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08-18 投稿


snarl 发音

英:[snɑːl]  美:[snɑrl]

英:  美:

snarl 中文意思翻译



snarl 词性/词形变化,snarl变形

动词过去分词: snarled |形容词: snarly |动词过去式: snarled |副词: snarlingly |动词现在分词: snarling |动词第三人称单数: snarls |名词: snarler |

snarl 同义词

scowl | mat | tangle | snarl up | grumble | knot | mix up | roar | entangle | up | grimace | sneer | mix | maze |growl | snap | embrangle

snarl 短语词组

1、snarl ing ─── 纱线扭结缠结

2、snarl at ─── 对…吼叫

3、menacing snarl ─── 威胁的咆哮

4、snarl in a sentence ─── 在句子中咆哮

5、snarl-up n. ─── 阻塞

6、snarl rescue ─── 咆哮救援

7、snarl dinobot ─── 咆哮机器人

8、snarl crossword ─── 咆哮填字游戏

9、snarl definitions ─── 咆哮定义

10、snarl mean ─── 咆哮平均数

11、snarl up ─── 使缠结:; ─── 使(交通等)堵塞:

12、snarl-ups n. ─── 阻塞( snarl-up的复数形式 )

snarl 反义词


snarl 相似词语短语

1、snare ─── n.(捕鸟、兽的)陷阱;圈套,骗局;(绷在小鼓下鼓皮的)响弦;(勒除息肉和增生)勒除器;v.设陷阱(或罗网、套子)捕捉;诱捕(某人),使……上当

2、snary ─── 蜗牛

3、snarf ─── vt.狼吞虎咽

4、gnarl ─── n.木节;木瘤;vi.咆哮;形成木节

5、snarls ─── v.缠结;使混乱;咆哮着说(snarl的三单形式);n.缠结;扭结(snarl的复数)

6、snarly ─── adj.纠缠在一起的;善于嚣叫的;爱漫骂的;脾气坏的

7、snark ─── n.蛇鲨;vi.讽刺挖苦,尖锐批评

8、ensnarl ─── vt.使缠绕

9、snail ─── n.蜗牛;迟钝的人;vi.缓慢移动;vt.缓慢移动

snarl 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It can break up a bad traffic snarl. ─── 它可以结束严重的交通混乱局面。

2、Don't snap and snarl at me when I'm trying to do my best for you. ─── 掌握一些翻译理论与技巧。

3、With a snarl that was again on his feet and launched into the air. ─── 他大吼一声,吼声中尖叫高于吠声,又站了起来,扑向空中。

4、Heavy rain fell onBeijing, causing the traffic to snarl / causing heavy traffic. ─── 北京下大雨了,使交通很拥堵。

5、to snarl one's face flushed ─── 怒吼得面孔通红

6、Jason: Yeah. Well Call me a snarl??. ─── 杰森:对,就算我小气。

7、I heard Bonner snarl. ─── 我听见了邦纳的吼叫声。

8、Her mouth was contorted in a snarl. ─── 她龇牙咧嘴地怒吼着。

9、snarl 15 0 10 是 15 10 General snarls to irritate enemy generals, make all enemies in battle to attack himself, at the next attack chance. ─── 注***:火攻的参数1、2指的是对第一只敌方部队的杀伤人数,第2、第3只部队的杀伤人数依次递减1/3。

10、Harmless roar: A one-month-old Indian lion cub makes a toothless snarl during a presentation at the Nuremberg zoo. ─── 纽伦堡动物园展示了其刚满1个月大的印度狮,上图为满嘴无牙的狮子幼崽发出“咆哮”。

11、snarl test ─── 线材反复缠绕试验

12、Poisoned web pages can’t snarl you with drive-by downloads, and search results are safety-rated for your protection. ─── 中毒的网页不能咆哮你驾车下载和搜索结果的安全评级为您的保护。

13、You'd kinda like to see Mario's snarl over there on the bench. ─── 你会看到板凳席上马里奥的怒吼。

14、The traffic was all in a snarl near the accident. ─── 事故发生处附近交通一片混乱。

15、My knitting was in a terrible snarl. ─── 我织的东西都乱成一团了。

16、2. The machine snarl ed the material up. ─── 机器把材料搅在一起了.

