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08-22 投稿


piecemeal 发音

英:[ˈpiːsmiːl]  美:[ˈpiːsmiːl]

英:  美:

piecemeal 中文意思翻译






piecemeal 词性/词形变化,piecemeal变形

动词现在分词: piecing |动词过去式: pieced |动词第三人称单数: pieces |动词过去分词: pieced |

piecemeal 短语词组

1、piecemeal definition ─── 零碎定义

2、piecemeal prosperity ─── 零碎的繁荣

3、piecemeal fashion ─── 零碎的时尚

4、piecemeal time ─── 零碎的时间

5、piecemeal restore ─── 零碎的恢复

6、technology piecemeal ─── 零碎的技术

7、piecemeal opinion ─── [经] 零星意见

8、piecemeal pies ─── 零碎馅饼

9、piecemeal approach ─── 零碎的方法

10、piecemeal quilts ─── 零碎的被子

11、piecemeal define ─── 零碎的定义

12、by piecemeal ─── 一件 ─── 一件地, 逐渐地, 零碎地

13、piecemeal pies vt ─── 零碎的馅饼

14、piecemeal social engineering ─── 零碎社会工程

15、piecemeal it ─── 零碎的

16、piecemeal auction ─── 零星拍卖

17、negotiation piecemeal ─── 零敲碎打的谈判

18、piecemeal stock acquistition ─── [经] 子公司股本分次取得

19、piecemeal necrosis ─── 碎片状坏死

piecemeal 相似词语短语

1、empiecement ─── 镶片

2、mielie meal ─── 玉米粉制成的食品

3、mincemeat ─── n.苹果等切碎混拌碎肉的东西;甜馅

4、piecened ─── 拼凑

5、piecener ─── 拼凑者

6、premeal ─── 前言

7、pieceners ─── 拼凑者

8、pieceless ─── 零碎的

9、inchmeal ─── adv.徐徐地,逐渐地

piecemeal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" It is also because politicians have a strong desire to tinker piecemeal. ─── 另一个原因在于,政界人士强烈希望修补残局。

2、All right, I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it. ─── 好。我收齐后会立即寄给你。

3、I've only had a piecemeal account of what happened. ─── 我对发生的事情只有支离破碎的了解。

4、But Harsha de Silva, an economist, argues that this piecemeal fund-raising is insufficient. ─── 但一位经济学家德席瓦尔认为这种零散的资金募集方式是不够的。

5、The holists reject the piecemeal approach as being too modest ─── 整体主义者反对渐进方法,认为它太温和。

6、But although welcomed by environmental groups, such piecemeal moves may not have enough impact to turn back the tide of rubbish in an inveterate throwaway society. ─── 但尽管环保团体对此乐观其成,这样零星的运动可能没办法对整个根深的用过即丢社会产生大转变。

7、A wolf tore the lamb piecemeal. ─── 一只狼把小羊撕成碎片。

8、In this edition, a file, page, or piecemeal restore is online by default. ─── 在此版本中,文件还原、页面还原或段落还原默认处于在线状态。

9、The experience of the United States over the past few months made it clear that the crisis in a comprehensive way, piecemeal is not enough. ─── 美国过去几个月的经验清楚表明,在危机全面铺开的时候,零敲碎打是远远不够的。

10、Beginning to design urban ecosystems holistically rather than piecemeal might alleviate some of the pressure on natural ecosystems. ─── 开始全盘、而不是零零碎碎地设计城市生态系统,或许能够使自然生态系统的压力有所缓解。

11、piecemeal learning ─── 分段学习

12、Become 100 stock bargains calls it as"whole purchase".Less than 100 stocks purchase to call it as"purchase piecemeal".While purchasing piecemeal, "investor" wants to hand over higher expenses. ─── 成100股的股票交易称之为“整份购买”。少于100股的股票购买称之为“零星购买”。零星购买时,“投资者”要交较高的费用。

13、In so far as historicism is technological, its approach is not piecemeal, but "holistic" ─── 仅就历史决定论是一种技术而论,它的方法不是渐进的,而是“整体主义的”。

14、Planning a Piecemeal Restore Sequence for a File in the Restoring, Recovery-Pending, or Offline State ─── 为处于还原、恢复挂起或离线状态的文件计划段落还原顺序

15、Piecemeal legislation may follow, strengthening the border and, perhaps, making it easier for farmers to employ foreign workers. ─── 接下来会是讨论这个提案中的部分条款,加强边防警戒,也许会讨论使农场雇用外国工人更容易些。

