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08-21 投稿


ostentatiously 发音

英:[[ˌɒsten'teɪʃəslɪ]]  美:[[ˈɑstənˈteʃəslɪ]]

英:  美:

ostentatiously 中文意思翻译



ostentatiously 同义词

pretentious |showy | affected | flashy | brazen | flagrant | garish | swanky | overdone | fancy | flamboyant | grandiose | adorned

ostentatiously 反义词


ostentatiously 短语词组

1、ostentatiously clever ─── 炫耀地聪明

2、ostentatiously lofty ─── 高傲的

3、ostentatiously means ─── 炫耀的手段

4、ostentatiously retire ─── 炫耀地退休

5、ostentatiously define ─── 炫耀地定义

6、ostentatiously ludicrous ─── 夸张可笑的

ostentatiously 词性/词形变化,ostentatiously变形

副词: ostentatiously |

ostentatiously 相似词语短语

1、ostentatious ─── adj.招摇的;卖弄的;夸耀的;铺张的;惹人注目的

2、ostentatiousness ─── 铺张;炫耀

3、tenaciously ─── adv.坚持地

4、unostentatiously ─── 朴素地

5、ostentations ─── n.卖弄;虚饰;虚有其表

6、contentiously ─── adv.有异议的;好争吵的;爱争论的

7、adventitiously ─── adv.偶然地;偶发地

8、ostentation ─── n.卖弄;虚饰;虚有其表

9、sententiously ─── adv.简洁地

ostentatiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、18) That austerity which is performed ostentatiously for the sake of gaining respect, honor, adulation and reward is unstable and unenduring in this world and is stated as of the nature of passion. ─── 为了获得尊敬,荣誉,赞美,奉承和酬劳,卖弄炫耀地虚假苦修,在这个世界上,是不稳定和无法持久的,被称作是处于欲望情感的品性中。

2、To decorate or dress ostentatiously or gaudily. ─── 招摇或华丽地装饰或打扮

3、a gift or money given (as for service or out of benevolence); usually given ostentatiously ─── (作为一种服务或捐赠给慈善机构的)礼物或现钱;通常是很慷慨的赠予

4、The shops stock the latest TVs and stereos and there's nothing unusual in ostentatiously showing off your new-found wealth. ─── 商店里销售各种最先进的电视机和音响,炫耀一下自己新近挣到的财富也没有人会大惊小怪。

5、His wife looked sheepish as her mother-in-law loudly and ostentatiously excused her from various duties because her husband was home. ─── 一到家,他母亲大声宣布蠲免媳妇当天的各项任务,因为她丈夫回来了。

6、There was a man heading toward us, ostentatiously swinging his arms as he walked. He was probably a cadre. ─── 一男子正向我们走来,手臂招摇地晃动着,好象是位干部。

7、Happily, the time was beguiled by an accordion, produced somewhat ostentatiously by Tom Simson from his pack. ─── 倒是汤姆·辛姆逊多少有点儿得意地从行李里拿出一个手风琴来,这样消遣了一番。

8、To parade oneself ostentatiously;show oneself off. ─── 炫耀卖弄似地展示自己;炫耀自己

9、His wife looked sheepish as her mother-in-law loudly and ostentatiously excused her from various duties because her husband was home. ─── 一到家,他母亲大声宣布蠲免媳妇当天的各项任务,因为她丈夫回来了。

10、She directed her anger at the ostentatiously unconscious Macrory. ─── 她一时竟迁怒于自负高傲,不知天高地厚的马克罗里。

11、Let those so-called philosophers act ostentatiously! ─── 让那些所谓的哲学家骗子们去招摇吧!

