liberation 发音
英:[lɪbə'reɪʃ(ə)n] 美:[,lɪbə'reʃən]
英: 美:
liberation 中文意思翻译
liberation 短语词组
1、Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ─── [网络] 民主阵线解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线
2、liberation on parole ─── [法] 宣誓释放
3、Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia ─── [网络] 亚美尼亚解放亚美尼亚秘密军
4、liberation theology ─── 解放神学
5、liberation method ─── [化] 析出法
6、Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ─── [网络] 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织;米尔伊兰解放之虎组织;泰米尔猛虎组织
7、Moro Islamic Liberation Front ─── [网络] 摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线;莫洛伊斯兰解放阵线;摩洛回教解放阵线
8、Palestine Liberation Organization ─── [网络] 巴勒斯坦解放组织;巴解;巴解组织
9、National Liberation Front ─── 民族解放阵线
10、Irish National Liberation Army ─── [网络] 爱尔兰民族解放军;爱尔兰国家解放军
11、National Liberation Front of Corsica ─── [网络] 科西嘉民族解放阵线
12、Palestine Liberation Front ─── [网络] 巴勒斯坦解放阵线;巴勒斯坦解放前线
13、liberation theologian 【 ─── 宗教】解放神学论者(解放神学的信徒) [比liberation theologist 使用频率较高]
14、People's Liberation Army ─── 中国人民解放军
15、Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine ─── [网络] 伊斯兰圣战组织解放巴勒斯坦
16、Army for the Liberation of Rwanda ─── [网络] 卢旺达;卢旺达解放军;卢安达解放军
17、heat liberation ─── [化] 放热
18、gay liberation movement ─── [网络] 同志解放运动;开放同性恋运动;同性恋解放运动
19、National Liberation Army ─── [网络] 民族解放军;国家解丵放军;哥伦比亚
liberation 反义词
restrict |restrain | compel
liberation 词性/词形变化,liberation变形
名词: liberationist |
liberation 同义词
unhook | emancipate | sever | dissolve | sublime |free | release | divide | extract | affranchise | rescue | unfetter | gasify | acquit | disunite | discharge | set free | sunder | unbind | dissociate | unpen | vaporize | dismiss | disengage | disenthrall | unloosen | disjoin | unchain | manumit | enfranchise | franchise | unfasten | separate | loosen | unloose | sublimate | unshackle | deliver | unmew | unmuzzle | loose | unfix | justify | disimprison | extricate | disconnect
liberation 相似词语短语
1、liberating ─── 解放,释放(liberate的现在分词)
2、literation ─── n.缩略字;用字母代表声音或词
3、iteration ─── n.[数]迭代;反复;重复
4、libration ─── n.振动(形容词librational);[天]天平动
5、libation ─── n.饮酒;奠酒祭神仪式(形容词libationary)
6、deliberation ─── n.审议;考虑;从容;熟思
7、laceration ─── n.裂伤;撕裂;割破
8、cineration ─── n.煅灰
9、hibernation ─── n.冬眠;过冬;避寒
liberation 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Q: So liberation, in my sense of the word, does not exist? ─── 故此解脱,依我的意思、并不存在?
2、He livedto see the liberation. ─── 他活着看到了解放。
3、On May 27 we handed over the plant to the Liberation Army undamaged. ─── 5月27日,我们将工厂完整无损地移交给解放军。
4、"Desperate housewife," Liberation daily said in a headline. ─── 《解放日报》在一篇报道的标题中称塞西莉亚为“绝望主妇”。
5、The day of your liberation is near. ─── 你们获解放的日子即将来临。
6、Most of them came into the world during the War of Liberation. ─── 他们大多数人是解放战争期间出世的。
7、manners are concerned, I suppose I have always been a supporter of women's liberation. ─── 礼仪而言,我想我一直是妇女解放运动的支持者。
8、Our task is to achieve liberation and to avert subjugation. ─── 我们的任务在于实现解放而避免亡国。
9、He gave his life for the cause of liberation of the Chinese people. ─── 他为了中国人民的解放事业献出了生命。
10、When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation. ─── 当你们为了石油进行战争的时候,你们称它为解放。
11、We should help those who are still struggling for liberation. ─── 我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。
12、The pith instructions of the supreme teacher like an excellent staircase. are the path for ascending into the palace of liberation. ─── 上师的教诫是通向解脱宫殿的道路。如美好的阶梯。
13、Sexual Liberation in China by McCain? ─── 中国正迎来性开放的高潮?
