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08-23 投稿


drawable 发音

英:['drɔəbl]  美:[ˈdrɔəbl]

英:  美:

drawable 中文意思翻译



drawable 短语词组

1、drawable maps ─── 可绘制地图

2、drawable resource file ─── 可绘制资源文件

3、drawable dpi ─── 可抽出dpi

4、drawable coffee startup ─── 可提取咖啡启动

5、drawable currencies ─── [经] 可提取通货, 可提取货币

6、drawable v24 ─── 抽出式v24

7、drawable file ─── 可绘图文件

8、drawable map of the us ─── 美国地图

9、drawable v21 ─── 可拉伸v21

10、drawable halloween images ─── 可绘制万圣节图片

drawable 相似词语短语

1、drapable ─── 可折叠的

2、drapeable ─── 悬垂的

3、draw table ─── 绘制表格;手绘表格

4、draftable ─── adj.可征召入伍的

5、dowable ─── adj.有遗产继承权的

6、drainable ─── 可排水的;可排出的;可疏出的

7、datable ─── adj.可确定时代的,可确定年代的

8、drawhole ─── n.拉拔模孔;拉模孔;拉模;放矿口

9、drabble ─── v.在泥水中拖脏(或拖湿);(使)潮湿,弄脏;n.(Drabble)(美)德拉布尔(人名)

drawable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、GCK Drawable Type Low Voltage Switchgear DFW-0.4Low Voltage Cable Distributive Box ─── DFW-0.4型低压电缆分支箱

2、In the simplest case, every Drawable object is a rectangle. ─── 在这个简单的例子中,每个可画的对象都是长方形的。

3、Present investigation is focused on the recrystallization characteristic of drawable cold rolled sheet steels during rapid heating. ─── 本文研究了冲压钢冷轧薄板在快速加热条件下的再结晶特点。

4、Notice how in this function a rectangle of chunkSize by chunkSize pixels is copied from the appropriate frame to the drawable surface. ─── 注意:在此函数中,长为 chunkSize、宽为 chunkSize 的像素矩形是如何从恰当的帧复制到绘图表面的。

5、Polyethylene terephthalate (polyester)melts at 264 c, and can be melt -spun to give drawable fibers of high strength and flexibility. ─── 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(涤纶)的熔点264℃,可以采用熔纺的方法将纤维牵伸以获得较大的强度和弹性。

6、Upper-left: Render the drawable with default state. ─── 左上角:使用缺省属性渲染几何体。

7、Returns a Drawable containing the item's icon. ─── 返回一个包含了元素的图标的Drawable类。

8、The fair value of a deposit at notice shall not be lower than the current value of the payable amount as of the first day it becomes drawable upon the request of the depositor for draw. ─── 通知存款的公允价值,应当不低于存款人要求支取时应付金额从可支取的第一天起进行折现的现值。

9、Polyethylene terephthalate (polyester)melts at 264 c, and can be melt -spun to give drawable fibers of high strength and flexibility. ─── 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯(涤纶)的熔点264℃,可以采用熔纺的方法将纤维牵伸以获得较大的强度和弹性。

10、drawable currencies ─── [经] 可提取通货, 可提取货币

11、The risk guaranty money and the letter of guarantee shall be irrevocable and unilaterally drawable to the joint venture. ─── 风险保证金、保函须以银行不可撤销、合营企业可以单方提款的形式提供。

12、Keywords Drawable steels;Cold-rolled sheet;Mash seam welding;Welding parameter optimization.; ─── 冲压钢;冷轧薄板;压平缝焊;焊接工艺优化;

13、The risk guaranty money and the letter of guarantee shall be irrevocable and unilaterally drawable to the joint venture. ─── 风险保证金、保函须以银行不可撤销、合营企业可以单方提款的形式提供。

14、If the deductible amount is less than the amount of drawable occupational risk fund of the current year, occupational risk fund shall be drawn on the basis of the difference. ─── 可抵扣金额小于当年度应提职业风险基金金额的,应当按其差额提取职业风险基金。

15、The demand for groundwater in Taiwan is increasing to the maximum with drawable quantity. ─── 地盘下陷是地面在无载重情况下,发生垂直位移为主的沈陷运动。

16、The Drawable Exploratory Research on Using Taper Eccentric Swage ─── 应用锥形压边圈进行拉伸的探索研究

17、Hydraulic Drawable Downhole Fishing Tool ─── 液压井下拉拔打捞解卡工具

18、A drawable resource identifier (in the package's resources) of this component's icon. ─── 对该组件的图标的可拖拽的资源定位符(在软件包的资源文件夹中)。

19、The lines shown below and the similar entries in the lineSet function ensure that the drawable pixels all start and end on the correct grid. ─── 下文显示的线和lineSet函数中类似的条目确保像素绘制的起始和结束位置都在正确的网格上。

20、Keywords Drawable steel;Rapid heating;Recrystallization.; ─── 冲压钢;快速加热;再结晶;

21、The fair value of a current deposit shall not be lower than the amount the depositor shall pay when it becomes drawable. ─── (五)活期存款的公允价值,应当不低于存款人可支取时应付的金额;

22、For more information about how to create a drawable resource that handles multiple button states, read the state List documentation. ─── 有关如何创建一个处理多个按钮状态的可绘制资源的更多信息,请阅读状态列表文件。

23、If the deductible amount is more than or equals to the amount of drawable occupational risk fund of the current year, no occupational risk fund needs to be drawn in the current year. ─── 可抵扣金额大于或者等于当年度应提职业风险基金金额的,当年度可以不提取职业风险基金。

24、98、I'm sorry to say that according to the Authorization center's rule of the American Express Card, the maximum amount drawable each time cannot exceed four hundred US dollars. ─── 很抱歉,根据运通卡授权中心的规定,私人支票兑付的最大限额为每次400美元。

25、Present investigation is focused on the recrystallization characteristic of drawable cold rolled sheet steels during rapid heating. ─── 本文研究了冲压钢冷轧薄板在快速加热条件下的再结晶特点。

26、An overseas friend even sent me a cheque "drawable for unlimited amounts of happiness and joy" . ─── 一个海外的朋友甚至寄给我一张支票“可提取无尽的幸福和快乐”。

27、Keywords Drawable steel;Mash seam weld;Welded joints;Microstructure;Mechanical property.; ─── 冲压钢;压平缝焊;焊接接头;组织性能;

28、Actually rendering the pixels to the drawable surface is simple once the precise pixel values have been determined. ─── 实际上一旦确定了精确的像素值,就可以很容易地在绘图表面上呈现像素。

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