16、piecemeal rates ─── 按件计酬

17、Finally, land reform led directly to a people's war which in many counties resulted in the piecemeal destruction of Chiang's armies. ─── 十三、土地改革运动直接导致了一场人民战争,许多县的国民党军队都在这场战争中被逐个消灭了。

18、It can be handled in the same way that hard problems have been coped with before--piecemeal, pragmatically, by the dogged efforts of many people ─── 可以用以前对付困难问题的同样方法来加以处理--通过许多人不懈的努力、一点一点地、从实际效果出发地加以解决。

19、To fight a static warfare with troops garrisoned in towns, strong points and along rail lines is to invite the enemy to attack you piecemeal and to court disaster. ─── 一九四七年一月,笔者曾预言蒋如不立即改变计划,就将在徐州一败涂地。

20、When the Democrats take charge of the House, Ms Pelosi has promised a rapid succession of reforms, mostly piecemeal and populist. ─── 在民主党接手众议院的时候,佩洛西曾承诺不会使改革中断,立即逐个从最受关注的开始继续下去。

21、Indeed, Hewitt advocates a holistic approach to all workforce programs rather than a piecemeal approach. ─── 因此我们在附录中也包括了有关这两方面的建议。

22、In SQL Server 2005, databases made up of multiple filegroups can be restored in stages by a process known as piecemeal restore. ─── 在SQL Server 2005中,可以通过称为段落还原的进程分阶段还原由多个文件组组成的数据库。

23、To allow the entire database to be restored in stages at different times, piecemeal restore maintain checks to ensure that the database will be consistent in the end. ─── 为了允许在不同的时间分阶段还原整个数据库,需要保持对段落还原的检查,以确保数据库的最终一致性。

24、These piecemeal solutions won't work. ─── 这些零敲碎打的解决办法不会有效。

25、Can live is different size piecemeal things will be extended with the day and more and more, and these things are not suitable places stowage, sorting. ─── 可过日子却不同,大小零碎的东西会随着日子的延长而越来越多,而这些东西又没有合适的地方堆放、整理。

26、There have been piecemeal researches on the indirect attributives, but they are not deep, lacking systermactic and all-round exposition. ─── 关于间接定语,前人也有所提及,但缺乏系统、深入和全面的考察。

27、reforms were implemented piecemeal. ─── 改革在零零星星地进行。

28、Supports optional online restore, page restore, piecemeal restore of filegroups, mirrored media sets, using backup checksums (if present in a backup), and continuing despite errors. ─── 支持文件组的可选在线还原、页面还原、段落还原、镜像媒体集、使用备份校验和(如果在备份中)以及忽略错误继续。

29、"In the past few days were not free, are busy in a number of things piecemeal. ─── “这几天都没得闲,都是在忙一些零碎的事。”

30、With a year's time will be able to break through piecemeal English, can speak fluent English! ─── 用一年的零碎时间就可以突破英语,就完全可以讲一口流利的英语!

31、Having become used to coping with reserve goalkeepers and a patched-up back four, Mourinho will now have to put together a piecemeal midfield. ─── 在已经习惯了使用替补门将和拼凑的四后卫之后,穆里尼奥现在不得不着手建立一个零碎的中场。

32、piecemeal analysis ─── 单个概念分析段落分析

33、I do not believe that any corresponding criticism of the piecemeal method can be offered. ─── 我不相信能对渐进方法提出适当批评。

34、A friend, not big money, and money are far more useful and interesting to see the likes can not help "were" more back, the results piecemeal learning things, they are a headache up the matter. ─── 朋友一大堆,大钱花不了,小钱用得多,看到喜欢的小玩意就忍不住“捡”些回去,结果零零碎碎的东西多起来,收拾它们是一件头疼的事情。

35、adding them on later or in a piecemeal fashion, as the studies demonstrate, is a surefire way to raise costs. ─── 同时,别忘了,这些研究都是在几年前进行的。

36、Washington's financial institutions were once notorious for their dogmatic prescriptions. Now they prefer piecemeal reforms and eclectic advice. That is a tide Mr Lin can probably swim with. ─── 华盛顿的金融机构曾经因为其教条的规定而声名狼藉,而现在他们更喜欢渐进的改革和折中的建议,林先生需要在这股潮流中激流勇进。

37、Change is held firmly in the hands of organizational leaders, its success a reflection of their capacity to translate objective into piecemeal actions, while circumventing environmental boundaries. ─── 变化坚定地被拿着在组织领导的手,它的成功上他们的能力的反射翻译宗旨成分块行动,当徊避环境界限时。

