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08-22 投稿


abbess 发音

英:[ˈæbəs]  美:[ˈæbes]

英:  美:

abbess 中文意思翻译



abbess 网络释义

n. 女修道院院长;女庵主持

abbess 短语词组

1、abbess definition ─── 师太定义

2、abbess hild ─── 希尔德师太

3、abbess hild in the last kingdom ─── 最后王国的希尔德女修道院院长

4、abbess define ─── 师太定义

abbess 词性/词形变化,abbess变形


abbess 同义词

mother superior | monk | prioress |sister

abbess 反义词


abbess 相似词语短语

1、jabbers ─── v.急促(或激动)而含混不清地说;闲聊;n.急促而无意义的话,无聊的话;n.(Jabber)(美、英、印)贾伯(人名)

2、rabbets ─── n.槽口;槽口接缝处;vt.嵌接;在…上开槽口;vi.由槽口接合

3、fabbest ─── 法贝斯特

4、nabbers ─── 抓人者

5、dabbers ─── n.捣锤;上墨皮垫;轻拍的人

6、abscess ─── n.脓肿;脓疮;vi.形成脓肿

7、abbeys ─── n.大修道院,大寺院;大教堂;n.(Abbey)(美、英)阿贝(人名)

8、nabobess ─── n.女财主;女富婆;富翁的妻子

9、abbesses ─── 女修道院院长(abbess的复数)

abbess 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Twice the Abbess bled Robin for his sickness, but it seemed to do him little good, and while he lay there Abbot Hugo of St. ─── 有两次女修道院院长为罗宾的病放血,但是这似乎对他没有什么帮助。

2、"But, how can I open the grave by myself? I had better consult with Abbess Shih." ─── “我一人如何掘得开坟墓?且和石道姑商量则个。”

3、nbsp][$nbsp][$nbsp][$nbsp][$nbsp]Once upon a time. there was an abbess in a small abbey . ─── 很久以前,一个小修道院里有一个女修道院院长。

4、The superior of an abbey is called an abbess. ─── 修道院的院长被称为女修道院院长。

5、"As soon as the abbess arrived, Yu Xin's wife hurried over and whispered with her for a while. That must be why." ─── "他师父一来,余信家的就赶上来,和他师父咕唧了半日,想是就为这事了."

6、These were establishments of monks and nuns who lived in separate quarters under the direction of an abbess or abbot. ─── 在中世纪时期,修道院是知识和教育的中心。

7、Most likely the girl was scared by Abbess Shih, for she did not come the following evening. ─── 被石道姑这一撞破,那女子多半受了惊吓,第二天未曾再来。

8、At age 43 she became abbess of her community. ─── 岁时她成为当地的女修道院院长。

9、Most likely the girl was scared by Abbess Shih, for she did not come the following evening. ─── 被石道姑这一撞破,那女子多半受了惊吓,第二天未曾再来。

10、All of a sudden my spirit wakes." Abbess Shih told the young scholar to give the girl some of the wine in the Peony Pavilion. ─── 石道姑见杜丽娘果真还魂转阳,忙招呼梦梅,将丽娘抱进牡丹亭,服些带来的还魂丹。

11、And the duke went with the abbess and her newly found husband and children into the convent, to hear this happy family discourse at leisure of the blessed ending of their adverse fortunes ─── 公爵陪女院长和她刚找到的丈夫和孩子一同走进了修道院,听这个快乐的一家人自由自在地谈着他们苦尽甘来的大团圆。

12、A nun in charge of a priory or ranking next below the abbess of an abbey. ─── 小女隐修院院长或大女隐修院副院长

13、abbess of pituitary ─── 垂体脓肿

14、Franlein Maria, I don't know how much the Mother Abbess has told you? ─── 玛丽亚小姐,我不知道院长嬷嬷都跟你说了些什么?

15、If I give you my help in this matter, you shall give me your ward Marian, who is under shelter at Kirklees with the Abbess there, but is none the less yours to give to any man. ─── 假使这件事我帮你的忙,你就得送我你所监护的玛丽安,她和修女院院长住在科克里斯,给任何人对你并没有损失。

16、The young scholar rushed to take her in his arms."How you must have been frightened by that hateful abbess that night! ─── 柳梦梅连忙接过:“恨前夜被那姑姑无端撞破,误了你半宵周折,累了你好一阵惊吓,小生只怕姐姐你不再来也。

17、Abbess Julia: You're a millionairess! ─── 朱莉亚:你是一个女百万富翁!

18、In March 1996, the Founder Reverend Master Sheng Yin entered nirvana. Master Chang Shuen succeeded as the Abbess of the New Zealand Tsi Ming Temple and the Kaohshiung Shen Yuan Temple. ─── 一九九六年三月开山长老上圣下印老和尚临般涅槃,命上常下顺法师接任纽西兰慈明寺暨高雄圣愿寺住持,继其步伐而挑担大业。

19、Abbess Julia: I'm going to blackmail the Marquise. ─── 我准备去勒索玛奎丝。

20、Godric Demons! By Elrath! Any word of Abbess Beatrice? ─── 哥德里克恶魔!天哪!有没有比阿特丽斯的消息?

