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doric 发音


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doric 网络释义

adj. 乡土音重的;多利斯型的n. 多利安式

doric 短语词组

1、administrable rectilinear doric uphill ─── 可管理直线多立克上坡

2、doric greek ─── 多立克希腊语

3、doric ionic corinthian ─── 多立克离子科林斯

4、doric style ─── 多立克柱式

5、doric words ─── 多立克语

6、Doric dialect ─── [网络] 苏格兰语;语多利斯方言;多利安方言

7、doric chiton vs ionic chiton ─── 多立克几丁质vs离子几丁质

8、Doric column ─── 陶立克柱

9、doric ionic and corinthian ─── 多里克·爱奥尼亚和科林斯

10、doric ionic corintic ─── 多立克离子Corentic

11、doric ionic ─── 多立克爱奥尼亚

12、doric ionic v ─── 多立克离子v

13、doric osrs osr ─── 多立克

14、doric lenses ─── 多立克透镜

15、Doric order ─── 多利克柱式(古希腊建筑风格之一)

16、stilul doric ionic si corintic ─── 爱奥尼亚和科林斯多立克风格

doric 相似词语短语

1、doris ─── n.桃瑞丝(女子名)

2、boric ─── adj.硼的;含硼的;n.(Boric)人名;(罗)博里克

3、dormice ─── n.(欧洲的)冬眠鼠(dormouse的复数)

4、Doric ─── adj.(建筑风格)多利斯型的;多利安语的;(方言)口音重的;n.多利斯柱型;多利安语;口音重的方言;n.(克、塞、美、加、法、瑞)多里克(人名)

5、dornick ─── n.锦缎及其他装饰织物的统称;花缎

6、domic ─── 多米克

7、toric ─── adj.环面的,环形圆纹曲面的;复曲面的

8、choric ─── adj.合唱曲的;歌舞团的;合唱歌舞式的

9、daric ─── n.达里克(古波斯的金币);n.(Daric)(美)达里克(人名)

doric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Seven Doric columns from the Temple of Apollo, which were erected in the 6th century B. ─── 这时阿波罗神庙的七根多利斯式柱子,建于公元前6世纪。

2、any of the spaces between two triglyphs on a Doric frieze ─── 陶立克柱式雕带上两个三联浅槽间的空间

3、The Doric order is characterized by the series of triglyphs and metopes on the entablature. ─── 多利斯柱式的特徵为其柱顶具一连串的三竖线花纹装饰及排档间饰。

4、colonnades of fluted Doric columns ─── 饰有凹槽的多立斯柱廊

5、Doric is not only a type of column, but an "order";this means that temples of the Doric order not only have this type of column, but also have a certain structure at the upper levels. ─── 多利斯(Doric)不只是一种圆柱的类型,同时是一种柱式,这指的是以多利斯柱式来建造的神庙不只具此种圆柱,尚有某些确切且高于一定水平的结构。

6、the main temple of the goddess Athena; built on the acropolis in Athens more than 400 years B.C.; example of Doric architecture. ─── 供奉雅典娜的神庙;建于公元前多年的雅典的卫城。

7、It did not stop his Doric columns from being false. ─── 但是这并没有阻止他去寻花问柳。

8、The entasis of the columns is very pronounced, as is normal for archaic doric columns, which leads to the early dating of the edifice. ─── 列柱的隆起非常显著,如同正常的古多利克列柱一样,这个特色使学者推演此建筑的年代久远。

9、A classical order similar to Roman Doric but having columns with an unfluted shaft and a simplified base, capital, and entablature. ─── 托斯卡纳柱型:一种古典建筑柱型,与罗马多里克柱型类似,但其柱子的柱身上无凹槽,底座、柱头和柱上楣构风格简朴

10、capital of Doric column ─── 陶立克柱头

11、A convex moldingjust below the abacus of a Doric capital. ─── 多立斯柱头顶板下的凸出装饰。

12、an ornament in a Doric frieze,consisting of a projecting block having on its face two parallel vertical glyphs or grooves and two half grooves or chamfers on either vertical end,that separates the metopes ─── 三槽板,多利安柱式檐壁上的建筑装饰,包括一块微凸的长方形石板,板上有两条平行垂直的凹槽和两边两条相应的斜削的半槽,半槽将排档间饰分开

13、I begun from base of a column, divided the column in four segments.Then decorated the plinth with some ornaments styled to Doric column. ─── 我开始先做出一个圆柱的底部,再做出四个独立分隔的柱身,然后再在基座部分用一些装饰物来修饰出多利安式柱子的风格。

14、a convex molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital ─── 多立斯柱头顶板下的凸出装饰

