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voracious 发音

英:[vəˈreɪʃəs]  美:[vəˈreɪʃəs]

英:  美:

voracious 中文意思翻译



voracious 网络释义

adj. 贪婪的;贪吃的;狼吞虎咽的

voracious 词性/词形变化,voracious变形

副词: voraciously |名词: voracity |

voracious 短语词组

1、voracious synonym ─── 贪婪的同义词

2、voracious means ─── 贪婪的手段

3、voracious meaning ─── 贪婪的意思

4、voracious reader ─── 贪婪的读者

5、voracious canopy ─── 贪婪的树冠

6、voracious syn ─── 贪婪的syn

7、voracious definition ─── 贪婪的定义

voracious 相似词语短语

1、feracious ─── adj.丰富的;多产的

2、oragious ─── 神谕的

3、mordacious ─── adj.锐利的;辛辣的

4、bodacious ─── adj.胆大包天的;非凡的;很明显的

5、veracious ─── adj.诚实的;真实的

6、voraginous ─── 贪婪的

7、gracious ─── adj.亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的;int.天哪;哎呀

8、furacious ─── 懦弱的

9、voraciously ─── adv.狼吞虎咽地;贪得无厌地

voracious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gains come to other commodity exporters, as well.Among them are Australia and New Zealand and the oil exporters, which now possess a voracious market in the decades ahead. ─── 其他一些初级产品出口国,如澳大利亚、新西兰及石油出口国,不仅目前获利非浅,而且还在未来几十年内拥有了一个庞大、稳定的市场。

2、Either of two species of tiny mussels (genus Dreissena... The voracious mussels disrupt food webs by wiping out phytoplankton... ─── 地球动物篇/无脊椎动物(原生、海绵、空肠、扁形、线形、环节、软体、节肢)-中文/英文-2005/7/27-相关资料

3、voracious pisciverous pike of waters of northern hemisphere ─── 北半球水域中多种以小鱼为食的梭鱼

4、They are aggressively territorial and voracious to fault. ─── 好斗与贪婪也是它们的弱点。

5、He's a gifted scorer, a voracious rebounder, and a defensive presence who alters shots and intimidates offensive players. ─── 他能改变对手的投篮,击溃对手的进攻。

6、large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and a body covered with bony plates; of sluggish tropical waters. ─── 大型贪吃的水栖爬行动物,长嘴、大鳄,身体覆盖有甲状皮肤;产于流速缓慢的热带水域。

7、Sometimes, though, it seems like the voracious reptiles don't think before they snack.This particular snake isn't the first python to get a tough lesson in the dangers of swallowing oversize prey. ─── 不过,有些时候,这些贪婪的家伙在就餐前根本不计后果,这已经不是第一条因此受到惩罚的蟒蛇了。

8、His flesh was set before that voracious, gaping dragon as bait to provoke him: flesh that would be deadly for the dragon, for it would utterly destroy him by the power of the Godhead hidden within it. ─── 祂愿意提供祂的肉体作为饵,去诱使那贪得无厌的毒龙来吞吃牠所渴求的食物。这肉体为毒龙成为致命的毒药,藉著在祂内隐藏的天主性的能力能完全毁灭毒龙。

9、But a big government push, focused on jobs, may represent the best chance in years for renewable energy and energy efficiency to take root in the U.S., a voracious energy consumer. ─── 但有了政府出于创造就业岗位目的的大力推动,可再生能源和节能事业可能多年来终于迎来了一次在美国这一能源消费大国站稳脚跟的绝佳机会。

10、All otters have a voracious appetite. ─── 所有的水獭都有一个贪吃的胃口。

11、Life is voracious, it swallows all the dead. ─── 生命是贪婪的,它吞噬所有死亡。

12、voracious appetite ─── 强烈的欲望

13、A voracious reader. ─── 如饥似渴的读者

14、He was a voracious reader of the translations of Eastern religious works. ─── 他如饥似渴地阅读东方宗教著作的译本。

15、4.large voracious dark-colored long-necked seabird with a distensible pouch for holding fish; ─── 大型贪吃的暗色、长颈的海鸟,有为装鱼而能膨胀的皮囊;

16、Lula's own party resists such measures, and he may be even more at the mercy of his Congressional allies' voracious appetite for public money. ─── 卢拉自己的党派对这些改革很抵触,而他自己可能在议会同党对公共财产的贪婪面前睁一眼闭一眼。

17、Trolls are savage, rubbery grey-green skinned giants with a voracious appetite for flesh. ─── 巨魔都是野蛮的,他们有灰绿色橡胶般的皮肤和对肉类贪婪。

18、Joseph Smith was a voracious book collector. ─── 约瑟夫·史密斯是一个如饥似渴的藏书家。

19、Researchers in Melbourne have found that these voracious marsupials can be scared off by the thumping sound of their own large feet on the ground. ─── 墨尔本研究人员发现,贪婪的袋鼠可能会被自己的大脚踏在地上时发出的重击声吓跑。

