esp 发音
英:[ˌiː es ˈpiː] 美:[ˌiː es ˈpiː]
英: 美:
esp 中文意思翻译
esp 网络释义
abbr. 电子稳定程序(Electronic Stability Program);超感觉力(Extrasensory Perception)
esp 词性/词形变化,esp变形
esp 短语词组
1、esp testing cards esp ─── 测试卡
2、Tokyo ESP ─── 东京ESP
3、ESP off ESP ─── 关闭
4、smart esp ─── 智能esp
5、disproving esp ─── 否定esp
6、esp login esp ─── 登录
7、cat esp cat esp
8、abs esp abs esp
9、esp guitars ─── 尤指吉他
10、esp horizon esp ─── 地平线
11、esp hmmm ─── 静电除尘器。
12、esp. abbr. ─── 特殊地;尤其(especially)
13、campaigner esp ─── 竞选者
14、airkiss esp airkiss esp
15、esp home esp ─── 主页
esp 相似词语短语
1、ese ─── n.(Ese)(美)埃塞(人名)
2、es- ─── abbr.西班牙(Spain);国际车辆注册用语(EISalvador);锿(放射性化学元素)(Es);回声测深(EchoSounding);n.(Es)埃斯(人名)
3、Asp ─── n.角蝰(北非的小毒蛇);赤梢鱼;山杨;adj.山杨的;n.(Asp)(美、挪、丹)阿斯普(人名)
4、espy ─── vt.看到;认出;发现;n.(Espy)人名;(英、法)埃斯皮
5、resp ─── 注册教育储蓄计划(registerededucationsavingplan)
6、dsp ─── abbr.广告主需求方(DemandSidePlatform);abbr.数字信号处理器(DigitalSignalProcessor)
7、esp. ─── abbr.特殊地;尤其(especially)
8、ess ─── n.字母S,S形物件;n.(Ess)人名;(英、德)埃斯
9、est ─── abbr.美国东部标准时间(easternstandardtime);电休克疗法(electroshocktherapy);确立的(established);n.(Est)(美、俄、巴)埃斯特(人名)
esp 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、He was sent to prison for cooking the books, ie dishonestly changing the financial records, esp for personal profit. ─── 他因窜改帐目而入狱.
2、The application of ABS, ASR, ESP on chassis which leads to the decrease of accident quantity increases the safety, stability and comfort of automobile. ─── ABS、ASR、ESP等技术在底盘中的使用,极大程度上提高了汽车的安全性,稳定性、舒适性。也是一些地区随着汽车数目增长事故量反而降低的主要原因。
3、For more effective plate shape and flatness control, the paper presents SCR roll, DSR roll and DCVC roll, esp their control characteristics and their application. ─── 介绍了用于板形控制的新型SCR轧辊、DSR板形辊和DCVC轧辊,着重阐述了它们的工作原理及应用情况。
4、Foreign language teaching in their English teaching profession, as the business as a dedicated English Language Teaching (ESP) of an area. ─── 在他们的外语教学界把商务英语教学视定为专用英语教学(ESP)的一个领域。
5、Studging the slimming effect of a kind of weight-control food esp by means of they fat measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). ─── 减肥应以减少体内多余脂肪为着眼点。
6、And forty-eight percent believe in extrasensory perception, or ESP. ─── 23%的受访者称他们见过鬼,其中单身人士、天主教徒及从未参加过礼拜仪式的人“见到鬼”的几率最大。
7、How to detect back corona fai lure, especially early back corona, is one of urgent problems which ESP should be solved. ─── 如何有效地诊断反电晕故障,尤其是早期的反电晕故障已经成为了ESP需要迫切解决的问题。
8、The smaller in amount or degree esp of two alternatives. ─── 两个中数量较小的或程度较低的一个。
9、Several tools for measuring performance are included with Exchange Server 2003, including Exchange Server Stress and Performance (ESP) 2003, Jetstress, and Load Simulator 2003 (LoadSim). ─── Exchange Server 2003中有几种评估性能的工具,其中包括Exchange Server Stress and Performance(ESP)2003、Jetstress和LoadSimulator 2003(LoadSim)。
10、In addition, for reducing equipment investment, it can also be integrated with wet ESP to achieve removing dust, NO_X and SO_2 simultaneously. ─── 对于已经安装了湿法或半干法脱硫设备的锅炉,原有脱硫设备可同时用于脱除NO_x,或者把该技术与湿式静电除尘器结合,实现除尘、脱硫、脱硝一体化,这样可减少设备的投资。
11、It has long been known as ESP , Spider Sense, or the ability to see things before they happen. ─── 第六感也被称为超感知觉、蜘蛛感应,也就是预知未来事物的能力。
12、You surely won't print (ie publish, esp in a newspaper) such a scandalous allegation. ─── 你绝不会让这种造谣中伤的言论披露见报的吧。
13、Business English,as the area of greatest activity and growth in ESP,has attracted correspondingly interest in China's ELT. ─── 商务英语作为专门用途英语中最活跃的分支,在国内外语教学地位日益突出。
