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08-24 投稿


depreciation 发音

英:[dɪˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃən]  美:[dɪ,priʃɪ'eʃən]

英:  美:

depreciation 中文意思翻译



depreciation 反义词


depreciation 同义词

fall | decline | drop |reduction | downgrading | diminution | derogation | wear and tear | devaluation | disparagement | decrease | disregard

depreciation 短语词组

1、alternative method of depreciation ─── [经] 可供选择的另一折旧方法

2、annuity method of depreciation ─── [经] 年金折旧法

3、age depreciation ─── [经] 按船(年)龄折旧

4、appraisal method of depreciation ─── [经] 折旧的估价法

5、accumulated depreciation ─── [经] 累积折旧

6、allowed depreciation ─── [经] 折旧范围额度

7、asset depreciation range ─── [经] 资产折旧幅度

8、allowance for depreciation ─── [经] 备抵折旧, 折旧准备

9、book depreciation ─── [经] 帐面折旧

10、actual depreciation ─── [经] 实际折旧

11、coefficient of depreciation ─── [电] 折旧系数

12、abnormal depreciation ─── [经] 特别折旧, 非常折旧

13、apportioning depreciation ─── [经] 分摊折旧

14、classified depreciation ─── [经] 分类折旧

15、accounting depreciation ─── [经] 会计折旧, 帐面折旧

16、accelerated depreciation methods ─── [经] 加速折旧法

17、accrued depreciation ─── [经] 应计折旧

18、accelerated rate of depreciation ─── [经] 加速折旧率

19、annuity depreciation method ─── [经] 年金折旧法

depreciation 词性/词形变化,depreciation变形

动词现在分词: depreciating |动词第三人称单数: depreciates |动词过去分词: depreciated |名词: depreciator |动词过去式: depreciated |

depreciation 相似词语短语

1、deforciation ─── 驱虫

2、depredation ─── n.掠夺;破坏,破坏痕迹

3、appreciation ─── n.欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢

4、deprecation ─── n.祈免;贬低;反对

5、depreciative ─── adj.蔑视的;贬值的

6、appreciations ─── [经]增值;欣赏

7、depreciations ─── n.折旧;贬值

8、depreciator ─── 折旧器

9、depreciating ─── 贬值

depreciation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Increase financial support for self-directed innovation, including carrying out special financial policies, such as speedy depreciation method. ─── 加大财政对企业自主创新的投入,包括实行特殊的财务政策,如采取快速折旧法等。

2、In the first half of the year our country foreign trade deducts US dollar depreciation and the inflationfactor, actual speed-up insufficient 10%. ─── 上半年我国外贸扣除美元贬值和通货膨胀因素,实际增速不足10%。

3、Depreciation has two specific meanings in economics. ─── 在经济学里,价值下降具有两种特殊的含义。

4、However, those flows began to reverse in the fourth quarter at a time when the offshore currency market was signalling depreciation. ─── 然而,资金流向在第四季度开始逆转,当时离岸外汇市场正显示人民币贬值的迹象。

5、It is common to use straight-line depreciation on the stockholder books and accelerated depreciation on the tax books. ─── 在股东账簿中使用直线法折旧而在缴税账簿中使用加速法折旧是普遍的现象。

6、However, management may use different methods in computing depreciation for different assets. ─── 但公司管理阶层有权选择不同的折旧方法计算不同资产的折旧。

7、Why does the accelerated method of depreciation for tax purposes lead to a liability? ─── 为什么税务用途的加速折旧法产生了一项负债?

8、The original value, accumulated depreciation and net value of fixed assets shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statement. ─── 固定资产的原值、累计折旧和净值,应当在会计报表中分别列示。

9、The depreciation of the dollar caused a deficit last year. ─── 去年,美元的贬值引起了一个赤字。

10、The depreciation methods available consist of the straight-line method, unit-of-production method, unit-of-output method, etc. ─── 可选用的折旧方法包括年限平均法、工作量法、产量法等。

11、Such recoupment typically is funded by excess cash flow generated by accelerated depreciation of the CJV's assets. ─── 因为加速的CJV资产的贬值所产生的过度现金收支通常提供该资金收回。

12、When fixed assets are revalued upwards, any accumulated depreciation existing at the date of the revaluation should not be credited to income. ─── 固定资产重估时,任何在重估当日存在的累计折旧不应记入收益。

