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asceticism 发音

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asceticism 中文意思翻译



asceticism 词性/词形变化,asceticism变形

副词: ascetically |

asceticism 短语词组

1、asceticism and its critics ─── 禁欲主义及其批判

2、worldly asceticism ─── 世俗禁欲主义

3、asceticism antonym ─── 禁欲主义反义词

4、asceticism for body building ─── 健身禁欲主义

5、asceticism defined ─── 禁欲主义定义

6、asceticism and jainism ─── 禁欲主义与耆那教

7、asceticism is ─── 禁欲主义是

8、asceticism mtg ─── 禁欲主义mtg

9、asceticism kjv ─── 禁欲主义

asceticism 相似词语短语

1、aestheticism ─── n.唯美主义

2、astaticism ─── n.不稳定;不安定;无定向性

3、estheticism ─── n.唯美主义

4、athleticism ─── n.崇尚运动,积极参与运动;运动能力,运动才能

5、ascetics ─── adj.苦行的;禁欲主义的;n.苦行者;禁欲者

6、asepticism ─── n.无菌法;无菌外科学说

7、archaicism ─── 古语

8、scepticism ─── n.怀疑;怀疑论;怀疑主义

9、cosmeticism ─── 美容

asceticism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is not willing to hurt you, he does not want to place you into his Asceticism. ─── 他不愿意伤害你,他更不想把你也带进他的苦行。

2、the practice asceticism model ─── 修炼模式

3、What's going on is some aspect of asceticism is being taught to these people and some of them seem to be giving into it. ─── 禁欲主义的一些方面,被教授给这些人,有些人似乎开始接受。

4、An attractive body troubles even an ascetic spirit. But don't be deceived by hypocrites and false virtue. Deception is lying in wait. ─── 一个诱人的身体甚至困扰修道的精神。但是不不要被伪君子和不真实的美德欺骗。诡计处于正在等候。

5、Vanamee turned his lean ascetic face toward him, his black eyes fixed attentively ─── 伐那米把一张苦行僧似的消瘦的脸转过来,一双黑眼睛全神贯注的盯着他望。

6、Maybe such kind of life is something like an ascetic, but we should work hard and try hard in our youth, aren’t we? ─── 也许这样的生活是什么样的禁欲主义,但我们应该努力工作,努力在我们的青年,不是吗?

7、Has been distorted at times: monasticism, asceticism. ─── 可是曾被歪曲:修道院运动,禁欲主义等。

8、He approached the Buddha and said to him: “May be you've seen my oxen, ascetic? ─── 他走向佛陀说:‘沙门,也许你已经看到我的牛了吧!’

9、In the Christianity that he himself created, a mixture of heathenism and Christianism, there are full of praise to natural religion, great esteem to feeling and protest to asceticism. ─── 夏多布里昂创造的那个"基督教",是一种异教和基督教混合的东西,这里面充满了对自然神教的赞美、对感情的推崇和对禁欲主义的抗议。

10、He did, in fact, become a dour ascetic. ─── 他, 实际上, 成为一个阴郁的禁欲主义者。

11、He had sunken cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight back, and an ascetic aspect ─── 他两腮下陷,面色发黄,腰板挺得笔直,显出一副苦行僧的样子。

12、an old man, very tall and spare, with an ascetic aspect ─── 一位很高也很精瘦的老人,一副苦行僧的样子

13、The image of Claude,vice-bishop in Notre Dame De Paris,is of a dual character,both as representative of religious evil force and as victim of religious asceticism. ─── 《巴黎圣母院》中的副主教克罗德的形象具有双重特征,既是宗教恶势力的代表,又是宗教禁欲主义的牺牲品。

14、The "Jesus Family" was the viaration of Christianity .This religious group had a brilliant selfhood for carrying out asceticism and Christian communism. ─── “耶稣家庭”是基督教的变异物,“家庭”中实行的禁欲主义和基督教共产主义,使这个宗教团体有着鲜明的个性。

15、feudal ethics and asceticism ─── 存天理灭人欲

16、Monasticism and Asceticism develop as important movements in the early Christian church. ─── 修道院制度和禁欲主义的发展是早期基督教会的重要运动。

17、But Mani was the greatest prophet who, as the paraclete, proclaimed a salvation by knowledge (gnosis) consisting of strict ascetic practices. ─── 但是,摩尼是一个最伟大的先知,作为一位辩护者,宣布拯救是通过知识(灵知),由严厉的禁欲修行组成。

