vernal 发音
英:[ˈvɜːrn(ə)l] 美:[ˈvɜːn(ə)l]
英: 美:
vernal 中文意思翻译
vernal 网络释义
adj. 春天的;和煦的;青春的
vernal 常用词组
vernal equinox ─── n. 春分;春分点(约在3月20日)
vernal 反义词
summery | autumnal |wintry
vernal 词性/词形变化,vernal变形
副词: vernally |
vernal 同义词
young | youthful
vernal 短语词组
1、vernal equinox ─── 春分
2、Vernal (crater) ─── 弗纳尔(火山口)
3、vernal equinox day ─── 春分日
4、vernal encephalitis ─── [医] 春季脑炎, 苏联蜱传脑炎, 流行性脑炎
5、vernal aspect ─── 初夏相
6、hiberno-vernal bronchopneumonia ─── [医] 冬春支气管肺炎
7、vernal iris un. ─── 春鸢尾
8、vernal utah ─── 凡尔纳·犹他
9、vernal fall ─── 春季秋季
10、vernal point ─── 春分点
11、vernal edema of lung ─── [医] 春季肺水肿
12、vernal catarrh ─── [医] 春季卡他, 春季结膜炎
13、vernal conjunctivitis ─── [医] 春季结膜炎, 春季卡他
14、vernal airport ─── 春天机场
15、vernal plant ─── 春季性植物
16、vernal witch hazel ─── [网络] 春季女巫榛子
17、vernal equinox uranus ─── 春分天王星
18、vernal slough ─── 春泥
19、vernal pond ─── 春池
vernal 相似词语短语
1、eternal ─── adj.永恒的;不朽的
2、verbals ─── adj.口头的;言语的;动词的;照字面的;n.动词的非谓语形式
3、vernally ─── adv.清新地;春天地;春天生长地
4、sternal ─── adj.[解剖]胸骨的;近胸骨的;n.(Sternal)人名;(德、波)施特纳尔
5、vermal ─── 较小
6、ternal ─── 内部
7、versal ─── adj.整个的
8、verbal ─── adj.口头的;言语的;动词的;照字面的;n.动词的非谓语形式
9、Avernal ─── 平均值
vernal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、I do not know today where shines the pretty face; only the pretty flowers smile in vernal breeze ─── 人面不知何处去,桃花依旧笑春风
2、the vernal equinox ─── 春分
3、When the Vernal Equinox dawned on me, I immediately knew it was right. ─── 当春分到来对我来说,我立刻知道这是正确的。
4、vernal aspect ─── 初夏相
5、The rate of vernal in relatives of patients was high, so it may be due to genetic origin of the disease. ─── 患者的亲属中春季角结膜炎比率高,因此它可能是由于疾病的遗传起源。
6、As if the vernal breeze had come back overnight, adorning thousands or pear trees with blossoms white. ─── 忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开
7、The Teutonic deity Eostra was the goddess of spring and fertility, and feasts were held in her honor on the Vernal Equinox. ─── 日耳曼的Eostra之神是掌管春天以及繁殖的神,人们在春分的时候为她举办盛宴祭拜她。
8、On March 20 or 21 of each year, the Northern Hemisphere is reaching the vernal equinox and enjoying the signs of spring. ─── 在每年的三月二十或者二十一日,北半球到达春分时节并欣喜地迎接春天到来的迹象。
9、the vernal freshness of a young girl ─── 少女的青春气息[活力]
10、Sound of vernal showers On the twinkling grass, Rain-awakened flowers, All that ever was Joyous, and clear, and fresh, thy music doth surpass. ─── 就像是名门闺秀 居住在深宫高阁, 为排遣爱的忧愁, 一到幽静的时刻, 便让闺阁荡漾着甜如爱情的音乐。
11、In those vernal seasons of the year, when the air is calm and pleasant, it were an injury and sullenness against Nature not to go out and see her riches, and partake in her rejoicing with heaven and earth. ─── 在春天这个季节里,当天朗气清的时候,如果不到室外观赏大自然的丰饶,并分享天地的喜悦,就是对它的一种伤害和亵渎。
