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09-11 投稿


privileged 发音

英:[ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd]  美:[ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd]

英:  美:

privileged 中文意思翻译




privileged 网络释义

adj. 享有特权的;有特别恩典的v. 给予…特权;免除(privilege的过去分词)

privileged 词性/词形变化,privileged变形

比较级--more privileged;最高级--most privileged。

privileged 同义词

top secret | inside | private | limited | confidential | lucky | fortunate | restricted | favored |inner | advantaged | honored | controlled

privileged 常用词组

privileged position ─── 特权地位;最优惠头寸

privileged 短语词组

1、privileged estate ─── [法] 保留财产

2、privileged master procedure ─── [计] 特许主过程

3、privileged mode/state ─── [计] 特许方式/状态

4、privileged job ─── [计] 特许作业

5、privileged instruction ─── [计] 特权指令

6、privileged instruction execution ─── [计] 特许指令执行

7、privileged element ─── [法] 特权分子

8、privileged command ─── [计] 特许输入

9、privileged deed ─── [法] 特许契据

10、privileged memory operation ─── [计] 特许存储操作

11、privileged input ─── [计] 特许输入

12、privileged master mode ─── [计] 特许主方式

13、privileged debt ─── [法] 应优先偿还的债务

14、privileged access ─── [计] 特许存取

15、privileged bit ─── [计] 特权位, 特许位

16、non-privileged a. ─── 没有特权的, ─── 没有权利的

17、privileged creditor ─── [法] 享有优先权的债权人

18、privileged mode ─── [计] 特权状态, 特权模式

19、privileged interface ─── [计] 特许接口

privileged 反义词


privileged 相似词语短语

1、disprivileges ─── vt.使丧失特权

2、overprivileged ─── adj.超水准(经济收入)

3、to privilege ─── 特权

4、privileging ─── n.特权;优待;vt.给予…特权;特免

5、disprivilege ─── vt.使丧失特权

6、privileges ─── n.[计]特权(privilege的复数);v.给与…特权(privilege的第三人称单数形式)

7、unprivileged ─── adj.无特权的,贫穷的

8、privilege ─── n.特权;优待;vt.给予…特权;特免

9、disprivileged ─── vt.使丧失特权

privileged 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Local System account is a highly privileged account; use caution when assigning Local System permissions to SQL Server service accounts. ─── Local System帐户是一个高特权帐户;向SQL Server服务帐户分配Local System权限时应谨慎。

2、Privacy laws, these critics say, would protect the privileged. ─── 他们批评说隐私权法律保护了特权。

3、A privileged to see the dog, puzzling: cattle brother, a bitter hay, and chew it back? This is not you eat two times bitter, two times by the crime? ─── 一只养尊处优的狗看见了,不解的问:牛大哥,一把苦涩的干草,用得著来回地嚼吗?你这不是吃二遍苦,受二遍罪吗?

4、The year after that,I was placed in charge of a large summer program for under privileged children in the large city of Millon, South Dakota. ─── 一年后,我被安置在负责一个大夏天计划下享有特权的儿童在各大城市米,南达科他州。

5、Levi survived by working for the camps in his capacity as a chemist;he became a "privileged" prisoner. ─── 他的化学家的才能使他能在营里工作而得以生存下来,成为一个“有特权”的囚犯。

6、If the user so authorizes, the Application Information service will create the process with the fully privileged token. ─── 如果用户进行了此类授权,则“应用程序信息”服务将以完全权限令牌来创建进程。

7、Under Saddam, getting permission to travel could take up to a year and was mostly reserved for privileged members of the government or their families. ─── 在萨达姆政权统治时期,申请旅游护照需要长达一年的时间,而且绝大多数情况下只有政府官员及其家庭成员才有出国旅游的特权。

8、The strategies in scaffold alteration can be classified into three aspects: bio-isosterism, privileged structure-oriented, and scaffold hopping. ─── 以结构-活性演化的方式变换骨架结构,即骨架迁越。

9、As a rich and privileged person she has very little empathy with the people she claims to represent. ─── 作为一个富有且有特权的人,她和那些她所声称的代表没有多少共同的情感。

10、The likely result will be the application running with a more privileged account than is necessary. ─── 如果使用SQL sysadmin帐户,可能会造成这样的结果,即应用程序会以比所需权限更多的特权帐户运行。

11、Their tragedies undoubtedly resulted from a men privileged world where women are not properly treated as humanbeings. ─── 她们的悲剧无疑是由于她们身处一个不把女人当人的男权社会。