20、The Virago's greatest drawback was its voracious power requirements. ─── “泼妇”号最大的缺点就是其巨大的能量消耗。

21、The 1970s and 1980s saw hundreds of reports documenting dips in cancer rates of relatively voracious veggie eaters. ─── 80年代有好几百份报告,初步记录了饥肠辘辘的素食者罹患癌症的机率。

22、He is a voracious reader. ─── 他是个如饥似渴的读者

23、A big reason for this is a huge public sector, which keeps interest rates high and has only grown more voracious under Lula. ─── 其中很大的一个原因就是庞大的公共部门,使得利率维持在较高水平,并且在卢拉政府下已经变得除了越发贪婪外一无是处。

24、ravenous for power.See Synonyms at voracious ─── 对权力极其向往的参见

25、You're mentally voracious around Wednesday and Thursday, and you'd best have something for that busy mind to chew on! ─── 你心理上狼吞虎咽在星期三左右和星期四,和你有最好有某事让那忙碌的思想咀嚼在!

26、Both adult ladybugs and their larvae are voracious eaters of aphids, scale insects, and another plant pests. ─── 参考译文:冰山一般是白色、蓝色或者绿色的,尽管有些是黑色的,那是因为有岩石材料夹杂在里面。

27、a rapacious divorcee on the prowl; ravening creditors; paying taxes to voracious governments ─── 一个四处徘徊的贪婪的离婚者;贪婪的债主;交税给贪婪的政府

28、Both adult ladybugstheir larvae are voracious eaters of aphids, scale insects,another plant pests. ─── 参考译文:冰山是白色、蓝色绿色的,有些是黑色的,那是有岩石材料夹杂在里面。

29、China has had a voracious appetite for raw materials and I believe that will continue as China continues to grow. ─── 中国对原材料的需求非常旺盛,我相信,随着中国继续增长,这种需求也会持续。

30、He had the look of a man who could smell red meat , a ravenous, voracious manner as he collected his scalp . ─── 他那样活象一个闻到牛肉味就要扑上去大嚼一顿的人,其贪得无厌的神态就象他搜集战利品一样。

31、Among fishermen, Spaniards have a reputation for being the most voracious consumers of marine life ─── 作为选用拖捞网的渔民,西班牙人拥有海底生命最贪婪消费者的名声。

32、Fortunately, everyone was so engrossed watching the voracious way the two younger brothers were cleaning out their bowls that no one noticed her reactions. ─── 幸好众人都在注意地看觉民弟兄吃饭,并没有留心她的举动。

33、A study of 7, 841 Harvard male graduates found that chocolate and candy eaters--regardless of how voracious their appetite for goodies--live almost a year longer than those who abstain. ─── 一份对哈佛大学毕业的7841位男生的调查表明,食用巧克力及糖果的人,无论他们爱吃的程度如何,都比不食用者几乎多活一年。

34、voracious pisciverous pike of waters of northern hemisphere. ─── 北半球水域中多种以小鱼为食的梭鱼。

35、The steel industry may benefit disproportionately from energy subsidies because of its voracious appetite for coal, but the energy subsidies obviously help other industries too. ─── 对于煤炭需求极大的钢铁业来说,能源补助或许有点援助不均,但很明显这些补助同时也帮助了其他产业。

36、a voracious observer of the political scene ─── 对政治事件的饥渴观察者

37、large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and a body covered with bony plates; of sluggish tropical waters ─── 大型贪吃的水栖爬行动物,长嘴、大鳄,身体覆盖有甲状皮肤;产于流速缓慢的热带水域

38、He is a voracious person. He wants to steal love from the girls all around the world. ─── 他是个贪心的家伙,他想要赢得全世界少女的爱。

39、4. any voracious marine fish of the genus Sphyraena having an elongated cylindrical body and large mouth with projecting lower jaw and long strong teeth. ─── 魣属的海生鱼,圆柱形细长身体,大嘴,颚突出,牙齿坚固。收藏指正

40、any voracious marine fish of the genus Sphyraena having an elongated cylindrical body and large mouth with projecting lower jaw and long strong teeth. ─── 魣属的海生鱼,圆柱形细长身体,大嘴,颚突出,牙齿坚固。

41、The voracious lady was gazing at the diamond necklace in such a way as a hungry boy was longing for the bread at the bakery. ─── 那位贪婪的女士眼睛盯着钻石项链的神情,就像一个饥饿的孩子渴望得到面包店的面包一样。

42、"China's rapidly increasing imports, which jumped 40% to US$413 billion last year, reflect a voracious appetite." ─── 中国的进口飞速增加,去年就增长了40%,达到了四千一百三十亿美元,显示了她超强的购买力。

