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08-23 投稿


avast 发音

英:[ə'vɑːst]  美:[ə'væst]

英:  美:

avast 中文意思翻译



avast 短语词组

1、betaling avast ─── 支付前卫

2、avast browser avast ─── 浏览器

3、avast vpn avast vpn

4、avast free antivirus avast ─── 免费杀毒软件

5、avast secureline avast ─── 安全线

6、avast download avast ─── 下载

7、avast secure browser avast ─── 安全浏览器

avast 相似词语短语

1、aghast ─── adj.吓呆的,惊骇的;吃惊的

2、avaunt ─── int.滚;走开

3、vast ─── adj.广阔的;巨大的;大量的;巨额的;n.浩瀚;广阔无垠的空间;n.(Vast)人名;(法)瓦斯特

4、avantist ─── n.前卫派

5、-cast ─── vt.投,抛;计算;浇铸;投射(光、影、视线等);n.投掷,抛;铸件,[古生]铸型;演员阵容;脱落物;vi.投,抛垂钓鱼钩;计算,把几个数字加起来;n.(Cast)人名;(法)卡斯特

6、avanti ─── n.两代情(电影名称);美国阿文蒂汽车公司

7、agast ─── 阿加斯特

8、apast ─── 极速

9、avant- ─── adj.激进的;先锋派的;prep.在…之前

avast 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For emergency purposes we also offer the Virus Cleaner as a standalone product, capable of running without installed avast. ─── 紧急情况下,病毒清理器可当作独立产品使用,无需安装avast!程序也可以使用。

2、Professional Edition and one avast! ─── 不信,哥们儿,试试就知道了。

3、Avast - Nothing found! ─── Avast -没有发现!

4、The paid AV now includes a new virtualization module as well as all the features from the free AV and features previously exclusive to avast! ─── 免费的视听会,当然,包括从现有的家庭版的所有功能,再加上新的额外的情侣(我将在博客分享更多细节随着时间的推移)。

5、exe is a process that belongs to the Avast Anti-Virus application.The process manages the automatic updates and s... ─── 进程文件: aswupdsv or aswupdsv.exe 进程名称: Avast Anti-Virus Component 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: aswupdsv.

6、Is it possible to setup avast! HOME to automatically delete infected attachments from incoming e-mail messages? ─── 是否能够自动删除传入e-mail邮件的被感染附件?

7、Stop heaving or avast heaving ─── 停止绞锚

8、Theproduct will be offered in three flavors: a free AV (that will super sede avast! ─── 0的三种版本:1,免费版(对应4.8中的家庭版);

9、Avast heaving! ─── 停绞!

10、"avast! antivirus Home Edition represents the best free antivirus protection currently available on the market. This edition is FREE OF CHARGE for non-commercial &home use. " ─── 老牌杀毒软件,带有网页防护等常用功能,界面很酷,使用起来非常爽。要免费使用,需到官方网站简单注册,成功后会将软件注册码发到你的邮箱。

11、* greatly improved performance of the updater, especially in cases where many increments are being downloaded (e.g. avast! ─── installations with outdated virus definitions) 极大地改善升级性能,特别在许多增量包被下载处(例如 AVAST!

12、The Exchange module also recognizes the avast! PUSH iAVS messages. ─── Exchange模组能够识别PUSH iAVS信息。

13、exe is a part of the Avast Internet security suite.This utility forms an important part of your computers protection against In... ─── 进程文件: ashDisp or ashDisp.exe 进程名称: Avast AntiVirus 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: ashDisp.

14、This can happen if you install avast! On a computer where another antivirus is already installed. It will cause a conflict between them and the computer freezes. ─── 这种问题的出现很可能是因为您的计算机上同时安装有一个以上的杀毒软件,两个杀毒软件之间产生兼容问题,导致计算机死机。

15、Avast heave in! ─── 停绞!(锚已到锚链筒口

16、AVAST from the Czech Republic, has 17 years of history, but only recently in the rise here, It has a leading position in foreign markets. ─── 来自捷克的AVAST,已有17年的历史,但最近才在我们这里兴起,它在国外市场一直处于领先地位。

17、sandbox- File system shield: improved on-close scanning- avast! ─── 沙盒-文件系统屏蔽:关闭扫描改进全部别动!

18、"VRDB checks files integrity and stores it database.When file gets infected avast!checks if the file is present in VRDB.If it is,it will repair almost without any problems. ─── 这个口水贴就此打住,你自己去官网查关于VRDB吧,这个VRDB工作原理是不同于一般杀软的直接清除的!

19、It can be solved easily by downloading, and installing, the latest version of avast! ─── 下载并安装最新版本的程序,然后你便可以正确!

20、This offer is valid for the full line of avast! products excluding BART CD. The update database for BART CD - 1 year is 20% of the original purchase price. ─── 重要提示:已经购买我们任意产品的客户,想获得续期折扣,必须符合以下条件:

21、exe is a process belonging to the Avast Internet Security Suite, and protects your computer from Internet-bound threats. ─── 进程文件: ashWebSv or ashWebSv.exe 进程名称: avast!Web Scanner 进程类别:应用进程 英文描述: ashWebSv.

