limestone 发音
英:[ˈlaɪmstoʊn] 美:[ˈlaɪmstəʊn]
英: 美:
limestone 中文意思翻译
limestone 常用词组
limestone cave ─── 灰岩洞,石灰岩洞
reef limestone ─── 礁灰岩
limestone quarry ─── 石灰石采矿场
limestone 短语词组
1、allochthonous limestone ─── 异地灰岩
2、limestone salamander ─── [网络] 石灰蝾螈
3、Belemnite Limestone ─── 贝勒米特石灰石
4、limestone flux ─── [化] 石灰石助熔剂
5、limestone elevator ─── [机] 石灰石升降机
6、ammonium nitrate limestone ─── [化] 硝酸钙铵
7、autochthonous limestone ─── 原生石灰岩
8、ground limestone ─── [化] 重质碳酸钙
9、asphaltic limestone ─── [机] 沥青石灰
10、limestone fern ─── [网络] 石灰蕨
11、limestone oil ─── [机] 石灰石油, 石灰沉积中石油
12、magnesium limestone ─── [化] 碳酸钙镁
13、argillaceous limestone ─── 粘土质石灰石,泥质石灰岩
14、bitumen limestone ─── [机] 沥青石灰石
15、nummulitic limestone ─── 货币虫灰岩
16、bituminous limestone ─── [机] 沥青质石灰
17、banded limestone ─── [机] 带纹石灰石
18、magnesia limestone ─── [机] 白云石
19、limestone kiln ─── [化] 石灰窑; 石灰炉
limestone 词性/词形变化,limestone变形
limestone 相似词语短语
1、bile stone ─── n.胆石
2、pipestone ─── n.烟斗石(一种宝石)
3、lodestone ─── n.天然磁石;吸引人的东西(等于loadstone)
4、icestone ─── 冰石
5、limestones ─── n.[岩]石灰岩
6、firestone ─── n.耐火石;燧石;n.(Firestone)人名;(英)费尔斯通
7、bilestone ─── n.胆石
8、milestone ─── n.里程碑,划时代的事件;n.(Milestone)迈尔斯通(人名)
9、minestone ─── 地雷
limestone 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、It contains millions of them, beautifully preserved in layers of limestone that are interspersed with volcanic ash. ─── 它埋藏了数百万的各类化石,完美的保存在夹杂火山灰的石灰岩层中。
2、Mountain forest area, widespread limestone, thin soilshi hou ,gou shen po dou . ─── 区内山峰林立,灰岩广布,石厚土薄,沟深坡陡。
3、Design of the electrical control of the inward limestone transportation system for Huaxin Cement Co. Ltd. ─── 华新水泥股份有限公司石灰石进厂运输系统电控设计。
4、basic ingredients are limestone and clay in the proportion 2:1. ─── 基本成分是石灰石和黏土,比例为2:1。
5、The limestone particles are heated rapidly to high temperature upon entry into the boiler furnace. ─── 当石灰石颗粒一进入锅炉炉膛,就迅速被加热到高温。
6、The association of albite-bearing silicolites, phyllite and limestone seems to be an important prospecting indicator. ─── 含钠长石硅质岩、千枚岩、灰岩组合是找矿评价的重要标志。
7、The development of palaeokarsts and fractures is beneficial to the formation of effective limestone reservoirs. ─── 古岩溶和裂缝的发育有利于有效灰岩储层的形成。
8、Near Beijing, the Great Wall is constructed from quarried limestone blocks and fired bricks. ─── 北京附近的长城是由人工采石场的石灰石块及烧结砖建造的。
9、It is these, fossilised, that form rocks such as chalk and limestone. ─── 就是这些生物的外壳或骨骼石化形成了诸如白垩石、石灰石之类的岩石。
10、Much of the higher reflecting alluvium and limestone fell along the toe portion of the characteristic curve. ─── 大部分反射率较高的冲积层和灰岩都位于特性曲线的趾部。
11、Al types of polishing rocks and finishements.polish slabs,limestone, etc. Bathroom ,countertop ,and decorative forms. ─── [相关分类:浴室和厨房固定设备,厨房工作台面,空顶,桌面,大理石
12、There is much limestone piled in the garden. It seems that they are going to build a rockery here. ─── 公园里堆着好多英石,看来是要造一座假山。
13、Later Liang is rich in high-quality limestone for cement production Jingning provided sufficient raw materials. ─── 后梁蕴藏着丰富的优质石灰石,为静宁水泥生产提供了充足的原料。
14、Round about, piles of limestone glistened in all the the colours of the rainbow. ─── 四周成堆的石灰石闪耀着彩虹般的缤纷色彩。
15、The main mineral resources of coal, iron, manganese, gypsum, refractory clay, limestone and so on. ─── 境内主要矿藏资源有煤、铁、锰、石膏、耐火粘土、石灰石等。
16、The metamorphic micritic limestone intercalated with metamorphic muddy siltstone in the lower part is assigne... ─── 上部以变质细粒砂岩为主夹变质粉晶灰岩,厘定为纳兴组。
17、Spires of limestone tufa rise from the shores of California's Mono Lake. ─── 图为石灰石泉华柱耸立在加利福尼亚的莫诺湖之滨。