14、Former member of the Valeria Liberation Front. ─── 前瓦伦利亚解放阵线成员。
15、They noted with satisfaction the upsurge of the national liberation movement. ─── 他们满意地看到了民族解放运动的高涨。
16、The liberation of the United States! ─── 向中国人民解放军致敬!
17、We should help those still struggling for liberation. ─── 我们应当帮助那些仍然为独立而斗争的人。
18、They have been working here since liberation . ─── 他们从解放后就在这里工作。
19、The Chinese People' s Liberation Army defends our motherland. ─── 中国人解放军保卫着我们的祖国。
20、The movement of women's liberation was first started in America. ─── 妇女解放运动首先在美国发起。
21、China today is not what it was before liberation. ─── 今天的中国已经不是解放前哪个样子了。
22、We should struggle for national independence and liberation. ─── 我们应该为民族独立和民族解放斗争。
23、It' s easier said than done, but comes with a sense of freedom and liberation that allows you to truly shine. ─── 但是随之而来的自由和解放的感觉允许你真实的散发自我的光彩。
24、Clarion calls to liberation had been mocked when we stood by. ─── 当我们袖手旁观的时候,自由解放的号角声遭到了嘲弄。
25、Carbon dioxide interferes with the liberation of oxygen to the tissues. ─── 二氧化碳有碍氧气释入组织。
26、Only after liberation did he get a full-time job. ─── 只是在解放后他才找到了专职工作。
27、He grabbed the Goa Liberation Day contract under threats. ─── 他用恐吓的手段夺取了果阿解放日协议。
28、The Allied Troops gave a full play in the liberation of Kuwait. ─── 多国部队在解放科威特的战斗中充分发挥了作用。
29、It was not until after liberation that he returned to his hometown. ─── 他是解放后才回到他家乡的。
30、On April 21 the Liberation Army began to cross the Yangtze River. ─── 4月21日解放军开始横渡长江。
31、The list does not include the Irish Republican Army or the Palestine Liberation Organization. ─── 这份名单不包括爱尔兰共和军和巴勒斯坦解放组织。
32、How to use sadness and depression on the path to liberation? ─── 如何在解脱道上运用悲伤和沮丧?
33、Meanwhile the Liberation Army went from victory to victory. ─── 与此同时,解放军取得了一个又一个的胜利。
34、He said that he had lived in Beijing since liberation. ─── 他说自解放以来他一直住在北京。
35、He led the national liberation front. ─── 他领导了民族解放阵线。
36、He lived to see the liberation of his hometown. ─── 他活到了看见家乡的解放。
37、Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain. ─── 意思是公共领域书籍的听觉解放。
38、All our efforts are pushing the liberation of the area. ─── 我们为这一地区的解放进行着坚持不懈的努力。
39、They consecrated their lives to the liberation of their motherland. ─── 他们把生命献给了祖国的解放事业。
40、The break up of their marriage was an enormous liberation for her. ─── 她离婚一事对她是一大解脱.
41、All his life was submerged in the liberation of the people. ─── 他的一生全部献身于人民的解放事业。
42、He joined the Liberation Army in 1972. ─── 他于一九七二年参加了解放军。
43、He devoted himself to the liberation of the working people. ─── 他把自己的一生献给了劳动人民的解放事业。
44、Long live the great Chinese People's Liberation Army! ─── 伟大的中国人民解放军万岁!
