equivocation 发音
英:[ɪˌkwɪvəˈkeɪʃn] 美:[ɪˌkwɪvəˈkeɪʃn]
英: 美:
equivocation 中文意思翻译
equivocation 词性/词形变化,equivocation变形
名词: equivocator |动词过去分词: equivocated |动词第三人称单数: equivocates |动词过去式: equivocated |动词现在分词: equivocating |
equivocation 短语词组
1、equivocation meaning ─── 歧义意义
2、equivocation means ─── 含糊其辞的意思
3、equivocation of any kind ─── 任何形式的含糊其辞
4、equivocation information ─── 模棱两可的信息
5、distribution of equivocation ─── 模棱两可的分布
6、equivocation characteristics ─── 疑义度特性
7、equivocation define ─── 含糊定义
8、equivocation rate of eve eve ─── 的模糊率
9、equivocation fallacy examples ─── 模棱两可谬误举例
10、equivocation fallacy ─── 含糊谬误
11、equivocation definition ─── 含糊定义
12、equivocation example ─── 模棱两可的例子
equivocation 相似词语短语
1、equivocality ─── n.多义性;模棱两可
2、equivocator ─── n.说模棱话的人;说话支吾者
3、equivocated ─── vi.说模棱两可的话;支吾,躲闪;推诿;含糊其词
4、equivocate ─── vi.说模棱两可的话;支吾,躲闪;推诿;含糊其词
5、equivocations ─── n.含糊话;模棱两可的话
6、equivocates ─── vi.说模棱两可的话;支吾,躲闪;推诿;含糊其词
7、equivocating ─── vi.说模棱两可的话;支吾,躲闪;推诿;含糊其词
8、equiparation ─── 方程式
9、equitation ─── n.骑马;骑术
equivocation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、They must admit without equivocation or ambiguity that the organization is the sole and only representative of the Palestinian people. ─── 他们必须毫不犹豫地承认该组织是巴勒斯坦人民的唯一代表。
2、"They must admit without equivocation or ambiguity that the organization is the sole and only representative of the Palestinian people.Then there will be dialogue," he added. ─── 阿巴斯还表示,与他在哈马斯组织的对手对话是不可能的,除非承认巴解组织至高无上的地位。
3、After V&V algorithm, a post processing is needed for eliminating the phase equivocation which is brought by the residual frequency and the cycle slip can be avoided. ─── 该算法需要对估计出来的相位进行后续处理,以消除由剩余频差引起的相位模糊、避免跳周现象。
4、Document prepared by the process, to clear diction and syntax, not equivocation, ready to accept either course. ─── 文件编写的过程中,遣辞造句要明确,不能含糊其辞,模棱两可。
5、An equivocation;a quibble. ─── 遁辞模棱两可的话;遁辞
6、How many lies he should have to tell, or how much equivocation he must use in order to keep the truth from her. ─── 为了把事实的真相瞒过她,他得说多少谎话,他得运用多少模棱两可、含含糊糊的词儿啊?
7、2.He that will live in this world must be endowed with the three rare qualities of dissimulation, equivocation, and mental reservation. ─── 举凡有意在这世上谋求生存者,必须具备三种难得的天资:掩饰感情、含糊其词、保留己见。
8、fallacy of amphibology | fallacy of equivocation ─── 文义暧昧的谬误
9、null Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. ─── 支支吾吾,其言必诈。
10、52. With this technique it is possible to adopt other important components of conventional information theory such as equivocation and redundancy. ─── 用这种方法就有可能采用常规信息论的其它重要成分,如模棱两可信息和多余信息。
11、other times, the equivocation is a mistake or misunderstanding. ─── 如是,则应考虑是否需要增加证据,抑或缩小结论涵盖范围。
12、"I am sorry for having taken your material," Pablo said. "It was an equivocation." ─── “我拿走了你的器材,非常抱歉。”巴布罗说,“那是一时糊涂。”
13、These actions must be condemned without equivocation. ─── 对这些行为必须毫不含糊地予以谴责。
14、equivocation rate ─── 疑义率
15、But there is an element of equivocation in some of his statements. ─── 不过,他的很多话中存在着模棱两可的内容。
16、The Japanese people favor equivocation because they place social harmony above everything else and strongly cherish collective idea. ─── 通过分析这些文化因素,可以看出日本人使用模糊表达与日本人崇尚“以和为贵”、强调集团观念的文化传统不无关系。
17、And for all its equivocation, Hamas still refuses to say plainly that it can ever accept the permanence of Israel. ─── 而且从它含糊的表述中可以看出,哈马斯仍拒绝直接表示它可以接受以色列的既存状态。
18、Then she with a pretty equivocation went on: "Julia is about my height." ─── 然后她用巧妙的双关话说:“朱利娅差不多跟我一般高。”
19、The development of jurisprudence makes everyone acknowledge that the statute law has serious defects,such as the inactivation,equivocation,hysteresis,et. ─── 法理学的发展使人们逐步认识到成文法的局限和不足,例如成文法的僵化、歧义、滞后或过于超前等不合时宜问题。
20、This equivocation has carried through to his trade policy appointments. ─── 这种不明朗的态度也贯穿于他对贸易政策官员的任命过程中。
21、This is just a fallacy of equivocation in Logic. ─── = 这个符号在这里有不同的意义.硬拗的答案在逻辑学的角度来看,是站不住脚的.
