anonymously 发音
英:[əˈnɑːnɪməsli] 美:[əˈnɒnɪməsli]
英: 美:
anonymously 中文意思翻译
anonymously 短语词组
1、anonymously yours ─── 匿名您的
2、anonymously famous ─── 不知名的
3、anonymously view insta story ─── 匿名查看insta story
4、anonymously watch someones snaps 2018 ─── 匿名观看某人快照2018
5、anonymously statistics ─── 匿名统计信息
6、anonymously view instagram ─── 匿名查看instagram
7、anonymously vpn ─── 匿名vpn
anonymously 相似词语短语
1、eponymously ─── 同名
2、paronymously ─── 谐音
3、antonymous ─── adj.[语]反义的
4、anomalously ─── 不规则地;adv.反常地
5、anonymous ─── adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的
6、synonymously ─── 同义
7、homonymously ─── 谐音
8、teknonymously ─── 泰克诺尼莫利地
9、autonomously ─── adv.自治地;独立自主地
anonymously 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They anonymously took the Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, which rates self-love levels based on seven components: superiority, exhibitionism, entitlement, vanity, authority, exploitativeness, and self-sufficiency. ─── 他们匿名参加了“自恋个性调查”测试,此测试旨在根据七个因素对各人的自恋程度进行评级,这七个因素包括:优越感、自我表现欲、权利欲、虚荣心、自信、占有欲以及自负。
2、Air mars, who spoke anonymously with CNN, say they wanna know where the money for the program is going. ─── 匿名接受CNN采访的空军上校说他们想知道这笔项目的经费都到哪里去了。
3、So much so that she anonymously sends dozens of virtual gifts to her Facebook friends simply to see their reactions. ─── 她爱慕的对象如此之多以致于会以匿名的方式给她在Facebook上的朋友发送许多虚拟礼物,而仅仅是为了看看他们的反映。
4、When open to all comers, anonymously, the problems are even more glaring. ─── 但是当其向所以的来访者开放的时侯,匿名地,问题也更加的突出。
5、The fierce worriment of death and rebirth contributed to her only novel, The Bell Jar, in which she reproduced her private experience of adolescent depression and suicide behavior in this bildungsroman, anonymously. ─── 关于死亡和再生的狂热焦虑促成了她此生唯一一部小说《钟罩》(The Bell Jar),她将自己隐私的青春期精神失常和关于尝试自杀的行为缩影在这部成长小说中。
6、When an anonymously hosted dynamic method is constructed, the call stack of the emitting assembly is included. ─── 构造一个匿名承载的动态方法后,将包含发出程序集的调用堆栈。
7、I turn over a pair not to know from the home when the anonym card gym shoes that the unit sends, number appropriate, wore to the son. ─── 我从家里翻出一双不知何时单位发的假名牌球鞋,号码正合适,就给儿子穿了。
8、[Methods]Random, multistage, stratification and chester sampling method were taken in 28 schools in Jinan, Yantai, Taian and Linyi city,5 870 students were anonymously surveyed by a self-administered KAP questionnaire. ─── [方法]2004年6月,采用多级分层整群抽样的方法,在济南市、烟台市、泰安市、临沂市,对28所大中学的部分在校学生进行匿名问卷调查。
9、The article, coming out anonymously, is fathered upon Ms Harper. ─── 匿名发表的那篇文章被认为是哈珀女士所写。
10、Most FTP servers allow users to log on anonymously with limited access to the server. Do you want to log on anonymously? ─── 大多数FTP服务器允许用户以有限的访问权限匿名登录。是否要匿名登录?
11、Can I report it anonymously? ─── 我可以匿名通告吗?
