atlases 发音
英:[ˈætləsɪz] 美:[ætˈleɪsɪz]
英: 美:
atlases 中文意思翻译
atlases 词性/词形变化,atlases变形
名词复数: atlases |
atlases 短语词组
1、atlases maps ─── 与图集
2、atlases means ─── 地图集意味着
3、atlases definition ─── 地图集定义
4、atlases plural ─── 多元地图集
5、atlases def ─── 地图集定义
6、atlases history ─── 地图集历史
atlases 常用词组
atlas mountains ─── 阿特拉斯山脉(阿尔卑斯山系的一部分)
atlases 相似词语短语
1、balases ─── n.红晶石;[矿物]玫瑰红尖晶石;n.(Balas)人名;(法、英、西、罗、葡)巴拉斯
2、amylases ─── n.[生化]淀粉酶
3、atlatls ─── n.梭标投射器(美洲印第安人和爱斯基摩人用的)
4、aliases ─── n.别名(alias的复数)
5、atlas ─── n.地图集;寰椎
6、abases ─── n.产于叙利亚的驼羊毛织物;n.(Abas)(美、马)阿巴斯(人名)
7、arrases ─── n.挂毯,花毯;n.(Arras)人名;(法、意)阿拉斯
8、bolases ─── n.套牛绳球;流星锤;n.(Bolas)(美、英)博拉斯(人名)
9、atlantes ─── n.(用以支撑柱顶线盘的)[建]男像柱
atlases 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Books and Atlases; ─── 书籍与地图集;
2、Maps and Atlases; ─── 地图与地图集;
3、Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases. ─── 他们的地图自此被照相地图集取代了。
4、For decades collecting rare atlases and maps was the pursuit of a small group of connoisseurs who were mainly served by dealers. ─── 几十年来,只有少数内行收藏稀有地图集和地图,为他们服务的主要是交易商。
5、The driving force behind Atla's bid to stage the games has been Billy Payne, an Atlanta real estate lawyer who is Chief Executive Officer of ACOG. ─── 亚特兰大申办奥运会的推动力量一直是比利-佩恩。他是亚特兰大市一位房地产业律师,也是亚特兰大奥运委员会的总裁。
6、the atlases of the perforcemence evaluation criteria,including the force isotropy,stiffness isotropy ,sensitivity isotropy.3. ─── 建立了该传感器的空间模型;
7、brain atlases ─── 脑图谱
8、Previous ATLA recipients will share lessons and examples from their own work. ─── 以前的求知新途奖获奖者将同与会者分享其工作的教训和案例。
9、Chen J. Y. Atla of Chinese Mei Flower Cultivars. Beijing: China Forestry Press, 1989 (in Chinese ─── 曹亮,吕英民.梅花等李属植物组织培养研究现状及展望.见:张启翔主编.中国观赏园艺研究进展,北
10、A great achievements has been made since the practice of HGP,the accomplishment is expressed in “four atlases”:genetic atlas,physical atlas,transcription atlas,and array atlas. ─── 人类基因组计划的研究取得了令人瞩目的成就,其成果主要表现在“四张图”上:遗传图谱、物理图谱、转录图谱和序列图谱。
11、With geological maps, books, and atlases you can find out all the proven sites of precious minerals. ─── 有了地质地图、书籍和地图册,你就可以找到所有已探明的珍贵矿藏的位置。
12、The facts of monsoon climate have been presented in a number of texts and atlases. ─── 季风气候的一些事实已在一些教科书和气候图集中加以介绍。
13、The physical model of 5-Axis sensor with 4-SPS &1-UPU structure are constructed using the theory of physical model of the solution space, then the indices atlases are plotted. ─── 结合空间模型理论建立了4-SPS &1-UPU结构五维力/力矩传感器的空间模型,绘制了各项同性的力/力矩与结构尺寸关联的性能图谱。
14、Besides the two novels, I have bought two atlases. ─── 我买了两本小说,另外还买了两本地图册。
15、If you use bound atlases, which may not be reproduced on a copy machine, you may need to make drawn copies or photograph them. ─── 如果使用的是不能在影印机上复印的装订地图集,应临摹作图或拍照。
16、For, over the previous half century, Lord Wardington had accumulated the finest collection of antique atlases and maps in private hands. ─── 因为,在过去的半个多世纪,沃丁顿爵士私人收藏了许多最出色的古老地图集和地图。
17、This course web site includes an extensive related resources list, with links to various online brain atlases. ─── 这门线上课程,提供各式各样线上大脑图解书的相关连结网址。
18、This site contains interactive multimedia which allows the learner to move between diagrams, gross anatomy, microscopic specimens, definitions, and atlases in a manner tailored to the student's needs. ─── 该网站包括互动式多媒体,允许学习者在为学生们量身订作的图表、大体解剖学、精细标本、定义和地图之间移动。
19、Three-dimensional visualization of brain atlases is an advanced technology that is very important to brain surgery navigation system, as a vital role in the positioning and surgical planning. ─── 脑图谱的三维可视化是脑外科手术导航系统中一项关键技术,在对病灶的定位和手术计划上有着举足轻重的作用。
20、Do you have any road atlases?? ─── 你们这里有没有道路交通图册?