13、In investments, it represents earnings before depreciation, amortization and non-cash charges. ─── 在投资中,代表折旧前收益,摊销和非出金费用。

14、Foreign currency depreciation is a result of economic depression in the country concerned. ─── 外汇贬值是有关国家经济不景气的结果。

15、It is "gross" because it does not deduct any charge for the depreciation of capital used up in the course of this production. ─── 它由于未扣除该生产过程中资本损耗的折旧费用而被称为“总值”。


17、The allowance for depreciation of all sorts of different fixed assets is different. ─── 各种不同的固定资产的折旧率是不一样的。

18、Depreciation has two specific meanings ineconomics. ─── 在经济学里,价值下降具有两种特殊的含义。

19、I learned about depreciation and decided to buy only used cars, never new. ─── 我学到了折旧的概念,决定只买旧车,不买新车。

20、But it frets about how much those dollars will be worth should America succumb to inflation or depreciation. ─── 但是,如果美国败给了通胀或者贬值,那中国就要为这些美元能值多少而头疼了。

21、By 1988, the dollar depreciation had contributed to a falling U.S. trade deficit. ─── 到了1988年,美元的贬值终于使美国的贸易逆差下降。

22、A depreciation method which allows faster write-offs than the straight line method. ─── 以比直线折旧法更快的速度注销固定资产的成本。

23、Reconcile fixed asset classification and depreciation among alternative GAAPs. ─── 在不同的会计准则中协调固定资产的分类和折旧.

24、But there is no effect on year-to-year cash flows, because depreciation is not a cash outlay. ─── 但是这对年与年现金流来说没有影响,因为折旧不是一项现金支出。

25、Fixed costs: these are costs or overheads which do not vary according to the quantity of goods or services you sell (e. G. Rent charges, depreciation). ─── 固定成本:指不受你的产品或服务的数量所影响的支出或经常开支(如房租,折旧)。

26、Breakeven (dollar) depreciation: Depreciation rate of the dollar such that the Bank's headroom is at Breakeven point. ─── (美元)保本贬值;(美元)净空临界贬值:指美元的某一贬值率,在这一贬值率上世界银行的净空正好处在临界点上。

27、If conforming to relevant regulations, accelerated depreciation method may be adopted. ─── 如符合有关规定,也可采用加速折旧法。

28、The method of cost is a way that the value is up to the refashion the asset and depreciation. ─── 基于投入的成本法是在重置成本的基础上减去贬值来计算价值的一种方法。

29、The depreciation of the US dollar raises once again the question of how long the natural life of a reserve currency can be. ─── 近期美元贬值,再次令人想起储备货币的自然寿命究竟有多长的问题。

30、Debt service coverag Ratio of net income after taxes plus interest on long-term debt plus depreciation to debt service. ─── 债务还本付息率即税后净收入加长期债务利息加折旧,与债务还本付息的比率。

31、Under the declining-balance method, an accelerated depreciation rate is computed as a specified percentage of the straight-line depreciation rate. ─── 使用双倍余额递减法时,加速折旧率计算为直线折旧率的一定比例。

32、But depreciation is also at least partially blocked by the Asian mercantilists. ─── 但是,贬值又至少部分地被亚洲重商主义者阻碍。

33、Its starting point is self depreciation; they like laughing at their own faults,failures and embarrassments,even at their ideals. ─── 它以自我贬低为起点,喜欢嘲笑自己的缺点、失败、窘境乃至自己的幻想。

34、For income tax purpose, the Company uses accounting methods that recognize depreciation sooner than for financial reporting purposes. ─── 为了所得税的避税,公司的会计方法通常选用比财务报告上更快的折旧法。

35、Net Value of Fixed Assets : is obtained by deducting depreciation over years from the original value of fixed assets. ─── 固定资产净值:是指固定资产原价减去历年已提折旧额后的净额。

36、Looking forward, the pressure on the appreciation of the RMB will be reduced, and depreciation is quite unlikely. ─── 因此,人民币升值的压力将会减轻,但决不会贬值。

37、Technically, accelerated depreciation lets companies write off the costs of their machinery and buildings faster than they actually wear out. ─── 从技术角度看,加速折旧使公司注销其机器与厂房成本的速度比机器与厂房实际损耗的速度要快。