12、Easter must be on a Sunday;this Sunday must follow the 14th day of the paschal moon;the paschal moon is that of which the 14th day (full moon) falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox; ─── 复活节是西方传统的节日,公元325年尼西亚宗教会议规定,每年过春分月圆后的第一个星期天为复活节。
13、Between Sudbury and Wayland the meadows acquire their greatest breadth, and when covered with water, they form a handsome chain of shallow vernal lakes, resorted to by numerous gulls and ducks. ─── 在萨德伯里和韦兰中间的河段,草场最为宽阔,当它们被水漫过时,便形成一连串美丽的弥漫着春之气息的浅水湖泊,成为大批鸥鹭与野鸭的栖息地。
14、If every ordinary heart could cherish every view of lives, every harmonious peace, every vernal civilization. Then the nobleness of your life would win glory for the world. ─── 如果每一颗平凡的心都能珍爱每一个生命的风景,每一处和谐的和平,每一瞬春意盎然的文明,那么你生命的尊贵必将永远荣耀天地乾坤。
15、Either of the two times during a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator and when the length of day and night are approximately equal; the vernal equinox or the autumnal equinox. ─── 二分时刻一天中太阳通过天赤道的两个时刻中的任一时刻,此时昼夜长短几乎相等;春分或秋分
16、"Bursting their balloons, larvae of the spotted salamander hatch into a green broth of algae, entering the vernal pool equipped with budlike forelimbs and external gills. ─── 斑点蝾螈幼体冲破了它们的卵囊。它们在充满绿色水藻的水中孵化后用蓓蕾状的前肢和外部腮游进了春天的水塘。
17、Vernal scene on a river Su Shi Beyond bamboos a few twigs of peach blossoms blow. ─── 惠崇春江晓景苏轼竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。
18、light, and life, and vernal air. ─── 生命的活力和炯炯光明。
19、Study on the Pest and Disease Control of Vernal Crop Diversity ─── 小春作物多样性控制病虫害试验研究初探
20、The former, occupied by the sun at the vernal equinox is known as the equinox ─── 前者是太阳在春分时所在的位置,通称为春分点。
21、vernal equinox ─── n. 春分
22、After learning my lesson about blindly following the GPS to ghost towns, I headed for Vernal, Utah on better roads. ─── 学习后,我的课之后,盲目的全球定位系统鬼城镇,我前往韦纳尔,犹他爵士的更好的道路。
23、the usually coldest season of the year,occurring between autumn and spring,extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox,and popularly considered to be constituted by December,January,and February ─── 冬,冬季,通常是一年中最冷的季节,介于秋天和春天之间,在北半球从冬至到春分,通常来讲包括十二月、一月和二月
24、the spring [ vernal ] equinox ─── 春分, 春分点
25、Girl feelings is like a poem, pure and good, pure and fresh and romantic, clear eyes smiles lightly, copy is like vernal cool breeze, stroke face and come, chun Nuanhua leaves. ─── 少女情怀如诗,纯净美好,清新浪漫,清亮的眼神淡淡的微笑,仿若和煦的清风,拂面而来,春暖花开。
26、New Year beginning, wish you are multiplying vernal spring breeze, forward bright tomorrow, without a stop, whip and spur! ─── 我希望看到一个坚强的我,更希望看到一个坚强的你!
