nox 发音
英:[nɑːks] 美:[nɒks]
英: 美:
nox 中文意思翻译
nox 短语词组
1、oxides of nitrogen nox ─── 氮氧化物
2、nox converter nox ─── 转换器
3、nox cleaner booster master nox ─── 清洁器增压器总成
4、nox app player nox ─── 应用程序播放器
5、nox player download nox ─── 播放器下载
6、nox trigger nox ─── 触发器
7、nox app ─── 氮氧化物应用
8、nox cleaner app nox ─── 清洁剂应用程序
9、pox nox ─── 痘氮氧化物
10、nox cleaner apk nox ─── 清洁剂apk
11、nox emulator ─── 氮氧化物模拟器
12、apocynin nox ─── 阿朴素氮氧化物
13、nox medical nox ─── 医疗
14、denitrification nox ─── 脱硝氮氧化物
15、nox cleaner download nox ─── 清洁剂下载
16、nox cleaner apk download nox ─── 清洁器apk下载
17、nox t ─── 氮氧化物t
18、beauty nox ─── 美容nox
19、nox cleaner booster nox ─── 清洁器增压器
nox 相似词语短语
1、gox ─── abbr.气态氧(gaseousoxygen)
2、Fox ─── n.福克斯人;福克斯语;adj.(与)福克斯人(有关)的;(与)福克斯语(有关)的;n.(美、加、英)福克斯(人名);v.(fox)使迷惑,欺骗;耍狡猾手段;把……难住;使猜不透;使上当;使变酸;假装;n.(fox)狐狸;狐皮;狡猾的人,老滑头;漂亮的年轻女子
3、Cox ─── abbr.橘苹(英国可食用苹果);环氧合酶(cyclooxygenase);n.(美)科克斯(人名);n.(cox)(划艇的)舵手;v.(cox)(为划艇)掌舵
4、Knox ─── n.诺克斯(姓氏)
5、dox ─── n.阿霉素;强力霉素;vt.人肉搜索,肉搜(未经允许在网上非法获得并发布他人个人信息,同doxx)
6、hox ─── 同源框蛋白(homeoboxprotein)
7、Nox ─── n.诺克斯(希腊神话中的夜之女神)
8、box ─── 箱
9、lox ─── n.液态氧;熏鲑鱼;vt.为火箭加注重液态氧
nox 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、All currently operating coal-fired power plants in Beijing should be transformed, and adoption of desulfurization and denitrification procedures will be completed before 2005 so that the total emissions of SO2 and NOx will be declined. ─── 对于目前北京在用的燃煤发电厂,需要在2005年以前全部改造并使用脱硫、脱氮工艺,努力降低二氧化硫和氮氧化物的排放总量。
2、The regularity of NO in low concentration NOx in flue gases converting to NO2 under the conditions of oxygen-rich oxidation is studied. ─── 对烟气中低浓度的氮氧化物在富氧条件下NO转化为NO2的规律进行了研究。
3、Nocturne is derived from Nox,which meant in the Roman time the god of night. ─── 夜曲Nocturne的语源系拉丁语NOX所演变,罗马时代为“夜神”之意。
4、OFF-Engine Measures to Reduce NOx Emission from Diesel Engines ─── 减少柴油机NOx排放的机外措施
5、This indicated that to remove the NOX, which is the production of corona discharge, by wet desulfurization system is feasible. ─── Ca(OH)_2溶液对NO_2的吸收比较充分,因此,以传统湿法(半干法)烟气脱硫系统作为电晕放电氧化氮氧化物所产生的氧化产物的吸收系统是可行的。
6、NO is NOx the primary ingredient. ─── NO是NOx的主要成分。
7、The application of selective catalytic reduction technology in coal-fired power plant is introduced and the development orientation of SCR NOx technology is also pointed out. ─── 介绍了选择性催化还原法(SCR)技术及其在中国燃煤电厂的应用,并指出了中国燃煤电厂SCR脱硝技术的发展方向。
8、Reduction of NOx from Glass Furnace by Low-NOx Burner ─── 低NOx燃烧器技术减少玻璃窑炉中NOx排放
9、Yoshio Sato,Akira Noda,Tadashi Sakamoto.Combustion and NOx Emission Characteristics in a DI Methanol Engine Using Supercharging with EGR[C].SAE Paper 971647,1997. ─── 压燃式发动机和装用压燃式发动机的车辆排气污染物现值及测试方法[S].
