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slaughterhouse 发音


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slaughterhouse 中文意思翻译



slaughterhouse 网络释义

n. 屠宰场(等于abattoir);屠杀场

slaughterhouse 词性/词形变化,slaughterhouse变形

动词过去分词: slaughtered |动词现在分词: slaughtering |动词过去式: slaughtered |名词: slaughterer |形容词: slaughterous |动词第三人称单数: slaughters |

slaughterhouse 短语词组

1、slaughterhouse canyon ─── 屠宰场峡谷

2、slaughterhouse five ─── 五号屠场

3、slaughterhouse rock ─── 屠宰场岩石

4、slaughterhouse rulez ─── 屠宰场规则

5、slaughterhouse music ─── 屠宰场音乐

6、slaughterhouse crossword ─── 屠宰场纵横填字游戏

7、slaughterhouse tattoo ─── 屠宰场纹身

8、slaughterhouse clive ─── 克莱夫屠宰场

slaughterhouse 相似词语短语

1、slaughterhouses ─── n.屠宰场(等于abattoir);屠杀场

2、Charterhouse ─── n.卡尔特修道院

3、slaughterable ─── 可屠宰

4、Waterhouse ─── n.沃特豪斯(意大利画家)

5、slaughteries ─── 屠宰场

6、slaughterous ─── adj.好杀戮的;凶残的

7、slaughterously ─── 残暴地

8、slaughters ─── n.屠宰;大屠杀;(非正式)彻底击败;v.屠宰(动物);(尤指大量)屠杀(人、动物);(非正式)彻底击败(对手);n.(Slaughter)(美)斯劳特(人名)

9、chapterhouse ─── n.牧师会礼堂

slaughterhouse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity. ─── 即使屠宰场隐密的藏在几百里外的地方,你只要吃了肉就等于是共犯的行为。

2、Contact Oxidation Process In Treating Slaughterhouse Wastewater ─── 接触氧化法处理屠宰废水

3、During a PETA undercover investigation inside Japan's largest horse slaughterhouse in Kumamoto, we captured video footage of a thoroughbred's last minutes. ─── 在一段PETA关于位于熊本的日本最大的马匹屠宰场的暗访里,我们截取了一段关于纯种马生命最后时刻的影像。

4、slaughterhouse effluent ─── 屠宰废水

5、To show you I'm honest, I'm going to tell you about the disadvantage - there is a chemical plant one block south and a slaughterhouse one block north. ─── 为了说明我是诚实的,我将告诉你们它的缺点:往南面一个街区是一家化工厂,往北面一个街区是一家屠宰场。”

6、The Slaughterhouse Cellar is a level 80 single player instance located in Thunder River just south of the palisades area. ─── 屠房酒窖是一个80级单人游戏例如位于迅雷河以南的帕利塞德区。

7、A dance at the slaughterhouse ─── 屠宰场之舞

8、"Even if the leading sheep headed towards the slaughterhouse the others followed unswervingly. ─── 后来留心观察,看见果然如此:“就算走屠场,也没有一只羊肯离群而另觅生路的。

9、Keywords construction management technology;biotechnology;wastewater in broiler chicken slaughterhouse;offal;microorganism treatment; ─── 工程处理设施;生物综合治理;内鸡屠宰废水;下脚料;微生物制剂;

10、The cattle go to the slaughterhouse, the horses to rodeos. ─── 他在他那120英亩地上饲养了20年的牛马。

11、Slay all her oxen, down to the slaughterhouse with them! Woe to them! Their day has come, the time for their chastisement. ─── 屠杀她的一切公牛,叫他们下入屠场!他们的灾难临头,因为他们的日子到了,到了惩罚他们的时候。

12、Employee dormitory, dining hall and rest area of a slaughterhouse shall be separated fromthe slaughter area. ─── 九设有员工宿舍、餐厅及休息室等场所者,该场所应与屠宰作业场所隔离。