12、In this type of threat, an unprivileged user gains privileged access and thereby has sufficient access to compromise or destroy the entire system. ─── 在这种威胁中,无特权的用户获得特权,因此可以通过访问来威胁或破坏整个系统。

13、They existed for him as a symbol of all that was corrupt, overbearing, stupid, and privileged in army life . ─── 他们的存在,他是一个象征,所有这是腐败,咄咄逼人的,愚蠢的,和特权在军队的生活。

14、In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country. We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us. ─── 在我结束讲话之前,我想再说一遍,我们来贵国作客是多么的愉快和荣幸。对于你们为我们所做的一切深表感谢。

15、A system of elite schools and universities to which the rich have privileged access is neither fair nor efficient. ─── 富人的孩子总有特权进入精英学校,这样的体系既不公平又缺乏效率。

16、On an occasion such as this we are privileged to welcome... ─── 在这样重要的场合,我们有幸能欢迎...

17、He hates the privileged stratum. ─── 他憎恨特权阶层。

18、On an occasion such as this ( ie as important as this ) we are privileged to welcome... ─── 在这样重要的场合, 我们有幸能欢迎.

19、He was scornful of the privileged. ─── 他鄙视特权阶层。

20、Why do humans choose to live off of one another enslaving others to drudgery so that one can be “privileged”? ─── 为什么人类选择了依靠彼此奴役他人做苦工而使某些人成为特权者来生活?

21、The Privileged status for provinces may change in the future. ─── 今后,享受优惠待遇的省份可能会有改动。

22、My client humbly requests that you manage an orphanage home for her in your country where the less privileged and orphans can come and stay. ─── 我的客户,谦恭地请求在您自己的国家申请出国,留在这儿建立一个孤儿院,收养孤儿。

23、Corresponds to the amount of time that the application has spent running in privileged mode, inside the operating system core. ─── 对应于应用程序在操作系统内核中以特权模式运行所用的时间。

24、The IOS backup can be initiated from the privileged EXEC mode with the copy flash tftp command. ─── IOS的备份可藉由特权EXEC模式下的copytftpflash指令来执行。

25、privileged position. ─── 地位者自有特权。

26、A participant or privileged participant shall encipher any payment instruction it makes, and a payment instruction shall have effect once it is given. ─── 参与者和特许参与者应按规定对其发起的支付指令进行加密,支付指令一经发出即具有支付效力。

27、She comes from a privileged background. ─── 她出身特权阶层。

28、Global configuration mode and all other more specific configuration modes can only be reached from the privileged EXEC mode. ─── 全域组态模式和所有其他更多特定组态模式只能从特权EXEC模式到达。

29、Therefore, deletion is a privileged operation. ─── 因此,删除是一项特权操作。

30、Total CPU usage by applications run by privileged system processes since the system booted. ─── 从系统启动开始特权用户应用所使用的总的CPU使用量。

31、The lab resist discovery, maintaining that the requested materials are privileged, constitute trade secrets, are legally irrelevant. ─── 实验室反对辩方发现,并坚持主张说,辩方请求发现的资料是受到特权保护的,构成商业秘密,在法律上也是不相关的。

32、A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite. ─── 人民党主义一种政治哲学,在人民反对特权精英阶级的斗争上支持人民的权利与权力

33、Venerable but not fusty, privileged but not showy, secure its sense of excellence, but not arrogant, Oxford is, in a word, civilized. ─── 古老却不陈腐,尊贵却不卖弄,确信自身的优越却不傲慢,简而言之,牛津是一处为文明所熏陶之地。

34、Like any other privileged caste, they use their power for their own advantage. ─── 他们象其他特权阶级一样,利用手中的权力谋求自己的私利。

35、Oh I hate you privileged upper class people. ─── 噢,我恨你们这些有特权的上流社会。

36、They are only interested in preserving the power of the privileged and the well off. ─── 他们只对保护特权阶层和富人的权力感兴趣。

37、Use extra caution with system admins and privileged users. ─── 对系统管理员和特殊权限用户更要小心。

38、The most common case in which a user will have both a filtered and fully privileged token is when the user is a member of the Administrators group. ─── 如果用户是“管理员”组的成员,用户通常会同时具有经过滤的令牌和完全权限令牌。

39、Only the privileged few could afford to send their children to private schools. ─── 只有少数享有特权的人才能负担得起送孩子去私立学校就读。

40、Today's real borders are not between nations, but between powerful and powerless, free and fettered, privileged and humiliated. ─── 今天真正的边界不在于国与国之间,而在于强者与弱者、自由者和受压制者、特权者和窘迫者之间。