38、For the moment, in other words, the onus for change still lies largely with the industry itself and the type of limited, piecemeal reforms that western governments are developing. ─── 换句话说,目前看来,改革的责任仍主要在于投资业自身以及西方政府正在研究的有限的、零碎的几种改革。

39、That is because he started off in piecemeal fashion by trying to ease bans on the Islamic headscarf in government offices and universities. ─── 原因是试图取消不准在政府办公地和大学穿戴伊斯兰头巾的禁令。

40、Efforts to cleanse these bad assets from balance sheets and replenish viable institutions with capital had been “piecemeal and reactive”, the IMF said, calling for more decisive government action. ─── IMF表示,从资产负债表上清除这些问题资产和向能够生存的金融机构补充资本金的努力迄今是“零散和被动的”。IMF呼吁政府采取更果断的行动。

41、All right. I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it. ─── 好。我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。

42、Not Piecemeal but Integrated Approach ─── 应注重整体综合发展

43、"You can't do reform in a piecemeal process," he said. ─── 他还说:“政府必须对公司进行深远的改革才能从根本上解决问题。”

44、Having propped up entire companies that perhaps ought to have been allowed to fail, they need to permit piecemeal consolidation to proceed. ─── 政府已经为或许本应任其倒闭的公司提供了支持,他们也应该允许零星整合计划的进行。

45、The Chinese government has also sought to guide direct investment activities and development of the power sector through piecemeal regulations and policies. ─── 中国政府亦透过零碎的规例和政策,寻求指导国内电能业的直接投资活动和业界发展。

46、But piecemeal operations of this kind have merely shunted al-Qaeda and other militants around the tribal areas. ─── 但是这种零星的行动只不过是将部落区的基地组织和其他武装力量分割了而已。

47、The residual basins were deeply buried in Himalayan Period,and the Carboniferous System was piecemeal distributed in the depressed belts of orogenic zone. ─── 巴颜浩特盆地的东部坳陷和南部坳陷,石炭系残留面积大,沉积厚度大,烃源岩类型齐全,既有暗色泥岩又有碳酸盐岩和可燃有机岩,具有较高的生烃潜力;

48、You can always just use the information provided here piecemeal to handcraft your NPCs, or if you prefer, ignore this chapter and do it all from scratch. ─── 你可以使用这里提供的资料的片断来打造你的NPC,如果你愿意,也可以跳过本章而自行制作NPC。

49、As such, Carpolestes provides the first fossil evidence that primates acquired their distinctive traits piecemeal. ─── 因此,盗果兽提供了第一个化石证据,证明灵长类动物系逐步发展出牠们独有的特性。

50、It has to be broken up into portions, as it were, and assimilated piecemeal, in a gradual and graded way. ─── 必须把它分成许多部分,逐步地、分层次地、一部分一部分地吸收。

51、Too many health care organizations in the recent past were satisfied with building interfaces in a piecemeal fashion to quickly achieve some level of interoperability. ─── 最近,太多医疗保健组织都满足于采用逐步的方式建立接口以快速实现一定程度的互操作性。

52、a piecemeal approach to dealing with the problem ─── 全无章法的解决问题的方式

53、If there are many conceptual issues, you can bring them to office hours, but please realize that there are always piecemeal hours. ─── 如果有很多概念方面的问题,你完全可以把它们带到办公时间来,但是请认识到,总是有零零碎碎的时间的。

54、piecemeal stock acquistition ─── [经] 子公司股本分次取得

55、The Leibstandarte was thrown into the battle piecemeal because of delays in moving the division from the Caen Front along congested roads and under incessant Allied air attack. ─── “警卫旗队”师分散的进入战斗,因为他们从卡昂前线到这里的路一直拥堵,并且一直遭到盟军不间断的攻击。

56、Second, the modernization is proceeding slowly and in a piecemeal manner. ─── 其次,现代化进程进行地缓慢而又零碎。

57、Stephen King, chief economist of HSBC says: “Piecemeal actions by different governments have undermined the credibility of other actions. ─── 但在具体行动时,七大工业国却并不是那么的协调一致。

58、piecemeal stock acquisition ─── 对子公司股权的分次购入

59、massed and piecemeal learning ─── 整体学习和部分学习

60、piecemeal polypectomy ─── 息肉分块切除[术]

61、1. In this, they differ from the piecemeal technologist and engineer, just as much as from the physical engineer. ─── 在这里,他们与渐进技术师或工程师不同,正如他们与自然科学工程师不同一样。