18、pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic. ─── 关于苦行僧或具其特点。

19、He is ascetic and has a good attitude towards everything. ─── 他这个人清心寡欲, 心态好得很。

20、He said that Qigong was an exercise from ancient times in China to keep practitioners in good health with asceticism. ─── 他说,气功是中国一种古老的养生修炼术,分为静功与动功。

21、To a disciple who was attempting forms of asceticism that bordered on the bizarre the Master was heard to say, "Holiness is a mysterious thing: The greater it is, the less it is noticed". ─── 他对一个尝试倡导一种很奇异的苦行僧主义的门徒说:“神圣是一件很神奇的事情,往往越神圣的东西越不被人注意。”

22、To practice ascetic discipline or self-denial of the body and its appetites. ─── 克制贯彻克己原则或身体及其欲望的克己

23、He began training in the ascetic life and practicing vigorous austere practices. ─── 他开始在按苦修者的生活来训练,开始有力的严厉实践。

24、Most likely you are not an ascetic isolated from overwhelming materialistic reality of our so-called "civilization". ─── 大多数人很可能不是修道的没有与无法抗拒的我们所谓的“文明”唯物主义实相相隔绝。

25、The concept of celibacy carries connotations of asceticism and religious fervor. ─── 修道者的独身观念含有禁欲兴宗教热情之意。

26、Ascetic practice is the best way to expel erroneous and illusive thoughts. ─── 76修苦行是去除妄念最好的方法。

27、Both an ascetic monk and a high-living playboy may assign 1000 units to a steak and 100 units to a potato. ─── 一个苦行僧和一个花花公子对牛排的偏好可能都是1000效用单位,对土豆的偏好都是100效用单位。

28、Throughout history power has been the vice of the ascetic. ─── 从古至今,权力都是苦行者的罪恶嗜好。

29、He lives an ascetic life. ─── 他过着苦行的生活。。

30、Next, not desiring the wealth of this life, they will endure meditation in the mountains through their ascetic discipline and energy. ─── 他们对世间的财富不起眷念,能在山中精进地苦修各种禅定。

31、The Quanzhen School of Taoism, established at the Jin and Yuan dynasties, called on Taoists to live an ascetic life and to minimize the needs for material life. ─── 创立于金元之际的全真道更要求道士们过一种禁欲主义的生活,把物质生活的需要抑制到最低水平。

32、In Tantra, science and mysticism go hand in hand, as do sensuality and asceticism. ─── 在坦陀罗,科学与神秘主义手牵手,就像纵欲与禁欲一样。

33、the doctrine of a sect of Hindu philosophers who practiced nudity and asceticism and meditation. ─── 印度哲学家流派的学说他们实行裸体和禁欲主义和冥思。

34、So, given the nineteenth century, we are opposed, as a general proposition, and among all peoples, in Asia as well as in Europe, in India as well as in Turkey, to ascetic claustration. ─── 因此,现在既是十九世纪,那么,无论是在亚洲或欧洲,无论是在印度或土耳其,一般说,我们都反对那种出家修行的制度。

35、We do not necessarily follow the lead of the Quanzhen founders for an asceticism life. However, we can and should wipe out selfish desires and live on moderate consumption. ─── 从环保的角度来看,人类不节制欲望,环境就不可能从根本上得到改善。

36、The long centuries of asceticism were forgotten in a riot of art and poetry and pleasure. ─── 今者,人间亦有乐趣:享盛誉于邦国,创文艺之美,猎奇于远方,皆人间乐事。

37、5.He next practised asceticism, which was very common among Samanas. ─── 他下一步是实行苦行,在沙门中十分普遍。

38、Asceticism practiced in a monastery ─── 修道生活;禁欲主义

39、I should have known that monks practice asceticism. ─── 我应该知道和尚奉行禁欲主义,还好他没有生气。

40、asceticism practiced in a monastery. ─── 在修道院中实施的禁欲主义。

41、At midnight the would-be ascetic announced ─── 夜半,那个自称的苦行人宣告说

42、So they were practicing a certain kind of early asceticism and monasticism but with this very strong prophetic stream of it also. ─── 所以他们遵行的,是早期的禁欲主义和修道主义,但同时又有很浓重的先知性质。

43、Nothing could be more disastrous to proper perception of Greek thought than to suppose that Hippolytus was in the the slightest degree an ascetic. ─── 对于希腊思想的正确看法, 没有比认为希波吕托斯一点也称不上禁欲者更糟糕的想法.

