pliant 发音
英:[ˈplaɪənt] 美:[ˈplaɪənt]
英: 美:
pliant 中文意思翻译
pliant 网络释义
adj. 顺从的;易弯的;易受影响的;能适应的n. 顺从
pliant 词性/词形变化,pliant变形
名词: pliancy |副词: pliantly |
pliant 短语词组
1、pliant means ─── 倍增
2、pliant define ─── 柔顺的定义
3、pliant therapeutics inc ─── 柔顺治疗公司
4、pliant definition ─── 顺从的定义
5、pliant tx tx ─── 折叠
6、pliable pliant ─── 柔韧的
7、pliant meaning ─── 顺从意义
8、pliant io ─── 我恳求
pliant 相似词语短语
1、valiant ─── adj.英勇的,勇敢的;n.勇士;勇敢的人
2、pliantly ─── 柔韧的
3、pliancy ─── n.柔软;柔顺;适应性
4、applicant ─── n.申请人,申请者;请求者
5、giant ─── n.巨人;伟人;巨大的动物;巨型植物;大公司;(天文)巨星;adj.巨大的;巨人般的;伟大的
6、compliant ─── adj.顺从的;服从的;应允的
7、unpliant ─── 不忠的
8、reliant ─── adj.依赖的;可靠的;信赖的
9、criant ─── 尖叫
pliant 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、To bend(something pliant or elastic. ─── 使(柔韧的或有弹性的东西)弯曲
2、They must not offer a pliant response: The butcon must not depress, for example, and controls should also gray themselves out to make matters absolutely clear. ─── 例如,如果图标按钮禁止按下,控件本身也应该变成灰色,使禁用状态绝对明显。
3、The idea behind the ribbon is to combine the visually expressive and pliant characteristics of toolbar buttons and butcons with the verbose and more explicit and comprehensive depiction of functionality of a menu system. ─── 带条背后的概念的是要结合两种方式的好处,既有工具栏按钮和图标按钮的视觉化表达及其受范特性,又有菜单系统的详细清楚而又全面的功能描述。
4、If the user then releases the mouse button, the onscreen button will not be activated (which is consistent with the lack of pliant response). ─── 接着,如果使用者释放了鼠标按键,则按钮就不会被触发(这和缺少受范响应是一致的)。
5、We use the term pliant to refer to objects or screen areas that may be manipulated by a user. ─── 我们在这里使用“受范”一词来表达物体和屏幕区域是可以被使用者操作的。
6、pliant flow ─── 缓慢流动
7、No, indeed;the most singular flowers and plants grow there;the leaves and stems of which are so pliant, that the slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life. ─── 安徒生是个聪明的童话家,他的睿智童话,喜欢他多过喜欢后来的任何的童话家。
8、Four new reviews focus on how the latest work on Drosophila is taking this genetically pliant lab model into exciting new fields. ─── 四篇新的评论文章分析了关于果蝇的最新研究工作是怎样将这种在遗传上适应性很强的实验室模型动物带入激动人心的新领域的。
9、Any of various stiff marsh plants of the genus Juncus, having pliant hollow or pithy stems and small flowers with scalelike perianths. ─── 灯心草:一种灯心草属的不易弯曲的沼泽植物,具有柔韧的空心或有髓的茎,花小,有鳞状花被
10、He was deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor. ─── 他被赶下台,由一个比较容易摆布的继任者取代。
11、Mr Moussavi, more-over, while he might have been more straightforward on Iran's nuclear ambitions, would not have been more pliant. ─── 况且,尽管穆萨维也许在伊朗的核野心问题上更为直截了当,但他不会更顺从。
12、Which are so pliant, that the slightest agitation of the water, ─── 哪怕是最轻微的水波都会让它们摇动起来
13、Powder the circle is thin and pliant and tough, Lu water the fresh and beautiful is pure, meat vegetables joss-stick loose but good to eat. ─── 粉条圆细而柔韧,卤水鲜美芳纯,肉菜香松而爽口。
14、It is pliant and tastes smooth. ─── 切片性质完整,不碎裂;
15、Pliant response is an important feedback mechanism for any control that either invokes an action or changes its state, letting the user know that some action is forthcoming if she releases the mouse button. ─── 受范响应对于任何控件来说都是重要的反馈机制,或者给予动作响应,或者通过改变状态给予响应。 让使用者知道,如果释放鼠标按键,则下一个动作就会来临。
16、I kissed him suddenly, thrilled by the warmth of him, the soft pliant feel of his near human skin. ─── 我微笑,突然亲吻他,被他温暖、柔软,近乎人类的皮肤触感撩拨起来。
17、pliant rule ─── 缓变曲尺
18、If you refuse to deal with a group because it's too extreme, you don't get to deal with a more pliant, moderate alternative. ─── 如果你因为一个派别过于极端而将其搁置,那么,你不会有机会选择一个较为顺从较为温和的替代品。
19、Obedient; yielding; pliant. ─── 服从的;屈服的;依从的
20、She's proud and stubborn, you know, under that pliant exterior. ─── 她既傲气又固执,你知道的,在那温顺的外表下。
21、Urbane and pliant . . . he was at ease even in the drawing rooms of Paris (R.R. Palmer). ─── 由于他彬彬有礼且温顺谦和,所以即使是在巴黎上流社会的客厅中他也能表现得自在安然帕尔默)。
22、He kneads you until you pliant. ─── 和面般地直至你的屈服。
23、Having been moping for a bout of time,it suddenly occurs to me that a pliant people will be doomed to failure. ─── 经过一番苦苦挣扎,我突然明白,软弱的人都注定要失败.