27、Everyone admired the young girl's vernal freshness ─── 大家都羡慕这女孩子的青春朝气。
28、the vernal (spring) and autumnal equinoxes ─── 春分和秋分
29、82. During a tropical year the sun moves from Vernal Equinox to Vernal Equinox. ─── 在一个回归年内,太阳从春分点转回到春分点。
30、Although the new year has been celebrated since prehistoric times, it was celebrated on the vernal equinox rather than what we now consider the first of the year. ─── 尽管元旦的历史可以追溯到史前时期,但当初人们是在春分,而非一年的第一天,庆祝节日。
31、There is a good one at Vernal Yamato in Vernal, but it's a bit far from here. ─── 在维侬有家维侬大和餐厅很不错,但是稍微远一点。
32、The wind March, broke up the algidity on loess plateau, spread and sink in of dip of North Shaanxi earth is in vernal sunshine. ─── 三月的风,驱散了黄土高原上的寒 气,陕北大地浸洇在和煦的阳光里。
33、The average length of day and night that day, while half of the spring of ninety days, it referred to as the "Vernal Equinox. " ─── 这天昼夜长短平均,正当春季九十日之半,故称“春分”。
34、vernal iris ─── n. 春鸢尾
35、To record industry and company of a few Internet, also smelled in this day it seems that vernal breath. ─── 对于唱片业和一些互联网公司,似乎也在这一天闻到了春天的气息。
36、The usually coldest season of the year, occurring between autumn and spring, extending in the Northern Hemisphere from the winter solstice to the vernal equinox, and popularly considered to be constituted by December, January, and February. ─── 冬,冬季通常是一年中最冷的季节,介于秋天和春天之间,在北半球从冬至到春分,通常来讲包括十二月、一月和二月
37、Let tulips trust not the warm vernal rain. ─── 让郁金香相信春天的绵绵细雨。
38、vernal equinoctial point ─── 春分点
39、the paschal moon falls on or next follows the day of the vernal equinox; ─── “教会月亮”指满月落下或春分以后;
40、If you'd like to go there, take a train from Salisbury to Taunton. Leave the station by the North Exit and ask for "Vernal Yamato". It's only about a five-minute walk. ─── 如果你想去的话,可以搭火车从撒伯利到通顿,走车站的北面出口,再问“维侬大和”,差不多走五分钟就到了。
41、You go into immaculacy for affection, and you let life becomes eternal for love, with your little heart holds boundless hone and endless love as full warm water in a vernal river. ─── 你因情而变得纯洁,你为爱使生命成为永恒;娇小的心,容纳着满江春水般漫漫的思念、漫漫的爱。
42、In cold winter, each green it is one leaf boat, those who be fully loaded with is vernal breath, but the life that how has put these green, have many paying attention to however. ─── 在严寒的冬季,每一片绿都是一叶舟,满载的是春天的气息,但是如何摆放好这些绿色的生命,却有不少讲究。
43、When early spring vernal sunshine illuminates the haven of great river north and south, appear before us is a busy picture, usable " enterprising of meaning of reeky, acute " 8 words will generalize. ─── 当早春和煦的阳光照到大江南北的港口,呈现在我们面前的是一片繁忙景象,可用“热气腾腾、锐意进取”八个字来概括。
44、vernal equinox [ point ] ─── 春分(点)
45、Yeah, we celebrate the Vernal Equinox and have a day off. ─── 对,因为我们会过春分节,放一天假。
46、an arc of the celestial equator eastward from the vernal equinox ─── 从春分点沿天赤道向东测量所得的角度
47、It was a bold antiphrasis that gave such a vernal title to this birthplace of icebergs. ─── 给这座冰山发源地这样一个温柔的称号真是大胆的反语法。
48、The principal Mexican solar festival was held at the vernal equinox, i. e. , Easter, when sacrifices were made to sustain the sun. ─── 墨西哥主要的太阳神节日,复活节,是在春分举行,献祭是用来维持太阳的需要。
49、Here you can still enjoy Chinese and Western buffet in the fresh morning, taste tea in the vernal afternoon and regale special beefsteak in the charming night. ─── 在这里,您还可以在晨光中享用中西自助餐,在和熙的午后,品尝下午茶,在摇曳烛光中享用特色牛排。
50、Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon day after Vernal Equinox. Click here to get more detailed translation in both Chinese and English. ─── 复活节在每年春分(三月二十一日或三月二十二日)月圆后的第一个星期日.如果想要学习有关复活节关键字,这里有中英文单字的对照哦!
