gesticulating 发音
英:[dʒeˈstɪkjuleɪtɪŋ] 美:[dʒeˈstɪkjuleɪtɪŋ]
英: 美:
gesticulating 中文意思翻译
gesticulating 词性/词形变化,gesticulating变形
名词: gesticulator |动词过去式: gesticulated |动词过去分词: gesticulated |动词第三人称单数: gesticulates |形容词: gesticulative |动词现在分词: gesticulating |
gesticulating 短语词组
1、gesticulating meaning ─── 手势意义
2、gesticulating define ─── 手势定义
3、gesticulating synonym ─── 手势同义词
4、gesticulating means ─── 手势法
5、gesticulating antonym ─── 手势反义词
6、gesticulating wildly ─── 指天划地,激动地打着手势
7、gesticulating defined ─── 手势定义
8、gesticulating definition ─── 手势定义
gesticulating 相似词语短语
1、gesticulative ─── adj.做手势的;姿势的
2、gesticulation ─── n.手势;姿势;示意动作
3、restimulating ─── 再刺激
4、gesticulations ─── n.手势;姿势;示意动作
5、reticulating ─── adj.网状的;vt.使成网状;vi.成网状
6、articulating ─── vt.清晰地发(音);明确有力地表达;用关节连接;使相互连贯;vi.发音;清楚地讲话;用关节连接起来;adj.发音清晰的;口才好的;有关节的;n.【动物学】有节体的动物
7、vesiculating ─── 起泡
8、dearticulating ─── 脱口而出
9、lenticulating ─── 透镜状
gesticulating 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、"Seen in the brook, once more, was the shadowy wraith of Pearl's image, crowned and girdled with flowers, but stamping its foot, wildly gesticulating, and, in the midst of all, still pointing its small forefinger at Hester's bosom!" ─── 此时在小溪中又一次看到殊儿温怒的身影:头戴花冠,腰缠花带,脚下使劲地跺着,身子狂暴地扭着,同时那小小的食指也始终指着海丝特的胸口!
2、But these peasants, after looking a while, after pointing and gesticulating appreciatively a while, ambled to the store across the street to stand and watch some more.Craning his neck, Mr. ─── 但是这些乡下人看了一会,指指点点夸羡了一会,竟自懒洋洋地走到斜对门的裕昌祥铺面前站住了再看。
3、He is gesticulating wildly at me,but I can not understand what he is trying to tell me ─── 他使劲向我做手势,可是我不明白他的意思
4、"Dark clouds have gathered over India ,my friends," he says gesticulating at the overcast sky. ─── “我的朋友们,乌云正在印度头上聚集。”他边说边指向乌云密布的天空。
5、a tall woman gesticulating to the men behind her to advance on the shiny-shirted Basij militia; ─── 一个高大的女人指手划脚地让她身后的男人们向穿着闪光衬衫的巴斯基民兵组织进发;
6、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $ 3. ─── 那人发狂似地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。但他终于把价钱减到三英镑。
7、A policeman was so unnecessarily polite in requesting her to cease from shouting and gesticulating that the angry woman was encouraged to defiance and a further tirade against the objectionable flag. ─── 旁边的警察见状,匆忙上前,劝其不要对龙旗喧嚷吵闹,比手画脚。可没想到,警察先生过于温文尔雅的态度反而引起了愤妪的激论。
8、Indigo sky swept clear of fleecy clouds, gaunt leaves infinitely extended, theirs black boughs gesticulating like a sleepwalker. ─── 蔚蓝色的天空上鹅毛般的云丝被吹散了,干枯的树木无限延伸,黑呼呼的树枝像唯一有梦游症的人那样打着各种手势。
9、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to 10 pounds. ─── 一边打着手势,嘴里面一边哇哇乱叫着,这人表现得好像感到我的出价让他发疯一般。但他最终还是把价格降到了10英镑。
10、talking and gesticulating ─── 连说带比划
11、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous,he eventually reduced the price to 10 pounds. ─── 打着手势,嘴里面哇哇乱叫着,这人表现得好像感到我的出价让他发疯。但他最终还是把价格降到了10英镑。
12、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, he eventually reduced the price to 10 pounds. ─── 打着手势,嘴里面哇哇乱叫着,这人表现得好像感到我的出价让他发疯。但他最终还是把价格降到了10英镑。
13、"But Pearl, not a whit startled at her mother's threats, any more than mollified by her entreaties, now suddenly burst into a fit of passion, gesticulating violently, and throwing her small figure into the most extravagant contortions." ─── 珠儿刚才对她母亲的请求无动于衷,此时对母亲的吓唬也毫不惊惶;却突然大发脾气,做出激烈的姿态,把她小小的身躯弄得七扭八歪。
