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09-11 投稿


aromatize 发音


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aromatize 中文意思翻译



aromatize 词性/词形变化,aromatize变形

动词现在分词: aromatizing |动词第三人称单数: aromatizes |动词过去式: aromatized |动词过去分词: aromatized |名词: aromatization |

aromatize 短语词组

1、aromatize pokemon ─── 芳香口袋妖怪

2、aromatize candles ─── 使蜡烛芳香化

3、aromatize to estrogen ─── 芳香化为雌激素

4、aromatize synonyms ─── 使同义词芳香化

5、aromatize your home ─── 使你的家充满芳香

6、aromatize wholesale ─── 芳香化批发

7、aromatize ltd ─── 芳构化有限公司

aromatize 相似词语短语

1、aromatise ─── v.使芳香;(通过化学反应)转化为芳香族化合物

2、aromatises ─── 芳香的

3、aromatized ─── adj.香化的;v.使…芳香;加香味于(aromatize的过去分词)

4、achromatize ─── vt.使无色;使消色

5、automatize ─── vt.使自动化;vi.自动化

6、aromatised ─── 芳烃

7、aromatizes ─── vt.使芳香;薰以香气

8、axiomatize ─── v.(使)理论公理化

9、aromatase ─── n.芳香化酶;芳香酶

aromatize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Salt and aromat to taste ─── 盐和香料

2、Fresh and natural texture, improve the renew of the skin, moisture and aromatize, full of the fragrance of charm, suitable to all type of skin. ─── 质地清爽自然,促进肌肤再生,令肌肤水润、芳香,充满着让人不由亲近的芳香魅力,适合任何肤质。

3、The first route was using the liquid bromine to aromatize the 4-chlorotetrahydrophthalic anhydride to 4-chlorophthalic anhydride, The yield was 89%, and the purity was more than 99%. ─── 第一种方法:用液溴作芳化试剂,将4-氯代四氢苯酐芳化为4-氯代苯酐,收率达到89%,纯度大于99%;

4、swirled the wine to aromatize it. ─── 搅动酒使之芳香

5、Fresh and natural texture, improve the renew of the skin, moisture and aromatize, full of the fragrance of charm, suitable to all type of skin. ─── 质地清爽自然,促进肌肤再生,令肌肤水润、芳香,充满着让人不由亲近的芳香魅力,适合任何肤质。

6、Aromatize me with your scent let's go ─── 你的气味芳香化我吧

7、to aromatize a wine ─── 给一种酒加香料

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