41、During these last few months, I have been humbled and privileged to see the true character of this country in a time of testing. ─── 在最近的几个月中,我逐渐认识到了美国经历严峻考验时的真本色,并为之折服。

42、The sons stay behind, and the ones with the most powerful mothers become the most privileged males. ─── 儿子们则会留下来,而那些拥有最强势的母亲的,则会成为拥有最高特权的雄性。

43、She came from a privileged background. ─── 她出身於特权阶层。

44、No organization or individual is privileged to be beyond the Constitution or the law. ─── 任何组织或者个人都不得有超越宪法和法律的特权。

45、As America’s best friend, with privileged access to intelligence, it feels compelled to take part in America’s wars. ─── 作为美国最好的朋友,英国有接触情报的特权,也感到必须参加美国的战争。

46、You will be privileged to enter the factory with this ID card. ─── 你有这张身份卡就有权进入工厂。

47、People with very high IQs don't necessarily run the country; they do , however, usually have access to a privileged and protected position. ─── 具有很高智商的人不一定会去管理国家,但他们通常能获得一个特殊的和得到保护的社会地位。

48、And yet the functionaries and celebrities privileged enough to have cars continued to exercise a familiar kind of recklessness and immunity. ─── 然而官员和名人享有的特权足以使汽车以一种熟悉的方式继续作威作福,无法无天。

49、Later, he was privileged to work for Flinders Petrie , a strong field director and one of the most credible archaeologists of his time. ─── 后来他幸运的在弗兰德斯。皮特里手下工作。弗兰德斯。皮特里是个优秀的工作导师,也是他那个时代最可靠的考古学家之一。

50、They are often white and male, but they do not feel privileged and they often chafe at the way affirmative-action policies discriminate against them. ─── 他们很多是白人男性,但是却感受不到一丝优越,对美国优待少数民族的社会计划,常觉得对他们不公平而十分焦躁。

51、A Xen system has multiple layers, the lowest and most privileged of which is Xen itself. ─── 一个Xen系统拥有多个层,最底层和最高特权层是Xen程序本身。

52、Taxes on capital markets' turnover could even strengthen the privileged position of big banks in the financial system. ─── 对资本市场交易征税甚至还可以增进大型银行在金融系统中的优势地位。

53、In this lab, students access the router command-line interface and activate privileged level configuration options. ─── 在这个实验,同学存取路由器指令列介面,并且运作特权层级组态选项。

54、They have privileged access," explained Snyder. ─── 他们有特权进入,”斯奈德解释道。

55、Most mobile distros allow SDL apps to run with privileged speeds. ─── 大部分移动发行版允许SDL高速运行。

56、Beneficiaries of state land allocations are mainly privileged people in society with resultant inequitable distribution of public land. ─── 国家土地分配的受益者主要是社会中特权者,从而导致公共土地分配不公。

57、Historically, everywhere human beings were convinced that they occupied a privileged position in the universe. ─── 多少年来,人类一直认为他们是在宇宙中佔有特权的物种。

58、KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES-Build privileged relationship with vaccine concerned officials in MOH, SFDA, BOH, CDC, NICP...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳赛诺菲巴斯德生物制品有限公司北京分公司工作地点:广东省广州市发布时间:2009-6-3

59、What a day, what an event and what a fighter. We truly saw the best at her best and we were privileged to be there. ─── 多么不平凡的一天,多么不平凡的挑战,多么不平凡的斗士.我们真的很幸运在她最佳时刻看到了最佳表现.

60、On an occasion such as this (ie as important as this) we are privileged to welcome ... ─── 在这样重要的场合,我们有幸能欢迎 ...

61、Damningly one-sided though the game was, one could not help but feel privileged to see something wonderful gain its reward. ─── 即使这是一场该死的一边倒的比赛,球迷还是禁不住感到有幸看到一些了不起的东西,完全物有所值。

62、Privileged chaps tend to suffer from a sense of entitlement (read: bratty-boy syndrome), so he may believe that the rules don't apply to him. ─── 备受关爱的孩子会产生特权感(坏孩子综合症),他们相信规则对他们是不适用的。

63、Capitalism needs to be modernised to serve the long-term interests of society rather than the short-term greed of a privileged few. ─── 资本主义亟需现代化,为社会的长期利益作出贡献,而不是成为少数特权阶级的贪欲满足之手段。

64、"It feels good to have help, to be honest, " he said. "I'm privileged, more than anything, to be in this situation. " ─── “老实说,能有人相助,这种感觉真好,”他说。“到这里来打球简直就是特权,没有什么能给我这种特权感。”