14、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $10. ─── 那男人用手势说不行,对于我说的价钱他感到很惊讶,但是他最后减少到10美元。
15、The City broker is usually portrayed by the media as a scary man screaming and gesticulating manically. ─── 城市经济人通常都被媒体描述成一个胆小的人的尖叫,矫揉造作。
16、The crowds had begun to melt away and he could see the three of them walking abreast with Chang Su-su in the middle, chatting and gesticulating gaily ─── 马路上人已经少了一些,吴芝生与范博文夹在张素素两边,指手划脚地向东去了。
17、But these peasants, after looking a while, after pointing and gesticulating appreciatively a while, ambled over to the store across the street to stand and look some more. ─── 但是这些乡下人看了一会,指指点点夸羡了一会,竟自懒洋洋地走到斜对门的昌祥铺面前站住了再看。
18、"Today the forces of occupation are gathered at our gates, " he shouts, wildly gesticulating and with a voice cracked with emotion. ─── “今天,占领军就盘踞在我们的大门口,”他疯狂地做着手势,用含有感情而声嘶力竭的声音呼喊着。
19、Her gesticulating hands and arms made words almost unnecessary. ─── 她做着姿势的手和手臂使语言变得几乎不必要了。
20、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, ─── 那人激动地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。
21、Try to recover your balance by replacing your board correctly instead in gesticulating. ─── 尝试恢复您的余额,将您的董事会正确而不是指手划脚。
22、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $10. ─── 那人激动地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。但他终于把价钱降到了10英镑。
23、Gesticulating wildly,the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous, ─── 那人疯狂地打着手势,仿佛我还价还得离谱,
24、He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over. ─── 他注意到后面一辆蓝色福特车里的一个男人示意他靠边停车。
25、On the wharf, policemen, porters, and hotel agents who had come to greet passengers were clamoring noisily;a group of people were waving handkerchiefs at the ship or gesticulating. ─── 码头上警察、脚夫、旅馆的接客扰嚷着,还有一群人向船上挥手巾,做手势。
26、Indigo sky swept clear of fleecy clouds, gaunt trees infinitely extended, their black boughs gesticulating like a sleepwalker. ─── 蔚蓝色的天空上鹅毛般的云丝被吹散了,干枯的树木无限延伸,黑呼呼的树枝像一个有梦游症的人那样打着各种手势。
27、said the doctor, gesticulating. ─── 医师摇着手说。
28、The architect was gesticulating at a hole in the ground. ─── 那位建筑师对着地上的一个洞打手势。
29、“Well,” Pierre began, not sitting down, but pacing the room, and coming to an occasional standstill, lisping and gesticulating rapidly as he talked. ─── “情况是这样。”皮埃尔没有坐下就开始讲了。他在房间里踱来踱去,有时又停下,一边含混不清地说着,一边很快地打着手势。
30、To march at their head and lead them? To trail behind them, gesticulating and criticizing? Or to stand in their way and oppose them?(1971:24 ─── 站在他们的前头领导他们呢?还是站在他们的后头指手划脚地批评他们呢?还是站在他们的对面反对他们呢?(卷一,第13页)
31、A man with a paper hat upon his head was gesticulating wildly. ─── 一个戴纸帽的男子在拼命地打手势。
32、Showed Xiaomin and gesticulating with their theory of the. ─── 画面显示,小敏与他们打着手势理论着。
33、The soldiers were hurrying up the hill, gasping for breath, and in spite of the general's presence, they were talking loudly together and gesticulating with their arms. ─── 士兵们呼吸困难地登上山去,都在看看将军的面色,大声地谈话,挥动着手臂。
34、Only at one end of it, by the alms-house and lunatic asylum, there were groups of people in white garments, and similar persons were wandering about the plain, shouting and gesticulating. ─── 只是在它的尽头,在养老院和疯人院旁边,见到一堆堆穿白衣衫的人,其中有几人单个地在田野上走着,一边吼叫,一边挥动胳膊。