18、His necropolis also included the Sphinx, a mysterious limestone monument with the body of a lion and a pharaoh's head. ─── 他的金字塔前卧着谜一样的斯芬克斯像,这座石灰石像长着法老的头颅和雄狮的身躯。
19、The main ore-bearing country rocks are aregillaceous limestone and marmarization limestone of upper-middle Cambrian. ─── 其中寒武系上、中统大理岩化灰岩、泥质灰岩为主要含矿围岩。
20、Effect of Culture Substrata on Seedlings of Rare and Endangered Plants from Limestone Regions. ─── 不同栽培基质对石山珍稀濒危植物苗期生长的影响。
21、Calcitic limestone is mainly CaCo 3 with relatively small amounts of impurities. ─── 方解石灰岩,主要是由CaCo 3和少量的杂质所形成。
22、The area is being quarried for limestone. ─── 这地方正在开采石灰石。
23、Squiggly worm burrows, excavated within a slimy seabed, lace steel-gray limestone. ─── 弯弯曲曲的蠕虫在泥质海岸地带匍匐前进,其痕迹如今刻划在铁灰色的石灰岩上。
24、They learned that powdery limestone would stop up the tuyeres. ─── 他们了解到,石灰粉末会堵塞管道。
25、Marble basically is comprised by calcite, limestone, serpentine and dolomite. ─── 大理石主要由方解石、石灰石、蛇纹石和白云石组成。
26、The Dawan Formation built up of alternating bioclastic limestone and shale belongs to the inner shelf subfacies. ─── 大湾组的生物碎屑灰岩与页岩互层属于内陆棚亚相。
27、For example, near Beijing the wall is constructed from quarried limestone blocks. ─── 例如,北京附近的城墙是用露天石灰石岩块。
28、Rock, usually limestone, composed of oolites. ─── 岩石岩石,通常指石灰岩,由鲕粒岩组成
29、Round about, piles limestone glistened all colours rainbow. ─── 周围堆堆石灰石,像彩虹样闪闪发光。
30、Wenshui County is rich in minerals, mainly coal, iron, limestone, potash feldspar and so on. ─── 文水县矿藏丰富,主要有煤、铁、石灰石、钾长石等。
31、His necropolis also included the Sphinx, a mysterious limestone monument with the body of a lion and a pharaoh's head. ─── 他的金字塔前卧着谜一样的斯芬克斯像,这座石灰石像长着法老的头颅和雄狮的身躯。
32、They are free of turbidity, except in some limestone areas and volcanic areas with high secondary permeability where large underground rivers occur. ─── 它们不至于浑浊、只是在灰岩地区和火山地区具有高的次生渗透性并存在大地下河时除外。
33、The mountain ridges of the south are composed of old red sandstone separated by limestone river valleys. ─── 南部地区的山脊由古老的红砂岩组成,中间被石灰岩的河谷分离。
34、Round about,piles of limestone glistened in all the colors of the rainbow. ─── 周围是一堆堆石灰石,象彩虹一样闪闪发光。
35、To make a lithograph the artist draws with a special waxy crayon onto a fine-grained limestone block or a specially grained zinc plate. ─── 使随即艺术家以一种特殊的吸引到一个细糯蜡笔或特殊粒石灰岩块锌板。
36、Movement along the faults created friction that heated the limestone to a point at which the petrochemicals vaporized. ─── 断层活动产生的摩擦把石灰岩的温度提高到某个程度,使得石油化学成份开始汽化。
37、We may burn limestone to obtain lime. ─── 我们可以通过烧石灰石来得到石灰。
38、Abstract: The theory of FGD process in Jet Bubbling Reactor using limestone was study as a guidance in this article. ─── 摘要:摘要:本文以喷射鼓泡脱硫原理为指导,尝试利用回归分析方法对数据进行处理,通过主要参数建立脱硫率函数,实现定量性分析。
39、Pass the iron ore, barite, limestone, dolomite, 5 kinds of clay minerals modeling UN top three in Gansu Province. ─── 嘉峪关的铁矿、重晶石、石灰石、白云岩、造型粘土5种矿种居甘肃省前三位。
40、Structure Patterns of Soil and Water Conservation Forests in Limestone Area Taihang Mt. ─── 太行山石灰岩区水保林林分结构模式研究
41、A list of endemic species distributed in limestone region on Hainan is tabulated. ─── 对海南石灰岩特有种比例较低的原因和保育进行了探讨。
42、Desert winds sculpted these gentle swirls out of the limestone hills in Black Gap Wildlife Management Area, Texas. ─── 意译:侵蚀和风化图片画廊。沙漠风雕刻这些温柔漩涡的石灰石丘陵在黑峡谷野生动物管理区,得克萨斯州。
43、Marble and travertine processing Limestone - Volcanic stones Mosaic floors - Bathroom furniture... ─── 分类标题:城市公用设施|天然大理石和石料...
