foliaceous 发音
英:[[ˌfəʊlɪ'eɪʃəs]] 美:[[ˌfoʊlɪ'eɪʃəs]]
英: 美:
foliaceous 中文意思翻译
foliaceous 短语词组
1、foliaceous foliage ─── 叶状 ─── 叶
2、foliaceous thallus ─── 叶状地衣体
3、foliaceous lichen ─── 叶状地衣
4、foliaceous meaning ─── 叶状含义
5、foliaceous structure ─── 叶片状构造
6、foliaceous sheath ─── 叶鞘
foliaceous 相似词语短语
1、filaceous ─── adj.丝状的,丝质的
2、olivaceous ─── adj.橄榄色的;橄榄绿的
3、araliaceous ─── 蔓藤科
4、meliaceous ─── adj.楝科的
5、coriaceous ─── adj.皮质的;像皮革的;强韧的
6、tiliaceous ─── adj.椴科植物的
7、liliaceous ─── adj.百合花的;百合花似的
8、alliaceous ─── adj.葱的;有葱的滋味的
9、oleaceous ─── adj.木犀科的
foliaceous 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Foliaceous each other is unripe, sometimes upside verticillate shape, blade egg shape wraps around needle form, vein red. ─── 叶互生,有时上部轮生状,叶片卵状披针形,叶脉红色。
2、The filiform tit of patient tongue gradually atrophy disappears, channel grain is deepened show branch foliaceous, glossal surface is slick and tide is red. ─── 病人舌的丝状乳头逐渐萎缩消失,沟纹加深呈分叶状,舌表面光滑而潮红。
3、extra foliaceous ─── 离叶的
4、Epicalyx lobes 4-6, foliaceous, connate at base, enlarged into spreading wings in fruit, persistent. ─── 副萼裂片4-6,叶状,在基部合生,在果期成展开翅大,持久。
5、Seeds 1 to many per follicle, on inner margin of foliaceous endocarp, globose, endosperm flat or plicate; ─── 每蓇葖果种子1到多数,在叶状内果皮内部边缘的上,球状,胚乳平或折扇状;
6、After Wen Xiang, admire Shang Se carefully, foliaceous copy, taste drink slowly again. ─── 闻香后,仔细欣赏汤色,叶底,再慢慢品饮。
7、" foliaceous teacher drags the Zhao Yong that has gone hastily beside her, zhao Yong is red face, ground of reverent and respectful cried: "Foliaceous teacher is good! ─── 叶老师一把拽住从她身边匆忙走过的赵勇,赵勇红着脸,毕恭毕敬地叫了一声:“叶老师好!”
8、Shang segong is colourful bright, flavor pleasant delicacy is full-bodied, foliaceous (the tea-leaf that bubble crosses) gong liang. ─── 汤色红艳明亮,滋味甘鲜醇厚,叶底(泡过的茶渣)红亮。
9、Epicalyx lobes 3(-7), foliaceous, glandular, free or connate at base, entire or toothed to deeply laciniate. ─── 副萼裂片3(-7),叶状,腺,离生或合生在基部,全缘或者齿状到深条裂。
10、Indoor raised flowers and trees, do not facilitate gush water, time grew, beautiful Xie Shangrong falls easily dirt, block foliaceous aperture up dead. ─── 室内养的花木,不便于喷水,时间长了,花叶上轻易落上灰尘,把叶孔堵死。
11、Foliaceous each other is unripe, long elliptic, whole reason. ─── 叶互生,长椭圆形,全缘。
12、Racemes terminal;bracts foliaceous, parted to entire. ─── 总状花序顶生苞片叶状,深裂的到全缘。
13、Nevertheless foliaceous gentleman holds to refund. ─── 不过叶先生坚持退款。
14、Foliaceous each other is unripe, approximate verticillate, grow egg form page, very unripe new unripe Xie Jinhuang is lubricious, gradual change of bottom maturity Xie Jian is bottle green. ─── 叶互生,近似轮生,长卵形叶,顶生新生叶金黄色,下部成熟叶渐渐变为深绿色。
15、Put cure, change cure unsure to effect of caruncle of malign and foliaceous bursa. ─── 放疗、化疗对于恶性叶状囊肉瘤效果不肯定。
16、Agency of new bank of big lake city village of foliaceous door village appoint the colored flag before meeting office building is flying, lively and unusual. ─── 洪湖市新堤办事处叶家门村村委会办公楼前彩旗飘扬,热闹异常。