13、By an ABR-SBR process, slaughterhouse wastewater was treated on this test.The treatment effect was preferable,for the CODCr removal efficiency being up to 86% and the SS being up to 95%. ─── 本试验采用ABR-SBR工艺处理屠宰废水,取得了很好的处理效果,其COD去除率为86%,SS平均去除率为95%。

14、Keywords Slaughterhouse wastewater;Wastewater treatment;Electrolyze; ─── 屠宰场废水;废水处理;电解;

15、Inside the slaughterhouse, the floor is shiny and slippery, splotched with red. ─── 一间屠宰房内,地板闪亮滑腻,血迹斑斑。

16、Later he practised on the hanging sides of beef at Cross Brothers' slaughterhouse in Philadelphia, Rocky Balboa in real life. ─── 之后,他就在费城的一个屠宰场拿挂着的牛肉的一侧来练习,这是真实生活版的洛奇·巴尔博亚。

17、And when it's time to take them to the slaughterhouse ─── 当你把它们送进屠宰场的时候

18、the putrid smell from the slaughterhouse ─── 屠宰场散发出的恶臭

19、Keywords fluidized bed bioreactor;slaughterhouse wastewater; ─── 三相生物流化床;屠宰废水;

20、Keywords slaughterhouse or abattoir wasters blood water dernaturation flocculate; ─── 屠宰废水;血水;变性;絮凝;

21、Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in Bonn Germany. ─── 两个动物权力保护者正在抗议将猪送到德国波恩的一个屠宰

22、slaughterhouse wastes ─── 屠宰场废液

23、At some point in their lives, most of the animals are moved by truck usually to the slaughterhouse. ─── 很多动物在它们的一生中,总有那么一天要被装上货车,大多数情况下,他们的目的地就是屠宰场。

24、now live in an animal sanctuary where they need never again fear the slaughterhouse. ─── 布奇和圣丹现在生活在一个动物庇护所,他们再不用害怕被送到屠宰场。

25、Study on experiment of Sequencing Batch Reactor-coagulation Processes to Treat Slaughterhouse Wastewater ─── 序批式活性污泥法-混凝工艺处理屠宰废水的试验研究

26、Copenhagen - Danish veterinary authorities on Wednesday said they had temporarily closed a slaughterhouse near Copenhagen over fears that a pig due to be killed was infected with foot-and-mouth disease. ─── 哥本哈根报导--丹麦官方兽医于本周三(2/27)说他们暂时关闭一家接近哥本哈根的屠宰厂,因为送至该厂一只等待屠宰的猪只感染了口蹄疫。

27、The group formed in late 2008 after Crooked I, Joell Ortiz and Royce Da 5'9" appeared on the song "Slaughterhouse" from Joe Budden's album Halfway House. ─── 在2008年底形成的小组在弯曲的I、Joell Ortiz和Royce Da 5 ' 9以后"在歌曲“屠宰场”出现从乔Budden的册页两地间中途歇脚的小客栈。

28、The valley was a slaughterhouse, but the heavier and more numerous Hovertanks began pushing back the tide inch by inch. ─── 山谷变成了屠宰场,但更为重型、数量更多的气垫坦克占了上风,将敌军大潮一寸一寸地顶回。

29、Combination eye-examination with microscopic examination was widely used for Trichnella Spiralis detection in designated slaughterhouse and the related disposal law was also introduced. ─── 本文介绍了旋毛虫的检验、处理方法,即各定点屠宰厂(场)生产现场都采用目检、镜检结合检验,按有关法规处理。

30、Keywords slaughterhouse wastewater;UASB;coagulation sedimentation and granular sludge; ─── 屠宰废水;UASB;混凝沉淀;颗粒污泥;

31、Inside the smaller protection zone, poultry must be kept indoors and its movement is banned except transport directly to a slaughterhouse. ─── 在内层保护区,只能在室内饲养家禽,家禽不得被运往别处,除非是被直接送进屠宰场。