22、Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. ─── 含糊其词是谎话的近亲。
23、There's no equivocation with red. It has energy and excitement, actually raising the blood pressure and making the heart beat faster. ─── 不同于界限模糊的绿色,红色无疑象征着活力和兴奋,红色使血压上升,心跳加速。
24、English: Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. ─── 中文:含糊其词是谎言的近亲。
25、"I can say without exception or equivocation, that the United States will not torture," said Mr. Obama. ─── 奥巴马说:“美国不允许使用酷刑,没有例外,没有疑问。”
26、Equivocation is first cousinx to afe. ─── 支支吾吾,其言必诈。
27、With caution , and with some equivocation, Bohr took a further step. ─── 玻尔谨慎地而又有些含糊其词地采取了更深入的步骤。
28、equivocation n.: using expressions of uncertain meaning. ─── 支吾其辞, 模棱两可的话。
29、An equivocation; a quibble. ─── 遁辞模棱两可的话; 遁辞
30、"I am sorry for having taken your material," Pablo said."It was an equivocation." ─── “我拿走了你的器材,非常抱歉。”巴布罗说,“那是一时糊涂。”
31、He looks at me sharply, distrusting my equivocation. ─── 他犀利地看着我,不相信我的含糊其辞。
32、Macbeth is also concerned with the notion of "equivocation", using words with a double sense in order to deceive. ─── 麦克白还和“模棱两可的话”有关,他用了一些有双重意义的话来误导他人。
33、noise equivocation ─── 噪声疑义度
34、I do not suspect him of equivocation, still less of lying. ─── 我不认为他在闪烁其词,更不用说怀疑他撒谎了.
35、"I can say without exception or equivocation, that the United States will not torture, " said Mr. Obama. ─── 奥巴马说:“美国不允许使用酷刑,没有例外,没有疑问。”
36、equivocation characteristics ─── 疑义度特性
37、In this paper, a new post processing method is put forward.It has a good effect on the phase equivocation brought by both residual frequency and noise. ─── 该文提出了一种新的相位后续处理方法,不但能够消除由剩余频差带来的相位模糊,而且对于由噪声引入的相位模糊仍然非常有效。
38、He answered openly and honestly without hesitation or equivocation. ─── 他回答问题坦荡、真诚,没有丝毫犹豫和含糊。
39、Why doesn't the president say so without equivocation? ─── 为什么总统不能直截了当地说呢?
40、But Congressional equivocation also reflects Congressional ambivalence. ─── 但是国会的模棱两可也反映了国会的矛盾心理。
41、You would wrong him and wrong yourself by equivocation of any kind. ─── 若是你支吾其词,那不仅是欺骗他,也是欺骗你自己。
42、On my first day in office, I prohibited - without exception or equivocation - the use of torture by the United States of America. ─── 在我就任总统的第一天,我宣布美国毫无例外、绝不含糊地禁止刑讯。
43、The result of this equivocation is to contrast the good of others with the good of the particular being that I am. ─── 这种模棱两可的结果,是将别人的善,跟作为「我」的特别的生命实存作对比。
44、661 Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. ─── 模棱两可是谎话的近亲。
45、Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, and eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination. ─── 一些人学会了玩狡猾借口的把戏,他们用含糊不清代替真相,以持保留态度来竭力自圆其说,在好人看来这实在讨厌。
46、Equivocation And Predetermination: An Analysis On The Sustainable Development ─── 歧义与预设:可持续发展辨析
47、Equivocation is first cousin to a lie ─── 支支吾吾,其言必诈
48、equivocation information ─── 含糊其词的信息,模糊信息
49、If a mask of insincerity, prevarication, equivocation, and disguise was being put on, then Paul tore it off with no light hand. ─── 巴拿巴可能曾经要求和平、欲望大家都相安无事,并且应当作某些事来成全。
50、“I would be perfectly willing to do anything which would take away the edge of this thing for the family, but the truth's the truth, and I can't see any room for equivocation between you and me. ─── “倘若能使家里人不为着这事焦急,我是十分愿意的,不过事实是事实,你我之间用不着说模棱两可的话。
51、2 Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. ─── 含糊话是谎话的直属亲戚。
52、They must admit without equivocation or ambiguity that the organization is the sole and only representative of the Palestinian people. ─── 他们必须承认,毫不含糊地或不模棱两可地,该组织是唯一代表巴勒斯坦人民的。
53、distribution of equivocation ─── 疑义度分布
54、The equivocation is the mean additional information content that must be supplied per message at the message sink to correct the received messages affected by a noisy channel. ─── 条件信息总平均量是平均附加信息量,它必须提供给信息接收处的每条信息,以便对接收到的受噪声信道影响的信息加以校正。
55、One of my key objectives as a filmmaker is to renounce the piousness and equivocation of cinema in order to find a natural and rational approach to documentary and life. ─── 本人试图抛弃电影的神圣和假设,为求达到记录与生活的自然合理。
56、Phase equivocation ─── 相位模糊
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