12、So, more ostentatiously and like many Pakistanis, have the country's modern players. ─── 巴基斯坦现代的球员和许多巴基斯坦人一样,也愈加明显地表现出虔诚的宗教信仰。

13、Happily, the time was beguiled by an accordion, produced somewhat ostentatiously by Tom Simson from his pack ─── 倒是汤姆?辛姆逊多少有点儿得意地从行李里拿出一个手风琴来,这样消遣了一番。

14、Stops ostentatiously with the revelry, because separates. is static-- I like condensing in the control, carves one to cover the vault of heaven the huge projection. ─── 停止浮华与狂欢,因为分开。静静的--我把爱凝聚于手心,镂刻成一个笼罩苍穹的巨大投影。

15、The government has ostentatiously solicited public opinion about the change. ─── 政府对这项改变所做的民意调查不过走走过场而已。

16、To display ostentatiously; flaunt. ─── 招摇卖弄地炫耀;招摇

17、Happily, the time was beguiled by an accordion, produced somewhat ostentatiously by Tom Simson from his pack. ─── 倒是汤姆·辛姆逊多少有点儿得意地从行李里拿出一个手风琴来,这样消遣了一番。

18、One who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously. ─── 卖弄学问者夸耀地显示自己学识或学问的人

19、drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously. ─── 漫无目的地招摇过市。

20、ostentatiously stylish ─── 过分艳丽的

21、But understand, O Arjuna that sacrifice which is executed motivated by fruitiveness, ostentatiously for material benefit is in the nature of passion. ─── 但是,你要明白,阿诸那啊,如果礼拜祭祀的动机是为了获得回报,为了炫耀其物质利益,那就是欲望情感的品性。

22、They should also act in secret, not exposing themselves by ostentatiously parading their strength, so that the enemy can never find their whereabouts and will slacken his vigilance. ─── 第二是处处力求隐蔽,不夸张、不暴露、不大吹大擂,使敌人捉摸不住而麻痹起来。

23、There was a man heading toward us, ostentatiously swinging his arms as he walked. He was probably a cadre. ─── 一男子正向我们走来,手臂招摇地晃动着,好象是位干部。

24、By 2020, it plans to source 30% of its energy from renewables, up from less than 1% at present (solar-powered street lighting is ostentatiously installed near the ferry terminals). ─── 到2020年,崇明计划将可更新能源在总能源中的比例由现今的不足1%(就是在渡轮终点站充当门面的太阳能路灯)调高至30%。

25、It is a paradox of open societies: since order cannot be taken for granted, the public demands that government ostentatiously impose it. ─── 这是开放社会的一个悖论:既然秩序得不到自动恢复和保持,公众就会要求政府大张旗鼓地维持秩序。

26、Characterised by offensive boldness; and displaying ostentatiously an insolence or impertinence air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste. ─── 怀著大胆冒犯他人的性格,而自我招摇地显示出一股自夸自大无礼的行为.

27、The crowd fell apart, now, and the Sheriff came through, ostentatiously leading Potter by the arm. ─── 这时人群散开了,司法官走了进来,神气十足地拽着波特的胳膊。

28、Jiu Fen and Jin Gua Shi are not far away from each other.However, in its ostentatiously prosperous level there is a big difference. ─── 九份与金瓜石乡距离不远,在繁华的程度上却呈现显著的差异,九份络绎不绝的人潮,对比著金瓜石一贯的宁静深沈。

29、They're ostentatiously shabby , his collars never clean and his tie's never tied properly. ─── 他的衣服故意弄得十分寒酸,领子从来都不平整,领带也从来不系好。

30、Her servants were similarly, if less ostentatiously attired. ─── 她的仆人们穿着相似,只是没那么华丽耀眼。

31、Ostentatiously stylish;deliberately chic. ─── 过分艳丽的;故作风雅的

32、Mr Khrushchev ostentatiously wooed and embraced Castro at the U.N. general assembly. ─── 赫鲁晓夫先生在联合国委员会上夸张地拉拢、收买卡斯特罗。

33、He was ostentatiously smoking a big cigar to give an illusion of poise. ─── 他夸张地抽着一根大雪茄,给人一种沉着的假象。

34、To dress oneself smartly and often ostentatiously, especially for a special occasion. ─── 穿戴整齐尤指为某特殊情况而打扮得漂漂亮亮、花枝招展

