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09-08 投稿


vibration 发音

英:[vaɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[vaɪˈbreɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

vibration 中文意思翻译



vibration 网络释义

n. 振动;犹豫;心灵感应

vibration 常用词组

vibration control ─── 振动控制;防振

vibration isolation ─── [机]隔振

vibration frequency ─── 频率;振动频率;波动频率

vibration 短语词组

1、complex steady-state vibration ─── [电] 复稳态振动

2、forced vibration ─── [化] 受迫振动; 强迫振动

3、gaussian random vibration ─── [电] 高斯乱步振动

4、amplitude of vibration ─── [机] 振幅

5、ambient vibration ─── [化] 环境振动

6、anharmonic vibration ─── [化] 非谐振动

7、broad-band random vibration ─── [电] 宽带乱步振荡

8、damped vibration ─── [化] 阻尼振动

9、camped vibration ─── [机] 阻尼振动, 阻尼摆动

10、electronic vibration ─── [电] 电子振动

11、destructive vibration ─── [化] 破坏性震动

12、angular vibration frequency ─── [化] 角向振频; 角向振动频率

13、airborne vibration ─── [电] 空传振动

14、fuzzy vibration ─── [化] 模糊振动

15、cycling cycling vibration ─── [电] 循环振动

16、anti-vibration ─── 防振

17、acoustical vibration ─── [机] 声音振动

18、atomic vibration ─── [机] 原子振动

19、band of rotation-vibration ─── [机] 转(动)振(动)光带

vibration 词性/词形变化,vibration变形


vibration 相似词语短语

1、vibrational ─── adj.[力]振动的,震动性的;摇摆的

2、cribration ─── 过筛;多孔性

3、librations ─── n.振动(形容词librational);[天]天平动

4、titration ─── n.[分化]滴定;滴定法

5、migration ─── n.迁移;移民;移动

6、nitration ─── n.[化学]硝化;用硝酸处理;硝基置换

7、liberation ─── n.释放,解放

8、libration ─── n.振动(形容词librational);[天]天平动

9、vibrations ─── n.[力]振动;共鸣;动摇(vibration的复数)

vibration 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Time-Division Multiplexed Fiber Grating Vibration Sensor Array[J]. ─── 引用该论文 江毅,黄俊斌.

2、The Dutchman was then slowed before the finish by a rear-end vibration. ─── 在到达终点线之前,荷兰人因为赛车尾部的震动减慢了速度。

3、Remove vibration damper bolt and washer from end of crankshaft. ─── 从曲轴端拆下减震器螺栓和垫圈。

4、The eccentric mass type vibration generators are bolted to the platform. ─── 偏心量型式的振动发生器锚固在台身上。

5、Subject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration. ─── 地震或地球震动的、倾向于这种情形的或由这种情形引起的。

6、And some suggestions for gate vibration study are made. ─── 并对进一步做好水工闸门的振动研究工作提出了建议。

7、Of course, your belief is part of your vibration. ─── 当然,你的信念是你的振动的一部分。

8、Application of SZK Series Linear Vibration Screen in Laowuji C.P.P. ─── SZK系列直线振动筛在老屋基选煤厂的应用。

9、It is the vibration of joylessness that causes humans to experience boredom. ─── 就是悲哀的振动导致人类体验厌倦。

10、Vertical vibration with great excited force and high efficiency. ─── 双钢轮振动,激振力大,压实效率高。

11、Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring. ─── 坚固的木箱和箱内严密的填充可防止木箱受震、开裂。

12、Customizable alarms and notifications using sounds and vibration. ─── 定制闹铃和声音及振动提示。

13、It is a wave, a vibration, a pulsation at the very heart of the All That Is. ─── 它是在一切万有心中的一个波动、一个震动、一个脉动。

14、Selecting piezoelectric material to control vibration is a good method. ─── 因此选用压电材料来控制振动也是一种很好的办法。

15、FS-Reflexion works with a seismic vibration system. ─── FS是由地震的震动工作原理。

16、Therefore, thoughts can vary with the vibration of the body. ─── 因此,思想能(绝对?)随身体的振动而修改(变化)。

17、Mechanism of Vocal-fold Vibration. ─── 声音交叠振荡的机制。

18、The buses shake the house so much that we feel the vibration. ─── 公共汽车震动那栋房子很大以致于我们都能感觉到?动。

19、Even less vibration in the motor thanks to calibrated tubes. ─── 套管上的刻度可以保证即使在与手术动力装置配用时,振动也很小。。

20、From a solar point of reference, it is all a matter of vibration. ─── 以一个太阳视角的表达来说,他们都是振动的事件。