45、"The truth is that we spent a lot of money after liberation to help the country get on its feet, after years of dictatorship, " he said. ─── 事实的真相是,我们在解放伊拉克之后花了很多钱以帮助该国在经过多年独裁统治之后重新站立起来。
46、We firmly support the Asian, African and Latin American people in their struggle for liberation! ─── 我们坚决支持亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲各国人民的解放斗争。
47、For sending Master to us to take us to liberation. ─── 感谢上帝赐给我们师父,带领我们解脱。
48、You can't imagine what a miserable life we had before liberation. ─── 你不能想象,解放前我们过着怎样悲惨的生活。
49、This "open door policy" is a pleasure that combines the physical sensation with a sense of personal liberation and a hint of naughtiness. ─── 这种“开门政策”可以说是一种享受,其融合身体感受,身心解放和少许的调皮。
50、Only after liberation was he able to go to school . ─── 只有在解放后,他才能去上学。
51、She was caught up in the Women's Liberation Movement. ─── 她投身于妇女解放运动。
52、At some point, all liberation movements have to deal with "all sorts of opportunistic tendencies" , he said. ─── 从某种观点来看,所有的解放运动都是为了解决“一切形式的投机主义”,他说。
53、From that time onwards he devoted his life to the liberation of the working people. ─── 从此以后他就把自己的一生献给了劳动人民的解放事业。
54、Only after liberation can science serve the people . ─── 只有解放后科学才能为人民服务。
55、Both his parents died of starvation before liberation. ─── 他的双亲均在解放前饿死。
56、He lost his two sons in a famine before liberation. ─── 在解放前的一次饥荒中,他丧失了两个儿子。
57、"This is about liberation, not occupation," Gen. Tommy Franks said. ─── “我们的目的是解放,而不是占领,”汤米·弗兰克斯将军说。
58、The only just wars are non-predatory wars, wars of liberation. ─── 世界上只有非掠夺性的谋解放的战争,才是正义的战争。
59、In the forefront of the liberation movement. ─── 在解放运动的最前锋
60、I still memorize the day of our hometown's liberation. ─── 我仍记得我的故乡解放的那天。
61、Museum of the Struggle for National Liberation: Tirana; f.1949. ─── 为民族解放而斗争博物馆:地拉那;1949年成立。
62、She remembers that her family were often hungry before liberation. ─── 她记得解放前她家经常挨饿。
63、Liber, -i, m Italian god of fertility. ─── 注意这个Liber中的i是长音。
64、She worked for women's liberation. ─── 她为妇女的解放而工作。
65、He contributed an article to the Liberation Daily. ─── 他给《解放日报》写了一篇稿。
66、They lived to see the liberation of their home town. ─── 他们一直活到见到家乡解放。
67、The women's liberation movement adopted the designation as its own. ─── 妇女解放运动采用了这个称呼。
68、She's politically conservative; I'm more liber al. ─── 她政治上保守,而我却比较开明宽容。
69、A new era of human liberation is beginning . ─── 一个人类解放的新时代正在开始。
70、May it be of help to you in your own journey of liberation. ─── 愿它对行走在解脱之道上的你有所饶益。
71、The oppressed people all over the world long for liberation. ─── 全世界被压迫的人民都渴望解放。
72、But how about a man who preaches liberation and yet when his daughters are seeking marriage partners, can show himself the very caricature of the heavy Victorian father? ─── 一个自吹是思想解放的人怎么能在他女儿寻找婚姻伴侣时,却显出一副维多利亚式的严父模样呢?
73、I think it's a time for the sexual liberation of men as well -- liberation from any vestiges of a traditionally macho perspective. ─── 女人已经性解放了,而男人也同样需要性解放-从传统的男性崇拜中解脱出来。
74、We were on this liberation business. ─── 我们刚才谈的是解放问题。
75、Long live the liberation of the Chinese people! ─── 中国人民解放万岁!
76、His father was a miner before liberation. ─── 他父亲解放前是一个矿工。
77、So liberation, in my sense of the word, does not exist? ─── 故此解脱,依我的意思、并不存在?
78、She sarted working at the mill at 13,just after liberation. ─── 她13岁时开始在厂里干活,那时刚解放。
79、National independence and the liberation of the peo. ─── 民族独立和人民解放。
80、The national liberation movement was gathering. ─── 民族解放运动正日益高涨。
81、They are alarmed at the growth of the liberation movement in the. ─── 对殖民地日益壮大的解放运动警觉起来。
82、Is the price the same as before liberation? ─── 价格和解放前相同吗?
83、Comrade Li became a child laborer at 10 and slaved away until liberation. ─── 李同志十岁就当了童工,在解放前一直像奴隶般地干活。
84、Soon the Liberation Army knocked them out. ─── 不久,解放军就把他们歼灭了。
85、His mind often fell on those miserable days before liberation. ─── 他常常想起解放前那些悲惨的日子。
86、Only after liberation is he able to go to school. ─── 只是在解放后,他才能去上学。
87、Our armed forces are called the Chinese People's Liberation Army. ─── 我们的武装力量叫做中国人民解放军。
88、Should We Be Alert to the Trend of Liberation Thought? ─── 我们是否需要警惕新自由主义思潮?
89、Leaving school was such a liberation for me! ─── 毕业对我来说简直是一种解放!
答:此英语是:“U.S . ARMY”。是美国军队,美军,美国武装力量约意思。U.S.是uniot state的缩写,是美利坚联合王国,也就是美国,army,原意是手臂,后引伸为武装,军队约意思。
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