51、The most popular destination within northeastern Utah is Dinosaur National Monument near Vernal. ─── 犹他州东北部最受欢迎的景点是弗纳尔附近的恐龙国家纪念碑。
52、In the years around 2000 BC, the Babylonian New Year began with the first New Moon (actually the first visible crescent) after the Vernal Equinox (first day of spring). ─── 大约在公元前2000年,巴比伦的新年随着春分(春天的第一天)之后的第一个新月(实际上第一个看得见的新月)开始了。
53、Path analysis on maturing and economical character of vernal wheat germplasm resources from Mexico ─── 墨西哥春小麦品种熟期与穗部经济性状的遗传通径分析
54、Around the Vernal Equinox, Cymbidiums pull out floral axis from their roots.There are white membrane bud leaves on the floral axis, and a flower living on the peak. ─── 在春分前后,根际抽花茎,在花茎上有白色的膜质苞叶,顶端着生一花。
55、The identification of an "age" with a particular zodiac constellation is based on the sun's position during the vernal equinox. ─── 十二星座的“时期”鉴定是建立在太阳在春分点的位置的基础上。
56、As the saying goes, "Vernal Equinox up wheat, fertilizer to keep up. ─── 俗话说“春分麦起身,肥水要紧跟”。
57、The cream-colored floor tile of of primitive simplicity and abound furniture of formative Europe type makes whole space warm and vernal, the fireplace model with compact metope is smooth add flavor of how much life. ─── 古朴的米色地砖和富于造型的欧式家具让整个空间暖和和煦,墙面简洁的壁炉造型平添几许生活气息。
58、The autumnal equinox is the point in the opposite direction of the vernal equinox. ─── 与春分点相隔180°的另一点, 就是秋分点。
59、Root pressure forms again during vernal season, and cavitation and embolism?are repaired in part.So water transport in trees isn't blocked too. ─── 在春季树木的根压得到恢复,从而使腔隙和栓塞部分消除,水分运输又得以畅通。
60、That the Vernal Equinox front and back three day troat is the day visiting the grave on the other shore. ─── 春分前后三天叫春彼岸,是上坟的日子。
61、" Vernal Equinox is also a traditional holiday. ─── 春分亦是传统节日。
62、In those vernal seasons of the year, when the air is calm and pleasant, ─── 在春天这个季节里,当天朗气清的时候
63、Long eyelashes in a case series of 93 child-ren with vernal keratoconjunctivitis ─── 93例春季角结膜炎患者的睫毛较长
64、Leaves arising from rhizome, simple, alternate, floating, emersed, or submersed, long petiolate but short petiolate on submersed vernal ones; ─── 单叶着生于根状茎,互生,漂浮,挺水,或沉水,有长叶柄但是在春季的沉水叶上为短叶柄;
65、Objective To investigate the epidemic situation of vernal infantile diarrhea in JiuJiang three years,and master the epidemic regular pattern of vernal infantile diarrhea so as to direct treatment. ─── [目的]通过连续3年对我市小儿春季腹泻流行情况调查,了解掌握小儿春季腹泻病流行规律,指导治疗。
66、A festival was held in her honor every year at the vernal equinox.People celebrate the holiday according to their beliefs and their religious denominations . ─── “复活节“是按照“伊斯特丽“节来命名的.伊斯特丽是盎格鲁-撒克逊民族的春天女神.