17、Lron's mate, Crysta, uttered a deep, gurgling snarl, a noise like the draining of some underground lake system. ─── 勒荣的配偶克里斯塔发出一声低沉的咆哮,像是地下湖排水系统所发出的声音。

18、Republicans snarl that Democrats want to tax Americans every time they flip a light switch. ─── 共和党为此猛烈抨击民主党,认为美国人每摁一下灯的开关都会被课税。

19、B: Imagine me riding on the back of such a powerful beast, its sharp teeth bared in a predatory snarl. ─── 想象一下吧,我骑在一只那么强大的野兽的背上,它那锋利的牙齿在掠食者的咆哮中显露无疑。

20、But as paramedics dashed to the scene and went to help him, he would suddenly get up and snarl: "fooled you" . ─── 但当救护人员冲到现场时,他突然起身,大声叫道:“你们被耍了”。

21、Although unions and government officials have begun negotiating reforms to special pensions - and more trains are running - the strike continues to snore snarl traffic, particularly in the Paris area. ─── 尽管联盟和政府官员已经开始对特殊津贴进行谈判改革,然而更严重的后果还在形成,游行仍然使交通混乱,尤其是在巴黎地区。

22、A good friend of the Marx Brothers, Thalberg sent this note to Groucho one birthday: “The world would not be in such a snarl, if Marx had been Groucho instead of Karl. ─── 作为马克思兄弟的好友,塞拉伯格在格劳乔一次生日的时候给他寄去了这样一张纸条,上面写着:“如果格劳乔-马克思取代了卡尔-马克思,估计这世上就不会这么乱作一团了”。

23、I was in the most unbelievable snarl this morning over-of all things-a truckload of insecticide! ─── 今天早上,真想不到,为了一卡车杀虫剂的事搞得我晕头转向!

24、To snarl or entangle. ─── 使缠结或纠缠

25、Every full moon, however, Lupin must be whisked to the Shrieking Shack, where he can howl, snarl and attack without harming anyone. ─── 然而每到满月时,卢平就必须迅速跑到尖叫棚屋,在那里,他可以嚎叫咆哮并进行攻击行为,而且伤害不到任何人。

26、The dog bared its teeth in a snarl. ─── 那条狗龇着牙低声吼叫。

27、And one can never know, it seems, when the smile may turn into a snarl. ─── 看来谁也不知道什么时候这种平静就会变成一场咆哮。

28、Her mouth was contorted in a snarl. ─── 她龇牙咧嘴地怒吼着。

29、My big dog normally won't snarl, and only small dogs snarl around here ─── 我的大狗一般不会叫的,一般是这里的小狗叫

30、If you serve up a smile to people, they usually bounce it back. Hit them with a snarl and watch them scowl instead. ─── 如果你给别人一个微笑,往往人们会报以一个微笑。给别人一个怒颜,就会发现人们沉脸。

31、By Monday, authorities said they were starting to untangle the snarl which had been caused by road works. ─── 周一相关管理部门表示,开始解决道路作业引起的大堵车问题。

32、snarl up ─── 使缠结阻塞, 堵塞使复杂; 把 ... 搞糊涂, 把 ... 弄得一团糟

33、to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl. ─── 微笑、扮鬼脸或吼叫时拉起嘴唇、露出牙齿。

34、a snarl, the second dog made a dive for his heel. ─── 一声嗥叫,第二条狗扑向了他的脚后跟。

35、Once he came into the restaurant where I was eating, trailing a plastic horse behind him on a snarl of cassette tape; ─── 有一次他进到我正在吃饭的餐馆,身后拖着一只塑料马,用一团乱糟糟的磁带拴着。

36、He lets out a vicious SNARL and darts out after them. ─── 他凶狠地怒吼着朝他们飞扑过来。

37、At the seaside we can hear the snarl of the wave ─── 在海滨我们可以听见波涛的咆哮

38、Study on Snarl Formation Mechanism of Plyfil Composite Yarn from Wool and Polyester ─── Plyfil毛涤复合线形成扭辫纱的机理研究

39、Shojo: But if that same gate were to be opened and the Snarl controlled, it would mean a new age of darkness for the universe. ─── 但是如果这扇门被打开,死结被人控制,那就意味着宇宙间新黑暗时代的降临。