17、bracts simple or foliaceous, short petiolate, broadly lanceolate to lanceolate, 1.6--3 cm. ─── 叶状的苞片单或,短叶柄,宽披针形到披针形,1.6-3厘米。
18、foliaceous ishige algae ─── 扁铁钉菜
19、Foliaceous each other is unripe, odd a shape compound leaf, flocculus circle, form of cauline ministry heart. ─── 叶互生,奇数羽状复叶,小叶圆形,茎部心形。
20、Shang Segong is colourful bright, flavor pleasant delicacy is full-bodied, foliaceous copy (the tea-leaf that bubble crosses) Gong Liang. ─── 汤色红艳明亮,滋味甘鲜醇厚,叶底(泡过的茶渣)红亮。
21、To cooperate the atmosphere of the study, its afforest adornment wants do one's best concise, appropriate is given priority to with watching foliaceous plant, adorn the potted flower with scent. ─── 为配合书房的气氛,其绿化装饰要力求简洁,宜以观叶植物为主,点缀以芳香的盆花。
22、It uses subterranean heat energy to grow a flower, cut beautiful Ji Yinsheng in order to produce the delicacy of orchid, An Zuhua to watch foliaceous plant to give priority to. ─── 它利用地下热能栽花,以生产兰花、安祖花的鲜切花及荫生观叶植物为主。
23、Bunch of foliaceous radical ministry is unripe, a bit the flesh is qualitative, blade circle or egg circle, rear belt is purple, have long power. ─── 叶基部簇生,稍肉质,叶片圆形或卵圆形,背面带紫色,有长柄。
24、Foliaceous each other is unripe, unifoliate, change is simple, without stipule; ─── 叶互生,单叶,革质,无托叶;
25、involucre of 8--15 foliaceous bracts; ─── 8-15个叶状的苞的总苞;
26、Endoplasm soup Qing Dynasty is dark green, aroma is fresh and tender and full-bodied, flavor bright alcohol answers pleasant, foliaceous copy is pale green and bright. ─── 内质汤清碧绿,香气鲜嫩浓郁,滋味鲜醇回甘,叶底嫩绿明亮。
27、Unifoliate, edge bine each other is unripe, certain planted foliaceous opposite or verticillate. ─── 单叶,沿茎互生,某些种的叶对生或轮生。
28、foliaceous structure ─── 叶片状构造
29、stipules caducous, intrapetiolar, connate, often broad, foliaceous; ─── 托叶早落,叶柄内,合生,经常宽,叶状;
30、Watch foliaceous plant to much, should stop apply nitrogenous fertilizer, chase after appropriately apply potash fertilizer of a few low pH indicator, with increasing flowers fight cold sex. ─── 对大部分观叶植物,要停施氮肥,适当追施一些低浓度的钾肥,以增加花卉的抗寒性。
31、Ci Lan: Root flesh is qualitative, flaxen , foliaceous line form, erecter than Chun Lan and thick long, xie Yuan is coarse. ─── 慈兰:根肉质,淡黄色,叶线形,比春兰竖立而粗长,叶缘粗糙。
32、Aroma is mellow old flavor pleasant is mellow tastily foliaceous de chengtong is brown contain loose smoke flavour and areca ingredient. ─── 香气醇陈滋味甘醇爽口叶底呈桐褐色并带有松烟味和槟榔味。
33、foliaceous thallus ─── 叶状地衣体
34、Foliaceous egg circle; ─── 叶卵圆形;
35、In addition, diminutive can be placed to watch foliaceous plant on desk, or set floret jar, insert the flower when getting on a few, follow season and change, wait like rose, gladiolus, chrysanthemum. ─── 此外,书桌上可放置小型的观叶植物,或放置小花瓶,插上几朵时花,随季节而更换,如玫瑰、剑兰、菊花等。
36、" the ground says foliaceous teacher grinning: "Heard you to call me the teacher eventually! ─── 叶老师笑嘻嘻地说:“终于听到你叫了我一声老师!”
