abeyance 发音
英:[əˈbeɪəns] 美:[əˈbeɪəns]
英: 美:
abeyance 中文意思翻译
abeyance 短语词组
1、abeyance antonym ─── 中止反义词
2、in abeyance ─── 暂停,未定
3、estate in abeyance ─── [法] 所有人未定的不动产, 无人继承
4、keep sth in abeyance ─── 暂时搁置, ─── 暂缓实行.
5、hold in abeyance ─── 暂且搁置, ─── 暂不实施
6、abeyance define ─── 中止定义
7、abeyance meaning ─── 中止意义
8、abeyance definition ─── 中止定义
9、land in abeyance ─── [法] 所有权未定的土地
10、be in abeyance ─── 暂时搁置, ─── 暂缓实行.
11、abeyance desk ─── 暂停办公桌
12、abeyance mtg ─── 暂停安装
13、abeyance defined ─── 中止已定义
14、abeyance cryo ─── 暂停冷冻
15、fall into abeyance ─── 中止, 不复为人们所遵循 [法] 被搁置, ─── 中止, 暂缓实施
abeyance 词性/词形变化,abeyance变形
形容词: abeyant |
abeyance 同义词
assist | support | connive | urge | second | put up to | aid | back up |back | encourage | incite | help
abeyance 反义词
abeyance 常用词组
in abeyance ─── 归属待定;悬而未决,犹未定夺
abeyance 相似词语短语
1、aberrance ─── n.变异;越轨;反常;偏离常轨
2、in abeyance ─── 归属待定;悬而未决,犹未定夺
3、abundance ─── n.充裕,丰富
4、abidance ─── n.持续;遵守;居住
5、abeyancy ─── 中止
6、abeyant ─── adj.中止的,未定的;暂时搁置的
7、aberrancy ─── n.脱离正道,偏离常轨;反常
8、abondance ─── n.(法)阿邦当斯(人名)
9、ambulance ─── n.[车辆][医]救护车;战时流动医院
abeyance 习惯用语
1、go into abeyance ─── (法律, 规则等)失效; (习惯等)不再被人遵守; (计划等)搁置; 延期
2、fall into abeyance ─── (法律, 规则等)失效; (习惯等)不再被人遵守; (计划等)搁置; 延期
3、be in abeyance ─── 暂停; 未定
4、keep in abeyance ─── 暂搁, 暂不实施
5、leave in abeyance ─── 暂搁, 暂不实施
6、hold in abeyance ─── 暂搁, 暂不实施
abeyance 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、land in abeyance ─── [法] 所有权未定的土地
2、your plan should be abeyance. ─── 你的计划暂缓执行。
3、other problems , which had been hanging in abeyance , were brought to her attention for solution. ─── 前一段搁置下来没有处理的问题,也提请她解决。
4、Peridinium abei ─── n. 阿氏多甲藻
5、The sanctions againt the country fell into abeyance yesterday. ─── 昨天取消了对那个国家的制裁。
6、This law falls into abeyance when the country's security is threatened. ─── 当国家安全受到威胁时,这项法规暂停实施。
7、4. I'm afraid that our new pension scheme will have to go into abeyance until the present depression is over. ─── 我们的津贴方案,恐怕要搁置到目前这经济萧条结束之后才能实施。
8、in abeyance ─── 搁置, 悬而未决, 犹未定夺
9、Chashugu will wash Add salt in boiling water 3-5 minutes, remove brown water, Add to containers, add the uniform mixing eggs, then sprinkled starch meat in abeyance; ─── 将茶树菇洗净放入开水中加盐煮3-5分钟,取出沥干水分,放入器皿中,加鸡蛋搅拌均匀,再撒上淀粉拌匀待用;
10、Other problems, which had been hanging in abeyance, were brought to her attention for solution. ─── 前一段搁置下来没有处理的问题,也提请她解决。
11、At in great quantities in the usage experiment, the tooth gold is basic the effective abeyance great majority gum issue of blood within 48 hours(use 4 times) and gets rid of mouth cavity ulcer. ─── 在大量使用实验中,牙齿黄金基本在48小时内(使用4次)有效中止绝大多数牙龈出血、消除口腔溃疡。
12、Your plan is in abeyance. ─── 你的计划暂缓实行。
13、A robot must abey orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law; ─── 机器人必须服从人类的命令,除非与第一定律冲突;
14、go into abeyance ─── (法律, 规则等)失效(习惯等)不再被人遵守(计划等)搁置延期
15、Animated by this reflection, he stumps faster, and looks a long way before him, as a man with an ambitious project in a abeyance often will do ─── 在这种思想的激励下,他的步子向前拖得快一些了,眼睛望着前面老远的地方,一个雄心勃勃而又暂时按兵不动的人物,往往就是这副姿态。
16、She cupped her hands around the lighter to hold the wind in abeyance and touched his hand to steady it against the bouncing of the truck. ─── 她双手在火苗边上做一个挡风圈,在卡车颠簸中为稳住打火机碰着了他的手。
17、after an abeyance of many years ─── 中止多年后
18、Creeds and schools in abeyance, ─── 纷扰的宗教信条与学派,暂且不论,
19、hold in abeyance ─── 暂搁暂不实施
20、The abbot was taken aback and could not abide her abeyance . ─── 男修道院院长很吃惊并且不能忍受她的中止。
