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08-28 投稿


gainsay 发音

英:[ˌɡeɪnˈseɪ]  美:[ˌɡeɪnˈseɪ]

英:  美:

gainsay 中文意思翻译




gainsay 短语词组

1、gainsay defined ─── 否认定义

2、beyond gainsay ─── 毋庸置疑,不可否认

3、gainsay meaning ─── 否定的意思

4、gainsay wsj ─── 反对华尔街日报

5、gainsay crossword clue ─── 反填字谜线索

6、gainsay definition ─── 否定的定义

7、gainsay means ─── 否定的手段

gainsay 词性/词形变化,gainsay变形


gainsay 反义词


gainsay 同义词

contravene | controvert | argue | negate | contradict | disaffirm | deny | refute | challenge | denial | naysay |negative | dispute | contradiction | oppose

gainsay 相似词语短语

1、gainsays ─── vt.反驳;否定;n.否认;反对

2、chainsaw ─── n.链锯

3、gainsaying ─── v.否认,反驳(事实、陈述);反驳,反对(某人)(gainsay的现在分词)

4、gainly ─── adj.姿态优美的

5、gainsaid ─── v.否认;反对(gainsay的过去分词);adj.被否认的

6、gainsayer ─── 反对者

7、gains ─── n.收益;[经]利益;腰槽;榫眼(gain的复数);v.获得;增加;赚得(gain的三单形式);开腰槽;以榫槽固定

8、gainst ─── prep.反抗(等于against)

9、to gainsay ─── 反驳

gainsay 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nobody can gainsay his claims. ─── 没人能够反驳他的说法。

2、Heap on me names yet more detestable,And I shall not gainsay you; ─── ) 对,我亲爱的孩子,说吧,把我当作背信的东西,无耻的东西、恶人、强盗、凶手看待吧,还要用可憎的字眼儿来骂我吧:我绝不反驳;

3、Remove the element so thoroughly and solely complained of--liquor--and there would not be one to gainsay the qualities of beauty and enthusiasm which would remain. ─── 把酒这个遭人非议和怪罪的因素去掉,那么没有人会否认酒店具有华丽和热情两大气质。

4、But if forthwith he gainsay it, she shall not be bound by the promise: because her husband gainsaid it, and the Lord will be merciful to her. ─── 她的丈夫既声明无效,上主也就宽恕她。

5、The umpire gare his decision with an airadmitting of no gainsay. ─── 裁判员以不容反对的神气作出了决定。

6、Who could gainsay that? ─── 谁会否认这个?

7、And those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned by all decent people. ─── 谁否认祖先的智慧,谁就会遭到正人君子的冷落。

8、but a life of disinterested love is an argument they cannot gainsay. ─── 言行一致,并以基督的柔和为特征的生活,是一种足以影响全世界的能力。

9、Thus,the existence of law is rational,and the science of law is scientific,At last,faced with the critiques from the sociological and behavioral,Albert,gives his gainsay. ─── 只有这样,法律的存在才是理性的,法学的存在才是科学的。 最后,针对行为主义以及社会学等批判,阿尔伯特提出了自己的反驳。

10、Beyond gainsay it is a genuine Rembrandt. ─── 无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。

11、Nobody can gainsay the extraordinary achievement wrought by China in the fastest industrial revolution in human history. ─── 无人否认中国在堪称人类历史上最快的工业革命中取得的非凡成就。

12、For in the Valley of Ignorance whatever was old was venerable. And those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned by all decent people. ─── 在无知山谷里,古老的东西总是受到尊敬。谁否认祖先的聪明,谁就会遭到正人君子的冷落。

13、Thus, the existence of law is rational, and the science of law is scientific, At last, faced with the critiques from the sociological and behavioral, Albert, gives his gainsay. ─── 只有这样,法律的存在才是理性的,法学的存在才是科学的。最后,针对行为主义以及社会学等批判,阿尔伯特提出了自己的反驳。

14、" and no one dared gainsay him. ─── "果然没有人能控诉他。

15、"I hope you won't gainsay the fact that I have a 50% right to furnish the house, " she said. ─── “我希望你不否认我有50%的权利给房子配家具,”她说。

16、'I don't gainsay it. ─── “这话我不反对。

17、those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned by all decent people. ─── 谁去否认祖先的智慧,谁就会遭到正人君子的冷落。

18、and the last, to analyze them item by item, and gainsay benevolence, righteousness and propriety but affirm wisdom and fidelity. ─── 四是逐条分析,否定其中的仁、义、礼,肯定其中的智与信。

19、The practical and pragmatic gainsay the Utopian and transcendental ─── 实际的和实用的,否定了空想的和先验的东西。

20、they are facts which none can gainsay. ─── 也是没有人能反驳的事实。

21、In his summary dismissal he had proof that he could not gainsay. ─── 耶稣的一句断然斥责,就使他无法反驳。

22、'You are my husband'added she, in a low murmuring voice; 'is it for me to gainsay you? ' ─── “你是我的丈夫”她以一种喃喃的低语声补充说道,“难道我能和你唱对台戏吗?”