14、XDS works together with ESP and improves performance when traction is lost by braking the wheel that loses grip. ─── XDS作品连同ESP和提高性能时丢失的牵引制动的轮子失去抓地力。
15、The entire packet is appended with an ESP trailer before encryption occurs. ─── 在进行加密之前,全部的封包会附加在ESP的表尾。
16、Due emphasis should be placed upon the element of cultures in ESP,and ESP learners' intercultural abili... ─── 专用英语教学应重视文化因素,切实提高学习者的跨文化能力。
17、The paper describes operating conditions of Isa furnace ESP in Yunnan Copper over years and presents problems occurring and measures for improvement. ─── 叙述了云南铜业艾萨炉电除尘器几年来的运行状况,介绍了出现的问题及改进措施。
18、Experts have achieved a lot in their study on WEI Zhuang,a poet in the late Tang Dynasty,esp in terms of his life story,thoughts and poems. ─── 20世纪的百年间 ,学界对唐末诗人韦庄的研究 ,在作品整理、生平事迹及思想、诗、词等方面取得了一定的成绩 ,也存在着显著的不足。
19、Let us go ahead and do sth, esp sth that has been planned or discussed? ─── 咱们干吧,还等什麽呢?(尤指已计画的或商议过的事)
20、Work Location: Bohai Bay Purpose: Monitor the running state of VFD and ESP and perform electrical ...... ... ─── 公司名称:康菲石油中国有限公司工作地点:未知发布时间:2009-5-21
21、Author Introduction:XU shi-jiang(1935-),male, professor, engage in the study on HTR materjals, esp on HTR fuel techonlogy. ─── 作者简介:徐世江(1935-),男,渐江天台人,教授,主要从事高温气冷堆材料的研究和发展工作,特别是高温气冷堆燃料的研究和发展。
22、Among these efforts, ESP genre analysis is considered as an effective way to help NNS speakers’ EAP writing (Hyland, 2003). ─── 在他们的种种努力中,体裁分析被认为能有效地提高非英语国家科学家的英语写作水平 (Hyland, 2003)。
23、Piling up collecting plate with deformation directly on the ground at the bottom of ESP, which without any corresponding protection measures. ─── 变形的阳极板直接堆放在电除尘底部的地面上,没有相应的保护措施。
24、Even the ESP can be personalised, from "on", to "sport" to "off". ─── 即使是电除尘器可以个性化,从“开”,以“体育”到“关闭".
25、It can be used with coin tricks, ESP tricks, to reveal a number, name, initials, or word and so on. ─── 它可能被使用以硬币把戏, 特别是欺骗, 显露数字、名字、最初, 或词等等。
26、A few current day mind control targets state they are being targeted by someone with well developed ESP skills. ─── 一些现今的精神控制目标者声明他们正在被某些人以很先进的超感觉知觉技巧所定位目标。
27、ESP is similar to Exchange Load Generator, but use ESP when you are validating deployments that use mobility features and Internet protocols that Exchange Load Generator does not cover. ─── ESP与Exchange Load Generator类似,但是在验证使用Exchange Load Generator不包含的移动功能和Internet协议的部署时,应使用ESP。
28、The influence mechanism of soil ESP on soil cohesive force is complicated and its effect decreases with the increase of soil water content. ─── 土壤内摩擦角随着土壤含水率的增加而线性减小。 土壤碱度对土壤黏聚力的影响机理较为复杂,其影响效果随土壤含水率的增加而减小;
29、To raise the efficiency of fine dust collection with high resistivity,it is important to improve the electrode arrangement of the electrostatic precipitator(ESP). ─── 为提高微细高比电阻粉尘的收集效率,提出能同时产生正、负两种极性放电的双极芒刺电除尘器。
30、ESP can accomplish data confidentiality and limited traffic flow confidentiality by applying cryptogram algorithm to encrypt all the data and padding. Besides, it can also provide the functions above mentioned that the AH owned. ─── ESP协议通过使用密码算法对IP数据报的全部数据和填充的内容进行全加密,来实现数据保密和有限的数据流保密,还可以提供与AH协议相同的认证等服务;
31、Other equipment includes an RCD 210 radio system, automatic climate control, ESP with countersteer assist and VW's ParkPilot system. ─── 其他设备包括民盟210无线电系统,自动气候控制,电除尘器与countersteer协助和大众的ParkPilot系统.
