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08-28 投稿


Arcturus 发音


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Arcturus 中文意思翻译



Arcturus 短语词组

1、arcturus aliens ─── 大角星外星人

2、arcturus star system ─── 大角星系

3、arcturus therapeutics ─── 大角星疗法

4、arcturus portal ─── 大角星门

5、arcturus for example ─── 例如大角星

6、Arcturus stream ─── 星象溪

7、arcturus crossword ─── 大角填字游戏

8、arcturus star ─── 大角星

Arcturus 相似词语短语

1、archers ─── n.弓箭手(archer的复数形式)

2、Arcturus ─── n.大角星

3、archaeus ─── n.活力,[医]元气

4、arcature ─── n.小拱廊

5、arcus ─── n.[气象]弧状云

6、arctiids ─── 牛蒡子

7、arctics ─── n.御寒防水套鞋(arctic的复数)

8、arcatures ─── n.小拱廊

9、archeus ─── 原尺度

Arcturus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth in his season? or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? ─── 32你能按时领出十二宫吗。能引导北斗和随它的众星(星原文作子)吗。

2、Humanity acted out the disease karma that had already been deposited upon earth through Arcturus long before humanity arrived and was seeded upon earth. ─── 很久以前人类到达并被播种在地球上,人类将已沉积在地球上的大角星之疾病业力付诸于行动。

3、dark shies you will notice the reddish color of Arcturus. ─── 夜幕降临时,你会注意到那颗淡红色的大角星。

4、In due course, a parallel shift shall likewise occur upon Sirius, Arcturus, the Pleiades and in Orion allowing for the complete integration of what was left behind in their own incomplete ascension. ─── 在适当的时候,一个类似变迁也将同样发生在天狼星、大角星、昴宿星团和猎户星上,允许将不完全提升中所遗留的业力进行完全整合。

5、His hatred for Arcturus Mengsk has become a festering wound. ─── 他对蒙斯克的仇恨变成了他不可碰触的伤口。

6、The crown is located more or less along a line between two bright stars, Arcturus in the constellation Bootes the Herdsman and Vega in the constellation Lyra the Harp. ─── 这顶华冠所处的位置,几乎将牧夫座(形状似一个牧人)的大角星和的天琴座(竖琴的形状)的织女星,这两颗明亮的星星连成了一条直线。

7、When finally Arcturus had reached the position marked XI (DEC), we slid, shivering, out from under the sheets. ─── 当大角星终于到标记着XI(DEC)的位置时,我们颤抖着从被褥下溜出来.

8、A twist of fate found Raynor temporarily allied with Arcturus Mengsk and the Queen of Blades, the being reforged from Sarah Kerrigan by the zerg Overmind. ─── 于是雷纳在克哈尔之子组织内部发动了起义,控制了蒙斯克的亥伯龙号私人指挥舰和一小部分舰船。

9、The curve stretches from the handle of the Dipper to Arcturus in Bootes all the way down to Spica in Virgo. ─── 这条弧线由北斗的斗柄开始,沿著柄身的弧度,经过牧夫座的主星大角,最后到达室女座主星角宿一。

10、When finally Arcturus had reached the position marked XI (DEC), we slid, shivering, out from under the sheets. ─── 当大角星终于到标记着XI(DEC)的位置时,我们颤抖着从被褥下溜出来。

11、With dark shies you will notice the reddish color of Arcturus. ─── 当夜幕降临时,你会注意到那颗淡红色的大角星。

12、Even Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades and Arcturus never fell so low in vibration. ─── 甚至天狼星、猎户星、昴宿星团和大角星的振动也从未下跌到如此之低。

13、Even if you go no further, the ability to look up and say "There's Arcturus!" ─── 如果你深入下去,有一天你走到户外指着一颗星说:“瞧,这是大角星!”

14、When he was subsequently liberated by Arcturus Mengsk's Sons of Korhal, an anti-Confederate revolutionary group, Raynor chose to fight alongside them. ─── 雷纳很少作极为缜密的准备,但是他很擅长在战斗中利用各种因素作出及时反应并扭转战局。

15、Many of them are simply numbered by your astronomers, while others have names you are familiar with-Sirius, Arcturus, Orion, the Pleiades, and so on. ─── 它们多数只是由你们的天文学家编了号的,虽然有你们已熟悉的名字-天狼星,大角星(牧夫座星),猎户(星)座,昴星团等等。

16、Indeed, Sirius, Arcturus and Orion have all ascended within the past 1 million years. ─── 事实上,天狼星、大角星(牧夫座最亮的星)和猎户星座在过去的100万年中都提升了。

17、Star System: Arcturus - Planet: pitolla. ─── 星恒星系统——pitolla星球。

18、Eventually, exhausted and disillusioned, Raynor returned to terran space to lead a resistance movement against the spreading power of Arcturus Mengsk's Terran Dominion. ─── 虽然这两个暴君对付的是同一个敌人,但他们那脆弱的同盟崩裂只是时间问题。

19、Now the Terran Dominion has emerged from the ashes of the old Confederacy as the dominant power, ruled by none other than Emperor Arcturus I. ─── 现在作为主导力量人族的领土已经从旧邦联的灰烬中显露出来,统治者正是皇帝大角星一世。