67、He described the vernal migration of birds in detail ─── 他详细地描述了鸟的春季移居。
68、The identification of an "age" with a particular zodiac constellation is based on the sun's position during the vernal equinox. ─── 十二星座的“时期”鉴定是建立在太阳在春分点的位置的基础上。
69、Use of mitomycin-C eyedrops for treatment of severe vernal keratoconjunctivitis ─── 丝裂霉素C液滴眼治疗重症春季角结膜炎
70、Pest integrated control of vernal minitype water melon cultivated with sand in plastic shed ─── 大棚沙培小型春西瓜病虫害综合防治
71、an arc of the celestial equator eastward from the vernal equinox. ─── 从春分点沿天赤道向东测量所得的角度。
72、Aldehyde flower is sweet reach perfume of fragrant air of pure and fresh flower to be able to let heartfelt emotion of your confide heart, salute vernal advent with brand-new mood. ─── 乙醛花香及清新花香调香水能让你吐露内心衷曲,以崭新的心情迎接春天的到来。
73、Vernal Hanging Parrot ─── n. 短尾鹦鹉
74、The hay yields of Polaris,Japan 03,Holand,Algonguin,Vernal and Sitel were less than 9?000 kg/hm~(2),Derby was the lowest among them(only 7?152.8 kg/hm~(2)). ─── 产量低于9 000 kg/hm2的品种有北极星、日本03、荷兰、阿尔冈金、费纳尔和赛特,产量最低的品种是德宝,为7 152.8 kg/hm2。
75、In the United States, the spring equinox, also called the vernal equinox, comes in the month of March. ─── 在美国,春分是在三月来临,又被叫做弗纳尔分点。
76、Russian vernal encephalitis ─── 俄罗斯蜱传脑炎, 俄罗斯春季脑炎
77、Sparge of liquid distilled from honeysuckle flowers or lotus leaves of the oil of rose scent elite that market firm rolls out Shanghai home Hua Baicao, rose makes you experience vernal tenderness. ─── 上海家化佰草集公司推出的玫瑰芳香精华油、玫瑰花露喷雾使您感受春天的温柔。
78、Due to the precession of the equinoxes, on average every 2,160 years the Sun appears against the stars of a new constellation at vernal equinox. ─── 因为岁差运动,每隔2,160年左右,太阳出现的春分点上会有新的星座。
79、After Vernal Equinox, we'll see longer days until the summer solstice in June.The temperature continues to increase and plants finally wake up from dormancy and begin to grow rapidly. ─── 春分后,北半球渐趋昼长夜短,气温继续升高,大部分地区的作物进入春季生长期。
80、that Easter Day is the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs next after the vernal equinox, ─── 复活节是春分后或满月后第一个星期天,
81、If every ordinary heart could congratulate every beauty of lives, every harmonious peace, every vernal civilization.Then the nobleness of your life would win glory for the world. ─── 如果每一颗平凡的心都能祝福每一个生命的美丽,每一处和谐的和平,每一瞬春意盎然的文明,那么你生命的尊贵必将永远荣耀天地乾坤。
82、The vernal equinox and autumnal equinox herald the beginning of spring and fall, respectively. ─── 春分和秋分,分别预告着春季和秋季的开始。
83、They are thought to have arisen with the celebrations of the vernal equinox. ─── 人们认为他们是出自于庆祝春分的来临。
84、The honeysuckle composition in Libra essence oil, can bring vernal breath, make people produces the feeling that is like Mu Chunfeng to you, break through the obstacle of human relation. ─── 天秤座香精油中的金银花成分,能带来春天的气息,使别人对你产生如沐春风的感觉,突破人际关系的障碍。
85、Effect of the combined treatment on vernal catarrhal keratoconjunctivitis ─── 对春季卡他性角结膜炎联合用药的治疗观察
86、In those vernal seasons of the yearwhen the air is calm and pleasant it were an injury and sullenness against Nature not to go out and see her richesand partake in her rejoicing with heaven and earth. ─── 在春天这个季节里,当天朗气清的时候,如果不到室外欣赏大自然的丰饶,并分享天地的喜悦,就是对它的一种伤害和亵渎。
87、According to historical record, more than 2000 guests, 500 cooks, 500 kabuki were invited to that grand Youyan, people ate from Vernal Equinox to Summer Solstice, sang and danced from day to midnight. ─── 据史料记载,这场盛大的游宴共邀请了2000余名食客、500名厨师、500歌舞伎,人们从春分吃到夏至,从白昼歌舞到深夜。
88、"These four kinds of stamens must be dried in the sun on the following vernal equinox, then mixed well with the powder." ─── "将这四样花蕊,于次年春分这日晒干,和在药末子一处,一齐研好."
89、Accustomed to the autumn moon and vernal breeze. ─── 惯看秋月春风。
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