hundred contacts. ─── 然而,当这些硬探头被用于烧结接触过程,在几百次的接触过后,铝的碎片附着在探头上使得接触失败。
50、Angle Based Orthogonal FRIT and Its Application in Image Denoising ─── 一种基于角度的正交FRIT变换及其在图像去噪中的应用
51、rotary frit furnace ─── 回转熔块炉
52、Reduced energy consumption of fritting by strengthened measure of technological transformation and production management ─── 加强技改技措和生产管理降低烧结能耗
53、colored frit ─── 带色熔块
54、Keywords composite flux;combined effect;body-glaze fit;fine ceramics;leadless frit; ─── 复合熔剂;综合效应;坯釉适应;无铅熔块釉;
55、Keywords ancient glasses;faience and frit;compound glass eye-beads;technical research; ─── 古代玻璃;釉砂和玻砂;镶嵌玻璃珠;科技研究;
56、But still need to make up in lubricious makings earthy surface applies a clear frit to expect again [firing temperature spends] for 1150-1250, add protection and shining effect. ─── 但仍需在色料化妆土表面再施一层透明釉料[烧成温度为1150-1250度],增加保护与光亮作用。
57、Actually, how many frit is not important, what want product appearance only is bright and clean degree reach national level can. ─── 实际上,多少层釉料都不重要,只要产品表面的光洁度达到国家标准即可。
58、"Frit" is defined in the l995 Oxford Reference English Dictionary as a kind of mixture of sand and other substances used for glass making etc. ─── “frit”在1995年版《牛津参考英语辞典》中的定义是:用于制造玻璃等物的砂和其它材料的一种混合物。
59、Preparation of Frit Glaze Sintered in Low Temperature ─── 低成本全熔块低温釉的研制
60、Crystallite Glass Brick Frit Series ─── 微晶通体板熔块系列
61、Raw materials are selected in the premise, the fritting technology is the key process of letting a lining have good microscopic structure to its full heat resistant properties. ─── 在原辅材料选定的前提下,烧结工艺是使炉衬获得良好显微组织结构,以充分发挥其耐高温性能的关键工序。
62、blue frit ─── 古代埃及和美索不达米壁画上的一种著名的蓝色
63、enamel frit ─── 搪瓷熔块
64、Keywords Leucite;Feldspar;Thermal expansion coefficient;Frit; ─── 关键词白榴石;钾长石;热膨胀系数;熔块;
65、Low COE frit ,used with low COE engobe , suitable for the body of low COE. ─── 1180 150 650低膨胀系数化妆土熔块,与低膨胀系数化妆土搭配,应用于低膨胀系数的坯体。
66、frit inlet ─── 多孔入口
67、An Improved FRIT Denoising Method Based on Wavelet Base Vector ─── 基于小波基向量的改进FRIT去噪方法
68、To match with the spinel, a low temperature frit glass and funnel glass with similar thermal expansion are developed. ─── 分析了封接中材料匹配、浸润性以及再结晶等原理,叙述了封接工艺。
69、A series of reason that the bubbles took place in the frit production were anal ysed .and the precautions and practical solving methods in the production were mentioned in this paper. ─── 分析了熔块生产中气泡缺陷产生的各种原因.提出了实际生产中的注意事项和具体的解决办法。
70、finite ridgelet trans forln(FRIT) ─── 有限域脊波变换(FRIT)
71、Raw materials selected in the premise, the fritting technology is the key process of letting a lining have good microscopic structure to its full heat resistant properties. ─── 在原辅材料选定的前提下,烧结工艺是使炉衬获得良好显微组织结构以充分发挥其耐高温性能的的关键工序。
72、lead-free frit ─── 无铅熔块
73、frit fly ─── n. 欧洲产的小蝇
74、The pump frit also is another issue for high pressure. ─── 发表于2007-10-2323:39|只看该作者看帖回帖是一种美德,您的回帖是对楼主最大的支持.
75、multipath frit ─── 多程玻璃料
76、2、Characteristic: Low, good taking-shape, good intensity of sintering and contractility of fritting; ─── 2、特点:松装密度低、成形性好、良好的烧结强度及烧结性能;
77、enamel frit making ─── 制釉
78、On workmanship, use an entrance to heat up frit glue sealing side, guarantee against craze. ─── 制造工艺上,采用进口热熔胶封边,保证不开裂。
79、Back flush column - Clear plugged frit ─── 反冲柱子-清洁阻塞的滤头
80、Keyword: lead-free frit; ─── 关 键 词: 无铅熔块;
81、the barrier ribs, the seal frit and frit ring as well as in print pastes. ─── 地址电极、障壁(阻隔壁)、密封釉料、环状釉料以及印墨中的氧化铅;
82、Raw materials selected in the premise,the fritting technology is the key process of letting a lining have good microscopic structure to its full heat resistant properties. ─── 在原辅材料选定的前提下,烧结工艺是使炉衬获得良好显微组织结构以充分发挥其耐高温性能的的关键工序。
83、large-scale fritting furnace ─── 大型烧结炉
84、FRIT Denoising Using Wavelet Transform Matrices with Symmetric Boundary-Extension ─── 对称延拓小波变换矩阵用于FRIT去噪
85、Complex sample matrix or many samples analyzed- likely column contamination or partially plugged frit ─── 复杂样品的基质或分析许多样品-柱污染或部分阻塞滤片
86、Barium Matte Frit for Fast Fire ─── 快烧钡亚光熔块
87、This factory owner will make the potteries such as various garden, indoor decorator and gift , sets artistic frit to develop center , can offer high quality porcelain product and various frits for customer. ─── 本厂主要制作各种园林、室内摆设及礼品等陶器,设有艺术釉料开发中心,能为客户提供优质陶瓷产品与各式釉料。
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