12、With the double coldness from dark and autumn, there was always a stream of bleak flute voice coming anonymously. ─── 在暮色和秋色的双重苍凉里,往往不知什么人加上一阵笛音的苍凉。
13、Java Anon Proxy, also known as Java Anonymous Proxy, JAP Anon Proxy or JAP, is a proxy system designed to allow browsing the Web anonymously. ─── Java Anon Proxy,即Java Anonymous Proxy(Java匿名代理,简称JAP),代理服务器的一种,旨在帮助用户匿名访问万维网。
14、We might wish we could do it anonymously, yet we have to do it face to face. ─── 我们或许希望能以匿名的方式处理,但是事实上,我们必须面对面地沟通!
15、When a type is defined anonymously within an element, only that element can be of that type. ─── 当在一个元素中以匿名方式定义某个类型时,只有那个元素采用此类型。
16、Hedge funds and other fund managers also like dark pools as they can buy and sell big chunks of shares anonymously. ─── 对冲基金及其它基金管理公司也喜欢暗资金池,因为它们可以匿名买卖大额股票。
17、6.The "Suggestion Scheme" Workgroup will anonymously forward the suggestions received to the related unit heads for assessment. ─── 6. 收到的建议由“好建议奖励计划”工作小组以不记名形式传送至有关部门主管评核。
18、Date title takes the place of with the network between the member, with anonym act. ─── 成员之间以网络代号称谓,以假名行事。
19、Because people can make comments anonymously, there are a lot of abusive comments without evidence. ─── 因为是匿名发表评论,才过一天而已,在站上已经累积了为数不少的不堪的人身攻击和没有根据的谩骂。
20、She dressed, anonymously, and went down into the streets. ─── 她穿上衣服,乔装打扮,走上街头。
21、Do not have what problem with anonym word usually, but the telephone number that uses others and company name are illegimate, if do not have,cause what loss is without what big question to others nevertheless. ─── 一般情况下用假名字没有什么问题,但是用别人的电话号码和公司名称是不合法的,不过假如没有给别人造成什么损失是没有什么大问题的。
22、Then some one, an important person, worked anonymously on Christophe's behalf. ─── 与此同时,还有一个重要的匿名人物在暗中支持他。
23、How to Enable an SMTP Virtual Server to Accept Extended Message Properties Sent Anonymously ─── 如何使SMTP虚拟服务器能够接受匿名发送的扩展邮件属性
24、Usage Statistics - Anonymously tracks and asychronously reports content usage to provide valuable metrics for your business. ─── 使用者统计:匿名统计影片播放的报表(非同步),提供业务使用。
25、You may think you are just browsing, casually inspecting this paragraph or that page, but in fact you are anonymously marking up the Web with bread crumbs of attention. ─── 你可以想像你正在浏览、无意中看到一个页面上的一段,但实际上你用你那些许的注意力,匿名地使这个页面得到“升值”。
26、I was happy and I suggested to put it anonymously, but because of the marketing they didn’t let me. ─── 我很开心,我希望他们不要署上我的名字,但是因为市场的原因他们没有同意。
27、When the action that becomes you is representing Wu of kimono of Dow Jones publication, do not use anonym to have ill-natured story intentionally forever. ─── 当你的行为代表着道琼斯出版物和服务的时候,永远不要利用假名故意进行歪曲报道。
28、1.The citizen applies for building droit to register, must use census register full name, do not get use alias, alias or anonym. ─── 公民申请房屋所有权登记,必须使用户籍姓名,不得使用化名、别名或假名。
29、As explained earlier, when messages are sent anonymously across forests, the extended message properties on a message are not transmitted. ─── 如前所述,如果邮件在林间匿名发送,则并不传输邮件的扩展邮件属性。
