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08-23 投稿


abbeys 发音

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英:  美:

abbeys 中文意思翻译



abbeys 短语词组

1、monasteries and abbeys ─── 寺院和修道院

2、abbeys best ─── 最佳修道院

3、abbeys nursery ─── 阿比斯托儿所

4、abbeys auctions ─── 阿比斯拍卖行

5、abbeys define ─── 修道院定义

6、abbeys tv ─── 修道院电视台

7、abbeys definition ─── 修道院定义

abbeys 词性/词形变化,abbeys变形

名词复数: abbeys |

abbeys 相似词语短语

1、abbed ─── 阿贝德

2、-beys ─── n.(中东地区国家的)省长;对地位高的人的尊称;n.(Bey)人名;(英、西、刚(金)、土、阿拉伯)贝;(德)拜

3、jabbers ─── v.急促(或激动)而含混不清地说;闲聊;n.急促而无意义的话,无聊的话;n.(Jabber)(美、英、印)贾伯(人名)

4、abbess ─── n.女修道院院长;女庵主持

5、dabbers ─── n.捣锤;上墨皮垫;轻拍的人

6、rabbets ─── n.槽口;槽口接缝处;vt.嵌接;在…上开槽口;vi.由槽口接合

7、nabbers ─── 抓人者

8、abbey ─── n.大修道院,大寺院;大教堂;n.(Abbey)(美、英)阿贝(人名)

9、yabbers ─── n.谈话;急促、含糊不清的说话;vi.饶舌;急促、含糊不清地说

abbeys 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Possible, although the castles and abbeys used in filming are actually hundreds of years newer than Hogwarts would be. ─── 也许吧,尽管电影中的城堡和修道院的建成要比霍格沃茨晚几百年。

2、We visited some old, historical abbeys in Europe. ─── 我们去欧洲参观了几座历史悠久的道院。

3、Are there that many? I always heard that most of the abbeys had been destroyed. ─── 那里有很多吗?我总是听说很多寺庙已经被破坏了。

4、There were a great many abbeys, of a beauty more devout, of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions, but not less beautiful, not less grand. ─── 还有许多修道院,跟上述官邸相比,更带有一种虔诚之美,更兼有一种庄严之雄,但其雄伟壮丽绝不亚于官

5、Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. ─── 哥特式建筑是最熟悉的架构的许多伟大的教堂,修道院和教区教堂的欧洲。

6、Covers 65 kilometers (40 miles) along the Rhine River between the plain of Oberrheingraben and the Lower Rhine basin. Includes 60 towns and numerous castles,abbeys,fortresses and the Lorelei rock. ─── 覆盖莱茵河两岸奥伯海因格拉本平原与下莱茵河盆地之间65公里(40英里)的地区,包括60座城镇和众多的城堡、修道院、要塞及洛勒赖岩石。

7、We visited some old, historical abbeys in Europe. ─── 我们去欧洲参观了几座历史悠久的道院。

8、Possible, although the castles and abbeys used in filming are actually hundreds of years newer than Hogwarts would be. ─── 也许吧,尽管电影中的城堡和修道院的建成要比霍格沃茨晚几百年。

9、10. There were a great many abbeys, of a beauty more devout, of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions, but not less beautiful, not less grand. ─── 还有许多修道院,跟上述官邸相比,更带有一种虔诚之美,更兼有一种庄严之雄,但其雄伟壮丽绝不亚于官邸。收藏指正

10、Monks live in abbeys. ─── 修道士们住在修道院里。

11、The structures in the north of it include abbeys, libraries, gardens, printing houses, orphanages, hospitals, girl's schools and Clerics' dormitories. ─── 北堂所属建筑包括修道院、图书馆、后花园、印刷厂、孤儿院、医院、光华女中、神甫宿舍等。

12、Guests can visit the museums, abbeys, cathare castles, grottoes and the wine-road close by. ─── Aragon 酒店 is located at the foot of the medieval walled city 卡尔卡松.

13、The great barons of the countryside and the great abbeys enjoyed almost total independence, and the conflict of their claims to privilege led to constant warfare. ─── 乡下地方的伟大男爵和很棒的修道院几乎享受总独立,而且他们的要求冲突到特权对不变的战斗引导。

14、46) All barons who have founded abbeys, and have charters of Englishkings or ancient tenure as evidence of this, may have guardianship ofthem when there is no abbot, as is their due. ─── 建立修道院的巴仁,并且拥有英格兰国王的建造律令或者能证明原已拥有,在院长职位留空的时候可以拥有监护权。

15、10.There were a great many abbeys, of a beauty more devout, of a grandeur more solemn than the mansions, but not less beautiful, not less grand. ─── 还有许多修道院,跟上述官邸相比,更带有一种虔诚之美,更兼有一种庄严之雄,但其雄伟壮丽绝不亚于官邸。

16、For many centuries the beer consumed was prepared in a homemade way.During the Middle Ages, the production on a higher scale started to spread in Europe through the abbeys and Christian convents. ─── 1903年英国和德国商人在青岛开办英德酿酒有限公司,生产能力为2000吨,这就是现在青岛啤酒厂的前身。

17、Willibrord and Boniface, who preached the Faith, there in the seventh and eighth centuries and founded several celebrated abbeys. ─── 威利布罗德和博尼法斯,谁鼓吹信仰,但在第七和第八世纪,并创建了庆祝修道院。

18、In 719, Otmar, an Alemannic priest, built St Gallen abbey, which developed into one of the largest St Benedictine abbeys in Europe. ─── 这所修道院后来发展成欧洲最大的圣本笃修道院之一。

19、We visited some old, historical abbeys in Europe. ─── 欧洲参观了几座历史悠久的道院。

20、Many yews are found close to abbeys or in church yards. ─── 修道院和教堂的庭院附近常常可以找到紫杉。

21、Many yews are found close to abbeys or in church yards. ─── 在修道院和教堂的庭院附近常常可以找到紫杉。

22、Only those beers brewed by abbeys which follow the rules of the Cistercian Order are authorized to be designated a “Trappist” product, a strictly controlled mark of quality. ─── 在世界上只有可数的几家遵循西多会条例的修道院酒厂生产的啤酒才可以被授权称为“修道院产品”,这种品牌的使用权是受到严格限制的,而欧瓦修道院啤酒厂就是其中一家。

23、the hoary ruins of English abbeys ─── 古老的英国寺院的遗迹

24、Elsewhere in England, the Vikings swooped down on the abbeys of Lindisfame, Jarrow and Iona, and the coast of Northumbria, burning priceless manuscripts and putting the monks to the sword. ─── 在英格兰的另一个地方,海盗袭击了林迪斯芳修道院、贾罗、艾欧纳以及诺森伯里亚一带沿海,他们焚烧珍贵的手稿,残杀众多的修道士。

25、The abbeys were founded in the 12th century by King David as a bulwark against the English. ─── 这些修道院是大卫王于12世纪修建的抵抗英国人的堡垒。

26、Gothic architecture is most familiar as the architecture of many of the great cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches of Europe. ─── 哥特式建筑是最熟悉的,作为建筑的许多伟大的教堂,修道院和教区教堂的欧洲。

27、Are there that many? I always heard that most of the abbeys had been destroyed. ─── 那里有很多吗?我总是听说很多寺庙已经被破坏了。

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