44、Aspiring to be a follower of the ascetic Sankara, he cherished a great hatred for women. ─── 他热心于成为苦行者商羯罗的追随者,对妇女抱着极大憎恨。

45、However, don't spend too much time making a choice between co-habitation and an ascetic life. One today is worth two tomorrows. Happy life with you! ─── 但,请不要浪费太多的时间在同居与苦行僧生活间的抉择上。毕竟,一个今天胜似两个明天。祝生活愉快!

46、Spiritual practitioners should shun the two extremes of indulgence and meaningless asceticism. ─── 修行应该避开纵欲与自虐两种极端。

47、Why are you so ascetic? ─── 你为什么如此克己呢?

48、For two thousand years or more man has been subjected to a systematic effort to transform him into an ascetic animal. ─── 为2000年或更长时间的男子,一直受到有系统的努力改造他成为禁欲动物.

49、the doctrine of a sect of Hindu philosophers who practiced nudity and asceticism and meditation ─── 印度哲学家流派的学说,他们实行裸体和禁欲主义和冥思

50、The dualism origins of the ancient Christian asceticism ─── 古代基督教禁欲主义的诸种二元论根源

51、Through ascetic practices, people can become immortals, so they especially value the cultivation of long life. ─── 人通过修炼身体可以成仙,所以他们特别重视养生。

52、The "Jesus Family" was the viaration of Christianity.This religious group had a brilliant selfhood for carrying out asceticism and Christian communism. ─── “耶稣家庭”是基督教的变异物,“家庭”中实行的禁欲主义和基督教共产主义,使这个宗教团体有着鲜明的个性。

53、founded in the 6th century as a revolt against Hinduism; emphasizes asceticism and immortality and transmigration of the soul; denies existence of a perfect or supreme being. ─── 创立于六世纪,反对印度教的一种宗教:强调禁欲苦行,灵魂不朽与生命轮回,否认全能的神的存在。

54、Dao Lang: I'm an Ascetic for Music ─── 刀郎:音乐世界的苦行憎

55、10. No, my friends, I shall never be an ascetic, whatever you may say. ─── 不,我的朋友,我永不会做一个苦行者,随便你怎么说。

56、After six years of ascetic practice, at last Sakyamuni went to Gaya and meditate under a bodhi tree. ─── 在廿九岁那年的一个晚上,他毅然舍弃王位的继承权,悄然离开皇宫,实践出家修行。

57、Thus asceticism according to the definition of St.Jerome, is an effort to attain true perfection, penance being only an auxiliary virtue thereto. ─── 因此,根据禁欲主义的定义,圣杰罗姆,是为了实现真正的完美,忏悔只是一种辅助美德情况。

58、Later, Green Snake Spirit had taken ascetic in the mountains and practiced kongfu for many years,so she broke the pagoda and set White Snake Spirit free. ─── 后来,青蛇精在深山中修炼,习武多年,终于砸烂了那座塔,救出白蛇精。

59、No, my friends, I shall never be an ascetic, whatever you may say. ─── 不,我的朋友,我永不会做一个苦行者,随便你怎么说。

60、I am not speaking here about asceticism or abstinence. ─── 我说的并不是苦行主义或禁欲主义。

61、Greek and Roman classicism, Chinese Confucianism, European Romanticism and American Republican agrarianism credited him a georgic dimension to his pastoral and ascetic commitments. ─── 从古希腊与罗马田园文学、中国儒家哲学、欧洲浪漫主义思想和美国建国初期农业共和国理想中,他吸取了自然具有审美情趣和道德力量的观点;

62、So the attitude of religious asceticism is exclusive in the passions. ─── 因此他没有对激情采取宗教禁欲主义的态度。

63、Only the few of us lived an ascetic and dull life in wilderness all alone. ─── 只是几十个人在孤零零的荒野上,过上了苦行僧的无聊生活。

64、Inclined to self-denial; ascetic. ─── 克己的;苦行僧的

65、The asceticism that is buddhism is right the blow of the art in Taoist school room. ─── 一是佛教的禁欲主义对道家房中术的打击。

66、He loved pretty girls, music and song: there was nothing ascetic about him, though he chose to live an ascetic life. ─── 他百无禁忌,却又过着一种苦行僧式的生活。

67、His thin, ascetic face mirrors an intensity of thought ─── 他那苦行僧似的瘦脸反映出他正在冥思苦索。

68、Her opposed the asceticism of devotion to sciences, advocated the gay science. ─── 他反对为科学献身的苦行主义,主张快乐的科学。