32、Discussion on Oil and Grease Removal in Slaughterhouse and Soybean Processing Wastewater Treatment ─── 含油废水厌氧处理中油的影响及其消减

33、Keywords slaughterhouse wastewater;aerobic treatment;anaerobic treatment;natural ecological treatment;chemical treatment.; ─── 屠宰废水;好氧处理;厌氧处理;自然生态处理;化学处理;

34、Keywords Electrolysis;Wastewater treatment;Slaughterhouse wastewater; ─── 电解法;废水处理;屠宰场废水;

35、Each pig shows up at the slaughterhouse wearing a plastic ear- tag with a number traceable back to its home farm . ─── 每头送到屠宰场的猪都戴着一个塑料耳标,耳标上的编号可以追溯到它所在的农场。

36、Application of ABR and CASS Technology in Treatment of Slaughterhouse Wastewater ─── ABR/CASS法处理屠宰废水

37、The animals were being docked in the slaughterhouse. ─── 在屠宰场,动物尾巴被剪短。

38、Food can become contaminated at any phase of the production and preparation process, from the farm to slaughterhouse to the grocery store or in the restaurant or home. ─── 在制作和准备过程中的任一阶段,食物都可能被污染,从农田到屠宰场、到杂货店、到餐馆亦或是家。

39、Here all boundaries fade away and the world reveals itself for the mad slaughterhouse that it is. ─── 一个走在街上的人早就知道自己傻了、疯了,因为很明显这些冷漠、麻木的脸正是他的看守的面孔。

40、The stench of freshly butchered meat grates on the nostrils as I ap proach the turtle slaughterhouse; ─── 我走近海龟屠宰坊,刚从海龟身上割下来的龟肉散发着腥味,直呛入鼻孔;

41、However, at a windy night,the master decided to send the fatter one of them to the slaughterhouse after 2 months. ─── 可是,一个风高的夜晚,主人残忍地决定过两个月后把胖的那只送到屠宰场.

42、sullage in slaughterhouse ─── 屠宰场污水

43、Slaughterhouse, A place where animals are butchered. ─── 屠宰场屠宰动物的地方。

44、Engineering Application of Compound Anaerobic Reactor-SBR Technique in Treatment of High Concentrated Waste Water in Manual Slaughterhouse ─── 复合式厌氧反应器-SBR工艺处理高浓度人工屠宰废水的工程应用

45、Because if it is, then we are nothing but sheep being herded to the final SLAUGHTERHOUSE! I will not go down, THAT WAY! ─── 因为如果是这样,我们无非是最后的屠宰场里待杀的羔羊。我不会如此而去。

46、A cow that escaped from a New York City slaughterhouse could be given a new lease of life. ─── 一头坚决不放弃的母牛从纽约一处屠宰场脱逃,死里逃生后被送到动物庇护所,并有了一个名字"莫莉",看来应可安享天年。

47、Regulators are concerned because some of those other drugs have been showing up in the slaughterhouse testing. ─── 监管者们之所以担忧是因为那些药物在屠宰场的检测中已经被发现。

48、Let them join the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure is not my destiny. ─── 失败者的屠宰场不是我命运的归宿。

49、Washing facilities Entrance/exit of the slaughterhouse shall be installed with shoe-dipping pond or other facilities having the same function. ─── 二洗手设施:屠宰场对外出入口设泡鞋池或同等功能之洁净鞋底设备。

50、My dad worked at a slaughterhouse, and I wasn’t aware until I was 10 or 11 what it was he actually did. ─── 我父亲在一个屠宰场工作,但直到我10岁或11岁时才知道他真正在做什麽。