21、of or having to do with or belonging to an abbey or abbot,or abbess ─── 修道士的、与之相关的或属于修道士的

22、Now the abbess is making her case for a religious life removed from worldly distractions- on the Internet's World Wide Web. ─── 如今,这位女修道院院长正在国际互联网络上的“全球网”超级文件上为超凡拔俗的宗教生活阐明自己的立

23、of or having to do with or belonging to an abbey or abbot, or abbess. ─── 修道士的、与之相关的或属于修道士的。

24、Complex of buildings housing a monastery or convent under the direction of an abbot or abbess, serving the needs of a self-contained religious community. ─── 以修道院或教堂组成,由修道院院长管理的建筑群,以供教会组织自给自足的需要。

25、"We fear reprisals,signore,"the abbess murmured. ─── “我们怕报复,先生,”女修道院院长喃喃地说。

26、Irish abbess; a patron saint of Ireland. ─── 爱尔兰女修道院院长;爱尔兰守护神。

27、After this the church became the Parish Church of Lancaster with the right to appoint the vicar in the hands of Abbess of Syon. ─── 后来这所教堂成为兰卡斯特的教区教堂,有权任命西恩大教堂下属的教区牧师。

28、Captain: Fraulein Maria, I don’t know how much the Mother Abbess has told you? ─── 上校: 玛丽亚小姐,我不知道院长嬷嬷都跟你说了些什么?

29、By her wise and virtuous conduct, she was at length made lady abbess of this convent ─── 由于禀性聪慧,品德高尚,她终于当了这个女修道院的院长。

30、abbess; the Mother superior ─── 女修道院院长

31、At age 43 she became abbess of her community. ─── 43岁时她成为当地的女修道院院长。

32、A convent supervised by an abbess. ─── 女修道院由女性任院长的修道院

33、The Holy Abbess also sends her three pretty nuns to arrest Ashora.Ashora pleads with them.She begs for seven days in the human world, to take in the sunshine and love denied her for centuries. ─── 密宗尊师将阿修罗困在深洞内,终感动菩萨心肠的慈空,将阿放回人界七日,让她一偿素愿,尽享人界独有的一切。

34、Galahad is reared by an abbess until, at age 15, he is introduced to his father, who knights him and accompanies him to Arthur's court. ─── 加拉汉是有一位修女抚养长大的。15岁时,他与父亲相见,父亲授以他爵士位,并且带着他去参见了亚瑟王。

35、6. “We fear reprisals,signore,”the abbess murmured. ─── “我们怕报复,先生,”女修道院院长喃喃地说。收藏指正

36、3.Something in her eyes told him her intent, and he called out weakly, at which Little John, who had been waiting outside the window for the Abbess to go, entered the room. ─── 在她的眼里,有些事情告诉他她的意图,他有气无力地呼唤着,因此在窗外等女修道院院长走的小约翰,走进屋子,罗宾指示他。

37、of an abbey is called an abbess. ─── 修道院的院长被称为女修道院院长。

38、The abbess, a spectre, sanctifies them and terrifies them. ─── 修院的女院长,恶鬼一个,在圣化她们,吓唬她们。

39、Then she moved on to Germany, where she was made abbess of a double monastery at Heidenheim. ─── 再后来她去了德国,并且在海登海姆一个特大的修道院作了修道院长。

40、a convent ruled by an abbess. ─── 由女修道院院长主持的一个女修道院。

41、Abbess Julia: Yes, I have to pay a visit. ─── 是的,我想去拜访一下。

42、Once upon a time, there was an abbess in a small abbey . ─── 很久以前,一个小修道院里有一个女修道院院长。

43、Of or having to do with an abbey, abbot, or abbess. ─── 修道院的,男修道院院长的,女修道院长的

44、Abbess Julia: You're a millionairess! ─── 朱莉亚:你是一个女百万富翁!

45、Captain: Fraulein Maria, I don't know how much the Mother Abbess has told you? ─── 上校:玛丽亚小姐,我不知道院长嬷嬷都跟你说了些什么?

46、" Abbess Shih told the young mistress: "It is cold here in the wind and dew.You must not linger here.Let us help you to the nunnery where you shall rest well. ─── 石道姑则说小姐初还阳软[口+白][口+白],须将养,让精神旺起来。

47、"Abbey (529):Complex of Buildings housing a monastery or convent under the direction of an abbot or abbess , serving the needs of a self-contained religious community. ─── 大修道院 (529): 以修道院或教堂组成,由修道院院长管理的建筑群,以供教会组织自给自足的需要。

48、Venerable Fatt Kuan is the Chief Abbess of the temple. ─── 远在一九三八年,由法坤法师之萱堂周秀琼居士创建。

49、The abbess is not alone. ─── 这位女修道院长并非是孤家寡人。

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