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08-30 投稿


grandiloquence 发音

英:[ɡrænˈdɪləkwəns]  美:[ɡrænˈdɪləkwəns]

英:  美:

grandiloquence 中文意思翻译



grandiloquence 网络释义

n. 豪言壮语,豪语;夸张之言

grandiloquence 词性/词形变化,grandiloquence变形

副词: grandiloquently |形容词: grandiloquent |

grandiloquence 短语词组

1、grandiloquence synonym ─── 雄辩同义词

2、grandiloquence means ─── 豪言壮语

3、grandiloquence meaning ─── 雄辩的意思

4、grandiloquence definition ─── 冠冕堂皇的定义

5、grandiloquence sentence ─── 雄辩句

6、grandiloquence forefends ─── 夸张的前肢

7、grandiloquence define ─── 豪言壮语

grandiloquence 相似词语短语

1、ineloquence ─── n.无说服力,无口才

2、multiloquence ─── 多语序

3、magniloquence ─── n.夸张的话;豪语;大言

4、grandiloquent ─── adj.夸张的;夸大的;大言不惭的

5、grandiloquous ─── 夸大其词的

6、eloquence ─── n.口才;雄辩;雄辩术;修辞

7、grandiloquently ─── 夸张地

8、somniloquence ─── n.梦话;说梦话(等于somniloquy)

9、grand larcenies ─── 大窃盗罪(指所窃财物超过一定价值的盗窃)

grandiloquence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cheerful words, sweet words, grandiloquence, nonsense, and silence are the five steps to get drunk.(It can drown people though the cup is shallow.) ─── 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)

2、1. Cheers and laughter(sweet words(grandiloquence(nonsense(wordless (the five step of being drunk) (The wine cup is shallow, but it can drown people. ─── 欢声笑语(甜言蜜语(豪言壮语(胡言乱语(不言不语(醉酒五步曲)(酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。)收藏指正

3、For all the grandiloquence, however, there is no hiding that last week's meeting did little to promote free trade. ─── 但是,所有的夸夸其谈都无法掩盖谈判对促进自由贸易并无多大效果的事实。

4、Instead Mr Semel, charming and funny in private, increasingly resorts in public to pre-cooked, vague grandiloquence laden with the jargon of "Web 2.0". ─── 相反,私底下迷人风趣的塞梅尔先生在公众场合越来越多地发表事先准备好的豪言壮语,这些演说充斥着含混不清的“网络2.0”术语。

5、They will gripe at the grandiloquence of a project so vast as to make the drainage of the Fens resemble emptying a paddling pool. ─── 他们会抱怨称,这个项目的豪言壮语太过夸张,仿佛抽干这些海水就像排空一个戏水池一样。

6、Those rhythms, that powerful vocabulary, that grandiloquence, became part and parcel of the national sensibility. ─── 那节奏,那刚劲有力的词语,那夸张的手法,都溶化在我们的民族感情之中。

7、grandiloquence, nonsense, and silence are the five steps to get drunk. it can drown people though the cup is shallow. ─── 欢声笑语甜言蜜语豪言壮语胡言乱语不言不语醉酒五步曲酒杯虽浅,却能把人淹死。

8、We always heard his grandiloquence in stock aspect, and we still remember his accurate prediction in stock market in 2000. ─── 我们经常听到他对股市的精辟分析,我们至今都仍然记得他在2000年时对股市的准确预测。

9、'one person works one person is become ' , this is the Chinese nation arrives since ancient times today heroic grandiloquence. ─── 自井阳岗出了一只害人的老虎后,县老爷号召地方上的猎户想方设法要为民除害。

10、Ongraduation day, I displayed my grandiloquence when I wrote in ourclass scrapbook, “In two decades, let's reunite at the dawn of anew century. ─── 那是我少年时定下的约会,现在时间已到,我约的人不知道去了哪里,我久迷人世,红尘颠倒,再也找不到当初相约的地点。

11、On graduation day, I displayed my grandiloquence when I wrote in our class scrapbook, “In two decades, let's reunite at the dawn of a new century. ─── 高中毕业时,我在同学的留言簿上写了一句话:“20年后,让我们相会于世纪之巅!”

12、But in this just a small action will show you the national heart, all seem to forget his oath, oneself once said grandiloquence! ─── 但在这只要一个小小的动作就能显示你的中华民族心时候,似乎大家都忘了自己曾经许下的诺言,自己曾经说过豪言壮语!

13、' Mitterrand persisted in this grandiloquence over the next two years. ─── 不过,布雷顿森林会议实际上已经不是第一次闹“复活”了。

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