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09-05 投稿


Gothamite 中文意思翻译



Gothamite 短语词组

1、gothamite new york ─── 纽约哥德米人

2、gothamite def ─── 哥德米特定义

3、gothamite meaning ─── 哥达米亚语意义

4、gothamite crossword ─── 哥德米特纵横填字游戏

5、gothamite 36 ─── 哥达米亚36

Gothamite 相似词语短语

1、Gothamite ─── n.愚蠢者;纽约市民

2、cothamore ─── 科塔莫尔

3、totemite ─── 托特米特

4、rolamite ─── 无摩擦滚轴

5、fogramite ─── 雾麻

6、Benthamite ─── n.边沁主义者;边沁主义的信徒;adj.边沁主义的;赞同边沁主义的

7、Boehmite ─── n.勃姆石(一种水软铝石)

8、Dyothelite ─── n.双重意志论信徒

9、catamite ─── n.娈童(古时供人玩弄的男童)

Gothamite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Within days, the Gothamite occupation has built a series of sea fortresses. ─── 几天之内,占领地盘的哥特人就建立了一系列的海上堡垒。

2、Benape said being less than beautiful had no bearing on the European beech tree's potential contribution to a greener Gotham. ─── 贝纳普说,欧洲山毛榉长得不够好看不要紧,不会影响它发挥绿化纽约的作用。

3、With its link-up to real life Hong Kong, Gotham is no longer a strictly fictional, fantastical realm but a city that could possibly exist in the real world, with real-life concerns. ─── 和真实生活中的香港的联系,哥谭不再只是一个严格意义上虚构的,虚幻的地域,而是个可以指涉任何一个现实中的城市,具有真实的城市律动感。

4、On Kennedy airport thousands of staff member and the Gothamite of tens of thousands of witnessed this one stirring hour. ─── 肯尼迪机场上几千名工作人员和数以万计的纽约市民目睹了这一激动人心的时刻。

5、He returns to Gotham and unveils his alter-ego: Batman, a masked crusader who uses his strength, intellect and an array of high tech deceptions to fight the sinister forces that threaten the city. ─── 一个蒙面正义战士,凭藉他的个人力量、智慧和一系列高科技武器,誓要打击一切威胁葛咸城的邪恶事件。

6、Gotham needs it's true hero. ─── 高谭市需要属于高谭真正的英雄。

7、Alfred: Endure. You could be the outcast. You can make the choice that no one else would face. The right choice. Gotham needs you. ─── 忍耐。你可以成为被放逐者。你可以作出没有其他人会面对的选择。正确的选择。高谭市需要你。

8、He and the district attorney fight crime in Gotham City.But they face the rising power of a master criminal known as The Joker (played by the late Heath Ledger). ─── 他与地区检察官在高明市警恶除奸,但他们面对的是罪恶黑帮(小丑)的势力渐起。

9、Gotham City Revisited: The Production Design of Batman Returns ─── 重返哥特市:蝙蝠侠归来美术设计

10、Well, the government could simply give Gotham a couple of hundred billion dollars, enough to make it solvent again. ─── 是这样的,政府只需要给高殇几百亿美元,这足以让它恢复偿付能力了。

11、Since we don't want a repeat performance, Gotham has to be kept functioning. ─── 正因为我们不想重蹈覆辙,所以哥谭必须要被好好维持。

12、"Bcoz he's the hero Gotham deserves,but not the one it needs right now. ─── “因为他是高谭市真正期待的英雄,而高谭市现在不需要英雄。

13、This may go down well in Gotham. ─── 这在纽约市可能见怪不怪。

14、I didn't come here to thank you. I came here to show you that not everyone in Gotham is afraid of you. ─── 我并不是来这里谢你。我来这儿是想让你知道,在歌潭镇并不是每一个人都怕你。

15、Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him... ─── 戈登:因为他是高谭配得上的英雄,却不是我们此时所需要的。所以我们追捕他...

16、Three wise men of Gotham, they went to sea in a bowl, and if the bowl had been stronger, my song had been longer. ─── 哥达姆有三个聪明人,乘坐一只木盆远航,若不是那木盆经不起风浪,我的这首诗会更长。

17、You want order in Gotham? Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in. ─── 你希望高谭的秩序?蝙蝠侠必须拿掉他的面具并且自首。

18、Alfred Pennyworth: Endure. You can be the outcast. You can make the choice that no one else will face - the right choice. Gotham needs you. ─── 阿尔弗雷德*帕尼沃斯:忍耐,你已经成为被排斥的人了,你可以做别人做不到的事情,那就是正确的选择,高谭市需要你。

19、While Balboni was around during the Countach-era of Lamborghini, the cars Gotham Dream Cars is offering are a little more modern. ─── 虽然夸大约在Countach时代的兰博基尼,世界街头赛车梦小轿车提供了一点更现代。

20、Project Gotham Racing Mobile is the ultimate test of racing skill, style, and daring! ─── 世界街头赛车手机版是对你的驾驶技术,个人风格和胆识的终极考验!