69、A Hindu ascetic, or sadhu, wrapped in a bright-red cloth, smokes underneath a vad (banyan) tree outside a temple in Mumbai (Bombay), India. ─── 印度孟买,一个印度教修道者,或称圣人,包裹在鲜红的衣服里,正在一个寺庙外面的菩提树下抽烟。

70、No difference heart in one's bosom is genuine asceticism. ─── 二一、内心没有分别心,就是真正的苦行。

71、an old man, very tall and spare, with an ascetic aspect(William H.Mallock. ─── 一位很高也很精瘦的老人,一副苦行僧的样子(威廉 H 马尔洛克)。

72、But he did not wish any of his disciples to become a dry ascetic or a mere bookworm. ─── 他叫哈里在生活中实践吠檀多,放弃不真实的念头,追随真实。

73、He has cultivated the rich Sufi ascetic spirit of the disciples themselves becamezhe he lin ye in various parts of the backbone of the dissemination of the teachings. ─── 他所培养的这批富有苏非派献身苦行精神的弟子,成了哲赫林耶在各地传播教义的骨干力量。

74、After 6 years, and at the brink of death, he found that the severe ascetic practices did not lead to greater understanding. ─── 六年之后,在死亡的边缘上,他发现严厉的实践并不能引向更大的解脱。

75、The monks lived a very ascetic life. ─── 僧侣过着很清苦的生活。

76、He became an Augustinian monk and practised such asceticism that his health was impaired ─── 他成为奥古斯丁时期的修士,他实行苦行主义以致身体受到了伤害。

77、In truth, the young woman had finally grown tired of the vanity of her life and felt ready at last to start a new life of asceticism. ─── 不过实际上,是这位年轻的女士最终厌倦了浮华,并打算开始一段寡欲的新生活。

78、Ascetic practice cannot make one an enlightened Saint; it will only turn you into a bitter person. Our life is bitter enough, so why should we want to practice asceticism? ─── 修苦行不能成佛,修苦行变成苦人,我们的生活已经够苦了,怎么还要修什么苦行?

79、Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation, asceticism, and restraint. ─── 甘地体现了克己、禁欲和自我约束的美德。

80、In this sense, Zhu Xi's ethical stance, like that of most Song-Ming Confucians' pertained to rigorism, but not to asceticism. ─── 这说明了朱子的伦理学观点如多数的宋明儒者一样,属于“严格主义”,而非“禁欲主义”。

81、Diligent Practice of Asceticism Shown by Qiu Chuji in His Ci Related with Taoism ─── 从丘处机道教词看其苦修

82、As vegetarians who lead ascetic lives, many of the monks and nuns say they have a conflicted relationship with the outside world, even if they must rely on busloads of tourists for their income. ─── 作为苦心修炼的素食主意者,大多数的尼姑和和尚说道他们的生活与外界是相冲突的,即使他们的主要收入来源于游客们公共汽车的运载费。

83、the ascetic existence of monks and hermits ─── 僧侣隐士的清苦生活.

84、Technological progress, not nostalgia or asceticism, is the only reliable way for greens' visions of "sustainability" to be sustained. ─── 技术进步,而不是怀旧或禁欲主义,是唯一可靠的方式,让“可持续性”的目标持续下去。

85、Its practitioners focus on personal sacrifice, hoping that their ideals and asceticism will spread like a religion ─── 实践这一理念的人将精力集中于个人所做出的牺牲,希望自己的理想和禁欲主义能够像宗教一样四处传播。

86、They contain a strong call to a life of personal piety and asceticism, including vegetarianism, teetotalism, and celibacy. ─── 他们强烈要求包含一个teetotalism生活个人的虔诚和禁欲主义,包括素食,独身和。

87、Acute toxicity of D-79 was evaluated by Bliss method: at a tolerable dose level,D-79 was administrated to treat transplanted solid tumor U14 and ascetic tumors EAC and HAC. ─── Bliss法观察D-79急性毒性实验;

88、Around 500 BC asceticism became widespread, and increasing numbers of intelligent young men "gave up the world" to search for release from transmigration by achieving a state of psychic security. ─── 大约公元前500左右,苦行变得流行起来,越来越多有才智的年轻人“放弃了世界”,通过达到某种精神的安全来寻求从轮回中得到解脱。

89、In the heart, he is very clear the person that oneself are not an asceticism, just expect body and mind of capture of can good by woman all the time. ─── 内心里,他很清楚自己并非一个禁欲主义者,只不过一直期待能被一个好女人俘获身心。

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