43、8. any voracious marine fish of the genus Sphyraena having an elongated cylindrical body and large mouth with projecting lower jaw and long strong teeth. ─── 常见于沙质洋底的热带大嘴海生鱼;雄性大颚鱼在嘴里孵蛋;水族馆中常见。

44、It is found in tropical and temperate regions of all oceans and is noted for its voracious appetite. ─── 分布于各大洋热带及温带区。食量大。

45、Not only is NGC 6240 wracked by star formation, it is cursed with one of the most voracious black holes in the nearby universe. ─── NGC6240不仅受到恒星形成的折磨,它也受到邻近宇宙中最贪吃的黑洞所诅咒。

46、Once the infestation of the colony was well underway, the Overmind sent its voracious children to the other nearby worlds. ─── 当渗透这个殖民地的工作已经成功的开始之后,主宰将它的子民们派遣到邻近的星球上。

47、Still, power and a notoriously voracious appetite do not necessarily make the piraiba a river monster prone to attacking and preying on live humans. ─── 但是,其力量和狼吞虎咽的胃口并不能使皮拉鲇成为意图袭击人类的河中猛兽。

48、a boy with a voracious and undiscriminating appetite for facts ─── 一个如饥似渴地寻求事实的男孩

49、large voracious dark-colored long-necked seabird with a distensible pouch for holding fish; used in Asia to catch fish ─── 大型贪吃的暗色、长颈的海鸟,有为装鱼而能膨胀的皮囊;在亚洲被用来捕鱼

50、voracious seekers after truth ─── 如饥似渴探求真理的人.

51、They are strict but voracious vegetarians and can even digest the cellulose that most mammals just can't handle. ─── 它们是严格但贪婪的素食者,甚至可以消化大多数哺乳动物不能消化的纤维素。

52、The youngster who reads voracious, though indiscriminately, does not necessarily gain in wisdom over the teenager who is more selective in his reading choices. ─── 对于那些不加选择、狼吞虎咽的年轻人,他们所收获的智慧并不一定比那些慎重选择的人多。

53、any voracious marine fish of the genus Sphyraena having an elongated cylindrical body and large mouth with projecting lower jaw and long strong teeth ─── 魣属的海生鱼,圆柱形细长身体,大嘴,颚突出,牙齿坚固

54、Obviously, with China's current voracious appetite for raw materials, Chinese companies are the obvious suitors at the moment. ─── 鉴于如今中国对原材料贪婪的需求,中国公司显然是目前最显而易见的追求者。

55、TODAY'S business leaders are voracious consumers of management advice. ─── 今天的商业领导如饥似渴地寻求管理忠告。

56、Am I not a discord In the heavenly symphony, Thanks to voracious Irony Who shakes me and who bites me? ─── 在这神圣的交响曲中,我没有变成一个杂音,是因为那贪得无厌的冷嘲将我又摇又咬?

57、John would not be overweight if he were not such a voracious eater. ─── 约翰如果不这么贪吃的话,就不会超重了。

58、He had the look of a man who could smell red meat, a ravenous, voracious manner as he collected his scalp ─── 他那样活象一个闻到牛肉味就要扑上去大嚼一顿的人,其贪得无厌的神态就象他搜集战利品一样。

59、The world's voracious appetite for steel shows little sign of easing. ─── 世界各国对钢材的巨大需求目前并无退潮的迹象。

60、People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals said that while Lionel Richie's adopted daughter doesn't look as though she eats lots of meat, she is a voracious wearer of animals. ─── 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔·奇的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独钟。

61、But his mother taught him to read early, and he became a voracious reader. ─── 不过他母亲很早就教他读书,他成为一个如饥似渴的读者。

62、4.a rapacious divorcee on the prowl; ravening creditors; paying taxes to voracious governments. ─── 一个四处徘徊的贪婪的离婚者;贪婪的债主;交税给贪婪的政府。

63、"Their eggs are toxic to predators. They are highly voracious predators, with long rows of needlelike teeth. The alligator gar of the southern U.S. reaches a length of about 10 ft (3 m) and is one of the largest freshwater fishes" ─── 它们的卵有很强的毒性。雀鳝是贪婪的掠食者,牙针状,排成数长行,适于掠获猎物。产于美国南部的钝吻鳄雀鳝(L. spatula)长约3公尺,是淡水鱼中最大的种之一。

64、Barack Obama said America's “voracious” economy should no longer be relied upon as the sole engine of global growth. ─── 巴拉克.奥巴马说美国这种“如饥似渴的”经济不应该再被当成全球增长所依赖的唯一发动机。

65、In recent years, China's economic dynamism has brought with it a voracious appetite for energy. ─── 近年来,中国的经济活力使其对能源的需求日渐贪婪。

66、In the following sections, we examine the alternative ways to satisfy our voracious demand for energy. ─── 在以下部分中,我们审查可供替代选择的方式以满足我们难以满足的能源需求。