21、In Pursuit of Gotham: Culture and Commerce in New York ─── 追寻愚人村:纽约的文化与商业

22、Everything gleams like sin in Gotham City (cinematographer Wally Pfister shot on location in Chicago, bringing a gritty reality to a cartoon fantasy). ─── 在哥谭市,任何东西都能看出罪孽的影子(电影摄影师瓦雷.菲斯特在芝加哥拍摄取景,将漫画小说中粗糙的幻境变成实景)。

23、The effects and stunts are first-rate, and the opening bank robbery was the most powerfully done.Batman's ability to ride the thermal columns between Gotham shafts downward to safety is very cool. ─── 电影效果和特技都是一流的,开场的银行抢劫戏表现得最强有力,蝙蝠侠驾车通过架设在哥谭市柱子之间的热气管道下到达安全地带的能力表现非常帅气。

24、Mercer estimates London is 26 percent more expensive than Gotham these days. ─── Mercer估计伦敦这些天的消费水平要高出纽约26个百分点。

25、She sat down to try one and the experience proved to be so engrossing that she remained in the chair glued to the screen and playing “Project Gotham Racing 3” for several hours. ─── 她坐下试用其中一个,没想到使用的经验是如此的吸引人,以至于她坐在椅子里,粘在屏幕前玩了几个小时的“帝国时代3”。

26、Gotham National Bank Manager: The criminals in this town used to believe in things.Honor.Respect. ─── 高谭市国家银行经理: 这个城市的罪犯有信仰,他们相信荣誉,还有尊敬。

27、The only way a government purchase of that toxic waste can make Gotham solvent again is if the government pays much more than private buyers are willing to offer. ─── 政府想让哥谭重具偿还能力的唯一办法就是政府花比私人买主的愿意支付额多得多的钱。

28、Visualizing Gotham: The Production Design of Batman ─── 使哥特市形象化:蝙蝠侠美术设计

29、Burkes Peerage also traced the Blythe's back to the village of Gotham, which, according to English legend, was a haunt of madmen. ─── 伯克贵族名录还把布莱斯宗族上溯到哥泰姆,在英国传说中,这是疯子出没的地方。

30、Tonya Lewis Lee and Crystal McCrary Anthony's Gotham Diaries is a savvy, witty, and intriguing expose of the upper echelons of New York's African American society. ─── 美国为什么会迅速地成为独一无二的超级大国而登上世界霸主的位子?

31、To explain the issue, let me describe the position of a hypothetical bank that I'll call Gothamgroup, or Gotham for short. ─── 为了解释这个问题,让我假设这么一个银行,后文中我将称之为哥谭集团,简称哥谭。

32、Gordon : Whatever chance Gotham had of fixing our city,dies with Harvey's reputation. ─── 不论这城市已改善了多少,未来都随著哈维的疯狂而死了。

33、A self-described agent of chaos, the Joker arrives in Gotham abruptly, as if he’d been hiding up someone’s sleeve. ─── 自我标榜为混乱的代理人,小丑突然来到哥顿市,仿佛他过去一直藏在某个人的衣袖之中。

34、Ra's Al Ghul: Gotham. As Gotham's favored son you will be ideally placed to strike at the heart of criminality. ─── 拉斯·厄尔·高福:歌潭镇。因为歌潭镇受宠的孩子,将会让你在这个犯罪的中心施以完美的打击。

35、A few stories overhead, a stunt double in a familiar black-caped costume swings from a hoist, slamming into a window in a tower that we shall imagine is Gotham City Hall. ─── 在几层楼高的上方,穿著熟悉黑色斗篷戏服的一名特技替身,从一个吊车荡出去,砰一声撞进一栋高楼的窗户,可想而知是高谭市的市府大楼。

36、Alfred Pennyworth: Endure. You can be the outcast. You can make the choice that no one else will face - the right choice. Gotham needs you. ─── 阿尔弗雷德。帕尼沃斯:忍耐,你已经成为被排斥的人了,你可以做别人做不到的事情,那就是正确的选择,高谭市需要你。

37、So Gotham is a zombie bank: it's still operating, but the reality is that it has already gone bust. ─── 所以说哥谭是一个名存实亡的银行,表面上在运行,但实际上已经破产了。

38、Like a bat, Batman has trained to be fast, flexible and elusive and his ingenious arsenal of Bat-vehicles and bat-gadgets arm him with the weaponry to protect Gotham City. ─── 而蝙蝠侠也同样地具备如蝙蝠一般快速、灵敏及难以捉摸独特本领,加上先进的蝙蝠战车及蝙蝠器,蝙蝠侠已准备随时出动保国葛咸城。

39、And is it really likely that paying “fair value,” whatever that means, would be enough to make Gotham solvent again? ─── 是不是真的只要按所谓的“公平价格”来收购 ,无论该“公平价格”到底意味着什么,就足以使高殇银行恢复偿付能力了吗?