51、At a KFC "Supplier of the Year" slaughterhouse in the US, workers were documented tearing the heads off live birds, spray-painting their faces and violently stamping on them. ─── 在美国一家肯德基“年度最佳供应商”屠宰场,工人被证实将鸡只的头部活生生扯下,在他们的脸上喷油漆并疯狂地踩踏他们。

52、He sent his own livestock to the slaughterhouse. ─── 他把自己家的牲口送进了屠宰场。

53、slaughterhouse wastewater ─── 屠宰场废水

54、The Absurd Art in Slaughterhouse Five and its Deepening Theme ─── 《五号屠场》的荒诞艺术与主题深化

55、To monitor slaughterhouse operations closely to ensure upholding of high hygiene standards and practices in licensed slaughterhouses. ─── 密切监察房的运作,以确保持牌屠房衞生标准及操作达玫高水平。

56、They are then taken back to the slaughterhouse, where workers cull them and excise their massive, fatty, white livers. ─── 然后它们会被送回屠宰场,那里的工人会进行精选,并切除它们大块、多脂的白色肝脏。

57、Keywords SBR;hydrolytic acidification;slaughterhouse wastewater; ─── 水解酸化;屠宰废水;

58、Lead two sheep to the butcher's, two oxen to the slaughterhouse, and make one of them understand that his companion will not die; the sheep will bleat for pleasure, the ox will bellow with joy. ─── 牵两只羊到屠夫那儿,牵两条牛进屠宰场,使两只里的一只懂得它的同伴可以不死,羊会欢喜地咩叫,牛会高兴得乱吼。

59、The Soviet artillery then started bombarding their own positions as the SS men were fighting inside them, creating a horrendous slaughterhouse. ─── 当党卫队和苏军混战时,苏军的火炮还是轰击自己人的阵地,把那里变成了可怕的屠宰场。

60、Inspector office and shower facilities Office and shower facilities shall be provided for the inspectors in the slaughterhouse. ─── 四检查人员办公室及盥洗浴室:应提供检查人员专用之办公室与盥洗浴室。

61、The facts of project of slaughterhouse wastewater treatment with UASB+SBR technique which has good effectiveness are expounded. ─── 摘要本论文阐述了利用UASB+SBR工艺处理屠宰废水的工程取得到了良好的效果的工程事实。

62、Organic: These eggs were laid by chickens that aren't fed nasty slaughterhouse byproducts, antibiotics, or certain additives. ─── 有机的:下这些蛋的母鸡不是用肮脏的屠杀场副产品,抗生素或某些食物添加剂饲养的。

63、They did not have the attributes of animals and freedom, just as into the slaughterhouse. ─── 他们已经没有动物的属性和自由,就像扔进了屠宰场。

64、She lives past the slaughterhouse. ─── 她住在屠场附近。

65、Review On Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Technology And Application ─── 屠宰废水处理技术与应用进展

66、Outside the slaughterhouse, young women with long wooden poles stir headless turkey carcasses in a large steel trough of steaming water. ─── 屠宰房外,年轻女人们正用长长的木棍,搅拌一个热气腾腾的巨大钢槽中无头火鸡的尸体。

67、Employee dormitory, dining hall and rest area of a slaughterhouse shall be separated from the slaughter area. ─── 九设有员工宿舍、餐厅及休息室等场所者,该场所应与屠宰作业场所隔离。

68、SLAUGHTERHOUSE OF THE RISING SUN: A former mental patient is picked up by an oddball family after finding herself stranded in the desert. ─── 太阳升起之时的杀手之家:一个前精神病人被一个古怪的家庭在她在沙漠里漫游的时候捡回来。

69、Slaughterhouse, Cutting plant and Cold store ─── 屠宰,分割及冷库

70、Two animal rights protesters were protesting at the cruelty of sending pigs to a slaughterhouse in bonn Germany ─── 两个动物权力保护者正在抗议将猪送到德国波恩的一个屠宰场。