67、Photo Gallery: Great White Sharks So called because of the tiger-like stripes on juveniles, the tiger shark is, like its terrestrial namesake, a voracious hunter. ─── 意译:大白鲨鱼图片画廊。所谓的因为这老虎似的条纹在稚气,虎鲨是,喜欢它的地球上的相同姓名的人,一个贪娈的猎人。

68、a voracious observer of the political scene; ─── 对政治事件的饥渴观察者;

69、voracious snakelike marine or freshwater fishes with smooth slimy usually scaleless skin and having a continuous vertical fin but no ventral fins. ─── 任一种蛇形的淡水鱼,体表光滑无鳞,有连续的垂直背鳍,缺少腹鳍。

70、She's a voracious reader of all kinds of love stories ─── 什么样的爱情故事她都百看不厌。

71、Its economy has boomed over the past decade thanks in part to China's voracious appetite for raw materials, which Australia is only too happy to provide. ─── 在过去十年,部分由于中国对原材料的贪婪胃口,澳大利亚的经济蓬勃发展。

72、18. large voracious dark-colored long-necked seabird with a distensible pouch for holding fish; used in Asia to catch fish. ─── 大型贪吃的暗色、长颈的海鸟,有为装鱼而能膨胀的皮囊;在亚洲被用来捕鱼。

73、People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals said that while Lionel Richie's adopted daughter does not look as though she eats lots of meat, she is a voracious wearer of animals. ─── 动物保护组织“动物人道主义协会”说,歌王莱昂内尔·里奇的这个养女尽管看上去不像很爱吃肉,但对动物皮毛衣物却情有独钟。

74、Despite his best attempts, he remains a regular and voracious programmer on many platforms and numerous environments. ─── 尽管已经尽了最大的努力,但他仍是一名工作于很多平台和多种环境中的普通而且好学的程序员。

75、If you have a voracious need for more and more expensive toys, prestigious awards, kinky sex and so on, the root of your craving probably isn't the sparkle of real fun, but an inner void. ─── 如果你贪婪地在想要获得越来越贵重的玩具、或更高的奖项、更古怪的性生活,那么你的渴求根源或许不发自真正快乐的火花,而是内心的空虚。

76、A person of great size or stature and of voracious physical or intellectual appetites. ─── 庞然大物体型大,有巨大的食欲的一个人或雕像

77、China continues is voracious consumption. ─── 中国持续保持高消费量。

78、Voracious demand from China, which accounts for almost half of global imports, is a key factor behind the decline in inventories. ─── 中国的大豆进口量占全球的近一半,这种贪婪的需求是全球库存下降的一个关键因素。

79、and vouchsafing the violently vicious,and voracious violation of volition. ─── 决心铲除那些腐化堕落的毒虫,他们还是作恶的先锋,

80、Ovidio said: “time eat things”; Shakespeare: “time is a voracious cormorant. ─── 奥维迪奥说“时间吞噬一切”;莎士比亚说“时间是贪婪的。”

81、So voracious is their demand for raw materials that the supply is not enough to go round ─── 他们饥不择食地需要原始资料,而资料却少得可怜,不能满足每一个人的要求。

82、Always the quick study, Kalt felt called to the Conflux where he could feed his voracious appitite for learning new and different things. ─── 凯尔特对新生事物非常好奇,他加入元素城是为了对之进行更好的研究。

83、Wherever they roam, World Devastators are voracious, consuming any type of terrain they encounter. ─── 它们一边缓慢的移动,一边“贪婪”的吞噬着所遇到的一切地形。

84、A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when voracious Snakehead fish mutate and survive previous lake chemical poisonings. ─── 一个为从经济危机中恢复而铤而走险的小镇,时下正处于在化学有毒物质污染的湖泊中幸存下来,突变的凶残的黑鱼威胁下。

85、voracious snakelike marine or freshwater fishes with smooth slimy usually scaleless skin and having a continuous vertical fin but no ventral fins ─── 任一种蛇形的淡水鱼,体表光滑无鳞,有连续的垂直背鳍,缺少腹鳍

86、If voracious, a few minutes eat meal, full centre has not enough time to issue signal (need) 20 minutes commonly, with respect to meeting overeat. ─── 假如狼吞虎咽,几分钟就把饭菜吃完了,饱中枢来不及发出信号(一般需20分钟),就会吃过量了。

87、Phanerochaete chrysosporium: A Wood-Degrading Fungus with a Voracious Appetite ─── Phanerochaete chrysosporium白色腐败菌:胃口非常好的木质降解真菌

88、Jianguo was also a voracious reader and a brilliant Go player. ─── 建国不仅阅读量极大,并且是一名出色的围棋手。

89、Kids can have voracious appetites. ─── 小孩会很贪吃。

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