30、When Barack Obama steps up to the podium to deliver his inaugural address, one man standing anonymously in the crowd will be paying especially close attention. ─── 当奥巴马走上讲台来发表他的就职演说,一个站在人群中不知名的小伙会对其报以尤为密切的关注。
31、How to Enable an Exchange Server to Accept Extended Message Properties Sent Anonymously ─── 如何使Exchange Server能够接受匿名发送的扩展邮件属性
32、People can express their thoughts towards the government anonymously online. ─── 人们可以表达他们对政府的态度。
33、The RPC proxy server Internet Server API (ISAPI) does not accept anonymously authenticated connections. ─── RPC代理服务器Internet服务器API(ISAPI)不接受匿名身份验证的连接。
34、Bloggers anonymously disseminating untrue information on the Internet brought about a negative influence on society, the Xinhua report said. ─── 新华社报道说,博客在网络上匿名散布虚假信息给社会带来负面影响。
35、Method The trained surveyors interviewed the CSW and filled in the questionnaires anonymously after gained the consent of CSW. ─── 方法 由经过培训的调查员对公共娱乐场所的暗娼在取得知情同意和保密的情况下 ,对暗娼进行访谈匿名填写问卷。
36、5.The citizen applies for building droit to register, must use census register full name, do not get use alias, alias or anonym. ─── 单位申请房屋所有权登记,必须使用单位全称,不利以个人名义登记,公民姓名和单位名称变更时,应及时申请变更登记。
37、According to a recent survey, most children feel disgusted if their parents stalk or follow their accounts anonymously on social media. ─── 根据最近的一项调查,大多数孩子对父母在社交媒体上匿名跟踪或关注他们的账户感到厌恶。
38、publish anonymously ─── 匿名发表
39、The manuscripts were submitted anonymously. ─── 原稿是匿名送交的。
40、As user interactions and system events are captured, they are recorded anonymously in a log file for subsequent batch transmission. ─── 在捕获到用户交互和系统事件时,就将其匿名记录在日志文件中,以便进行后续的批传输。
41、Anonymity: The Online Scanner can be used anonymously as contact information is not required in exchange for use of the service. ─── 匿名性:在线扫描可以匿名使用而不必提交联系信息。
42、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. --Anonym ─── 不要哭因为已经过去了,微笑因为已经发生过了。
43、Early this year, Wu was anonymously accused of contributing to Qiu's alleged fraud. ─── 今年早些时候,有人匿名指控吴参与了丘的造假。
44、the only school they've known because somebody is anonymously paying for their tuition. ─── 他们知道的唯一一所学校,因为有人在匿名支付他们的学费。
45、Methods: By cluster sampling methods, 1839 student s recruited from a normal university in Anhui province finished conducting the self-response questionnaires anonymously. ─── 方法:采取整群抽样的方法,对某师范大学1839名新生进行匿名自填式问卷调查。
46、Please include me anonymously in the usage survey ─── 在观察窗中包括我自己的化名
47、Have more very person, without foundation is concoctive anonym, seize the opportunity shoddy. ─── 更有甚者,凭空捏造假名,乘机以次充好。
48、Each person may anonymously contribute what he or she likes. ─── 每人可不记名地放入他或她愿意给的数目。
49、The heat energy of the objective that has hidden just can use anonym word. Open and aboveboard person goes not more the name sits not to change a last name! ─── 怀有不可告人的目的的热能才会用假名字呢。堂堂正正的人行不更名坐不改姓!