35、To display ostentatiously. ─── 炫耀地显示

36、Mr Cameron, a reliable intellectual weather-vane, ostentatiously cycles to work and has adopted a tree as the symbol of the new Tory party.Mr McCain takes climate change very seriously. ─── 过不了几年,对华尔街欢乐年华,对新保守主义令人鼓舞的道义确定性,人们的怀旧情绪将会油然而生。

37、By sitting playing games, I was so ostentatiously, outrageously idle I might as well have had a big sign on my head saying: "I'm bored.I'm shirking.I'm a waste of space. ─── 坐在这里玩游戏,说明我是个闲人,明目张胆地闲着,无所顾忌地闲着,真应该在我脑门上印上这样的字样:“我无聊,我怠工,我在白占着这位子。

38、Wearing big black-framed glasses and dressed in ostentatiously unfashionable clothes, she is an ugly girl. ─── 带着大黑边眼镜,穿着很不合时宜的衣服的一个丑女形象。

39、one who spends lavishly and ostentatiously on entertainment. ─── 浪费卖弄地娱乐消费的人。

40、Harry stopped under a street lamp and ostentatiously began inspecting the contents of his bag. ─── 哈里在一盏路灯下停了下来,开始招摇地翻看他包里的东西。

41、ostentatiously dressed ─── 招摇的打扮

42、A few protesters are waving placards wishing for Mr Obama's death.Others are ostentatiously wearing firearms outside his rallies. ─── 一些抗议者挥舞布告,诅咒奥巴马早日归西,而另一些人在他的集会外拿着武器耀武扬威。

43、a gift or money given (as for service or out of benevolence); usually given ostentatiously. ─── (作为一种服务或捐赠给慈善机构的)礼物或现钱;通常是很慷慨的赠予。

44、The CIA used to offer local chiefs money for information, but then they would spend it so ostentatiously they effectively blew their own cover. ─── CIA过去常常用钱购买当地部落首领的情报,但是这些人非常招摇很快就会泄漏自己的身份。

45、That is what kind of eye, penetrates the world all ostentatiously, maintains composure the narration sends orders the person soul-stirring story. ─── 那是什么样的眼睛,浮华击穿世界全部,维护叙述送命令人使兴奋故事的镇静。

46、The crowd fell apart, now, and the Sheriff came through, ostentatiously leading Potter by the arm. ─── 人群闪开,让出了一条路。 司法官揪着波特的胳膊,炫耀似地走过来。

47、It often ostentatiously orders a second season of a show the same day the first episode of the first season is broadcast. ─── 它经常在某部新剧的第一集播出的当天就招摇地宣布续订第二季。

48、to perform ostentatiously so as to impress an audience ─── 哗众取宠为引起观众注意而炫耀似地表演

49、He hurriedly checks his hair in his computer screen, before taking a sporting trophy from a drawer to place ostentatiously on his desk. An attractive young woman opens the door. ─── 他快速地对着计算机显示器整了整头发,从抽屉里取出一件运动奖品摆在桌上显眼的地方。一位迷人的小姐开门进来。

50、ostentatiously or inappropriately pretty. ─── 夸张的或者不合适的漂亮。

51、ostentatiously leading Potter by the arm. ─── 揪着波特的胳膊,炫耀似地走过来。

52、Some people like to act ostentatiously with his superficial wisdom. ─── 学问不大,还总喜欢表现自己。

53、Before the economy opened up, a chic suit meant one with the label of a state-owned factory sewn ostentatiously on the sleeve. ─── 在改革开放以前,一套时髦的套装意味着在国有工厂的一个标签,招摇地缝在套袖上。

54、A few minutes later, as we prepare to leave the supreme court complex, the same woman bends over and spits ostentatiously on to its bottom step."There, I've done it!" ─── 几分钟后,就在我们准备离开最高法院大楼的时候,这个女人突然弓起腰对着台阶底下狠狠地啐了一口唾沫,她叫道:“快看!

55、To parade oneself ostentatiously; show oneself off. ─── 炫耀卖弄似地展示自己;炫耀自己

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