71、In the protection zone, poultry must be kept indoors and movement of poultry is banned except directly to the slaughterhouse. ─── 在警戒区域中,必须将家禽留在室内,同时除了直接送往屠宰场外,禁止移动家禽。

72、The area within slaughterhouse shall keep clean at all times and equipped with an efficient drainage system. ─── 一场区内环境应随时保持清洁,并设有完善之排水系统。

73、And when it's time to take them to slaughterhouse ─── 当你把他们送进屠宰场的时候

74、She took to the new game so eagerly that, at 13, he tried her talents on a frisky bull that was being driven to the local slaughterhouse. ─── 刚开始练习杀牛时,她会紧闭眼睛,结果会错失该下刀的关键脊椎间隙。

75、The eggs produced by the geese in Hepu are sent to a slaughterhouse for industrial incubation. ─── 合浦鹅下的蛋被送往一家屠宰场进行工业孵化。

76、The new fat from the pork market to 13 fixed-point slaughterhouse. ─── 新发地市场的猪肉来自13个定点屠宰场。

77、Keywords slaughterhouse wastewater;ABR-SBR process;compartment;sludge acclimation; ─── 屠宰废水;ABR-SBR工艺;隔室;污泥驯化;

78、Treating Slaughterhouse Wastewater by Acidifi Cation-sequencing Batch Technology ─── 厌氧酸化-序列式活性污泥法处理屠宰废水

79、Practical Example of Slaughterhouse Wastewater Treatment Design ─── 屠宰废水处理改造工程设计实例

80、Slaughterhouse is a Hip Hop group consisting of rappers Crooked I, Joe Budden, Joell Ortiz and Royce Da 5'9". ─── 屠宰场是包括交谈者弯曲的I、乔Budden, Joell Ortiz和Royce Da 5 ' 9的" Hip Hop小组。

81、For the slaughterhouse which is not equipped with electric-powered conveyor, the viscera may be placed on designated stainless containers for inspection, and each container shall be loaded with the viscera from one animal only. ─── 未采用电动屠体吊挂输送设备及内脏输送设备之低速作业家畜屠宰场,其内脏检查得于专用之不銹钢内脏车上为之,每辆内脏车限盛一头家畜内脏。

82、Keywords ABR;granular sludge;start-up;slaughterhouse wastewater; ─── 关键词ABR;颗粒污泥;启动;屠宰废水;

83、The water reservoir of slaughterhouse shall be an enclosed structure situated at least 3 meters away from waste area or septic tank. ─── 屠宰场之蓄水池应为密闭性构造物,其设置地点应距污秽场所、化粪池三公尺以上。

84、The project case of using the combined technology of ABR and CASS for slaughterhouse wastewater treatment was introduced. ─── 介绍了采用折板厌氧反应器(ABR)/循环活性污泥系统(CASS)处理屠宰废水的工程实例。

85、Because if it is, then we are nothing but sheep being herded to the final SLAUGHTERHOUSE! I will not go down, THAT WAY! ─── 因为如果是这样,我们无非是最后的屠宰场里待杀的羔羊。我不会如此而去。

86、Or I can position my ship across their bows from where I can fire murderous broadsides of round shot through the timbers and along the length of the gundeck within, turning it into a slaughterhouse. ─── 或者把我的船横放在敌船的船首,从那里我船侧致命的轮射将沿着敌船的轴线射入炮仓,立即把那里变成屠宰场。

87、They have a right to go into a slaughterhouse and, bang, it's done. ─── 它们有权利走进屠宰场,并且砰的一下就结束掉。

88、The Adoption of Coagulation-Air Flotation-Aeration Process to Treat Slaughterhouse Wastewater ─── 混凝-气浮-加压曝气工艺处理屠宰废水

89、The facts of project of slaughterhouse wastewater treatment with UASB + SBR technique which has good effectiveness are expounded. ─── 本论文阐述了利用UASB+SBR工艺处理屠宰废水的工程取得到了良好的效果的工程事实。

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