24、He kneads you until you are pliant; ─── 他揉捏你们,直至你们柔顺。
25、In most cases, the fact that an object is pliant should be communicated to users. ─── 在大多数情况下,某个物体是受范的这一事实应该告诉给使用者;
26、a pliant nature ─── 可塑的本性
27、Then he put a forkful into his mouth, chewing with discernment the toothsome pliant meat ─── 然后往嘴里塞了一叉子,边咀嚼边细细品尝着那美味可口的嫩腰子。
28、Rejoices in the pliant branches in sweet spring; ─── 喜柔条于芳春。
29、"In repose she was like a lovely flower mirrored in the water; in motion, a pliant willow swaying in the wind. " ─── "闲静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风."
30、Then I may reckon upon tender treatment from my LORD. Indeed, I feel myself to be at best as weak, as pliant, as worthless as a reed. ─── 我还记得上帝是怎样温柔地对待我,真的,当我软弱,卑微像芦苇时,正是我觉得最幸福的时候。
31、The military government needed a pliant Chief Justice if Musharraf was to stay in office without removing his uniform. ─── 如果穆沙拉夫打算再次连任总统而又不必脱下军装,那他所代表的军政府就必需一位懂得顺从的首席大法官。
32、Having been moping for a bout of time, it suddenly occurs to me that a pliant people will be doomed to failure. ─── 经过一番苦苦挣扎,我突然明白,软弱的人都注定要失败。
33、pliant government ─── 傀儡政府
34、Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.He threshes you to make you naked.He sifts you to free you from your husks.He grinds you to whiteness.He kneads you until you are pliant; ─── 他会将你如玉米一样成捆地收集,并将你反复地打击,使你裸露出来,然后将你从你的外壳中筛选出来,再把你碾磨得白白的,最后还要把你不断地揉捏,知道你变得驯从。
35、The pliant response is also an important part of the cancel mechanism. When the user clicks down on a button, that button responds by becoming indented. ─── 受范响应对于取消机制也很重要,当使用者单击按下屏幕上的按钮时,按钮变成略微向下缩进的样子表示响应。
36、Pliant, comes from the power of running, On the scarfskin of the ostrich's paw, The area of 50 square centimeter, makes the leather rare. ─── 柔韧,来自奔跑的力量。于是不,鸵鸟爪上50公分的面积,成就皮革的名贵。
37、For example, a button control is pliant because it can be “pushed” by the mouse cursor. ─── 比如,我们说某个按键控件是受范的,那是因为它可以被鼠标按下。
38、ductile copper; malleable metals such as gold; they soaked the leather to made it pliable; pliant molten glass; made of highly tensile steel alloy. ─── 易延展的铜;例如金等延展性好的金属;他们把皮革打湿以使它变柔韧;柔韧的玻璃液;用延展性非常好的钢合金制成。
39、her pliant body/lips ─── 她绵软的肢体/嘴唇
40、Pliant response hinting should occur if the mouse is clicked (but not released) while the cursor is inside a control. The control must visually show that it is poised to undergo a state change (see Figure 19-2). ─── 受范响应暗示指的是当光标在控件上方时,这时鼠标被单击(尚未释放前),该控件必须在视觉上展现出一个状态的改变(参见图19-2)。
41、1.to finalize the design; to fall into a pattern; 2.shaped3.already fixed or hardened (as opposed to formative or pliant) ─── 定型