44、A stone, such as limestone, that is soft enough to be cut easily without shattering or splitting. ─── 乱石一种质地很软以致于不须砸或劈就能被轻易截断的石头,如石灰石
45、Its highest point is a limestone covered mountain called Mount Tapochau at 474 m (1,554 ft). ─── 世界级的购物、餐饮、观光、活动在这里是惊人的丰富和不同。
46、Round about, piles of limestone glistened in all the colours of the rainbow. ─── 周围是一堆堆石灰石,像彩虹一样闪闪发光。
47、Industrial products:Active Carbon,Mica,Limestone,Quick Lime,Silica,P;astic Pellet,Medicine,Tablet,Ore,Etc. ─── 工矿类:活性碳、云母、石灰母、生石灰、硅土、其它矿石等。
48、Though it is actually gray-blue limestone, the surface of the cliff has been stained to a sunset hue by iron salts washing out of the rocks. ─── 虽然它实际上是灰蓝色的石灰石,但是从岩石里渗出的铁盐却把悬崖表面染成了晚霞般的色彩。
49、The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement. ─── 这些大石灰岩洞也用来开采水泥原料。
50、Limestone deposits confined to the Permian formation in south-western Latvia are not currently worked. ─── 拉脱维亚西南部储藏着二叠纪时形成的石灰石,但是这些石灰石大规模开采。
51、Some uses the method that scatters dry pulverized limestone, do not have alexipharmic effect actually. ─── 有的采用撒干石灰粉的办法,其实不起消毒作用。
52、Fu Yun Jiaxiang stone factory located in China's three major celestite (limestone) base - Shandong Jiaxiang. ─── 嘉祥福运石材厂位于中国三大天青石(石灰石)基地之一--山东嘉祥。
53、Of the white limestone riverbed. ─── 是白色的石灰岩。
54、The main soil types are mountain yellow-brown earth and limestone soil, and mountain marshy soils in localized areas. ─── 其主要土壤类型为山地黄棕壤和石灰土及局部的山地沼泽土。
55、Comprehensive Utilization Program of High-magnesia Limestone in Wuhai Mining Co. Of Baoou Steel Co. ─── 包钢乌海矿业公司高镁灰岩的综合利用方案。
56、They were quarrying limestone. ─── 他们在开采石灰石。
57、Soil: Altitude 260 meters, southeast orientation. Limestone grounds, argilo-limestones, alluvial and cryoclastic. ─── 土质:海拔260米,东南方向,石灰质土地,农业石灰质,湖泊型以及核破裂型。
58、Natural limestone caves are very spectacular. ─── 天然的石灰岩洞是非常壮观的。
59、The basic ingredients are limestone and clay in the proportion 2:1. ─── 基本成分是石灰石和黏土,比例为 2:1。
60、An area of irregular limestone in which erosion has produced fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns. ─── 喀斯特由于腐蚀而产生裂隙,落水洞,潜流和洞穴的不规则的石灰岩地区
61、I might have got good limestone within a mile or two and burned it myself, if I had cared to do so. ─── 如果我高兴的话,也许我会走一两英里路,找到很好的石灰石,自己动手来烧石灰。
62、The trulli are made of roughly worked limestone boulders collected from neighbouring fields. ─── 圆顶石屋是由从附近地区采集来的石灰石石块粗糙堆砌而成的。
63、Cenotes are created when limestone in the cave system erodes and the roof collpases, forming a water-filled sinkhole. ─── 当洞穴系统内的石灰岩发生腐蚀而且顶部开始下沉的时候,就形成了盛满湖水或河水的灰岩坑。
64、Taian city belongs to north limestone area, and is a place taking karst ground water as source of water supply mainly. ─── 摘要泰安地处北方石灰岩地区,是一个以岩溶地下水为主要供水水源的城市。
65、All that limestone and Philippe Starck resulted in a lack of soul, colour or drama. ─── 室内设计师们正忙着到处宣扬说,黑色就是新时代的白色。”他说道。
66、She taught her students something like lime could be obtained by burning limestone. ─── 她教学生一些东西,像什么“石灰可以通过焚烧石灰石来获取。”