21、Should there be the need to hold a bill in abeyance, a report should be made to the House Committee; ─── 若需暂时搁置法案的研究工作,应向内务委员会提交报告;
22、He strongly urged holding the next withdrawal decision in abeyance for ninety days. ─── 他强烈要求把下次撤军决定搁置九十天。
23、The actual amount of cost and standard cost differences classified details, including excess recipients, ultra-consumption recipients, ultra-poor in abeyance, and so on. ─── 实际耗用的成本与标准成本的差异进行明细归类,包括超额领用、超耗领用、超差待用等等。
24、Let's hold that question in abeyance until we know more about it. ─── 在对这个问题了解不太多之前,我们还是把它搁一搁吧。
25、76. The question is in abeyance. ─── 这个问题暂时搁置。
26、The judge held the question in abeyance until he had the information necessary to make a decision. ─── 法官在得到可供断案的资料前,先搁置此案。
27、The question is in abeyance, ie left unanswered, eg until more information is obtained ─── 这个问题暂时搁置(如待获得更多资料时再行解决)
28、keep sth in abeyance ─── 暂时搁置, 暂缓实行。
29、Her mother had her tutored rigorously in maths in an effort to keep rationality to the fore, and her father's madness in abeyance. ─── 她的母亲在数学方面严格教导她,努力使她凭借理性脱颖而出并摆脱父亲的疯狂秉性。
30、From our point of view, having the Eastern treaties in abeyance was exactly the ideal posture. ─── 从我们的观点看,使东方条约暂被搁置正好是最理想的形势。
31、If you really grasp the truth of this, then naturally thought is in abeyance. ─── 如果你真正理解了这个事实,那么思想就自然地停止了。
32、"Liu said the new clouds, as a series of affairs involving institutional reform, the survey was held in abeyance. ─── 刘新云介绍说,由于牵涉机构改革等一系列事务,这项调查被暂时搁置。
33、The on-line battery monitoring technology and the model of abeyance for electric DC systems ─── 电力电源中蓄电池失效模式及在线监测
34、The heterocyele in (4) is a masked fused ring held in abeyance ─── (4)中的杂环可以看作是一个被掩蔽的,处于暂时停顿状态的稠环。
35、PMR da abey,!!!no study,!!no books!! ─── just enjoy's 心情: hapi all day!!
36、I'm afraid that the new plan will have to go into abeyance until next year ─── 新计划恐怕要搁置到明年。
37、He always wants to make me abey his opinions. ─── 他总是想逼我服从他的意愿.
38、The decision was held in abeyance during the war. ─── 在战争期间,这项决定暂时搁下了。
39、abeyance noun. condition of not being in use for a time; suspension; postponement; discontinuance 暂缓; ─── 法官在得到可供断案的资料前,先搁置此案。
40、The new law will go into abeyance until it has received royal approval. ─── 新法律要等到女王批准才生效。
41、be in abeyance ─── 暂停未定
42、5 Notification, appeals, and actions held in abeyance. ─── 5通报,上诉以及中止采取的措施。
43、She cupped her hands around the lighter to hold the wind in abeyance and touched his hand to steady it against the bouncing of the truck. ─── 她双手在火苗边上做一个挡风圈,在卡车颠簸中为稳住打火机碰着了他的手。
44、abeyance amblyopia ─── 中止性弱视
45、abeyance [E5beiEns ] The law go into abeyance. ─── 中止,暂停这项法律停止生效。
46、This law is in abeyance. ─── 此法暂缓执行。
47、Myotis abei ─── n. 萨哈林鼠耳蝠
48、Sometimes, I may not abey the orders of the leader. ─── 我有时会不依从上司的命令。
49、Puccinia abei ─── n. 阿部柄锈菌
50、Tinstant law is in abeyance. ─── 此法暂缓运行。
51、The rule has been in abeyance since 1980. ─── 这一规定自1980年起失效。
52、abeyance to the law ─── 守法
53、The intellect is always held in abeyance by the spirit of reasonableness, and still more by the writer's artistic sensibility. ─── 理智阶级常被合于情理的精神所压伏,尤其是被作家的艺术的感觉性所压伏,而无从活动。
54、Whilst the question of specie payments is in abeyance the prudent business man is careful about contracting debts payable in the distant future. ─── 以硬币偿付的问题尚未解决,谨慎的商人正小心地处理须经长期偿付的债务。
55、Once war broke out, the system went into abeyance. ─── 一战爆发后,金本位体系告终。