42、Any object that can be picked up and dragged is pliant, and every cell in a spreadsheet and every character in a word processor document is pliant. ─── 任何可以捡起来或者拖动的对象都是受范的,每个表格上的小格或者字处理软件处理的文档中的一个字都是受范的。
43、She lay pliant in his arms. ─── 她顺从地偎依在他的怀中。
44、The thought makes him shiver deliciously, sliding a hand under the sheets to caress the smooth, pliant surface of the picture. ─── 这念头让他甜美的颤抖着,伸出一只手滑到床单下面,抚摸着那张照片柔韧又光滑的表面。
45、To bend(something pliant or elastic). ─── 使(柔韧的或有弹性的东西)弯曲
46、Generally speaking, controls should offer static or dynamic visual hinting, whereas pliant (manipulable) data more frequently should offer cursor hinting. ─── 一般来说,控件应该提供静态或者动态视觉暗示,而受范(可被操作)的数据应该较多的采用光标暗示。
47、Based in Schaumburg, IL, Pliant operates 22 manufacturing and research and development facilities around the world and employs more than 3,000 people. ─── 基于位置,白细胞介素,柔软的制造和运营22个研究和发展设施在世界各地的员工超过3000人。
48、5.A light, pliant leather of horsehide or calfskin, tanned and finished to resemble elk hide. ─── 一个世界性属,常为多年生草本植物,花类似紫苑;叶有时(尤其在以前)药用。
49、"Urbane and pliant . . . he was at ease even in the drawing rooms of Paris" (R.R. Palmer). ─── “由于他彬彬有礼且温顺谦和,所以即使是在巴黎上流社会的客厅中他也能表现得自在安然” (P.R.帕尔默)。
50、The PLC governor is used widely with its high dependability in the hydraulic power pliant. ─── 它用梯形图编程,简单易用,但不灵活,且运算速度较慢,难以实现复杂的控制规律。
51、Courts in many parts of the continent are packed with pliant judges keen to do their masters' bidding. ─── 这个大陆许多地区的法院都满是圆通的法官,他们热衷于按其主子的意旨行事。
52、The check box has a strong visual affordance for clicking; it appears as a pliant area because of a mouseover highlight or a 3D “recessed” visual treatment. ─── 如图21-3所示,复选框有强烈的可供单击的视觉启示,它存在受范区域。 因为当鼠标经过时会突出显示,或者有三维凹进的视觉处理。
53、Moreover, should an underdog try to use the new law to enforce his rights, the corrupt and pliant judiciary would usually ensure he was wasting his time. ─── 而且,如果弱者试图用新法律来捍卫他自己的权利,腐败、无原则可言的司法部门通常也会保证他不会“得逞”。
54、Pliant structure ─── 柔性结构
55、But restful, calm and pliant, From bend and bias free, ─── 乃是柔软、安静、安息,脱离倾向与成见;
56、Our factory's spring chairs are Both pliant and strong, and comfortable to sit in. ─── 本厂弹簧椅,韧硬兼顾,坐感舒服。
57、Pliant molten glass. ─── 可塑的融化玻璃
58、A light, pliant leather of horsehide or calfskin, tanned and finished to resemble elk hide. ─── 软鞣粗皮一种鞣制得象麋鹿皮一样的轻盈、柔韧的马皮或小牛皮
59、2. When it is dragged over pliant areas, an additional percussive tap could indicate this collision. ─── 当它被拖到受范区域时,一个附加的敲击声提示这种碰触。
60、The rest of the window is not pliant for repositioning, so the click-and-drag idiom is available for functions within the window, as you would expect. ─── 这样正如你可能希望的,单击拖动习惯用法就可以用于窗口内的其他功能。
61、What should you do when your pliant co-operative child turns into a monosyllabic teenage grump? ─── 当原本听话顺从的孩子变成一个一意孤行的暴躁少年时,你该怎么办呢?