65、These include functions for memory management, exception vector processing, privileged register access, and privileged timer access. ─── 其中包括用于内存管理、异常向量处理、特权寄存器访问、特权计时器访问的函数。

66、He was privileged to come at any time. ─── 他有任何时候都可以来的特权。

67、Exceptions thrown by ASP.NET site navigation features do not expose privileged information. ─── ASP.NET站点导航功能引发的异常不会公开特权信息。

68、In those days, only a privileged few had the vote. ─── 在那个时代,只有少数特殊的人才享有选举权。

69、Later, he was privileged to work for Flinders Petrie, a strong field director and one of the most credible archaeologists of his time. ─── 后来他幸运的在弗兰德斯.皮特里手下工作。弗兰德斯.皮特里是个优秀的工作导师,也是他那个时代最可靠的考古学家之一。

70、Some people are more talented than others,Some are more educationally privileged than others.but we all have the capacity to be great. ─── 一些人比另外一些人聪明,一些人比另外一些人有教育上的特权,但我们每个人都有成为伟人的潜能。

71、Tax laws that favored the privileged at the expense of the disadvantaged. ─── 以处于劣势的人为代价而有利于拥有特权者的税法

72、Privileged chaps tend to suffer from a sense of entitlement, so he may believe that the rules don't apply to him. ─── 备受关爱的孩子会产生特权感,他们相信规则对他们是不适用的。

73、"I am so blessed, so privileged to be here to watch him swim live," said Inge de Bruijn of the Netherlands. ─── “能在这里看到他的水中英姿真可谓三生有幸,他让我热泪盈眶。”

74、How do I obtain authorization for Privileged Microsoft Mobile to Market Root signing services? ─── 如何获得微软的特权签名授权?

75、In the 1920s, everyone who was anyone wintered in thisplaygroundfor the privileged. ─── 在19世纪20年代的时候,住在这里的都是那些拥有特权的人们;

76、Now, 44 years later, I am privileged to stand side by side with you, ready to work hand in hand on a mission that we all share. ─── 44年后的现在,我又很荣幸和各位并肩而立,准备携手展开一项我们分享的使命。

77、As a rich and privileged person she has little empathy with the people she claims to represent. ─── 作为一个有钱有地位的人,她几乎无法与她声称所代表的人民产生共鸣。

78、One biographer observed: "[Rodgers] became extraordinarily successful in his work, enjoyed a privileged life, and shared two Pulitzer Prizes. ─── 一本传记说: [罗 杰 斯]工作上极为成功, 享 尽荣华富贵,并两度与 伙伴 共同荣获普利策 奖 。

79、Article 5 states: "No organization or individual is privileged to be beyond the constitution or the law. ─── 宪法第五条声明:“任何群组织或各个人都不得有超越宪法和法律的特权”。

80、How privileged we all were to be able to discover the beauty of Fiordland and to learn about this incredible ecosystem. ─── 多么难得的机会啊我们能在一起去发现福德峡湾的壮丽并去了解这个难以置信的生态系统。"

81、It represents a mixed plate of both formulated tradition and the aloofness of the privileged, spiced with a bit of mischievous playfulness . ─── 它代表的是特权者的制式传统与冷漠态度的融合,再加上一丁点的顽皮淘气。

82、There is a small back parlour where the landlord will serve drinks out of hours to a privileged few. ─── 后面是一间小会客室,这儿将是店主在非工作时间里为少数享有特权的提供饮料的地方。

83、But stealth parties offer the privileged a chance to consume without an inner censor chiding them for their spendthrift ways. ─── 但隐密的购物派对提供有钱阶级一个机会,让他们不必为了挥金如土感到内疚。

84、However, the text will be available to privileged users that can either access system tables over the DAC port or directly access database files. ─── 但是,可以通过DAC端口访问系统表的特权用户或直接访问数据文件的特权用户可以使用此文本。

85、We are very privileged to have Senator Dobbs with us this evening. ─── 今晚有多布斯参议员光临,我们感到十分荣幸。

86、In the first half of the nineteenth century, Russian society was founded on the gentry, the privileged landowners who were supported by the serfs. ─── 在十九世纪头五十年,俄罗斯社会是以贵族以及由农奴们供养的享有特权的农庄主为根基的。

87、Privileged Status applications may be lodged without the need to have full school fees paid in advance. ─── 享受优惠待遇的申请可以直接递交材料,而毋须先向学校付费。

88、For the Provision Device property, select either Privileged Certificate Store or Unprivileged Certificate Store. ─── 对于“提供设备”属性,可选择“特权证书存储区”或“非特权证书存储区”。

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