50、The proceeds are then remitted anonymously. ─── 其收益将通过匿名的方式汇回。
51、In addition to any other avenue available, an employee or the third party may report to the Audit Committee openly, confidentially or anonymously. ─── 公司员工或者第三方可以公开、秘密、或匿名向审计委员会举报。
52、The vast majority of false fire alarms are prank calls made anonymously from fire alarm boxes on street corners. ─── 绝大多数火灾误报都是用街角的消防报警箱匿名拨打的恶作剧电话。
53、Until then, Ginny had always been rather shy when face-to-face with Harry, although we've been led to believe that she anonymously sent him a singing Valentine during her first year. ─── 在那之前,金妮与哈利面对面时总会害羞,虽然我们相信,她在一年级时送给哈利一张匿名的会唱歌的情人节卡片。
54、This URL is used when the Connect anonymously to server box is checked. ─── 当选中“匿名连接到服务器”框时,将使用此URL。
55、Drop this offat the nearest police station anonymously. ─── 把这个送到最近的警局... 匿名地。
56、When informants become witnesses, there should be regimes in place to cater for such witnesses, where appropriate, to testify anonymously. ─── 当线人成为证人时,应有恰当的制度照顾他们的需要:在可行范围内容许证人以不具名方式作供。
57、The story was published anonymously, without his permission, and was universally assumed to be Byron's work. ─── 未经他的许可,出版商匿名出版了这篇小说,也由此大众广泛认为该小说是出自拜伦之笔。
58、Searching for Terminal Ambit of Life's Mingling with Religious Spirit --On Novels by Anonym ─── 探寻生命与宗教精神融通的至境--论无名氏的小说
59、Giving something anonymously. ─── 匿名赠送一些东西。
60、Invisible Browsing will hide, change or mask your IP address, letting you surf anonymously preventing your IP or other information to be collected without your permission. ─── 无形的浏览将隐藏,改变或面具,您的IP地址,让你冲浪库存,防止您的IP或其他信息收集未经您的许可。
61、2)Warhol’s close-up portraits of the famous might seem very far away from Mr Gursky’s anonymously populated urban landscapes, but the two artists share a deadpan neutrality to their subjects. ─── )原译:沃霍尔的特写肖像看起来可能与古尔斯基无名增长的都市图景相去甚远,但都给予他们的摄影对象一种不动声色的中立感。
62、“Attempts to influence public opinion, in the absence of proper investigation, by making personal attacks anonymously in public, or to spread rumors are not acceptable and should be discouraged.” ─── “在缺乏适当调查的情况下,任何企图误导公众或利用新闻媒体去求得偏袒支持,或匿名进行公开人身攻击或传播谣言的行为都是不可接受的,必须加以制止。”
63、1. About this time Jane Fairfax received the handsome gift of a pianoforte, anonymously given. ─── 大约就在这个时候,简收到了一份厚礼,这是一架钢琴,送礼者不知何人。
64、Although TTP has the right to check identity of anonymous informants, but it can not forge any member's identity to impeach anonymously, and frame the prosecutor later. ─── TTP虽有权查察匿名检举者身份,但并无法伪造任何一位组织成员的身份进行匿名检举,并于事后诬陷该位检举人。
65、Tip: You can anonymously place bounty on allies you don't have a peace treaty with. ─── 小贴士:你可以通过匿名的方式,对没有和你签订和平条约的盟友发布悬赏。
66、In 2005 it became illegal to donate eggs or sperm anonymously, and a register of donors was set up for children to consult once they turn 18. ─── 2005年,匿名捐献卵子或精子被视为不合法,捐献人记录建立了起来。这样,孩子一到18岁就可以去查询。
67、On many FTP sites, you are automatically logged on anonymously, so you can view or download files. ─── 在许多 ftp 站点上,您都可以自动匿名登录,从而查看或下载文件。
68、Provides the methods and properties needed to synchronize data with Microsoft SQL Server anonymously by using remote data access. ─── 提供通过使用远程数据访问匿名与Microsoft SQL Server同步数据所需的方法和属性。
69、Methods An administered questionnaire survey, with the contents of AIDS knowledge, attitude and practice, was conducted among 1451 medical college students from Grade One to Four anonymously. ─── 方法自行设计艾滋病知识、态度、行为调查问卷,采用匿名方式对某医学院1-4年级1451名在校学生进行调查。
70、I found out my father's address aud sent him large sums of money, anonymously, for I did not wish him to discover what had become of me. ─── 我找到了我父亲的地址,匿名给他送去了大笔的钱,因为我不愿让他发现我成了什么地位的人。