37、South American pemphigus foliaceous ─── 南美落叶状天疱疮
38、After getting goods, foliaceous gentleman goes up to hard disk label an apple brand feels black-and-white very indissoluble. ─── 收到货物后,叶先生对硬盘标签上印刷的一个苹果商标感到十分不解。
39、Foliaceous tree plants colour to be in ascendant trend all the time in the demand of each district of late. ─── 彩叶树种近来在各地的需求一直处于上升趋势。
40、Brazilian pemphigus foliaceous ─── 巴西落叶状天疱疮
41、Foliaceous each other is unripe, bigger, blade is coarse small shrinkage, intimate circle, form of foliaceous radical heart, xie Yuan has shallow crack. ─── 叶互生,较大,叶片粗糙微皱缩,近圆形,叶基心脏形,叶缘有浅裂。
42、Foliaceous each other is born or opposite, the leaf breaks up for 2 Hui Yu shape, lobation is few and far between forked shape, lobule opposite or incorrect unripe, line form, whole reason. ─── 叶互生或对生,叶为2回羽状分裂,裂片稀疏叉状,小裂片对生或不对生,线形,全缘。
43、Foliaceous continuous heavy rain lays general manager of department of career of personal computer of IBM China company attended today's news briefing. ─── IBM中国公司个人电脑事业部总经理叶霖生出席了今天的发布会。
44、foliaceous lichen ─── 叶状地衣
45、.Cauline upside leaf is lesser into wrap around needle form, close basilar the leaf is largish, into wide spoon form, foliaceous each other is unripe. ─── .茎上部叶较小成披针形,近基部的叶稍大,成广匙形,叶互生。
46、Guangdong and Yunnan southeast ministry, wide southwest ministry are tropics of our country South Asia and agrestic tree to plant, branch is grand, foliaceous big verdure; ─── 云南东南部.广东和广西南部 为我国南亚热带和乡土树种,树枝宏伟,叶大翠绿;
47、Shang Segong is colourful bright, foliaceous copy is soft, red edge is clear. ─── 汤色红艳明亮,叶底柔软,红边明显。
48、The fluorescence of erythematous type and foliaceous type was most prominent in the superficial layer of epidermis. ─── 红斑型及落叶型的荧光以表皮浅层最为明显。
49、Foliaceous each other is born at base ministry, line form, the surface is smooth and soft, vaginal ecru. ─── 叶互生于基部,线形,表面光滑柔软,叶鞘淡褐色。
50、Foliaceous opposite or 3 verticillate; ─── 叶对生或3枚轮生;
51、Capitate Chan Shengzhi supports, always luxuriant piece multilayer, bud piece foliaceous. ─── 头状花序单生枝顶,总苞片多层,苞片叶状。
52、bracts large and foliaceous, gradually decreasing in size toward inflorescences apex. ─── 苞片大和叶状,逐渐向花序先端在尺寸方面减少。
53、Bracteoles 2, foliaceous, near calyx. ─── 小苞片2,叶状,近的花萼。
54、Foliaceous opposite or verticillate, rare each other is unripe, unifoliate, without stipule. ─── 叶对生或轮生,稀互生,单叶,无托叶。
55、Arrived in the winter, call hoary head white, foliaceous yellow grass is anxious, greenfeed for pigs feeds light. ─── 冬天到了,打白头霜了,叶黄草焦了,猪草喂光了。阿爸叫两姊妹去扯猪草。
56、Foliaceous net is business of development of game of a webpage and operation business, built large webpage game platform successfully. ─── 叶网是一家网页游戏开发商和运营商,成功建立了大型的网页游戏平台。
57、Film of 蓇 葖 fruit is qualitative, become very early before maturity with respect to craze foliaceous, every 蓇 葖 has a seed 1 or many, the move is strange the brim in foliaceous peel; ─── 蓇葖果膜质,在成熟前甚早就开裂成叶状,每蓇葖有种子1个或多个,着生在叶状果皮的边缘;
58、Follicles stipitate, endocarp membranous, dehiscent long before maturity, foliaceous. ─── 蓇葖果具柄,内果皮膜质,早在以前成熟,叶状。
59、Fruit film is qualitative, amount to of the craze before maturity foliaceous fruit valve, have 2 - 4 seeds are worn the brim that is born at fruit valve. ─── 果膜质,成熟前开裂为数个叶状的果瓣,有2-4个种子着生于果瓣的边缘。
60、Foliaceous opposite or each other are unripe, feather shape is cracked completely. ─── 叶对生或互生,羽状全裂。
61、Beautiful platoon is born into the top or axil is born or the cyme with foliaceous opposite; ─── 花排成顶生或腋生或与叶对生的聚伞花序;