35、Some sufferers can feel their phantom limbs gesticulating while they talk, and others believe that the limb is acting independently of their will. ─── 患者经常会对幻肢感到痛苦和不舒服,有些患者在说话的时候能感觉到他们的幻肢在做姿势表达,其他人认为肢体在以它们自己的意志独立活动。
36、Gesticulating widly,the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous,but he eventually reduced the price to $10. ─── 那人疯狂地打着手势,仿佛我还价还得离谱,但他终于反价钱降到10英镑。
37、All this they showed me as we walked through elegant courtyards,over bridges which were a miracle of grace,through temples with strange gods,dark and gesticulating; ─── 她们给我展示所有这些是在我们通过这个端庄的庭院时,这个在桥上面的庭院和那些有着奇怪的、凶狠的、打着手势的佛像的寺院相比较,将更是一个雅致的奇迹。
38、He has a habit of gesticulating while he speaks. ─── 他说话时习惯做手势。
39、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous ─── 那人激动打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。
40、I hear a door slam and in another moment the madam bursts into my room, her face as red as a beet, her arms gesticulating wildly. ─── 我又听到一扇门呼地摔上了,接着鸨儿猛冲进我的房间,脸红得像甜菜,两只胳膊疯狂地乱比划。
41、As a result, the caregiver is forced to interpret the patients' non-verbal communication such as mouthing, gesticulating, nodding and writing - which can be difficult for the critically ill patient. ─── 结果护理者不得不试图理解患者的非语言交流方式,诸如怪脸、手势、点头和书写,这些对重症患者是十分困难的。
42、Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous. But finally he reduced the price to $10. ─── 那人激动地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。但他终于把价钱降到了10英镑。
43、She stood on the stoop, shrunken, gesticulating with thin arms, her loose mouth working angrily ─── 她站在门廓里,缩着身子,用瘦瘠的双臂打着手势,松开的嘴愤怒地翕动着。
44、He was gesticulating wildly at me, but I could not understand what he was trying to tell me. ─── 他使劲向我做手势,可是我不明白他的意思。
45、He was gesticulating wildly at me,but I could not understand what he was trying to tell me. ─── 他使劲向我做手势, 可是我不明白他的意思。
46、He declaims like an orator on a barricade, rolling the words on his tongue and gesticulating with his short arms. ─── 他像个站在街垒上的演讲者一样高谈阔论,嘴里滔滔不绝,短胳膊比划着。
47、To trail behind them, gesticulating and criticizing? ─── 还是站在他们的后头指手画脚地批评他们呢?
48、But as he talked, you couldn’t help noticing his hands: the long, thin fingers fluttering, locking, unlocking, gesticulating, as if he could flip cards and slip knots in his sleep. ─── 他一边说话时,你不禁会一直注意他的手:瘦瘦长长的手指时而挥展,时而交扣,时而解扣,时而比出手势,灵巧到好像他连睡眠时都可以抛发纸牌或解开绳结。
49、I hear a door slam and in another moment the madam bursts into my room, her face as red as a beet, her arms gesticulating wildly. ─── 我又听到一扇门呼地摔上了,接着鸨儿猛冲进我的房间,脸红得像甜菜,两只胳膊疯狂地乱比划。
50、He was gesticulating wildly at me, but I could not understand what he was trying to tell me ─── 他使劲向我做手势, 可是我不明白他的意思.
51、41 To a translator, when being surrounded by gesticulating Italian journalists - 'Just tell them I completely disagree with everything they say!' ─── 当被一群手舞足蹈的意大利记者包围着时,香克利告诉翻译:“告诉他们,中我完全不同意他们所说的一切!”
52、Seen in the brook once more was the shadowy wrath of Pearl's image, crowned and girdled with flowers, but stamping its foot, wildly gesticulating, and, in the midst of all, still pointing its small forefinger at Hester's bosom. ─── 此时在小溪中又一次看到珠儿愠怒的身影:头戴花冠,腰缠花带,脚下使劲地跺着,身子狂暴地扭着,同时那小小的食指也始终指着海丝特的胸口!
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