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08-21 投稿


anecdote 发音

英:['ænɪkdəʊt]  美:['ænɪkdot]

英:  美:

anecdote 中文意思翻译



anecdote 短语词组

1、anecdote hook ─── 轶事钩子

2、anecdote definition ─── 轶事定义

3、anecdote of jar ─── 罐子轶事

4、anecdote candles ─── 轶事蜡烛

5、my own anecdote ─── 我自己的轶事

6、anecdote synonym ─── 轶事同义词

7、anecdote define ─── 轶事

8、anecdote of the jar ─── 罐子轶事

9、anecdote meaning ─── 轶事意义

anecdote 词性/词形变化,anecdote变形

副词: anecdotally |名词: anecdotalist |异体字: anecdotic |

anecdote 相似词语短语

1、antidote ─── n.[药]解毒剂;解药;矫正方法

2、anecdotist ─── n.讲轶事的人;搜集轶事趣闻的人(等于anecdotalist)

3、anecdotally ─── 传闻地

4、anecdotic ─── adj.轶事的;爱谈轶事的

5、anecdotage ─── n.轶事集,逸事集

6、anecdotes ─── n.奇闻轶事(anecdote的复数)

7、anecdota ─── n.轶事;奇闻;秘史(anecdote的变形)

8、anecdotal ─── adj.轶事的;轶事一样的;多轶事的

9、antidotes ─── n.[药]解毒剂(antidote的复数);v.解毒(antidote的三单形式)

anecdote 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It would be wrong to judge any country, let alone one as fractured and complicated as Afghanistan, on an anecdote. ─── 仅仅凭一小条轶事就判断出一个国家的状况是不正确的,尤其是对于阿富汗这个分裂而又纷乱的国家来说。

2、To begin with, it was an anecdote he shared only with friends or new acquaintances. ─── 一开始,这只是跟朋友和初相识的人分享的一段轶事。

3、There is another version about this anecdote which says that Chruchill had nothing on when he heard someone knocking at the door. ─── 对于这则轶事,有另外的记载,说是丘吉尔赤着身子时,听到有人敲门。

4、Been very careful to leave out of any story, anecdote, or gossip about the town. ─── 很小心得躲过镇上的任何传说,轶事,闲话。

5、The Change of the Material for the Notes about History and Anecdote in the Northern Song Dynasty ─── 历史琐闻笔记题材在北宋的变迁

6、He gave a rousing speech about patriotism on June 30th, including an anecdote about sitting on his grandfather's shoulders watching American astronauts come to shore in Hawaii. ─── 他在6月30日作了一番发人深省的爱国讲演,包括他自己的一些童年轶事,坐在祖父的肩膀上望着美国的宇航员在夏威夷上岸。

7、to introduce a talk with an anecdote ─── 将一段轶事作为开场白

8、An Anecdote about Andrew Carnegie ─── 卡内基轶事

9、The flouting: of stop signals has got so bad in Boston that residents tell an anecdote about a cabby who insists that red lights are "just for decoration". ─── 在波士顿,无视停车红灯的状况已经严重到了如此程度,以至在当地居民中流传下述趣闻:一位出租汽车司机竟然坚持说:红灯只不过是“街头的装饰品而已”。

10、He introduced his speech with an anecdote. ─── 他说了一则轶闻作为演讲的引子。

11、As a writer, Mr Montefiore has an elegant turn of phrase and an unerring ear for the anecdote that will cut to the heart of a story. ─── 作为一名作家,蒙蒂菲奥里先生措辞优雅,并能准确地运用趣闻轶事切入叙事中心。

12、But make it enjoyable for the audience too by being amusing if appropriate or by perhaps illustrating points you make with an anecdote or an analogy. ─── 为了让听众听听得开心,可以在合适的时候穿插幽默或者用佚事或对比把自己的观点讲清楚。

13、I do not know how much wood the heart of Mr. anecdote, he can not read all the books, but also able to sum up the wooden heart of the great significance. ─── 我并不知道木心先生的多少轶事,未能读到他全部著作,也无力总结出木心的伟大意义。

14、He introduced his speech with a humorous anecdote. ─── 他讲了一则幽默轶事作为讲演的引子。

15、The above anecdote serves to remind us that it is imperative for translators and interpreters to be aware of the differences between peoples and cultures. ─── 以上的例子提醒我们,翻译员和通译员必须意识到不同种族和宗教之间的差异。

16、Their powers of conversation were considerable.They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humour,laugh at their acquaintance with spirit. ─── 她们的健谈本领真是吓人,描述起宴会来纤毫入微,说起故事来风趣横溢,讥笑起一个朋友来有声有色。

17、Do you have a studio anecdote to give us? ─── 录音时有什麽小插曲吗?