21、All synthetic city atlases should be uniform in their main functions regardless of the different nature of the cities they represent. ─── 不论城市性质如何,综合性城市地图集的功能在主要方面应该是一致的。
22、Remote Sensing and Atlases; ─── 遥感与图册;
23、Most atlases indicate scenic routes and long-term construction projects. ─── 多数地图集上都会有风景线路及长期建设项目。
24、Almanacs, Atlases, AV catalogs. ─── 年鉴、地图册、授权目录。
25、The Atlas of Land and Economy of Hubei Province is one of the outstanding atlases of high representativeness among all the regional atlases of economy in modern China. ─── 湖北省国土经济地图集是我国当代区域性经济地图集中最具有代表性的优秀地图集作品之一,得到省内外各行业专家们的高度赞扬,被授予湖北省1989年科技进步一等奖。
26、Start your investigation by locating your site on maps in several atlases of different dates. ─── 以在不同时期的多份地图集上标出研究点的方式来开始研究。
27、This service page of UCMP offers a collection of on-line available maps.Included here are not just collections of maps, but various geographical aids such as on-line atlases and gazeteers. ─── 加利福尼亚大学古生物博物馆提供了在线可用的地图,并且还有不同种类的地理学参考资料,如在线的图册和地名词典。
28、The spatial model of transducer is introduced at first.The transducer抯 isotropic measure and its atlases with the structure parameters are discussed. ─── 论文首先介绍了该传感器的空间模型,给出和讨论了传感器各向同性指标及该指标对应传感器机构参数的图谱;
29、The kinematical about the serial mechanismPUMA560 is analyzed in this paper. The performance index atlases involve velocity and acceleration. Those are to provide the academic principles of mechanism design. ─── 摘要对串联PUMA560机构的运动学性能进行了分析,分别绘出了速度、加速度的性能图谱,从而为该机构的尺寸设计提供理论依据。
30、But, for me, the problem with school atlases was that they stuck to the curriculum and tended to be predictable and conservative. ─── 但对我而言,学校的地图册有一个问题:它们过于拘泥于课程内容,往往既没有新意、又保守。
31、history atlases ─── 历史地图册
32、Examples are atlases,almanacs,and geography games,usually created on CD-ROM. ─── 例如地图集、历书和地理游戏,通常制作在CD-ROM上。
33、Signing Atlases of Zheng on Hind Paws in Tumor-bearing Mice ─── 荷瘤小鼠后爪部分证的标志图谱
34、Keywords tea BHC DDT color atlases of gas phase; ─── 茶叶;六六六;滴滴涕;气相色谱;
35、Hestudies phone directories and atlases in his spare time. ─── 他在空闲的时候研究电话号码本和地图。
36、This site offers an auction of historical maps, atlases, globes and books related to cartography. ─── 该站点主要从事过去的地图、地图集、地球仪和有关制图学书籍的拍卖活动。
37、dictionaries, Atlases, joke books, books of facts, even maths books. ─── 翻译顺序有点乱。。字典,地图册,笑话集,百科全书,甚至数学课本。
38、Early history of the photographic sky maps with wide-angle astrograph is reviewed briefly.12 famous patrol atlases and maps are outlined. ─── 略要地回顾了应用广角天体照相似的照相天图发展历史。
39、CESNA Library is a affiliate member of ATLA now! ─── 本馆已加入美国神学院图书馆协会(ATLA)成为附属会员!