40、Lions also make different noises that mean different things.A snarl means they are attacking another animal, or defending their cubs. ─── 狮子用整个身体来传达信息,不过最主要还是通过面部。

41、200 meters away from a corner I scarcely saw my own old house when a big dog likes a wolf dog ran like mad toward me ferociously.The speed is surprising its snarl freighting. ─── 从两百米以外的拐角处,刚刚看到自家那老屋场时,却冷不防窜出一只狼犬似的大花狗,凶神恶煞地向我狂奔而来,那速度快得惊人,吠鸣声大得吓人。

42、to snarl a simple question ─── 把简单的问题搞得复杂了

43、And whether it is because of the preseason dragging on into its final days, they have not shown the old defensive snarl of the Van Gundy teams. ─── 或许他们现在的状态仅仅是因为季前赛将尽而没能打出范甘迪式的防守来。

44、A wary tiger flashes a toothy snarl in this extreme close-up. ─── 一只机警的老虎在这个特写镜头里呲牙咆哮。

45、snarl iron ─── 打凸纹器

46、Right-wingers snarl that it is nothing but an “amnesty” for illegals. ─── 右翼人士拍案而起,愤然反对改革,认为这无非是对非法移民者的“大赦”。

47、If the moon cuts through the clouds, the bombers will come, filling the sky with their angry snarl. ─── 如果月亮穿出云层,也许轰炸机就会飞来,在天空中发出凶恶的咆哮。

48、to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth,in a smile,grimace,or snarl ─── 微笑、扮鬼脸或吼叫时拉起嘴唇、露出牙齿

49、and they ask me what I work on and I say consciousness, their eyes don't glaze over -- their lips curl into a snarl. ─── 他们问我在研究什么,我说,意识,他们就不仅仅是失去兴趣了——他们的嘴巴都拧成一团了。

50、They not only bark, but they howl, growl, snarl, and whine. ─── 狗不仅吠叫,而且还狂吠、怒吠、吼叫、哀叫。

51、The Italians may have been off the pace with their fitness yet their snarl remained, but neither forward had his focus blurred. ─── 意甲豪门或许身体状况不好,没了速度,可他们还剩下几分怒吼余威,但两名前锋都踢得毫不含糊。

52、Right now, snarl sound transmitted suddenly in bier: "You this disobedient thing, for a few money, kill so that I run around here and there, must not quiet. ─── 此时,棺材里忽然传来了怒骂声:“你这个不孝的东西,就为了几个钱,害得我东奔西跑,不得安宁。”

53、A snarl means they are attacking another animal, or defending their cubs. ─── 咆哮意味着它们将要攻击其他动物,或是保护它们的幼仔。

54、The last words came out as a snarl. ─── 最后那些话简直就像怒吼。

55、Snarl out an answer ─── 吼叫着回答

56、Don’t snap and snarl at me when I’m trying to do my best for you. ─── 你狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心。

57、I knew nothing of this lich of yours, but when my diviners told me of the explosion, I feared for the integrity of the Snarl's prison. ─── 我对你们那位巫妖一无所知,但当我的占卜师告诉我爆炸发生时,我开始担心死结囚牢的完整性。

58、He said that Consumer Reports suggested Apple should "just give everyone a free case - so we are. " His tone was close to a snarl. ─── 乔布斯表示,《消费者报告》杂志建议苹果公司应当“向用户提供免费的维修服务”,所以我们才这样做。

59、The severe 2) planes of her face, the military 3)erectness of her 4)posture, the 5)snarl she puts in her voice, all give an irresistible 6)insolence to China ’ s first international star actress. ─── 她脸部每根线条都那么严肃,总是保持着军人般挺直的体态,声音里透着怒意,这一切都让这位中国的头号国际女影星散发出一种难以抑制的傲气。

60、Nancy's lip nearly curls into a snarl but she manages to smile. Nancy examines her daughter's eyes closely. ─── 南茜嘴唇紧紧地抿了起来,就要怒吼起来了,但她尽力微笑着。她深深地审视着女儿的眼睛。

61、Last age's winner, Hannah, gave Riggs a snarl, but he kept his cool, plodding down the runway two of them gracefully and glacially. ─── 上届比赛冠军汉纳对着里格斯一顿狂吠,但里格斯镇静自若,沉着优雅地缓缓走下了跑道。

