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legacies 发音

英:[ˈlɛgəsiz]  美:[ˈlɛgəsiz]

英:  美:

legacies 中文意思翻译



legacies 常用词组

legacy system ─── 遗留系统

legacies 短语词组

1、legacies season 1 ─── 遗产第一季

2、legacies meaning ─── 遗产意义

3、legacies star shahghasemi ─── 遗产之星Shahghasimi

4、legacies season 3 ─── 遗产第三季

5、hunt for legacies ─── 寻找遗产

6、legacies tv show ─── 遗产电视节目

7、abatement of legacies ─── [法] 遗产或遗赠物的放弃

8、hebraic legacies ─── 希伯来遗产

9、legacies characters ─── 遗产人物

legacies 词性/词形变化,legacies变形

名词复数: legacies |

legacies 相似词语短语

1、delegacies ─── n.代表团;代表的地位;代表制度;代表的派遣

2、legates ─── n.罗马教皇的使节;使者;vt.当做遗产让与;n.(Legate)人名;(英)莱盖特

3、legalizes ─── vt.使合法化;公认;法律上认为…正当

4、elegancies ─── n.优美;优雅;雅致

5、legatees ─── n.[法]遗产受赠人

6、leggies ─── 紧身裤

7、legalisers ─── 法学家

8、legalises ─── vt.使合法化(等于legalize)

9、lunacies ─── n.精神失常;愚蠢的行为

legacies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Apart from awarding the winning athletes, some of the medals, as Olympic legacies, will also be sent to museums in China and Switzerland... ─── 除了颁发给获胜的运动员之外,部分奖牌也会送到中国和瑞士的博物馆,作为奥林匹克遗产...

2、There are entire family legacies of beggars here, where children are forced to earn a meager income for their parents everyday. ─── 这里有乞丐们全部的财产,孩子们被迫为了他们的父母,去乞讨,以得到微波的收入。

3、The chassis underpinning the new SUV is also the same design found in the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee, one of the lasting legacies from the now defunct DaimlerChrysler. ─── 底盘基础的新的SUV也发现同样的设计在2011年吉普大切诺基,一个持久的遗产由现已解散的戴姆勒克莱斯勒。

4、Many Arab countries also face burdensome administrative legacies. ─── 许多阿拉伯国家还面临着行政负担沉重的遗留问题。

5、To critically assimilate the legacies of literature and art ─── 批判地吸收文学艺术遗产

6、Villa as the highest form of living alone are continually inspired architectural master creative potential, and then have many legacies of the classical world view. ─── 独幢别墅作为最高居住形式,不断地激发建筑大师的创作潜能,继而产生许多传承于世的经典风尚。

7、But taking over legacies and using them as examples must never replace our own creative work; nothing can do that. ─── 但是继承和借鉴决不可以变成替代自己的创造,这是决不能替代的。

8、He declined legacies from those who had children of their own and was the first to establish the rule that bequests made under fear of penalty63 should not be valid. ─── 他减轻了那些有自己的孩子的遗产继承,并且第一个规定,被迫作出的遗赠(63)是无效的。

9、The thought was certainly in his mind when he stipulated that no one should be paid for managing his legacies. ─── 当富兰克林立下规矩,不允许任何人收费管理他的遗产时,他的脑子里肯定有过这种念头。

10、In 1987,UNESCO had Mogao Grotto of Dunhuang solemnly listed as one of the world's legacies,making the ─── 1987年,联合国教科文组织郑重把敦煌莫高窟列入世界遗产名录。这座“沙漠上的美术馆”不再只是中国的国宝,它已经成为全人类共同拥有的珍贵财富。

11、The Legacies of Conquest and Slavery ─── 征服和奴隶制的传统

12、On the Three Legacies Set in Nanjing of the Qing Dynasty ─── 清代三部以南京为场景的传奇

13、Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation, as presents to the prosperity of those who are yet unborn. ─── 书是伟大的天才留给人类的遗产,这种遗产作为给予尚未出生的后代的礼物代代相传。

14、Both leaders, with their legacies riding on the outcome of the war in Iraq, are backing the newly elected Iraqi unity government as the solution to ending sectarian violence. ─── 双方领导人,伊拉克战争作为其“杰作”,将解决宗派主义斗争的唯一希望寄托在了新选出的伊拉克联合政府身上。

15、An Analysis of the Spiritual Legacies in the Relegated Culture on Hainan Island ─── 海南岛贬谪文化中的精神遗产分析

16、If it can be called such, one of the benign legacies of the Pinochet years has been a succession of stable centre-left governments. ─── 如果可以这样讲的话,皮诺切特时代的良好遗产之一就是一系列稳定的中左政府。

17、Secondly, since time immemorial, serious territorial disputes, usually legacies of history, have continued to be one of the most common causes of war or discord between the protagonists. ─── 第二、由于历史问题所带来的严重领土争执,一直是国与国之间关系闹僵和开战的原因之一。