32、Some claim that it's a sort of ESP or mysterious "sixth sense" ; others chalk it up to simple biology. ─── 一些人说这是超感官知觉或者是神秘的第六感。
33、ESP and EGP are shown to complement each other. ─── ESP与EGP并不是排斥的,它们有很强的互补性。
34、What are the new generations of ESP® (2 in all)? ─── 之后新一代产品是什么(共2种)?
35、A stroke way for an EE type positive plate of the first and second electric field is adopted after the ESP of unit 1 boiler was reformed. ─── 介绍了安徽洛河电厂1号机组电除尘器改造,其一、二电场采用EE型阳极板振打方式后的运行效果,对运行中出现的阳极板撕裂问题进行技术分析,并提出改进建议。
36、I'm pleased with your happiness, esp. With Miss Li's good friend. In today's class, I'd like to tell you a story about "Great Friends" ─── 我也因为你们的高兴而高兴,特别是为某同学有那么好的朋友而高兴。今天的课上我给你们讲个“好朋友”的故事。
37、Let us go ahead and do sth,esp sth that has been planned or discussed? ─── 咱们干吧,还等什么呢?(尤指已计划的或商议过的事)
38、ShangHai AoHong aluminum profile offers a wide range of profile systems with connection elements,esp... ─── 发布者:罗依婷所在地:上海青浦区行业:机械及行业设备职位:其他工作年限:
39、In this paper, two world patent databases: Intellectual Property Digital Library and esp@ cenet was introduced, and how to search PCT patent in these databases was discussed. ─── 作者介绍了因特网上两大国际专利数据库;世界知识产权数字图书馆和欧洲专利局专利数据库的概况及如何运用两大数据库检索国际专利。
40、Person (esp a woman) who has no dancing partners at a dance and has to sit or stand around while others dance. ─── 在舞会中因无舞伴而在一旁或坐或站者(尤指女子)。
41、You got the direction yet?The ads of hi-tech products, esp like Digi Waker can hardly be fashionable and eye-catchy. ─── 你找对方向了吗? 高科技产品、特别是像导航仪这种很难有时尚元素的广告一般比较难以做到吸引眼球。
42、This paper introduces the design working life and durability design for structures in China and abroad, esp. ─── 介绍国内外结构尤其是英国海工结构的设计使用年限及耐久性设计概况。
43、The included booklet supplies you with a startling collection of ESP routines and ideas, which can often be very difficult to track down. ─── 包括的小册子您把特别是惯例和想法供给的一件使震惊的收藏品, 可能经常非常难搜寻。
44、An increased level of ESP and imagination could have you feeling more creative and artistic than usual. ─── 今天你的直感和想象力都很强,这会另你感觉非常的富有创造力和艺术感。
45、A kind of intelligent high-voltage direct current power supply for ESP is introduced. ─── 介绍了一套替代传统电源的静电除尘器用智能高压直流电源。
46、Person (esp a woman) who has no dancing partners at a dance and has to sit or stand around while others dance. ─── 在舞会中因无舞伴而在一旁或坐或站者(尤指女子)。
47、Safety highlights include standard ESP (Electronic Stability Control), six airbags, EPS electro-mechanical steering and tyre pressure warning. ─── 安全聚焦包括标准esp(电子稳定控制),6个安全气袋,eps机电督导和轮胎气压警告.