62、filling snarl ─── 纬圈

63、Either they take on the vested interests that snarl things up, or the country risks forfeiting much of the economic and social progress that it has made. ─── 他们要么获得既得利益,要么接受有可能牺牲国家经济和社会进步的风险。

64、Don't snap and snarl at me when I am trying to do my best for you ─── 别狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心

65、a snarl of pain/hate ─── 疼痛的惨叫;充满仇恨的吼声

66、She answered with an angry snarl. ─── 她的回答是一声怒气冲冲的吼叫。

67、We heard the snarl of a dog just up the path. ─── 我们听见狗就在路那边嗥叫。

68、Last year's winner, Hannah, gave Riggs a snarl, but he kept his cool, plodding down the runway both gracefully and glacially. ─── 上届比赛冠军汉纳对著里格斯一顿狂吠,但里格斯镇静自若,沉著优雅地缓缓走下了跑道。

69、A new study found that 6-month-olds can match the sounds of an angry snarl or friendly yap with photos of dogs showing the corresponding body language. ─── 最近的研究发现,6个月大的小孩可以通过相应的身体语言将狗狗们的愤怒的或是亲昵的吠叫与它们的照片搭配起来。

70、When they snarl in their different ways, he will scuttle back under America's skirts. ─── 但当此三国以各自不同的方式叫嚣威胁之时,安倍将会匆匆地逃回美国的保护圈之中。

71、Washington journalism hams snarl and shout at each other on television. ─── 华盛顿的那些记者们每日在媒体上朝着对方怒吼叫喊。

72、answer with an angry snarl ─── 怒气冲冲地回答.

73、He knew just where he was with Clifford. They were two alien dogs which would have liked to snarl at one another, But which smiled instead, perforce. But with the woman he was not quite so sure. ─── 他分明知道他和克利福的关系如何。他们俩象是一对异种的狗,原应互相张牙舞爪的,而因情境所迫,便不得不挂着一副笑脸。但是和一个女人的关系如何,他却不太摸得着头脑了。

74、testing method for snarl index of cotton yarn:horizontal method ─── 棉纱的snarl系数测定法:水平法

75、He was looking at Wolf Larsen, the old and implacable snarl of hatred strong as ever on his face. ─── 他正瞧着海狼赖生,从前的不能和解的憎恨的表情,依旧强烈地留在他的脸上。

76、His face contorted to a snarl, his hand raised to strike. ─── 他把脸扭成一团,大声呵叱,举起手来要打。

77、to snarl a once simple proBlem ─── 使本来很简单的问题发生麻烦

78、Testing method for snarl index of cotton yarn ─── 系数测定法:垂直法

79、But red sullen faces sneer and snarl, ─── 只有嘲笑和怒骂气得发紫的脸庞

80、"I didn't throw anything," he started to say, when Lron's gurgling snarl interrupted him. ─── “我没扔任何东西,”杰克刚开了个头,就被勒荣低沉的咆哮所打断。

81、I was in the most unbelievable snarl this morning over--of all things--a truckload of insecticide! ─── 今天早上,真想不到,为了一卡车杀虫剂的事搞得我晕头转向!

82、To snarl; growl. ─── 咆哮;吼叫,嗥叫

83、The lion roared till the air quivered with the sound, then, with a savage, shrieking snarl, he turned and clawed hold of the crocodile's head. ─── 狮子不顾一切地吼着,连周围的空气也颤抖起来。然后它又凄厉地狂叫一声,转过头去,抓住了鳄鱼的头颅。

84、to snarl the wires of mikes ─── 把话筒线缠在了一起

85、At the seaside we can hear the snarl of the wave. ─── 在海滨我们可以听见波涛的咆哮。

86、a snarl of facts ─── 一堆混乱的事实罗列

87、A vast pelt of glossy white fur with head intact and fangs bared in a frozen snarl, it dominates the room. ─── 一块宽大光亮发白的毛皮遗留着完好无缺的熊头,露出的白牙可以让人看到它的狂啸,它充塞着整个房间。

88、snarl a threat ─── 咆哮着威胁

89、to twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; snarl ─── 卷在一起或缠卷成一大团;卷住

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