18、You know the anecdote about Bonaparte and Count Markov? ─── 只有马尔科夫伯爵一人擅长于同他打交道。

19、This devotion is the reason that the traditions of southern India represent him as celibate (see the anecdote Devotion to his mother). ─── 这种热爱的原因就是南印度的传统把甘尼萨描绘成一位独身者(看看他献身于他母亲的秩事)。

20、The writer uses an anecdote to make a point ─── 作者是用奇异的文章来炒作

21、She exemplified each of the points she was making with an amusing anecdote. ─── 她的每一个论点都用一个佚闻趣事来说明。

22、He had begun an anecdote, and in his broad expanse of face his tiny mouth writhed like a caterpillar. ─── 他已经在谈一桩奇闻,在他那宽阔的脸上,他的小嘴巴扭得象一条小毛虫。

23、and every now and then telling me some lit anecdote of ships or seamen, or repeating a nautical phrase till I had learned it perfectly. ─── 他还时不时地给我讲一些船只或水手的轶事,或者重复某一个航海用语,直到我完全将它学会为止。

24、In this collection there was a certain continuity of personnel and anecdote in one series of five letters. ─── 在这本书信集里,每5封信成一组,其中的人物和轶事有一定的连续性。

25、Their powers of conversation were considerable. They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humor, and laugh at their acquaintance with spirit. ─── 她们健谈的本领真是吓人,描述起宴会来纤毫入微,说起故事来风趣横生,讥笑起朋友来也是有声有色。

26、The frequency of the frequency of orderly pace and bridge produces Napoleon taxi arms resonance, make bridge is destroyed at once example has been passed already for anecdote. ─── 拿破仑的士兵整洁步伐的频率与桥梁的频率发生共振,使桥梁毁于一旦的事例已经早已传为趣闻。

27、There is another version about this anecdote which says that Chruchill had nothing on when he heard someone knocking at the door. ─── 对于这则轶事,有另外的记载,说是丘吉尔赤着身子时,听到有人敲门。

28、Don’t interrupt someone when they are telling some anecdote or their view on what you are discussing to divert the attention back to yourself. ─── 当某些人在说一些趣闻或者一些本来是你打算轮到你的时候由你阐述的观点时请不要打断他们。

29、The World Fairy Tales And Anecdote ─── 世界童话轶事选集

30、In my anecdote I referred to the "unexpected behavior" of the application, when in fact I just didn't understand how the system works. ─── 在我的轶事集中,我提到了应用程序“意料之外的行为”,而当时我并未真正理解系统的工作方式。

31、He preceded his lecture with a humorous anecdote. ─── 他以一个幽默的轶事开始他的演说

32、But we love stories, and forget that the plural of anecdote is not data. ─── 不过我们热爱故事,而忘记了这些花边新闻、奇闻趣事并不是资料。

33、We like to talk about the anecdote of our college life when we get together. ─── 我们聚在一起时喜欢谈论大学生活的轶事。

34、This anecdote takes us to the very heart of Puritanism. ─── 上面的故事正好说明清教徒的核心信仰。

35、I shared an anecdote that shows another instance of animals showing the way. ─── 我分享了一个奇闻表明不同的动物情况显示方式。

36、In Haidt’s article “Elevation and the Positive Psychology of Morality” he includes an anecdote from Thomas Jefferson’s life. ─── 在海德特的文章“道德的崇高和积极心理学”里,他摘自托马斯杰克逊的一个生活片段。

37、If the first two professors are wrong, and include the ice-cream anecdote in their course notes, they set a precedent that it is irrational to ignore. ─── 如果头两位教授是错的,并把这件冰激凌逸闻写进他们的课程笔记里,他们就开创了一个先例,而人们如果忽视这个先例,就显得不理性了。

38、They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humour, and laughed at their acquaintance with spirit. ─── 她们描述起宴会来纤毫入微,说起故事来风趣横溢,讥笑起一个朋友来也是有声有色。

39、I related the anecdote, whereupon he laughed heartily. ─── 我叙述那件轶事,他听了 (马上) 开怀大笑。