18、The humanistic legacies of Ancient Greek and Roman have made great contributions to the birth of science. ─── 古希腊和古罗马的人文遗产共同为科学的诞生做出了巨大贡献。

19、Women in your family who have come before you have left legacies of strength, humor, endurance, unconditional love. Join your spirit with their and claim their legacies. ─── 女性一直承袭着坚毅、幽默、耐心的物质,并付出无条件的爱。用正视的心情,加入女人的行列,承传那懿行的骄傲。

20、After months of slow sales, family businesses are being forced to close, ending legacies and leaving behind a wake of sad customers and loyal employees. ─── 许多家族企业在经历了长达数月的生意萧条之后,被迫关闭,传承多年的祖业就此终结,让一众老主顾和忠诚雇员哀伤不已。

21、It is said that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is one of the great cultural legacies of the Chinese nation with a long history. ─── 据说中医学是中华民族的伟大文化遗产之一,有着悠久的历史。

22、One of her political legacies is of a champion of women's and children's rights. ─── 她留下的政治遗产之一就是维护了女性以及儿童的权利。

23、Will we be talking about the legacies of the Bible in later literature? ─── 我们会不会谈到圣经,对之后文学的影响?

24、to a clear-cut theme, format and content of legacies, To emphasize the overall design principles; ─── 以主题鲜明、形式与内容相统一、强调整体为设计原则;

25、specific and demonstrative legacies then abate if the estate is still insufficient to pay all debts, and a demonstrative legacy also abates if the specified fund is insufficient to cover it. ─── 如果财产不足以支付全部的债务,指定遗赠以及指示遗赠中的财产也会有所减少,如果指定基金不足,指示遗赠会有所减少。

26、There are many trends and legacies for which future presidents may come to curse Mr Bush - the ballooning budget deficit, skyrocketing medical costs and costly and unwinnable wars. ─── 将来的美国总统可能会责怪现任总统布什的许多做法和遗留问题,比如不断膨胀的财政预算赤字,迅猛上涨的医疗费用,耗资昂贵却不能取胜的频繁战争。

27、The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned. ─── 但是我现在也不恨你们,因为我不必要,对你们不值得。。。

28、The legacies of ethnic and folk cultures in Gansu Province are abundant, and their ethnicity and regionalism are conspicuous. ─── 甘肃省的民族民间文化遗产丰富且民族性、地域性突出。

29、Rich cultural legacies like this constitute a wealth of incalculable value, and experts with foresight have helped the local people to develop and use these resources. ─── 丰厚的文化积淀成为一笔无法估量的财富,有远见卓识的专家帮助群众开发利用这笔资源。

30、But is this also true of the "darker legacies of National Socialism and Fascism" in contemporary Europe? ─── 但是,在当代欧洲,“国家社会主义和法西斯主义的黑暗遗产”也是真实的存在吗?

31、Such Indian textiles are among the richest craft legacies on Earth, encompassing literally thousands of local styles and techniques. ─── 这些印度纺织品是世界上最宝贵的手工艺遗产之一,包含了数千种地方风格和技法。

32、Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation, as presents to the prosterity of those who are yet unborn. ─── 书是智者,这种代代相传,直至久远。

33、"Legacies can be fateful unless you're aware of how that stream has maintained itself. ─── “这种遗传是宿命的,除非你知道它是如何保留下来的。

34、The author argues that film studies in the United States have increasingly become ghettonised, deviating from the rich legacies of Eisenstein and Basin. ─── 摘要自1960年代开始逐步确立自身学科身份的美国电影研究,已呈现出日益“书斋化”的倾向,并导致了电影研究和电影创作之间的断裂。

35、The protection and use of non-matter cultural legacies depend on each other. ─── 摘要非物质文化遗产的保护与利用是紧密联系在一起的。

36、Compared with the legacies of the ancient civilizations of Rome, Egypt, China, India, or Jerusalem, the history of America seemed infantile. ─── 美国的历史,若与悠久的罗马,埃及,中国,印度,和耶路撒冷的古老文明传统比较起来,仅仅是个婴儿罢了。

37、Its long history gathers a wealth of historical and cultural legacies. ─── 它的悠久的历史集中了丰富的历史和文化遗产。

38、US Predicament in Iraq and Legacies of Iraq War ─── 美国的伊拉克困局及伊拉克战争的遗产

39、The new rice also remedies one of the problematic legacies of the original" green revolution": over-use of fertilizer. ─── 新的稻子也弥补了“绿色革命”起初其中一个的遗留问题:滥用肥料。

40、An Olympic Games that will greatly advance the Olympic movement and pass on its tangible and intangible legacies to future generations ─── 大力推动奥林匹克运动,将其有形和无形的传统传递给后代的奥运会