62、fix a computer program piecemeal until it works. ─── 安置计算机程序直到它工作。

63、One is that biologists have little training in developing piecemeal manipulations of complex systems and thus focus on seeking "holistic "ones (magic bullets), which are probably absent in the case of aging. ─── 其一是,生物学家在把复杂系统分解操作方面缺乏训练,这样,就把精力集中在寻找"整体性"(魔弹),它可能在老化的场合中并不存在。

64、And critics have called both the stimulus package and the details that have emerged about the banking plan piecemeal, misdirected, or both. ─── 批评人士认为,刺激计划及已披露的银行业救助计划的具体内容要么太零碎,要么方向不对,要么两者兼而有之。

65、Yet these operations, carried on with painstaking patience and over widely scattered areas, were destined in many counties to destroy Chiang's forces piecemeal. ─── 但是,在广大的分散地区里耐心地坚持这种打法,一定会在许多县里一口一口地吃掉蒋介石的兵力。

66、piecemeal replacement of major units ─── 主要设备的逐渐替换

67、Example: Piecemeal Restore of Only Some Filegroups Full Recovery Model. ─── 恢复点处于完整恢复模式中的某个时间,如下例所示。

68、It would come up with a single proposal that Congress could accept or reject but not amend, sidestepping the objections that would surely derail piecemeal reform. ─── 它将提出一个国会仅可接受,或否决但不能修正的议案,以规避那些哪怕是阻碍点滴式改革的异议。

69、Let's settle the matter at one stroke, not piecemeal ─── 把这事一气儿解决了吧,别零敲碎打了。

70、Articles acquired piecemeal. ─── 一件一件地获取的文章

71、by piecemeal ─── 一件一件地, 逐渐地, 零碎地

72、Like the commanders of a disorderly retreat, central banks have to date staged a piecemeal response to the credit squeeze, to little effect. ─── 就像一支溃败军队的指挥官一样,各国央行迄今只对此次信贷紧缩做出了一些零打碎敲的反应,收效甚微。

73、piecemeal solution ─── 各个解决

74、I will send the information on a piecemeal basis as we acquire it. ─── 我们收齐之后会立即寄给你。

75、The differential backup followed any other restores that were performed in the original piecemeal restore to restore the data up to the original recovery point. ─── 在原始段落还原中执行的旨在将数据还原到原始恢复点的所有其他还原之后的差异备份。

76、Even large number of people in everyday life piecemeal things together so they can. ─── 即使是大人们在日常生活中的许多零碎东西,也可以一起放到里面。

77、The reforms were implemented piecemeal. ─── 改革在零零星星地进行。

78、Both parties are dissatisfied with "piecemeal tinkering" and "muddling through" ─── 二者都不满足于“渐进修补”和“摸索前进”。

79、It may seem silly now, but it illustrates a very powerful point: A good user interface enables users to move in an ad hoc, piecemeal fashion from beginner to expert. ─── 在今天看来,这种层次菜单似乎很愚笨。 但它阐明了一个非常强大的观念,即一个好的用户界面可以使其用户以特别的方式逐步从新手用户晋升为专家用户。

80、work done piecemeal ─── 一部分一部分做完的工作.

81、Piecemeal reform would simply add to the complexity of the current rules and raise the specter of a global race to the bottom. ─── 零散的改革仅仅会增加现有准则的复杂程度并彻底引发全球性恐慌。

82、negotiation piecemeal ─── 小宗交易谈判

83、A mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltrate extends from portal areas and disrupts the limiting plate of hepatocytes which are undergoing necrosis, the so-called "piecemeal" necrosis of chronic active hepatitis. ─── 单核细胞浸润从门脉区延伸,破坏正在坏死(也称为慢性活动性肝炎的“碎片状”坏死)的肝细胞界板。

84、For convenience, I shall label these methods "piecemeal technology". ─── 为了方便起见,我称这些方法为“渐进技术”。

85、Contains information about performing piecemeal restores and provides an example. ─── 包含有关执行段落还原的信息并提供示例。

86、In so far as historicism is technological, its approach is not piecemeal, but "holistic". ─── 仅就历史决定论是一种技术而论,它的方法不是渐进的,而是“整体主义的”。

87、Having propped up entire companies that perhaps ought to have been allowed to fail, they need to permit piecemeal consolidation to proceed. ─── 政府已经为或许本应任其倒闭的公司提供了支持,他们也应该允许零星整合计划的进行。

88、At first they came piecemeal and, later, in set or in bulk, some from Beijing and Shanghai, some from Suzhou and Hangzhou. ─── 最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。 有的来自京沪,有的来自苏杭。

89、Such assistance, I am convinced, must not be on a piecemeal basis as various crises develop ─── 我深信这种援助绝不能随着各种危机的发展而零碎提供。

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