71、He doused it with water, tossed it over the fire and put out the flames, said a spokesman for the local Cleveland Fire Brigade, speaking anonymously in line with department policy. ─── 他把内裤浸湿,然后往火焰上一丢,就把火灭了,当地克里夫兰消防队一名发言人说,这名发言人遵照消防队的政策并未公布自己的姓名。
72、Most of the objects are displayed anonymously and each one comes with a caption that includes the location, date and length of relationship. ─── 大多数物品都被匿名展示,且每一件旁边都有一段说明,包括这件物品的由来和恋情持续的时间。
73、He is trying to create structures that would allow investors to join suits anonymously, thus avoiding retribution. ─── 他正在试图建立一个投资者可以匿名参加诉讼的机制,以免遭报复。
74、3. About this time Jane Fairfax received the handsome gift of a pianoforte,anonymously given. ─── 大约就在这个时候,简收到了一份厚礼,这是一架钢琴,送礼者不知何人。收藏指正
75、They got to grade me anonymously, assessing the clarity of my thinking, my organizational skills and the depth of my knowledge ─── 他们以无记名方式,评估我在授课时的思路清晰程度、课堂组织能力以及知识层次的高低。
76、They got to grade me anonymously, assessing the clarity of my thinking, my organizational skills and the depth of my knowledge. ─── 他 们 以 无 记 名 方 式 , 评 估 我 在 授 课 时 的 思 路 清 晰 程 度 、 课 堂 组 织 能 力 以 及 知 识 层 次 的 高 低 。
77、Visual Web Developer never attempts to connect to an FTP server anonymously unless you explicitly specify anonymous logon in the. ─── 中显式指定匿名登录,否则Visual Web Developer永远不会尝试匿名连接到FTP服务器。
78、You can donate anything randomly, without seeking reward, and anonymously , without telling anyone. ─── 你可以随便捐赠任何东西,不求回报,不留姓名,不加宣扬。
79、He recommended A2 set up a corporate sponsorship channel to anonymously support consumer group participation. ─── 他建议,A2创建了一项联合赞助人通道来匿名支持消费者群体参与。
80、Methods By using questionair survey that designed by global fund AIDS program, 263 MSM were surveyed anonymously. ─── 方法采用全球基金艾滋病项目统一设计的调查问卷,对263名MSM进行匿名调查。
81、6.The heat energy of the objective that has hidden just can use anonym word. ─── 怀有不可告人的目的的热能才会用假名字呢。
82、In the meantime the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, like the foot-draggers, are deducting withholding tax from EU-resident savers anonymously, and answering specific requests for information. ─── 与此同时,海峡群岛和开曼群岛,就如那些拖后腿的国家一样,以匿名的方式减少欧盟居民存款者的预扣所得税,并仅对具体信息的要求作出反应。
83、Anonymously posted instructions on how to launch denial-of-service attacks have been sprouting on Russian-language internet sites. ─── 匿名发布的网络攻略方案在俄罗斯语的英特网网站上迅猛出现,主要是指导人们如何进行网络攻击以造成“拒绝服务”的问题。
84、Modify the registry on the Exchange 2003 server to allow the Exchange 2003 server to send and receive XExch50 properties anonymously. ─── 修改Exchange 2003服务器中的注册表,以允许Exchange 2003服务器匿名发送和接收XExch50属性。
85、Perform the following steps to modify the registry settings on the Exchange 2003 bridgehead server to allow the Exchange 2003 server to send and receive XExch50 properties anonymously ─── 执行以下步骤,以修改Exchange 2003桥头服务器中的注册表设置,允许Exchange 2003服务器匿名发送和接收XExch50属性
86、Daniel Schmitt, a Wikileaks spokesman in Berlin, said the pager messages were submitted to the site anonymously several weeks ago. ─── 位于柏林的Wikileaks发言人丹尼尔·施密特表示,这些信息是数周前在某个匿名地点上传的。
87、The Company has established a whistleblower Policy and procedures which allows all the employees to make a report anonymously, without fear of retaliation. ─── 公司已设立举报制度和程序,以鼓励员工匿名举报,不必担心打击报复。
88、Some students like to melt anonymously into the back wall or hide behind the football lineman so that they don't have to feel involved in your communication. ─── 有些学生喜欢不参与课堂活动(匿名如后墙一般或躲在足球场巡道员身后),这样你的信息交流与他们无关。
89、trading shares anonymously ─── 匿名股票交易
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