38、Excluding depreciation costs, profit payments Haneda airport, Itami, New Chitose Airport, etc. 10. ─── 不含折旧费用,收支盈利的机场有羽田、伊丹、新千岁等10家机场。

39、Second, the big depreciation in sterling will help by supporting exports and constraining imports. ─── 其二,英镑大贬值再辅以鼓励出口、抑制进口,会起一些作用;

40、But house depreciation of this year still can happen. ─── 但是这一年的房子折旧仍然会发生。

41、In addition, the depreciation of the Japanese yen against the US dollar also helped the growth of exports. ─── 另外,日圆兑美元价位下跌,也有助出口增加。

42、A 40% cutback in U.S. weapon exports would result in a minimum 2% depreciation of the value of the dollars. ─── 40 %削减美国的武器出口将导致至少2 %的折旧价值的美元。

43、Depreciation of machinery cost the company a lot of money last year. ─── 去年该公司因机器折旧花了不了钱。

44、Therefore, from the economics perspective, I value assets, the depreciation of assets you are not only devalued, but also accelerated depreciation! ─── 因此,从经济学的角度来看,我是增值资产,你是贬值资产,不但贬值,而且是加速贬值!

45、To promote exchange stability, to maintain orderly exchange arrangements among members, and to avoid competitive exchange depreciation. ─── 促进汇率的稳定,保持成员国之间有秩序的汇兑安排,避免竞争性通货贬值。

46、She can't bear the depreciation of the enemy. ─── 她受不了敌人的蹂躏。

47、Such exaggeration and depreciation contain positive and negative identity which contains positive and negative meanings, satire and compliments. ─── 同时,这种夸张变形、降格或贬低化具有正反同体性,包含着否定与肯定、讽刺与赞美的双重性含义。

48、One widely used method of computing depreciation for part of a year is to round the calculation to the nearest whole month. ─── 一个最广为使用的计算非全年折旧的办法是将计算精确到月份。

49、RMB appreciation or depreciation of the sixth to become the financial management of the Shanghai Expo is a hot topic. ─── 人民币升值还是贬值,成为这次第六届上海理财博览会一个热门话题。

50、The rouble's depreciation does cut Russia's current-account deficit, by making imports pricier. ─── 卢布的贬值通过提高进口产品的价格减小了俄罗斯的经常账户赤字。

51、300 a year including is a lot less than how much I lose on DSLR depreciation, and I shoot a lot of film. ─── 1300美元一年的花费比我在数码相机贬值上面的钱要少得多,因此,到现在我依然拍很多胶卷。

52、Is be being returned from this month next month begins plan carry depreciation? ─── 从本月还是下月开始计提折旧?

53、Does the building on land and ground have depreciation minute years commonly? ─── 土地及地上建筑物一般分几年进行折旧?

54、An unfavorable depreciation allowance may keep the foreign investor out. ─── 不利的折旧率也会将外国投资者拒之门外。

55、The depreciation of other currencies in Asia has also caused a substantial reduction in tourism. ─── 亚洲其他货币贬值,亦严重打击了本港的旅游业。

56、Other fixed assets for which no depreciation may be calculated for deduction. ─── 其他不得计算折旧扣除的固定资产。

57、Net investment equals gross investment minus depreciation. ─── 净投资等于总投资减去折旧。

58、Accelerated depreciation shall generally be calculated using only the double reducing balance method or sum-of-digits method. ─── 企业加速计算折旧,一般应只限于采用双倍余额递减法或年数总和法。

59、Be about to the economic product of one country is subtractive of machine depreciation and rich use up.. ─── 即将一国的经济产品减去机器折旧和自然资源的消耗...