21、You can find unoccupied fields via Tiberium Vibration Scan. ─── 你可以通过泰矿扫描来找到未占领的地区。

22、Coke-thruster JT-6-19 occured vibration during advance and retreat process. ─── JT-6-19推焦车在推焦杆推焦进退过程中,出现不同程度的震动。

23、Beijing ShijiJingye Noise and Vibration Control Co., Ltd. ─── 北京世纪静业噪声振动控制技术有限公司。

24、If you are expecting an important call, switch your phone to vibration mode. ─── 如果你是在等重要的电话,就把手机调为震动模式。

25、These can cause vibration and damage the blades of the turbines. ─── 这些(气泡)会引起振动并损坏涡轮机的叶片。

26、The static radial stiffness of PCR tire was measured with a vibration tester. ─── 在振动试验机上测试轿车子午线轮胎的静态径向刚度。

27、Structure vibration control in civil engineering II. ─── 土木工程结构振动控制2。

28、An earthquake is a vibration that travels through the earth's crust. ─── 地震是一种穿过地壳的震动。

29、As snow accumulates on a steep slope, it reaches a critical point at which the slightest vibration will send it sliding into the valley below. ─── 当雪在陡峭的斜坡上堆积时,它会达到一个临界点,在这个临界点上,最轻微的震动就会使它滑进下面的山谷。

30、I am drawn to that girl. I get good vibration from her. ─── 我被那女孩吸引住了,她使我产生良好的感觉。

31、Soft grade for good rigidity and the small vibration. ─── 刚性良好且振动少时用软的结合度。

32、The hard sealing gasket also can absorb the noise and vibration. ─── 密封垫圈也可吸收噪音及振动。

33、The random vibration method is often used to measure the tension forces in the cables. ─── 随机激励频率法是检测斜拉索张力的有效方法。

34、A Coupled vibration model of tramcar and track was introduced. ─── 建立了矿车及铁轨耦合振动模型。

35、It does not mean that you cannot be active in things that are of interest to you, but be sure that they are of a high vibration. ─── 这当然不是说你对于那些感兴趣的事情表现出积极的态度,而是确保它们都有一个更高的振动。

36、Mechanical propert ties.Longit tudinal and shear vibrat tion. ─── 参考名称: Met thods of test ting plast tics.

37、Andesine holds the vibration of integrity in the language of light. ─── 中长石持有光之语中整合的振动。

38、Mechanical model of an air-spring vibration isolator is studied. The calculation formula of its fundamental natural frequency is derived. ─── 研究了空气弹簧隔振器的力学模型,导出了固有频率的计算公式。

39、The emotionally traumatic experience contains a particular vibration behind it. ─── 情感创伤体验在背后包含了一个特定的振动。

40、The vibration frequency of the vocal cords determines the pitch of the voices. ─── 声门震动的快,决定声音的基本频率(即音高)。

41、Frequency of torque signal is consistent with that of force vibration. Amplitudes of radial pulsation signal increases as tapping continues. ─── 扭矩信号的频率与外加振动频率相一致,径向跳动信号随攻丝过程的持续进行逐渐变大。

42、Improving placement accuracy by introducing vibration control. ─── 导入振动控制系统,提高贴装精度。

43、Company administered sprocket gear plant and vibration plant. ─── 公司下辖链轮齿轮厂和振动设备厂。

44、To pronounce with vibration of the vocal cords. ─── 发音通过声带振动来发出声音

45、The catalytic converter can also be destroyed by excessive engine vibration. ─── 发动机的过度震荡也会造成催化裂化炉的毁坏。

46、The golden vibration transmutes anti-matter. ─── 因为黄金的振动能改变反物质。

47、The vibration vision of the simple harmonic motion is a sine curve. ─── 三,简谐运动的振动图象是正弦曲线。

48、Your finger can feel the vibration on the violin string. ─── 你的手指能感觉小提琴琴弦的颤动。

49、Noise and Vibration Level Measuring of Lin. ─── 交通噪音、振动及车流量测定。

50、Left Can: Via Gyro-rotation &vibration equipment, result: Uniformity. ─── 左罐:采用旋转振动装置技术,均匀性好。

51、Shock loads and vibration also need to be considered. ─── 冲击负荷和振动也需要考虑。

52、The vibration of fractionator was eliminated by decoking the oil gas line. ─── 对油气线进行消焦处理后,分馏塔振动被消除。

53、Mineral: Emerald Emerald holds the vibration of honor in the language of light. ─── 、尊重矿石:祖母绿祖母绿持有光之语中尊重的振动。

54、An Astigmatic Method for Real-time Nanometer Vibration Measurement[J]. ─── 引用该论文 贺锋涛,白永林,冯晓强,侯洵.