40、Three Wise Men of Gotham ─── 三个聪明人

41、Three wise official of Gotham, trapy breatrap to definition in a bowl, border if trap bowl happily claws religioBayr, my song happily claws composed. ─── 哥达姆有三个聪明人,乘坐一只木盆远航,若不那样那木盆经不起风浪,我的这首诗会更长。

42、The Joker isn't the only villain turning Gotham City upside down in "The Dark Knight. ─── 小丑并不是唯一一个把纽约市搅得天翻地覆的反派。

43、wise man of Gotham ─── 呆子,愚人,自作聪明的人

44、Ra's Al Ghul: Gotham's time has come. ─── 拉斯·尔·福:歌潭镇的时代已经来临。

45、[A little louder, I don't think they heard you in Gotham City. ─── 再响点吧,让城市里的每一个人都听到!

46、Gotham National Bank Manager: The criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in What do you believe in! ─── 高谭市国家银行经理:这个城市的罪犯有信仰,他们相信荣誉,还有尊敬。看看你!你的信仰是什麽?你相信什麽?

47、Gotham... must be destroyed. ─── 歌潭镇...必须被摧毁。

48、He turns the crime world of Gotham on its head and brings the city to a crippling state of fear under the banner of vague, confusing and possibly non-existent reasoning. ─── 目前,网易探索的直播小组已与中国国家天文台相关专家一同抵达甘肃酒泉金塔县的观测和直播现场。

49、Bruce Wayne: I didn't come here to thank you. I came here to show you that not everyone in Gotham is afraid of you. ─── 布鲁斯韦恩:我并不是来这里谢你。我来这儿是想让你知道,在歌潭镇并不是每一个人都怕你。

50、Gotham National Bank Manager: The criminals in this town used to believe in things. Honor. Respect. Look at you! What do you believe in? What do you believe in! ─── 高谭市国家银行经理:这个城市的罪犯有信仰,他们相信荣誉,还有尊敬.看看你!你的信仰是什么?你相信什么?

51、Gotham National Bank Manager: The criminalsz n this town used tohat do you believe in! ─── 高谭市国家银行经理:这个城市的罪犯有信仰,他们相信荣誉,还有尊敬。看看你!你的信仰是什么?你相信什么?

52、In a bidding war, Bloomberg will win out to give him influence in Gotham beyond his third mayoral term. ─── 在竞购大战中,布隆伯格将会胜出,使其在纽约的影响力超出第三任市长任期。

53、The Many Faces of Gotham City ─── 多面哥特市

54、the wise men of Gotham ─── 愚人

55、Why would the government bail Gotham out? ─── 为什么政府要保释哥谭呢?

56、She sat down to try one, and the experience proved to be so engrossing that she remained in the chair, glued to the screen and playing “Project Gotham Racing 3”, for several hours. ─── 她坐下试用其中一个,没想到使用的经验是如此的吸引人,以至于她坐在椅子里,粘在屏幕前玩了几个小时的“世界街头赛车3”。

57、Project Gotham Racing ─── 世界街头赛车

58、You're Bruce Wayne, the Prince of Gotham, you'd have to go a thousand miles to meet someone who didn't know your name, so don't come down here with your anger, trying to prove something to yourself. ─── 你是布鲁斯韦恩,歌潭镇的王子,你必须到千里之外没有人知道你名字的地方去见个人,所以不要带着你的愤怒来到这里,为了证明你自己的一些东西。

59、Gotham National Bank Manager: The criminals in this town used to believe in things. ─── 高谭市国家银行经理:这个城市的罪犯有信仰,他们相信荣誉,还有尊敬。

60、You can get in touch with him by calling the Gotham Hotel. ─── 你可以打电话到哥谭旅馆和他取得联系。

61、When he perches over Gotham on the edge of a skyscraper roof, he looks more like a gargoyle than a savior. ─── 当他栖息在哥顿城摩天大楼的屋顶,他更象一个恶魔而不是救世主。

62、Still, the possibility of such a gift is what’s now supporting Gotham’s stock price. ─── 尽管如此,这一礼物的可能性正是现在支撑高殇股价的力量。

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