22、You're isolated in avast, empty continent. ─── 你被隔断于一个复纯而空无的大陆。

23、Welcome to the download page of the avast! Distributed Network Manager ADNM. ─── Distributed Network Manager ADNM的下载页面。

24、4.8 Home Edition), a paid AV (successor of avast! ─── 2,付费版(对应4.8中的专业版);

25、For example, we have radically improved the time it takes the computer to boot, making the slowdown imposed by avast! ─── 该性能优化不局限于杀毒引擎只;该计划现在使用的各种技巧,觉得轻如可能并不会干扰你的工作以任何方式。

26、Thepaid AV now includes a new virtualization module as well as all thefeatures from the free AV and features previously exclusive to avast! ─── 免费视听,当然包含所有的功能从现有的家庭版,加上一些新的演员(我将分享更多细节关于博客随着时间的推移)。

27、Why spent so much time on figuring out how to make 瑞星 work? Avast Home Free Edition already supports Chinese language. ─── 不是每一个人会这样想的,瑞星的攻关在杀软里面算是专家了,我们单位安装瑞星的海了去了。

28、Avast! Belay the port jib, and scupper the mains 'l on the poop deck! ─── 停住!把绳拴在港口上,用排水管排掉甲板和船尾的水!

29、We're under attack! Avast ya swabs! Repel the invaders! ─── 我们正在被攻击!你蠢人站住!击退侵略者!

30、The main module of avast! SharePoint Server Edition is the real-time scanner. ─── SharePoint Server Edition的主要模组是实时扫描器。

31、For emergency purposes we also offer the Virus Cleaner as a standalone product, capable of running without installed avast. ─── 紧急情况下,病毒清理器可当作独立产品使用,无需安装avast!程序也可以使用。

32、Even though the Server Edition contains both the user environments of avast ! ─── 虽然服务器版本拥有简易和增强用户界面。

33、Cartman: Avast! These aren't pirates, they're just a bunch of black people. ─── 且慢!他们不是海盗,只不过是一群黑人。

34、Theproduct will be offered in three flavors: a free AV (that willsupersedeavast! 4.8 Home Edition), a paid AV (successor of avast!ProfessionalEdition) and a full Internet Security suite. ─── 0的三种版本:1,免费版(对应4.8中的家庭版);2,付费版(对应4.8中的专业版);3,互联网套装(包含防火墙和垃圾邮件模块)。

35、AVAST from the Czech Republic, has 17 years of history, but only recently in the rise here, It has a leading position in foreign markets. ─── 来自捷克的AVAST,已有17年的历史,但最近才在我们这里兴起,它在国外市场一直处于领先地位。

36、This is avast prehistoric scene, with Stonehenge asthe ultimate expression of the power whichheld society together at that time. ─── 这是一个巨大的史前场景,是当时石器时代全体社会力量的体现。

37、Avast heaving. ─── 停绞!

38、Antivirus Solutions Price calculator for avast! ─── Antivirus解决方案价格计算器!

39、Even though the Server Edition contains both the user environments of avast! ─── 虽然服务器版本拥有简易和增强用户界面。

40、The Avast! self-protection module is enabled. For this reason, the operation cannot be completed. ─── 小a的自保护模块正在运行。因此,该操作(卸载)不能被完成。

41、The Chrome installation window in the Avast installer is cleverly polite. ─── Avast与Google Chrome可能成为软件界的下一组好搭档。

42、The primary goal of avast! SMTP Server Edition is to effectively filter all SMTP traffic. ─── SMTPServerEdition的主要目的是有效过滤所有SMTP通讯。

43、You're isolated avast, empty continent. ─── 你被隔断于一个庞大而空无的大陆。

44、Alwil Avast! ─── 第十一名.

45、exe is a part of the Avast Anti-Virus application from Alwil Software.This process should not be removed to ensur... ─── 进程文件: ashmaisv or ashmaisv.exe 进程名称: Avast Anti-Virus Component 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: ashmaisv.

46、The primary goal of avast! SMTP Server Edition is to effectively filter all SMTP traffic. ─── SMTP Server Edition的主要目的是有效过滤所有SMTP通讯。

47、Antivirus technology Users of avast! ─── 杀毒技术用户!

48、it's my pleasure to announce the general availability of a new avast program update, version number 5. 0. 594. ─── 我很高兴宣布一般有效一新的等一下计画更新,5.0.594号版本。

49、In order to meet our customers needs, you can also purchase certain avast! Products via our international Reseller or Distributor network. ─── 为了满足广大用户的需要,用户可以通过我们的国际分销商和批发网络购买我们的产品。

50、In the Technology section, you can find information about avast, including information about future releases. ─── 在这个技术,你可以找到关于一个巨大的信息,包括关于未来的版本。


这个非常多聊天: **视频: xmovie浏览器: Firefox音乐: mplayer下载: BT游戏: 贪吃蛇图形图像:DigiKam安全杀毒:avast!输入法: 智能拼音股票网银:盛金华尔股市大富豪文字处理: OpenOffice翻译:星际译王压缩刻录:.自带压缩 tar/


:tar 刻录:k3b系统工具:系统配置工具编程开发:VI数码:电子书阅读器邮件:Kmail学习:英语900句网络应用:FTP其他:linux现在跟windows操作界面相近了. 我的这些都是可以在linux下运行的软件,既有windows版本也有linux版本.




Qq也不能直接安装,没有For linux的。






有一种工具叫wine,它可以安装在ubuntu linux系统,安装完此工具你再调用此工具打开windows的exe安装工具,就全解决了。



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