15、One of a series of small, droplike ornaments on a Doric entablature. ─── 圆锥饰多利安式顶盘的一系列小型,水滴状的装饰

16、The different types of orders (column plus entablature) are illustrated by these diagrams, from Perseus: Doric order, and Ionic order. ─── 不同种的柱式(圆柱加上其顶端)可以这些图加以阐明:来自柏修斯的--多利斯柱式和爱奥尼亚柱式。

17、The Roman orders types of columns are used: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. ─── 罗马的订单类型的列使用:托斯卡纳,多利安,离子,科林斯和综合。

18、It was the very model of the fully-developed classical Greek temple of the Doric order. ─── 这是今年以来的模型的完全开发的古典希腊庙宇多立克柱式。

19、The museum was built on the site of the Tienhou Temple.It is a Greek Doric style structure.It includes six circular pillars, creating a stable atmosphere; ─── 博物馆原为台北天后宫旧址,为希腊多利亚式的建筑,六根大圆柱,气派沉稳;

20、a classical order similar to Roman Doric. ─── 类似于罗马陶立克式的古典式样。

21、Doric order ─── 多利克柱式

22、The chief temple of the goddess Athena built on the acropolis at Athens between447 and432 b.c. and considered a supreme example of Doric architecture. ─── 帕特侬神庙女神雅典娜的主要神庙,位于雅典卫城上,建于公元前447年和公元前432年之间,被认为是多利安式建筑的杰出代表。

23、the main temple of the goddess Athena; built on the acropolis in Athens more than 400 years B.C.; example of Doric architecture ─── 供奉雅典娜的神庙;建于公元前多年的雅典的卫城

24、Most entablatures correspond to or are derived from the Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian order. ─── 檐部的原始形式来自三种主要柱式(order):多立斯柱式(Doric order)、爱奥尼亚柱式(Ionic order)和科林斯柱式(Corinthian order)。

25、Architects often tacked majestic facades with Grecian columns onto existing Buildings; Banks and institutions became imitation Doric temples; ─── 建筑师经常在已存在的建筑物正面增加希腊式的柱子,银行和公共机构模仿多立斯神庙的建筑。

26、In many cases the main part of the shaft is fluted, in exactly the same style as the Greek Doric column. ─── 许多的柱子像想希腊的多立克柱式。

27、the left is an open-plan living and dining space, which is divided by Doric columns. ─── 左边是开敞式的起居与餐厅区,中间有几根多利安柱隔开。

28、can be grouped into three styles: the Doric style which is also called the masculine style ; ─── 古希腊建筑可以划分为三种风格:一为多里克风格,也被称为男性风格;

29、Beijing DORIC Realty Investment Consulting Co. , Ltd. ─── 北京大信创业房地产投资顾问有限公司。

30、Any of the spaces between two triglyphs on a Doric frieze. ─── 三槽板间平面陶立克柱式雕带上两个三联浅槽间的空间

31、Taylor Hall, California State University , Chico , California . The Doric-style columns are actually nothing but paint. . . ─── 泰勒厅,加州州立大学奇科分校,加利福尼亚州。古多利安式立柱实际上只是油漆……。

32、"There are five major orders: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian (all developed in Greece), and Tuscan and Composite (developed in Rome)." ─── .有五种主要柱式︰多立斯柱式、爱奥尼亚柱式、科林斯柱式(都发展于希腊)、托斯卡尼柱式和组合柱式(发展于罗马)。

33、"Neoclassical architecture is characterized by grandeur of scale; simplicity of geometric forms; Greek, especially Doric, or Roman detail; dramatic use of columns; and a preference for Blank walls." ─── 新古典建筑的特色是宏伟的规模;几何形式的素朴性;希腊(尤其是多利斯型的)和罗马的细节;采用引人注目的圆柱;对于空白墙壁的偏好。

34、The language was a mixture of Scots, Doric, Gaelic and Cant, or Traveller dialect; ─── 这种语言混合了苏格兰语,多利克语,盖尔语,康特语和流浪车民的语言,斯坦利称之为“一种古老的语言”。

35、The temple, which has the oldest Corinthian capital yet found, combines the Archaic style and the serenity of the Doric style with some daring architectural features. ─── 该神庙有人类迄今为止发现的最古老的科林斯式柱头,它建筑风格大胆,结合了早期希腊的建筑风格和明朗的陶立克风格。

36、Beijing DORIC Realty Investment Consulting Co., Ltd. ─── 北京大信创业房地产投资顾问有限公司。

37、The Roman orders types of columns are used: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite. ─── 罗马的订单类型的列使用:托斯卡纳,多利安,离子,科林斯和综合。

38、It is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece, generally considered to be the culmination of the development of the Doric order. ─── 它是古希腊现存最重要的建筑,一般被认为是多利克柱式发展的最高峰。

39、Th Doric, of soft wool, was folded over the at the top and held at the waist by a tied belt. ─── 毛制多利克基同,上端折叠,腰部系带。

40、speak in broad Doric ─── 满口乡下土腔

41、Doric capital ─── 陶立克式柱头

42、A convex molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital. ─── 多立斯柱头顶板下的凸出装饰.