48、The transforming experience of controling the pellet vertical furnace dust is introduced, the engineering general situation of ESP and the effect is summed up. ─── 介绍了球团竖炉烟尘治理的改造经验,总结了电除尘工程概况及效果。
49、During one ESP Class session, there was a discussion of "possible use of animals to predict earthquakes, and whether people should feel they need to run away from earthquakes". ─── 在一节ESP课上的会期里,有一段关于“运用动物预测地震的可能性,以及人们是否应该感到他们需要逃离地震”的讨论。
50、Following the examples of the SL63 and C63, the E63 receives a three-mode stability system with full-on operation, a more forgiving setting called ESP Sport, and full-off. ─── 下面的例子的SL63和C63,E63收到的三种模式稳定系统,全面的行动,建立一个更加宽容的所谓电除尘器的运动,全面小康。
51、Within the IPSec's ESP tunnel mode, which parts of the frame are encrypted? ─── 在IP安全通讯协定的封包安全酬载资料(ESP)通道模式内,那些讯框的部份是经过加密保护的?
52、Theoretically it is classified into ESP and 1ocated between EAP and EOP by domestic English experts, and it is called EPP. ─── 在理论上被界定为专门用途英语分支下,介于学术英语与职业英语之间的业务用途英语。
53、No stop. At least 10 m one day esp on mornings. ─── 学习不中断,哪怕每天挤出10分钟也可以,早晨则是大好时机。
54、This is an experiment that tests for ESP. ─── 这是一项有关超感官知觉的试验。
55、Safety is taken care of by systems like the XDS system, ABS, ESP with EBA emergency braking and airbags. ─── 安全是照顾的系统,如XDS系统,ABS树脂,电除尘器与开放市场紧急制动和安全气囊.
56、Thing given as a distinction or mark of respect,esp an official award for achievement or bravery. ─── 作为荣誉或尊敬的标志而授予之事物(尤指为表扬成绩或英勇行为而正式授予的)。
57、Do sth with great vigour or enthusiasm,esp by spending a lot of money. ─── 以极大的精力或热情做某事(尤指花很多钱)。
58、Its not difficult esp in the math faculty and it really depends on the course and prof. ─── 可是在我入大学的时候,这些顶尖的数学苗子们平均毕业率只有一半,四年级课程的考试75分就能拿全班第一。
59、Though I like photography very much; your statement is fxxking right! esp. ─── "眼睛是上帝给人类的原装快门,许多事只能感受一次!"
60、Woman doesn't like to be reminded of their birthday, esp an old one with an robotic arm. ─── 女人不喜欢被题及年龄,尤其是一个拥有机械手的女人。
61、Yours faithfully,Yours sincerely,(esp US)Yours truly are the commonest ways of ending formal and semi-formal letters. ─── yours faithfully、yours sincerely、(尤用于美式英语的)yours truly是信末最常见的敬语,用于正规的及半正规的书信均可.
62、The working principles and applications of acoustic wave ash clean-out device on ESP and bag filter are mainly introduced. ─── 主要介绍了声波清灰技术在静电除尘器和布袋除尘器中的工作原理及其应用现状。
63、Other abilities useful in teleportation are Tele-Visualization and ESP (Extrasensory Perception). ─── 其它用于心灵运输的能力是电视-清楚地呈现和ESP(超感官的知觉)。
64、FX reserve: Mr.FAN Gang, member of PBoC's monetary committee, said yesterday that the drop in Oct FX reserve balance is due to the book value change in invested portfolio, esp. ─── 外汇储备:央行货币政策委员会委员樊纲昨日表示,十月份外汇储备失衡原因是投资组合的帐面价值变化,尤其是欧元资产。
65、MCALL(Multi-media Computer Assisted Language Learning) is an effective way to solve this problem, especially for those ESP (English for Specific Purpose) Learner's. ─── 多媒体电脑辅助语言学习(MCALL)以其在自主学习和个性化学习方面的优势,为学习者提供巨大的便利和发展空间。
66、The correctness and rationality of the calculation method is verified by the practical ESP's working parameters. ─── 同时用实际的潜油电泵工作参数验证了该方法的正确和合理性。
67、Hydrogenated oil (esp .hydrogenated Diesel) is prone to blacke n and form deposit under the light. ─── 加氢生成油(尤其加氢柴油)对光比较敏感,光照后油品颜色变黑,产生沉淀。
68、Using additional sensors, ESP not only registers the wheel speeds but also the steering angle and lateral acceleration. ─── 使用附加传感器,ESP监测的对象不仅有车轮转速,还包括转向角度和横向加速度。