62、Foliaceous green bine long, new plant waits for strong, Hua Shuoya to Mian, ill withered excessive growth is applied all less or do not fertilize. ─── 叶绿茎壮.花硕芽长.新植待眠.病枯徒长皆少施或不施肥。
63、Fruit membranous, dehiscent before maturity and foliaceous. ─── 果膜质,在成熟之前开裂和叶状。
64、cotyledons foliaceous. ─── 子叶叶状。
65、Benign tumor is more expansile grow, bulk increases gradually and crowded leave and oppress all round organization, outside configuration is more globose or cent is foliaceous. ─── 良性肿瘤多为膨胀性生长,体积逐渐增大并挤开和压迫周围组织,外表形态多为球形或分叶状。
66、Foliaceous control body, some submits gallinaceous ungual form. ─── 叶掌形,有的呈鸡爪形。
67、(3) the foliaceous cent of foliaceous helianthus is cotyledon and true leaf. ─── (三)叶 向日葵的叶分为子叶和真叶。
68、Their Shang Se is bordering on scarlet, foliaceous copy divide evenly is exhibited glossy black. ─── 它们的汤色近于深红,叶底匀展乌亮。
69、Foliaceous opposite or 3 verticillate; ─── 叶对生或3枚轮生;
70、Foliaceous back provides fluff, vein is thicker, stipule is damask. ─── 叶背具柔毛,叶脉较粗,托叶淡红色。
71、Foliaceous opposite, egg form comes egg shape is elliptic, whole reason or have small toothed. ─── 叶对生,卵形至倒卵状椭圆形,全缘或有小锯齿。
72、Often need to be differentiated with photograph of foliaceous bursa caruncle. ─── 常需与叶状囊肉瘤相鉴别。
73、Inflorescence with broad foliaceous axis, spikelets not sunk in axis cavities; lower lemma herbaceous, upper lemma coriaceous. ─── 花序具宽叶状轴,不被吸收轴洞的小穗;更低的外稃草质,上面的外稃革质。
74、herpetiform pemphigus foliaceous ─── 疱疹样落叶性天疱疮
75、lame foliacée ─── 层析状,叶样板状
76、Ci Lan: Root flesh is qualitative, flaxen, foliaceous line form, erecter than Chun Lan and thick long, xie Yuan is coarse. ─── 慈兰:根肉质,淡黄色,叶线形,比春兰竖立而粗长,叶缘粗糙。
77、Foliaceous opposite, base form of spoon of shape of foliation long circle, whole reason, cauline foliation wraps around needle form. ─── 叶对生,基生叶长圆状匙形.全缘,茎生叶披针形。
78、Form of foliaceous circular fan, wide 50 - 80 centimeters, palm shape is cracked greatly, lobation 14 - 16, line form, tip gradually pointed, do not break up, perhaps be 2 shallow crack; ─── 叶团扇形,宽50-80厘米,掌状深裂,裂片14-16,线形,先端渐尖,不分裂,或者为2浅裂;
79、Foliaceous director is forecasted, in the small climax that this year citizen of festival of lanterns buys a flower, will sing leading role by lily and tulip. ─── 叶经理猜测,在今年元宵节市民购花的小高潮中,将由百合和郁金香唱主角。
80、" the ground says foliaceous teacher grinning: " Heard you to call me the teacher eventually! ─── 叶老师笑嘻嘻地说:“终于听到你叫了我一声老师!”
81、Small lamina 3, egg shape wraps around needle form, stipule falls early, foliaceous each other is unripe, flocculus brim has toothed, vimineous softness. ─── 小叶片3,卵状披针形,托叶早落,叶互生,小叶边缘有锯齿,枝条柔软。
82、Foliaceous each other is unripe, whole reason. ─── 叶互生,全缘。
83、upper cauline leaves: stipules ovate, foliaceous, apex often serrate; ─── 上面茎生叶:托叶卵形,叶状,顶经常锯齿;
84、bracts foliaceous, petiolate, narrowly ovate. ─── 叶状,具叶柄的苞片,狭卵形。
85、Foliaceous opposite, compound leaf of 2 Hui Yu shape, flocculus line form or wrap around needle form, celadon, spicate, beautiful bine is fine tall, spend labial form, hua La is purple. ─── 叶对生,二回羽状复叶,小叶线形或披针形,灰绿色,穗状花序,花茎细高,花唇形,花蓝紫色。
86、Foliaceous each other is unripe, odd a shape compound leaf, without stipule, provide long power; ─── 叶互生,奇数羽状复叶,无托叶,具长柄;
87、persistent sepals foliaceous, ca. 2 cm. ─── 叶状的宿存萼片,约2厘米。
88、Foliaceous opposite, xie Yuan has tine to be short of, spoon form; ─── 叶对生,叶缘有齿缺,匙形;
89、Foliaceous each other is unripe, big and whole reason; ─── 叶互生,大而全缘;
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