20、Short-term HeI 10830? Activity in Arcturus ─── 大角星的HeI 10830?的短时标活动

21、It was given through this source that the entity Edgar Cayce, after the experience as Uhjltd, went to the system of Arcturus, and then returned to earth. ─── 此讯息管道曾经讲过凯西这个个体在Uhjltd那一世后去了牧夫座的大角星系统(systemofArcturus),然后又反回地球。

22、Arcturus much like Sirius is bothered, and the records from Earth's ascension are being disseminated to their respective Great Central Sun, which is in another parallel creation. ─── 大角星就像天狼星一样正被折磨,来自地球提升的记录正被传播到各自的大中枢太阳之中,那是另一个类似的造物。

23、Kerrigan: You made us all into monsters, Arcturus. You could never suffer enough for what you've done. ─── 凯瑞甘:你把我们都变成了怪物,让你死几次也偿还不了你干的那些事。

24、Arcturus sets beneath the west-northwest horizon after midnight. ─── 大角星则会在午夜之后完全消失于西北方的地平线。

25、Canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? ─── 你能引导北斗星和随它的众星吗?

26、Follow the arc of the Big Dipper's handle to get to Arcturus , the bright yellowish star in the lower left corner. ─── 顺着北斗七星勺柄的弧度向外延伸,我们很容易看到明亮的大角星,它略泛黄光,在图片左下角。

27、Arcturus has already passes its highest point in the evening at this time of year and is slowly descending to the west. ─── 今年的此时的夜晚,大角星已经位移至它的最高点,并开始缓慢地向西移动。

28、Our conclusion is that we happened to observe an intensive short time-scale activity of the chromosphere of Arcturus characterized by mass outflow and outward motions of circumstellar matter. ─── 分析认为我们观测到的是大角星的一次以天计的短时标色球剧烈活动,它伴随着物质的向外抛射,也引起星周物质的向外运动。

29、The dolphins and whales lived within the poisons that Arcturus had displaced upon Earth, as the poisons had merged with all waterways as the ice thawed. ─── 海豚鲸鱼生活在大角星人所弃置于地球的毒素之中,因为毒素在冰雪消融后混入所有水道。

30、Arcturus is the brightest star in your western sky, so you can't miss this yellow-orange beacon. ─── 大角星是西部天空最亮的星星,所以你不会错过这个黄橙色的指示标。

31、Follow the arc of the Big Dipper's handle to get to Arcturus, the bright yellowish star in the lower left corner. ─── 顺着北斗七星勺柄的弧度向外延伸,我们很容易看到明亮的大角星,它略泛黄光,在图片左下角。

32、Near the image center is the bright star Arcturus. ─── 在影像中央附近是明亮的大角星。

33、This blue-white gem appears to the southwest (lower left) of Arcturus. ─── 这个蓝白宝石一样的星星出现在大角星的西南方向。

34、Shalt thou be able to join together the shining stars the Pleiades, or canst thou stop the turning about of Arcturus? ─── 你岂能拴住昴宿的纽结,解开参星的绳索?

35、Mostly, Arcturus would dismiss the dreams as whims of an overactive imagination. ─── 大多数时候,他只是把它当成想象力过于活跃的怪念头而驱散。

36、Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. ─── 他造北斗,叁星,昴星,并南方的密宫。

37、Seen above the meteor near the horizon is bright star Arcturus and a star field that includes the constellations Bootes and Corona Borealis. ─── 上面看到的流星靠近地平线是明亮的大角星和星场,包括星座牧夫座和北冕座。

38、Ship 46 - Arcturus - Westover based. Contains event calendar, program information, boats, photo gallery, and leadership contacts. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

39、They are said to come from the Pleiades, Orion, Lyra, Vega, , Arcturus, Andromeda, Cassiopeia, the home of the Praying Mantis Race or tall grays. ─── 据说它们是来自昴宿星团、猎户星座、天琴座、织女星、大角星、仙女座、仙后座等,是螳螂族类或高大的灰人的家园。

40、Arcturus leaned back in his seat. ─── 阿克·图斯靠回他的座椅上。

41、Spica will diasappear from the evening sky by late September, and Arcturus will disappear from the evening stage in November. ─── 在9月底之前,角宿二就会从夜空消失,而大角星则会在11月从这个星空舞台消失。

42、Blue-white Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo, is nowhere as bright as Arcturus but it's still a first-magnitude star. ─── 蓝白色的室女座a星,是室女座星群中最亮的星,不管在哪,它和大角星一样亮,但是它却仍然是一等星。

43、Papilio arcturus ─── n. 窄斑翠凤蝶

44、Today Raynor seems to be losing faith: he's drinking heavily and blames himself for Kerrigan's being taken by the zerg.His hatred for Arcturus Mengsk has become a festering wound. ─── 虽然缺乏训练和学历,但雷纳不失为一个好的领导者和优秀的战术家。

45、They sustained higher dimensional -telepathic contact with the advanced space brethren from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and Sirius. ─── 他们能与昴宿星团,大角星,仙女座和天狼星等先进空间的弟兄们维持次元间心灵感应的接触。

46、Arcturus group ─── 大角星群

47、The darkness upon Earth has come from four main sources, the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion and Arcturus. ─── 地球上的黑暗来源主要有4个:昴宿星、狼星、户星和大角星。

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