60、The following schedule summarizes the effects of straight-line depreciation over the entire life of the asset. ─── 下表概括了整个资产使用年限中直线折旧法对资产的影响。

61、Earnings before interest tax depreciation and amortisation rose 10 per cent to E1.9bn. ─── 主营业务收益增长18%达到12亿欧元,同时经营收益也增加了11.2%达到13亿欧元。

62、There is also a difference b/w IFRS and the local tax treatment on depreciation. ─── 另外,在关于折旧的税务上,IFRS与当地税法也有不同。

63、In this chapter, we illustrate and explain straight-line depreciation and double declining-balance, a most widely used accelerated method. ─── 在本章中,我们将演示并讲解直线折旧法和最常用的加速折旧法-双倍余额递减法。

64、The double-declining balance method computes depreciation at an accelerated rate. ─── 加倍余额递减方法用加速比率法计算折旧。

65、And EBITDA is roughly equivalent to operating cash flow: operating profits before you deduct debt interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. ─── 企业价值是一家公司股票和债券的价值,EBITDA基本相当于经营性现金流。

66、Most of the other depreciation methods are various forms of accelerated depreciation. ─── 其他折旧方法大部分是各种加速折旧法。

67、If conforming to relevant regulations, accelerated depreciation method may be adopted. ─── 如符合有关规定,也可采用加速折旧法。

68、But as the two point out, the required dollar depreciation could be much greater if it took place over a short period. ─── 然而,就像这两位教授所指出的那样,要想在短时间内实现上述目标,美元贬值所需幅度可能会比这大得多。

69、Some expenses such as depreciation expense, amortization expense and depletion expense are non-cash expenses. ─── 像折旧费用、摊销费用、递耗费用之类的费用属于非现金费用。

70、The value is calculated as reproduction cost minus depreciation plus land value. ─── 其价值等于再生产成本减去折旧价再加上土地价值。

71、Depreciation is highest in the first period and decreases in successive periods. ─── 在第一段时期,折旧率最高,而在随后的期间内递减。

72、Land is the asset that does not have depreciation. ─── 土地为无折旧的资产。

73、Looking forward, the pressure on the appreciation of the Renminbi will be reduced, and depreciation is quite unlikely. ─── 因此,人民币升值的压力将会减轻,但决不会贬值。

74、This Paper also finds that a depreciation shock in the Tokyo foreign exchange market has a greater effect on volatilities than an appreciation shock. ─── 同时,本研究也发现东京外汇市场日内报酬波动受贬值冲击影响效果大于升值效果,验证东京外汇市场日内报酬波动存在不对称效果。

75、In the Operating Activities section of the indirect SCF, why is depreciation expense added back into the cash flow? ─── 在间接法现金流量表的营运活动部分,为什么折旧费用要重新加回现金流中?

76、Birth rates must equal death rates, and production rates of commodities must equal depreciation rates. ─── 例如,出生率会等于死亡率,而商品生产率也会等于折旧率。

77、EBITDA represents earnings before interests, taxation, depreciation and amortization. ─── EBITDA为未计利息、税项、折旧及摊销前盈利。

78、'The U. S. dollar will be in the depreciation trend in the long term, ' he said. ─── 他说,长远来看,美元将处于贬值走势。

79、The book value of a plant asset is its cost minus the related accumulated depreciation. ─── 固定资产的账面净值是它的成本价减相对应的累计折旧。

80、Using the straight-line depreciation method will cause a company to report higher profits than would be reported if an accelerated method were in use. ─── 使用直线折旧法会使公司报告比使用加速折旧法更高的利润。

81、This sounds cruel, but it will accelerate a depreciation of the material, a wise choice is leasing, rather than buying. ─── 听起来很残忍,但对一件会加速贬值的物资,明智的选择是租赁,而不是购入。

82、They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery. ─── 他们注销了500镑作为机器折旧费。

83、Doubling declining balance is a form of Accelerated Depreciation. ─── 双倍余额递减法是加速折旧法中的一种.

84、The standards for preparing the asset loss or depreciation reserve, once determined, may not be altered at discretion. ─── 各项资产损失或者减值准备的计提标准,一经选用,不得随意变更。

85、Accumulated depreciation for fixed assets under finance leases shall be accounted for separately. ─── 以融资租赁方式租入固定资产的累计折旧,应当另行核算。

86、One example of an accelerated depreciation method is the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS). ─── 加速折旧法优化了资本支出,促进了企业的发展。

87、Companies may choose from several available depreciation methods. ─── 不同公司可以选择不同的折旧方法。

88、It has a depreciation value with increasing years of usage. ─── 它有一个折旧的价值日益增加的年使用。

89、The accumulated depreciation shall be presented as the contra account of the fixed asset. ─── 备抵折旧应列于固定资产下的抵销科目。

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