40、I still remembered an anecdote of my childhood. ─── 我仍然记得童年的一轶事。

41、Carnegie uses anecdote after anecdote to illustrate the best way to make the most of human relations. ─── 卡内基用一桩又一桩故事阐明了从人际关系中获得最大好处的方法。

42、"Fixed investment was strong, but mainly on fiscal deficit spending, while anecdote indicates that private business investment is likely to be contracting as factory utilisation and profits fall." ─── “固定投资仍然很强劲,但主要是财政赤字开支(寅吃卯粮),但同时奇怪的是私营投资很可能随开工不足和利润下降而导致萎缩。”

43、I related the anecdote,whereupon he laughed heartily. ─── 我叙述那件轶事,他听了开怀大笑。

44、He told us an amusing anecdote of the President's childhood. ─── 他告诉我们总统幼年时代的一则很逗笑的趣闻逸事。

45、Anecdote of Shanghai Cinque Savory Beans ─── 上海五香豆?事

46、What makes the anecdote a puzzle was that the consequence of it was not found. ─── 当然,这一奇闻怪事的疑难之处在于无法确定因果关系。

47、We're not talking stand-up comedy, but insight-oriented commentary, achieved via anecdote and metaphor. ─── 我们不是在谈论独角喜剧,而是通过轶事和隐喻实现的顿悟取向的评论。

48、He told me some anecdote about our English teacher. ─── 他告诉我几个关于英语老师的掌故。

49、This research is based on anecdote not fact. ─── 这项研究的根据是传闻而非事实。

50、Now the snag in this sort of anecdote is of course that one cannot distinguish cause and effect. ─── 当然,这类奇闻中的疑难处当然在于人们无法区别因与果。

51、What makes a good anecdote in a presentation? ─── 在演讲中什么样的轶事是有益的?

52、In the script Noah tells an anecdote about Keith Moon. I understand you knew him too? ─── 剧本里说Noah讲了一个关于?

53、19. Today's anecdote about Yogi Chen's fearlessness brought back memory of another one from Juan Bulnes. So I share it with all of you. ─── 今天有关陈上师无畏的轶闻令百肋也回想起另一事件,所以我和大家分享。

54、Every time he does something horrendous, think how much you will enjoy retelling the anecdote later on. ─── 每当他做出一些可怕的事情,就想一想你随后讲述这段轶事的时候将是多么有趣。

55、She departed from the text to tell an anecdote. ─── 她脱离课文扯到一段轶事上去了。

56、the authenticity of an anecdote ─── 一则轶事的真实性

57、An Anecdote in the Park ─── 公园轶事

58、Allow me to recall an anecdote about Muhammad Ali that goes back to the time when he was still a young boxer competing under the name Cassius Clay. ─── 回想起拳王阿里的一段往事。当年他还是个年轻的拳击运动员,名叫卡西尔斯.克莱。

59、Pete was telling them an anecdote about their mother. ─── 皮特正告诉他们一个关于他们母亲的趣闻轶事。

60、To close with an anecdote; ─── 以趣事结尾;

61、His book is an exercise in the fashionable art of instant history, in which every episode is hotted up with an anecdote(Harper's) ─── 他的书是对当今流行艺术的实践,其中每一个插曲都用一件故事来使之更令人兴奋(哈珀)

62、He precededhis lecture with a humorous anecdote. ─── 他以一个幽默的轶事开始他的演说。

63、He depart qrom the text to tell an anecdote. ─── 他没讲课文而讲了一段轶事。

64、In this anecdote about after today's art museums to investigate. ─── 在听说此奇闻之后,记者赶赴今日美术馆进行调查。

65、Theirs was not the uncomfortable silence whose threat one always feels just behind the punch line or at the end of an anecdote on the first date. ─── 他们的沉默可不是那种初次约会一句妙语或一段趣闻之后令人不舒服的沉默。

66、Perhaps we could include an anecdote that highlights the difficulties faced by Billy's grandfather. ─── 也许我们可以添加一个奇闻逸事来强调比利的爷爷所面临的各种艰难困苦。

67、Allow me a more modest but personal anecdote. ─── 我下面要说的是我个人的一个小故事。

68、The people loving killing time in thick stream always came to engage in conversations, spread abroad anecdote and talked freely the government affairs. ─── 喜欢在浑浊的人潮中消磨时光的人, 也在这里约会,聚谈,互相传播琐事轶闻,纵谈天下大事。