41、The British pavilion will leave positive legacies in the UK and in China, in our environments, in our economies, in our cultures and in our Cities. ─── 英国馆将离开正面遗产在英国和中国,在我们的环境中,在我们的经济,在我们的文化和我们的城市。

42、It is refreshing to know that some ethnic groups are proudly clinging to their priceless legacies. ─── 得知有些少数民族正骄傲地固守着他们无价的遗产,真是令人振奋。

43、the World Legacies ─── 世界遗产

44、Legacies of the Kunqu theatre are librettos from the Ming and Qing periods (1644-1911). ─── 昆曲来源于明清时代(1644-1911)的戏曲。

45、They feel that their destiny is now to search the world over for more signs and proof of their enchanted heritage and to rediscover the Titans' hidden legacies. ─── 不再盲目地去挤入一些热门地区或院校,在课程的选择上也因人而异,不会跟风选择热门专业。

46、His chance to steer the course of history is what legends and legacies are made of. ─── 他主导历史发展方向的机会将充满着传奇色彩和历史气息。

47、reports : "China will launch the 'reverse mortgage housing for the elderly' new categories, the 'advance affluent life' or 'Legacies' into controversy. ─── 有报道说:“我国将推出‘老人住房反向抵押贷款’新险种,老人是‘预支富足生活‘还是‘留下遗产’成争议。

48、At the time of cutting apart legacies, the fetus'share should be kept . ─── 在分割遗产时,应当保留胎儿的那部分份额。

49、China has a long history with lots of culture legacies. ─── 我国历史悠久,文化遗产众多。

50、Double Legacies: Thomas Jefferson's Thoughts of the Press ─── 双重遗产:托马斯·杰斐逊的新闻思想

51、99 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the great cultural legacies of the Chinese nation with a long history. ─── 中医学是中华民族的伟大文化遗产之一,有着悠久的历史。

52、One argument for the Lakers is the legacies they will live behind. 30 years from now, when people recall this decade in the NBA, what will they remember? ─── 当30年后人们回想起NBA这十年间的时候,事实就是湖人队仍会被人们深深记住。

53、This park would provide significant sports and environmental legacies. ─── 该公园将会成为重要的体育和环境遗产。

54、What splendid legacies were bequeathed to Beijing from the Yuan Dynasty? ─── 元朝给北京留下了什么恢弘的遗产?

55、Four main issues considered when discussing the transitions in each country are the international context, economic development and equity, regime experience, and legacies of authoritarianism. ─── 四篇主要的论文认为当讨论每个国家的转型时,都离不开国际大环境、经济发展和公平、政府的经验以及极权主义的遗产。

56、Legacies made to a registered charity are free from inheritance tax. ─── 登记在慈善机构名下的遗产不用征收遗产说。

57、The only other positive monumental legacies Mr Brown might leave behind are in foreign affairs (ironically, perhaps, given his general lack of interest in them). ─── 布朗留下不朽遗产的另一个仅有的可能,是在外交事务方面(讽刺的是他通常在这方面缺乏兴趣)。

58、He had such regard for his reputation, moreover, that even as a youth he admonished his procurators to do nothing high-handed and often refused sundry legacies that were left him, returning them to the nearest kin of the deceased. ─── 他对自己的名誉如此关心,而且,甚至在年轻时就告诫他的代理人,不可以专横霸道,并且经常拒绝留给他的遗产,而归还给已故者的最近的亲戚。

59、A wriggle brook flows in the garden with 14 bridges on water.The garden also includes some lost legacies of Yuanmingyuan so that it's of certain value in history and art. ─── 园中溪流蜿蜒,小桥玲珑,且拥有若干圆明园遗物,是具有一定历史价值和艺术价值的私家园林。

60、Therefore, we must on no account reject the legacies of the ancients and the foreigners or refuse to learn from them, even though they are the works of the feudal or bourgeois classes. ─── 所以我们决不可拒绝继承和借鉴古人和外国人,哪怕是封建阶级和资产阶级的东西。

61、The ancient northern nationalities of China created the decorated bronze art with various animal patterns and left the afterworld their fine and beautiful art legacies. ─── 中国古代北方民族创造了以各种动物纹饰为主要特色的青铜艺术,为后世留下了精美的艺术遗产。

62、Garden is one of the most significant legacies of Chinese architectural culture. ─── 摘要园林遗产是建筑文化的重要载体。

63、He sent it to the best craftsman of the empire, and now we're able to see one of the greatest legacies of the Ottoman period. ─── 他把这颗钻石送给国家最好的工匠,所以,现在我们能够看到奥斯曼时期最伟大的遗产。

64、Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind . ─── 书籍是伟大的天才留给人类的遗产。