23、I hope you won't gainsay the fact that I have a 50% right to furnish the house, "she said." ─── 我进展你不否定我有50%的权力给房子配家具,”她说。

24、beyond gainsay ─── 无可否认, 不容置疑

25、She is a fine woman - that nobody can gainsay. ─── 她是个好女人-无人能否认。

26、for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to withstand or to gainsay. ─── 因为我要赐给你们口才和智慧,使你们的敌人对你们所说的话无法反对辩驳。

27、So, I think it shouldn't due a few graduater's bad habit, then gainsay graduater's worth! ─── 所以哦,我觉得不应该因为一些极少数的大学生的恶习而否定大学生的价值!

28、13 But if forthwith he gainsay it, she shall not be bound by the promise: because her husband gainsaid it, and the Lord will be merciful to her. ─── 但是,如果她的丈夫,在听说的那天,声明无效;凡她所说出的,不论是许的愿,或发的戒誓,一概无效;她的丈夫既声明无效,上主也就宽恕她。

29、Yet others, including one of the Taliban escapes, gainsay the idea that the breakout had inside assistance. ─── 然而其他人,包括一位塔利班越狱犯,否认这次越狱有内部人员的协助。

30、For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. ─── 因为我必赐你们口才智慧、是你们一切敌人所敌不住、驳不倒的。

31、trying to gainsay the evidence; ─── 竭力否认证据;

32、nanght may I gainsay, I despaire not, for truly the hopes I cherished have perishied, are dead. ─── 但容我驳斥,事实上我所绝望的是我曾经珍爱的希望已枯槁,死亡。

33、Associated with CPI, the working attitude index, the working capability index, the super index and the gainsay index, it build up a performance appraisal index system of group leaders based on KPI. ─── 同时对接一般业绩指标(CPI)、班组长工作能力指标、班组长工作态度指标、超级考核指标和否定指标,建立起以关键业绩指标(KPI)为核心的班组长绩效考核指标体系。

34、I hope you wont gainsay the fact that I have a 50% right to furnish the house, she said. ─── 我希望你不否认我有50%的权利给房子配家具,她说。

35、"You are my husband" added she, in a low murmuring voice; "Is it for me to gainsay you?" ─── “你是我的丈夫”她以一种喃喃的低语声补充说道,“难道我能和你唱对台戏吗?”

36、" She would not gainsay the count, and although she did it unwillingly she drew the ring from her finger, and gave it to him. ─── 伯爵夫人不敢违背丈夫,尽管不乐意,还是把戒指退了下来,递给了伯爵。

37、15For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to resist and gainsay. ─── 15因为我要给你们口才和明智,是你们的一切仇敌所不能抵抗及辩驳的。

38、If someone ask the same question to me now, I will gainsay me words too. ─── 现在如果还问我这个问题,我应该也会否定自己的答案。

39、Beyond gainsay it is a genuine Rembrandt ─── 无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。

40、9 But if as soon as he heareth he gainsay it, and make her promises and the words wherewith she had bound her soul of no effect : the Lord will forgive her. ─── 但是,如果她丈夫在听说的那天,禁止了她,他就取消了她所许的愿,和口中冒然所发的戒誓,上主也必宽恕她。

41、If Darwin were not so irreplaceable as Lincoln, that should not gainsay his accomplishment. ─── 即使达尔文并不是象林肯那样不可替代,但这并不会否认他的成就。

42、For in the Valley of Ignorance, whatever was old was venerable. And those who dared to gainsay the wisdom of the fathers were shunned by all decent people. ─── 在无知山谷里,古老的东西总是受到尊敬。谁否认祖先的智慧,谁就会遭到正人君子的冷落。

43、“I hope you won't gainsay the fact that I have a 50% right to furnish the house,” she said. ─── “我进展你不否定我有50%的权力给房子配家具,”她说。

44、25 Never gainsay the truth, and struggle not against the rushing stream. ─── 不要出言反对真理,不要阻止下流的河水。

45、If Darwin were not so irreplaceable as Lincoln, that should not gainsay his accomplishment. ─── 即使达尔文并不是象林肯那样不可替代,但这并不会否认他的成就。

46、No one will gainsay his integrity. ─── 没有人对他的正直有话可讲。

47、I will not gainsay loe, called loe forsooth. ─── 我不想问:真有爱这回事吗?有就有吧--

48、If you believe i can, then i can, yet even all people gainsay me. ─── 即使所有的人都说我不行,只要你说我行,我就一定能行。

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