55、Study on laser-CCD microdisplacement sensors for vibration measurements[J]. ─── 引用该论文 林有义,陈振富,伊立言.

56、These may be interpreted from waveform or vocal chord vibration patters. ─── 它可以用音波特性或声调振福节拍作翻译。

57、Pull vibration damper off of the crankshaft. ─── 将减震器从曲轴上拉下。

58、Effect of vibration on intersatellite coherent laser communication[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王朝晖,赵长政,陈文新,焦斌亮.

59、Damping wakes possible finite steady-state vibration amplitude at resonance. ─── 在共振时,阻尼可能限制稳定振动的振幅。

60、The blade is clamped and excited into some mode of vibration. ─── 叶片夹好后,被激发进入某种振动状态。

61、The workstation adopts gas vat and has little vibration because of the buffer. ─── 工作台左、右采用气缸并配以缓冲,振动小。

62、A process or state in which rays of light exhibit different properties in different directions, especially the state in which all the vibration takes place in one plane. ─── 偏振(现象)光线在不同的方向上表现出不同特性的过程或状态,尤其是所有的振动都发生在一个平面的状态

63、The sound of a truck was deafening.The light cord stirred with the vibration. ─── 卡车开过的声音震耳欲聋,连灯光都随之搅动起来。

64、Its whisperings had the hoarse accent of a vibration. ─── 他们的耳语有如风雨声。

65、Noise and vibration are the greatest factors influencing comfortableness. ─── 噪声和振动是影响舒适性的最大因素。

66、Compared to the physical world it is at a much higher vibration. ─── 与物质世界相比,它处于一个高得多的振动频率。

67、Peace is one vibration and a series of music that the glacial lakes have continued to carry for the Earth Mother. ─── 和平是冰川湖为地球母亲一直持有的一种振动和一系列音乐。

68、Celestite holds the vibration of underwater worlds in the language of light. ─── 天青石持有光之语中水下世界的振动。

69、Where does sound come from? From the vibration of the objects. ─── 声音是怎样产生的?声音是由物体的震动而产生的。

70、The great law of vibration is based on like producing like. ─── 伟大的波动法则就是建立在波的相似性原理上。

71、Your level is so low and your vibration is so slow. ─── 你的等级太低了,你的振动力太慢了。

72、Test Fdb : random vibration wide band. ─── Fdb 试验.在宽带上的随机振动.中等重复性 (Basic environmental testing procedures.

73、As space between inflates excessively, one drops in vibration. ─── 当间隔空间过度膨胀,你振动下降。

74、As one raises in vibration enough, one exits time and sits in timelessness. ─── 当振动提升得足够多时,你就离开时间而位于永恒之中。

75、Its sound is a vibration hum, give rise to anxiety and make flames flickered. ─── 其振动听起来是一种嗡嗡声,使人觉得不安,并且会使火苗摇曳不定。

76、Orthogonality conditions of vibration mode functions for beams with varied s. ─── 导出梁的主振型函数之正交性条件。

77、It is the vibration of pain that splits the human form into 144 time zones. ─── 就是痛苦的振动把人类形体分割入144个时间区域。

78、Frequency: times that complete whole vibration in certain unit of time. ─── 单位时间内完成的全振动的次数。

79、Any noise or vibration can be checked using an SKF electronic stethoscope. ─── 噪音或振动可用SKF电子听诊器进行检查。

80、Their instruments can detect the slightest vibration. ─── 他们的仪器能探测出极微弱的震动。

81、First of all, I have to claim that the rotor head must be sturdy enough to withstand any vibration or it could be very dangerous. ─── 首先,我要声称转子头部必须坚固足以抵御任何振动或它可以是非常危险的。

82、Sound is caused by vibrations. A vibration is a back and forth movement. ─── 声音是由振动引起的。振动就是往复运动。

83、The sympathetic vibration of a circuit to a signal. ─── 一个电路对某一个信号共鸣的振荡。

84、The vibration performance of cycloid ball planetary reducer was analyzed. ─── 分析摆线钢球行星传动减速器的振动特性。

85、A novel DSPI system for vibration quantificational analysis[J]. ─── 引用该论文 贾书海,李以贵,谭玉山.

86、The vibration of the engine lulled the children to sleep. ─── 发动机的颤动使得孩子们睡着了。

87、Their souls came to Earth to experience the physical vibration. ─── 他们的灵魂进入地球去经历物理上的振动。

88、Chest percussion and vibration are used with postural drainage to help dislodge secretions. ─── 在做体位引流时要敲击和振动胸部帮助分泌物松动排出。

89、A single beat, throb, or vibration. ─── 一次搏动、跳动或颤动

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