65、Given the short span of an athlete's prime years, a player has to think in the long term when trying to build legacies. ─── 回顾一个运动员辉煌的年代,必须考虑到那个球员创建传奇的一长段时间。

66、abatement of legacies ─── [法] 遗产或遗赠物的放弃

67、Among the legacies of Tony Blair's term as prime minister of Britain is the idea that the “services delivered” by government can be monitored almost as precisely as a firm's profits. ─── 在布莱尔任英国首相期间的一大政策理念便是政府“提供的服务”可以像公司盈利一样被严格地监视。

68、In 1987, UNESCO had Mogao Grotto of Dunhuang solemnly listed as one of the world's legacies, making the "Art Gallery in the Desert" not only a national treasure of China but also an invaluable trove of the mankind. ─── 1987年,联合国教科文组织郑重把敦煌莫高窟列入世界遗产名录。 这座"沙漠上的美术馆"不再只是中国的国宝,它已经成为全人类共同拥有的珍贵财富。

69、There are a lot of legacies concerning the prostitutes. ─── 在这些作品中出现妓女形象的作品占了一定的比重。

70、Aesthetic value of two kinds of arts is both valuable legacies of the human development. ─── 两种艺术的审美价值都是人类发展的宝贵遗产。

71、Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind ─── 书是伟大的天才留给人类的精神财富。

72、1.a Buddhist monk's mantle and alms bowl handed down to his favorite disciple; 2.teaching, skill, etc. handed down from a master to his pupil; legacies ─── 衣钵

73、When I was in some cities, such as Chengdu and Xian, which have abundant Chinese historical legacies, I saw countless "foreigners" from all over the world who were coming for these lagacies. ─── 这次在成都和西安等等具有丰富中国历史遗产的城市中,看到了无数慕名而来的"外国人"。

74、Legacies cannot be learned from books, but must be taught from mentor to student. ─── 传承不能经由书本学得,必须由导师传授给弟子。

75、Urban Legacies ─── 城市遗产

76、The friendship Nancy and I shared with Kay is one of the legacies of my government service. ─── 我和南希与凯的友谊是当年我为政府服务的一个收获。

77、Idioms are an important category of phraseology; they continue and contain cultural legacies. ─── 摘要成语是固定词组的重要类别之一,传承过往,是文化宝藏。

78、Zhangjian's Position in History and His Mental Legacies ─── 张謇的历史定位及思想遗产

79、Especially under the pattern of globalization, every nation is developing their own culture tenaciously, so the legacies that our elder generation left are more valuable. ─── 特别在当今全球一体化的格局下,每一个民族都在顽强发展着自己的文化,先辈们留给我们的遗产就显得更加难能可贵了!

80、Among them, there are 23 items of cultural heritage of the world, cultural landscape 1 legacy of the world, 5 items natural legacies of the world, 4 items world culture and double legacy of nature. ─── 其中,有世界文化遗产23项,世界文化景观遗产1项,世界自然遗产5项,世界文化与自然双重遗产4项。

81、One of the worst legacies of apartheid has been inferior schooling for South Africa's black majority. ─── 种族隔离最恶劣的遗产之一是对南非黑人多数族群进行低劣的教育。

82、Rosenof, Theodore. Economics in the Long Run: New Deal Theorists and their Legacies, 1933-1993. 1997. ─── 《长期以来的经济学:1933-1993年间的新政理论家和他们的传奇》1997.

83、General legacies are subject to the same principles as demonstrative legacies ─── 一般的遗赠要与指定数目的遗赠遵循同样的原则。

84、The great castles of the Loire Valley are arguably among the finest legacies history has left us. ─── 卢瓦尔河谷的伟大城堡可以说是历史留给我们的最好的遗产之一。

85、Maple Sands: Prospects And Legacies Of Canada-middle East Relations ─── 加拿大中东关系前景与遗产

86、And there are also cultural legacies to deal with: India’s Licence Raj destroyed management skills, while China’s Confucian tradition still emphasises “face” over innovation. ─── 各国的传统文化也为人才的成长制造了障碍:印度“许可证为王”的文化与现代管理理念格格不入,而中国的儒家思想现在仍然一味强调“面子”排斥革新。

87、7 He had such regard for his reputation, moreover, that even as a youth he admonished his procurators to do nothing high-handed and often refused sundry legacies that were left him, returning them to the nearest kin of the deceased. ─── 7他对自己的名誉如此关心,而且,甚至在年轻时就告诫他的代理人,不可以专横霸道,并且经常拒绝留给他的遗产,而归还给已故者的最近的亲戚。

88、These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. ─── 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。

89、It's an important topic of current logic research in China to draw from the legacies of Chinese ancient sages in thinking and logics for the cultivation of our thinking mode. ─── 摘要撷取中华先哲思维艺术和逻辑遗产的精华,引出对今人思维表达有益的借鉴,是中国逻辑研究的重要课题。

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