69、But the efficiencies of the current conventional particle removers like ESP and cyclone are very low for these Ips. ─── 但目前常规的除尘设备,如静电除尘器和旋风分离器对其清除效率都很低。
70、There can be few people involved in English Language Teaching (ELT) who are unaware of the concept of ESP English for Specific Purposes. ─── 专门用途英语这一概念对于从事英语语言教学工作的人来说不应感到陌生。
71、The main products are: ESP, various types of valves, Chute, inflatable me, all of the libraries. ─── 主要产品有:除尘器,各类阀门,斜槽,充气箱,均化库等。
72、If you asked a parapsychologist, he might say you have extrasensory perception, or ESP. ─── 假如你去问一位心理学家,他可能会说这是一种超感知觉,或者称之为“ESP”。
73、Schematic diagram of the wind tunnel for the eight wired single-stage ESP performance test. ─── 为八的风洞的图表的简图给单一的舞台ESP操作测验装配电气线路。
74、Potential USES for ESP include. ─── ESP的潜在应用领域包括。
75、You help me and I'll help you,esp in an unfair way. ─── 你给我搔背,我也给你搔背(你帮我,我也帮你,尤指不正当的事)。
76、That the correlations between the various sub - skills of ESP are less significant than those of EGP needs further empirical study. ─── ESP与EGP相比各语言技能之间的相关度较低是否具有普遍性,有待于进一步实证。
77、Lore ( n.): knowledge of learning; specifically, all the knowledge of a particular group or having to do with a particular subject, esp. ─── 学问;知识(尤指某门学科的知识)
78、Children should not give their mother trouble, esp in her advancing years. ─── 子女不该给母亲添麻烦,尤其在她暮年时。
79、Theoretically it is classified into ESP and located between EAP and EOP by domestic English experts,and it is called EPP. ─── 在理论上被界定为专门用途英语分支下,介于学术英语与职业英语之间的业务用途英语。
80、Among kinds of decontaminating equipment, ESP(ElectroStatic Precipitator) is one of the most effective methods. ─── 在各种类型的除尘设备中电除尘器是净化含尘气体最有效的装置之一。
81、Did he die in a state of grace? ie strengthened and inspired by God, esp after having been pardoned and given the Sacraments. ─── 他临终是否曾蒙主感召?(尤指受到宽恕後行圣礼)地道了歉.
82、PASSAT New Lingyu is equipped with ESP, which includes ABS, EBD, advanced EDS and ASR, the most advanced form of vehicle anti-skid devices. ─── PASSAT 新领驭配备了车身动态电子稳定系统ESP,该系统包含有ABS、EBD,及先进的EDS电子防滑差速系统、ASR牵引力控制系统,是当前汽车防滑装置的最高级形式。
83、The paper describes the commercial test on recovering thallium based on the process of extracting cadmium from dust collected by electro-static precipitator (ESP). ─── 介绍了在电尘提镉工艺基础上回收铊的工业试验。
84、But usually it is not exist, such as ghosts, fly saucers, certain alleged abilities as levitation and extrasensory( ESP), etc. ─── 但通常是一些不存在的事物,如鬼、碟、些人声称的特异功能等。
85、The only kind of ESP for which there is any kind of reliable evidence is telepathy. ─── 唯一拥有可靠证据的超能力是心电感应。
86、Therefore, to introduce TC into ESP curriculum is beneficial to the development of students' English proficiency and can be a direction of the college ESP teaching in China. ─── 因此,把专业交际学引入ESP教学有利于学生英语综合应用能力的提高,可谓我国大学ESP教学的一个发展方向。
87、As one of the ESP( English for Special Purposes) courses, marketing English has its special linguistic and stylistic features. ─── 国际营销英语作为一门专门用途英语,有其特殊的语体特征。
88、But usually it is not exist, such as ghosts, fly saucers, certain alleged abilities as levitation and extrasensory(ESP), etc. ─── 但通常是一些不存在的事物,如鬼、飞碟、一些人声称的特异功能等。
89、Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). ─── 超感官知觉——特异功能。
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