62、The RFID solution enables Pliant to use handheld devices to track products and identify potential tampering in real-time. ─── RFID的解决方案使柔软使用手持设备来跟踪产品和确定潜在的被篡改的实时。
63、4.the plastic minds of children; a pliant nature. ─── 孩子们的思想是可塑的;可塑的本性。
64、A Pliant Method For Anisotropic Mesh Generation ─── 一种格网生成方法
65、The pliant branches of young trees ─── 小树柔软的枝条.
66、“Urbane and pliant ... he was at ease even in the drawing rooms of Paris” (R.R.Palmer). ─── “由于他彬彬有礼且温顺谦和,所以即使是在巴黎上流社会的客 ...
67、Pliant Corporation celebrated the grand opening of a new 10,000 square foot R&D expansion at 1701 First Avenue Chippewa Falls, WI. ─── 柔软公司隆重庆祝了新的10000平方英尺的研发扩大在1701年第一大道佩瓦瀑布,美国威斯康星。
68、He grinds you to whiteness.He kneads you until you are pliant; ─── 在那里,你将欢笑,却无法笑出所有的欢乐。
69、deciduous shrub of eastern North America having blue-black berries and tough pliant wood formerly used to make arrows. ─── 北美东部的一种落叶灌木,浆果蓝黑色,其木柔韧、以前用来做箭。
70、So we see, in languages, the tongue is more pliant to all expressionless and sounds, the joints are suppler to all feats off activity and motions, in youth than afterwards. ─── 教育中的问题不在于孩子有没有能力去做、能不能做好,而是学校、家庭、社会是不是在给他们创造这样的条件、这样的氛围。
71、He was deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor. ─── 他被赶下台,由一个比较容易摆布的继任者取代。
72、Lovely and pliant like a little bird ─── 小鸟依人
73、The pulsed Nd:YAG laser has pliant and tough optic fiber delivering the light beam, red light toghther the road instructions as well as apt to arrive the oral cavity. ─── 脉冲nd:YAG激光具有柔韧的光导纤维传输光束、红光同路指示,易于到达口腔内治疗部位。
74、cried he, striking a light hammer with a pliant handle on a small gong ─── 他一面喊,一面用一把软把的木槌,敲了一下铜锣。
75、Pliant Organization and Blurred Contract of International Production of Transnational Corporations ─── 跨国公司国际生产的柔性组织和模糊契约
76、Carefully selected quality the pliant and tough and rich elastic laurel bamboo, bamboo,purple bamboo,the hair bamboo...etc. is done with meticulous care but become a bamboo light. ─── 精选质地柔韧、富有弹性的桂竹、楠竹、紫竹、毛竹等精心制作而成竹灯。
77、6. Dynamic visual hinting works like this: When the cursor passes over a pliant object, it changes its appearance (see Figure 19-3). ─── 动态视觉暗示是这样工作的,当光标经过受范对象时,该对象会改变其外观(参见图19-3)。
78、New research shows how the pliant animals create such a stiff limb. ─── 新研究显示了这种软梯动物时如何形成这样有力的肢体。
79、Silicon has proved considerably less pliant than ruby crystals or other subsequently developed lasing media. ─── 和红宝石晶体或后来开发的其他雷射介质相比,矽的顺应程度低了很多。
80、I kissed him suddenly, thrilled by the warmth of him, the soft pliant feel of his near human skin. ─── 我微笑,突然亲吻他,被他温暖、柔软,近乎人类的皮肤触感撩拨起来。
81、She lay pliant in his arms. ─── 她顺从地偎依在他的怀中。
82、Bend to the earth our pliant knees, ─── 难道我们理应屈膝跪在这片土地上,
83、pliant hedge ─── 绿篱
84、the leaves and stems of which are so pliant, that the slightest agitation of the water causes them to stir as if they had life. ─── 所有的大小鱼儿在这些枝子中间游来游去,像是天空的飞鸟。
85、He kneads you until you are pliant. ─── 爱更能揉和你,直到你与爱融为一体。
86、For 30 years, Singapore has been widely seen by both foreigners and locals to be a country where the climate for opinion is sterile, and a society peopled by a pliant population. ─── 30年来,国外或民间,新加坡被普遍定位为言论空气沉闷、服从意识强烈的社会。
87、6.As pliant as silicon has been over the last half-century, carbon nanotubes have some significant advantages. ─── 尽管硅在过去半个世纪里用途广泛,但碳纳米管拥有某些明显优势。
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