43、A vertical groove, especially in a Doric column or frieze. ─── 束腰坚沟竖沟,尤指多利安式立柱或横楣

44、Doric column ─── 陶立克柱

45、Both the Doric and Ionic orders originated in wooden temples. The Doric is squat and simple. ─── 多立斯柱式和爱奥尼亚柱式都起源木造的神庙。多立斯柱式低矮而简单。

46、Seven Doric columns from the Temple of Apollo, which were erected in the 6th century B. ─── 这时阿波罗神庙的七根多利斯式柱子,建于公元前6世纪。

47、Doric entablature ─── 陶立克柱顶盘

48、Of, relating to, characteristic of, or designating Doric. ─── 多立斯的古希腊多立斯地区的,多立斯人的,多立斯语的

49、Doric order is characterized by the series of triglyphs and metopes on the entablature. ─── 多利斯柱式的特徵为其柱顶具一连串的三竖线花纹装饰及排档间饰。

50、The Romans modified the Greek orders to produce the Tuscan (a simplified form of the Doric) and Composite (a combination of the Ionic and Corinthian) orders. See also colossal order. ─── 罗马人采用了希腊的柱式创造出托斯卡尼柱式(多立斯柱式的简化样式)和组合柱式(爱奥尼亚柱式与科林斯柱式合并产生的样式)。

51、Doric cyma ─── 上凹下凸的双弧形线脚

52、Some consist chiefly of citizens of this or that Greek tribe, Ionic, Aeolian, or Doric; ─── 有些城邦主要由这个或那个希腊部落的公民组成,像爱奥尼亚、伊奥利亚、多利斯;

53、The 5th century BC Doric Temple of Apollo at the site of Ancient Corinth. ─── 公元前5世纪多利安寺在古代科林斯网站阿波罗。

54、The chief temple of the goddess Athena built on the acropolis at Athens between 447 and 432 b.c. and considered a supreme example of Doric architecture. ─── 帕特侬神庙:女神雅典娜的主要神庙,位于雅典卫城上,建于公元前447年和公元前432年之间,被认为是多利安式建筑的杰出代表

55、Originally Ionic, it became Doric under the influence of Argos, to which it owed religious allegiance; ─── 埃皮达鲁斯原属爱奥尼亚,后在阿尔戈斯(Argos)的影响下转属多里安人,缺乏宗教忠诚度;

56、An ornament in a Doric frieze, consisting of a projecting block having on its face two parallel vertical glyphs or grooves and two half grooves or chamfers on either vertical end, that separates the metopes. ─── 三槽板多利安柱式檐壁上的建筑装饰,包括一块微凸的长方形石板,板上有两条平行垂直的凹槽和两边两条相应的斜削的半槽,半槽将排档间饰分开

57、Its neo-classical colonial architecture with tall Doric columns, gives it a majestic look. ─── 它那带有多立克(Doric)柱的新古典主义殖民地风格建筑,让它看起来非常宏伟。

58、"Most entablatures correspond to or are derived from the Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian order. " ─── 檐部的原始形式来自三种主要柱式︰多立斯柱式、爱奥尼亚柱式和科林斯柱式。

59、Architects often tacked majestic facades with Grecian columns onto existing buildings; banks and institutions became imitation Doric temples ─── 建筑师经常在已存在的建筑物正面增加希腊式的柱子,银行和公共机构模仿多立斯神庙的建筑。

60、Greek architecture can be grouped into three styles: the Doric style which is also called the masculine style ; the Ionic style which is also called the feminine style ; and a later style that is called the Corinthian style . ─── 古希腊建筑可以划分为三种风格:一为多里克风格,也被称为男性风格;二为爱奥尼亚风格,也被称为女性风格;三为后起的科林斯风格。

61、The three main types of columns used in Greek temples and other public buildings are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. ─── 希腊神殿及其它公众建筑使用的圆柱分别为多利斯(Doric)、爱奥尼亚(Ionic)、哥林斯(Corinthian)这三种。

62、The Doric, of soft wool, was folded over at the top and held at the waist by a tied belt. ─── “希玛申”是 ‘种长方形毛织物的围裹 形外衣,有时也可作为单穿的男装。而骑士、旅行者及士兵史喜欢穿围裹毛织物短外衣“克拉 米斯” .



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