69、It is all right to tell a joke or an anecdote if it is in good taste and will not embarrass the speaker. ─── 只要不出格而且不使发言人感到难堪,开个玩笑或者讲个趣闻都不要紧。

70、You may remember the anecdote that was told of King George the First of England and Sir Christopher Wren, the architect of St. paul's Cathedral in London. ─── 你可能记得关于英格兰国王乔治一世和伦敦圣保罗大教堂设计师克利斯托弗?雷恩爵士的轶事。

71、But I attributed to Hotelling an anecdote that is widely used but was probably never used by Hotelling himself. ─── 但在文章中,我把人们广泛引用的一个例子归到霍特林头上,而霍特林本人可能从未引用过。

72、But the curious thing is that any number of professors may now follow suit, suspecting that the anecdote is bogus but deferring to the collective wisdom of their predecessors. ─── 但奇怪的是,现在很多教授可能都会这样做:尽管怀疑这件逸闻是假的,但却最终服从于前人们的集体智慧。

73、Bible lover once told an anecdote about a pompous colonel at a dinner table. ─── 一个牧师曾经向我讲述自己在餐桌上的一段经历。

74、He also has a taste for the endearing, if a bit gossipy, personal anecdote: Arnold Schoenberg watched “The Lone Ranger” and “Hopalong Cassidy”; ─── 他对靠写电影配曲而闻名、富有的作曲天才弗洛姆沃尔大纲的点评尤其有见地。

75、Her best anecdote is about picking a real estate agent. ─── 她那最有趣的奇闻就是关于挑选房产经纪人的故事。

76、They could describe an entertainment with accuracy, relate an anecdote with humor, and laughed at their acquaintance with spirit. ─── 她们描述起宴会来纤毫入微,说起故事来风趣横溢,讥笑起一个朋友来也是有声有色。

77、If the anecdote is true, it indicates a misplaced reaction, for theo?riginators of ice cream, at least in the West, were Japan's Ax is comrades in Italians. ─── 如果这件事属实,那么日本人的态度是没有根据的,因为冰淇淋的发明者,至少在西方,是日本人的轴心国盟友意大利人。

78、We all know that the plural of "anecdote" is not evidence, but I can categorically state that, for me, the outgoing commander-in-chief has mercifully never figured in any discussion on that subject. ─── 我们都知道,“传说”加“传说”不等于证据,但是,我可以断言,就我所知,这位外向的司令官从未仁慈地参与过这个主题的讨论。

79、There is, as Robert Rubin, the treasury secretary, says, a "disjunction" between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics. ─── 正如美国财长罗伯特·鲁宾所言,在指向生产率飞跃的大量商业轶事与统计数据所反映的情况之间存在着“脱节”。

80、Anecdote is not science, though. ─── 但消息传闻毕竟不是科学。

81、What makes the anecdote a puzzle was that the consequence of it was not found. ─── 当然,这一奇闻怪事的疑难之处在于无法确定因果关系。

82、He departed from the text to tell an anecdote. ─── 他偏离课文讲起了一则轶事。

83、"His book is an exercise in the fashionable art of instant history, in which every episode is hotted up with an anecdote" (Harper's) ─── “他的书是对当今流行艺术的实践,其中每一个插曲都用一件故事来使之更令人兴奋”(哈珀)

84、Effectively used, a pause in your speech can be used to emphasise a point, or to allow the audience to react to a fact, anecdote or joke ─── 中间适当停顿,让听众有时间去反映

85、So i could explore my host...Oops, that loggerhead's anecdote to you all! ─── 因此我可以尽说我的主人...噢不是,那笨蛋的轶闻给...

86、The host Bored his guests with a long and pointless anecdote. ─── 主人讲述的冗长而毫无意义的轶闻使客人们都厌倦了。

87、Never misty-eyed, he keeps finding the right anecdote to support his view of American exceptionalism. ─── 他从不伤感,总能不断挖掘出恰当的奇闻轶事来支持他关于美国异常理论的观点。

88、He was about to favour us with a little anecdote connected with it, when you entered. ─── 你们走进来的时间,他正打算讲段和这有关的逸话给我们听听呢。

89、In a telephone interview, Mr.Walsch, 65, who said he regularly gave 10 to 20 speeches a year, said he had been retelling the anecdote in public as his own for years. ─── 在一个电话采访中,65岁的沃许先生,他说他每年有演讲10到20场。

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