56、Green food Marketing must abey the marketing rule, and inovate continually in the guidance of marketing theory,which can realize the marketing aim of anticipation. ─── 绿色食品营销必须遵循市场营销规律,并在市场营销理论的指导下不断创新,才能实现预期的营销目标。
57、2. His voice varied rapidly from a tremulous indecision(when the animal spirits seemed utterly in abeyance)to that species of energetic concision ... ─── 他的声音一会儿显得战战兢兢,毫无决断力(当野性完全被抑制的时候),一会儿又变得
58、An inheritance is in abeyance when the rightful owner has not been determined. ─── 如果遗产的合法继承人尚未确定,其所有权也就未定。
59、Creeds and schools in abeyance, ─── 教条和学派先不去管,
60、He also presents evidence that Saddam "had not abandoned the strategy of WMD, merely made a tactical decision to put it into abeyance" . ─── 他还提供证据,表明萨达姆“并未放弃大规模杀伤性武器战略,只是出于权宜之计,将该计划暂时搁置。”
61、Chaunax abei ─── n. 阿部单棘躄鱼
62、The program is now abeyance because now is raining days. ─── 因为现在下着雨几天,节目现在是搁置。
63、Let's hold that broblem in abeyance for a while. ─── 咱们把这个问题搁一搁吧。
64、The recognition of sexual selection was for a long time in abeyance, but has been rehabilitated. ─── 在过去的很长一段时间,性选择理论被搁置,但现已恢复名声。
65、When you yourself act aberrant to right conduct, you ought not expect others to show the same abeyance to the like, either. ─── 最后整句:土著人数不多,是种讽刺[试译]:他致力于废除奴隶制,并且他常发现刮擦象壳一样硬的平底锅比结束那些富人的行为要容易多了。
66、As regards the question of sole agency, in our opinion, we both had better leave it in abeyance pending the development of business. ─── 至于专销代理,我们意见是最好待业务发展后再谈此事。
67、.. kaga o jo abei er ba omamaha ne ... ─── ... 奥林匹克的风 挑战在每个人的心中 .
68、Two years later, Morley died, and his music patent fell into abeyance. ─── 两年后,莫里去世了,而他的音乐专利也随之失效。
69、fall into abeyance ─── v. 中止
70、Within NATO, the disputes over how far it should expand are in abeyance. ─── 在北约内部,关于扩张范围的争论已经中止。
71、The Russian threat is, at the least, in abeyance. ─── 俄罗斯的威胁,最起码是潜在的。
72、Creeds and schools in abeyance,Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten. ─── 第一节写诗人孤寂时外出散步,偶遇水仙;第二节写水仙争相开放,千姿百态;
73、Shinzo Abei ─── 安倍晋三
74、.. h kaga o jo abei er ba omamaha negumurie ... ─── ... 期待着奥林匹克的风 挑战在每个人的心中 用 .
75、We always abey a rule of "The High Quality, Good Reputation, Full service and Competitive Price" develop the internal and international market and survive and develop inthe competition of fury market. ─── 公司一贯恪守以优质的产品、良好的信誉、完善的服务、合理的价格拓展国内外市场,在激烈的市场竞争中求生存,求发展。
76、To be in a state of abeyance until ─── 停留:处于中止状态直至
77、The matter has been in abeyance for two weeks ─── 此事已被搁置了两周。
78、estate in abeyance ─── [法] 所有人未定的不动产, 无人继承
79、Held in Abeyance ─── 暂被搁置
80、question is in abeyance until we know more about it. ─── 问题暂时搁置,直到我们了解更多有关情况再行研究。
81、The marriage law has gone into abeyance ─── 这个婚姻法已失效。
82、hold/keep/leave in abeyance ─── 搁置起来,暂时搁置,暂不实施,中止
83、To understand, the mind must be still; the activities of knowledge must be in abeyance. ─── 要了解,头脑必须安静;知识的活动必须停止。
84、I am in abeyance in work. ─── 工作上缺乏同事的支持。
85、The heterocyele in (4) is a masked fused ring held in abeyance. ─── (4)中的杂环可以看作是一个被掩蔽的,处于暂时停顿状态的稠环。
86、The Pakistani president proclaimed a state of emergency in the country on November 3, holding the constitution in abeyance. ─── 11月3日,穆沙拉夫宣布全国进入紧急状态,并冻结宪法。
87、This law falls into abeyance when the country's security is threaten ed. ─── 当国家安全受到威胁时,这项法规暂停实施.
88、For a long time in that vast region, this law was in abeyance(in disuse). ─── 男孩付出的爱从未得到一丝回报,痛苦万分,日渐憔悴。
89、Q: It is partly in abeyance. ─── 它部份地处于停顿。
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