40、The collections include early examples of cartography, such as the fourteenth century Gough Map, portolan charts, estate maps and many atlases. ─── 它收藏了包括早期的绘图法实例,如第十四世纪高夫地图、(中世纪的)图解航海手册图表、各区图和许多地图集。
41、MRI atlases showing the anatomy of the normal human brain as it develops over the course of childhood and adolescence are only now becoming available. ─── 直到现在,人脑从孩童期至青少年期的发育过程,才有利用磁共振造影技术制作的图谱可参考。
42、Like the Human Genome Project, the Allen Brain Atlases and Spinal-Cord Atlas have helped democratise the scientific landscape. ─── 像人类基因组计划一样,艾伦脑图谱及脊髓图谱工程有助于科学领域的民主化。
43、In addition, the ASCP Press is an award winning, full-scale medical publisher of textbooks, reference manuals, slide atlases, audiovisual materials, and computer software. ─── 此外,ASCP出版社是一个被授予出版包括医学教科书,参考手册和切片图册,视听教材和计算机软件的涵盖全部领域的出版社。
44、If you use the atlases on microfilm, copies are easily made. ─── 如果利用微缩胶片地图集,那么很容易制作拷贝。
45、Subjects Cytodiagnosis - atlases. | Cytological Techniques - atlases. | Neoplasms - diagnosis - atlases. | Tumors - Diagnosis. | Cytodiagnosis - Atlases. ─── "本图谱是由杨大望同志编写细胞学室全体工作人员...完成的".
46、He concedes that the reference book market (dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases) is "certain to go online" . ─── 他承认参考书市场(字典、百科全书、地图册)肯定会走向全面采用在线出版。
47、Robert W.Puryear;Mariana Morris;;Radiotelemetry in angiotensin ATla deficient mice: effect of sodium consumption on blood pressure and drinking behavior[A]; ─── 国际心脏研究会(ISHR)中国分会第七届学术会议暨中国病理生理学会心血管专业委员会第十届学术会议论文集[C];
48、This site provides thematic maps of China.There are images out of atlases etc., some historical maps and photos taken from space (also from the "Great Wall"). ─── 本网站提供了中国专题地图,包括图册范围外的图片,从空中采集的历史地图和照片等。
49、+ tmi file creation to support fast loading of tiles in Tared atlases. ─── + TMI公司档案建立 , 以支持快速加载的瓷砖在Tared地图集。
50、Many of Sunriver's atlases have TaiPower grids included. ─── 不少上河 地图集载电力座标。
51、Keywords Atla and axis;Screw fixation;Pedicle screw;Disease of atlas and axis; ─── 寰枢椎;螺钉固定;椎弓根钉;寰枢椎疾患;
52、World Maps and Atlases; ─── 世界地图与图册;
53、Do you have any road atlases? ─── 你们这里有没有道路交通图册?
54、Over the years he and his colleagues have produced scores of research papers, atlases of shoreline change and other reports. ─── 过去的几年里他和同事们已经得出了很多研究的书面文章、地图海岸线的改变和其他的报告。
55、"Oh, it's quite simple.We have to strengthen the fortifications of Atla with more miles of rifle pits, and the General can't spare any men from the front to do it. ─── "唔,事情很简单嘛,我们必须加固亚特兰大的防御工事,挖掘更多的散兵壕,可是将军无法从前线抽出士兵来干这种事。
56、The automatic integration and the uploading of all atlases will be completed by the computer.If you have any problems, please contact our technical anaylsts. ─── 所有图谱将由计算机自动积分和上传,若遇到问题可打电话给分析人员解决。
57、Atla and axis ─── 寰枢椎
58、As a child, I found atlases more interesting than books; I thought they were like travel guides for the imagination. ─── 孩提时,就觉得地图册比书有趣得多,它们就像是想象力的旅行指南。
59、Do you HAs any road atlases?? ─── 你们那里有么有道路流量图册?
60、Like the Human Genome Project, the Allen Brain Atlases and Spinal-Cord Atlas have helped democratise the scientific landscape. ─── 像人类基因组计划一样,艾伦脑图谱及脊髓图谱工程有助于科学领域的民主化。
61、The questionnaires on which linguistic atlases are based are usually drawn up on which linguistic atlases are based are usually drawn up on this principle. ─── 语言地图的查询表在哪些通常被草拟语言地图根据通常被草拟根据这项原则。
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