67、Is a limestone cave, located in south-eastern branch Nantai place close to the Peak. ─── 是一个石灰岩洞,坐落在南台东南支脉接近山顶的地方。
68、Faults, which were well exposed on the uplifted slopes of Mount Parnassus, had cut through bituminous limestone. ─── 在帕纳索斯山的上坡处显露的断层,切过了沥青石灰岩;
69、We spend our first day in Amman, Jordan's bustling limestone capital. ─── 到达首日,我们游览了安曼,约旦热闹的石头都城。
70、To recover iron from its ores, the oxides are reduced by heating together with coke and limestone. ─── 为了从矿石中提炼铁,必须在铁氧化物中加焦炭和石灰石进行加热,还原出铁来。
71、The County-leveled reserves of calcite,limestone,dolomite,hopfnerite,zeolite,etc.alll rank the first in China. ─── 方解石、石灰石、白云石、透闪石、沸石等县级储量均为全国之冠。
72、Carbon dioxide can be obtained from carbonates, limestone, the burning of organic fuels, and industrial fermentation. ─── 二氧化碳可从碳酸盐、石灰石、有机燃料燃烧以及工业发酵过程中制得。
73、The answer is the same if the limestone overlays the sandstone. ─── 当灰岩盖在砂岩上时,系数是相同的。
74、First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone . ─── 先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。
75、Marble, a metamorphic rock, forms when limestone re-crystallizes. ─── 大理岩,一种变质岩,在灰岩重结晶时形成。
76、We could supply various colours of slate, limestone, travertine. ─── 我们可以供应各种颜色的石板、石灰岩和石灰华。
77、Near Beijing the wall is constructed from quarried limestone blocks. ─── 北京附近的城墙就是用开采的石灰石建成。
78、With limestone the pressure is a little lower than with crystalline stones. ─── 对于石灰石的压力要比结晶体的压力稍低一点。
79、There is abundant karst fissure water in the limestone and dolomite of Cambrian and Ordovician. ─── 寒武系、奥陶系地层主要为灰岩和白云岩,其间赋存有较丰富的岩溶裂隙水。
80、The ancient tablets and steles in Nanjing area were largely made of limestone quarried from here. ─── 古代南京地区的碑刻,大多取材于此。
81、Two steep limestone bluffs rise up each side of the narrow inlet. ─── 两座陡峭的石灰石断崖耸立在狭窄的入口两侧。
82、A fisher poles his raft down the Li River, against the backdrop of limestone hills. ─── 在石灰岩群山的背景下,一位渔夫正用竿子撑着木筏沿漓江而下。
83、Compared with that of limestone, the properties of siliceous material will have more influence on the burnability of raw meal. ─── 与石灰石相比,硅质原料性质对生料易烧性影响更大。
84、He longed so much to be a sculptor he would steal limestone from abandoned buildings because he was too poor to buy his own materials. ─── 他极渴望成为一名雕刻家,经常从废弃的建筑物里偷取石灰石,因为他太穷,买不起这些材料。
85、Above left: What looks like flocks of grazing sheep is actually a group of limestone outcroppings. ─── 上左:石灰岩的石柱群,看上去好像是草原上的羊群。
86、The host rocks are mainly skarn and skarnization limestone of the permian luobadui and mengla formation. ─── 容矿岩石主要为二叠系洛巴堆组,蒙拉组矽卡岩、矽卡岩化灰岩。
87、This characteristic has been shown to be particularly true in limestone areas where cracks and crevices occur. ─── 在有断裂和裂隙的石灰岩区域,这种物性表现得特别清楚。
88、Permian bioclastic limestone and bioherm are the most favorable reservoirs. ─── 二叠系生屑灰岩和生物礁为最有利的储层。
89、Village and town enterprises have pig iron, limestone. ─── 乡镇企业产品有生铁、石灰石。
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