10、By 2008, the indexes of SO2, NOx and CO in the urban air will meet the WHO standards, and the density of particles will reach the level of major cities in developed countries, fully meeting the standard for hosting the Olympic Games. ─── 到2008年奥运会举办期间,市区大气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、臭氧指标达到世界卫生组织指导值的要求,颗粒物浓度达到发达国家大城市水平,满足承办奥运会的需要。
11、The SCR reactors are designed to accommodate sufficient catalyst to achieve guaranteed NOx reduction rate and ammonia slip. ─── SCR反应器的设计是为了供给足够的催化剂来保证NOx还原率和氨的逃逸率。
12、Huolinhe brown coal is combusted in one-dimensional furnace to investigate the effective way for restraining and reducing NOX discharge. ─── 在一维燃烧试验炉上燃用霍林河褐煤,考察抑制和降低NOX排放量的有效途径。
13、The activity of the catalysts for simultaneous removal of NOx and diesel soot particulates were examined in details using temperature programmed reaction(TPR) technique. ─── 利用程序升温反应(TPR)技术,对催化剂应用于柴油机常规排放物中的碳微粒和氮氧化合物(NOx)的同时催化脱除性能进行了研究。
14、New Method of Reducing NOx Emission from Glass Furnace ─── 减少玻璃熔窑氧化氮排放的新技术
15、Simultaneous removal of SOx and NOx ─── 同时脱硫脱氮
16、To maintain good fuel efficiency, engineers design diesels to run lean, but the consequent increased availability of oxygen promotes the formation of NOx during fuel combustion. ─── 为维持较佳的省油效果,工程师会将柴油引擎设计成在稀油状态下运转,但如此一来,氧含量提高,在燃料燃烧时会促使氮氧化物形成。
17、Nie Qihong,Sun Shaozeng, Wu Shaohua, et al.Study on application of new type HBC-SSA bumers with low NOx emissions in a lean coal fired boiler[J].Proceedings of the CSEE, 2002,22(7): 155-159. ─── [2]聂其红,孙绍增,吴少华,等.新型水平浓谈风低NOx煤粉燃烧器在贫煤锅炉的应用研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2002,22(7):155-159.
18、Zhou Yonggang,Zou Pingguo,Zhao Hong.Experimental study of effects of pulverized Coal Characteristics on conversion of fuel nitrogen to NOx[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2006,26(15):63-67(in Chinese). ─── [5]周永刚,邹平国,赵虹.燃料特性影响燃料N转化率试验研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2006,26(15):63-67.
19、The territory-wide emissions of RSP and NOx will be reduced by 18% and 10% respectively. ─── 全港的悬浮粒子和氮氧化物排放量会分别减少18% 及10%。
20、This favorable condition is caused by a larg er bottom protrusion volume and longer reentrant lip length with retard the fuel injection and lead a reduced emissions of NOx and particles. ─── 喷油提前角和喷雾锥角决定着燃油在燃烧室内的落点高度,决定着柴油机各项性能指标的好坏,它们需与燃烧室形状优化匹配。
21、NOX and CO concentrations are higher in winter and lower in summer,while O3 concentration is contrary because of photochemical reaction and atmosphere movement. ─── 受光化学反应及大气运动等影响,NOX与CO浓度为冬季高、夏季低,O3与之相反;
22、Controlling atmosphere pollution by Nox control technique ─── 利用氮氧化物控制技术治理大气污染
23、NOx Actinic Flux Enhancement Inside Dirty Water Droplet ─── 受污染的云滴内NOx光化通量的计算
24、Another is Joseph Vargo, American Gothic artist and musician with Nox Arcana. ─── 还有一个是约瑟夫瓦戈,美国Nox Ar cana乐团的哥特艺术家和音乐家。
25、Zhou Hao, Zhu Hongbo,Mao Jianbo,et al.An artificialneural network model on NOx Emission property of a high capacit tangentially firing boiler[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2002,22(1): 33-37. ─── [3]周吴,朱洪波,茅建波,等.大型四角切圆燃烧锅炉NOx排放特性的神经网络模型[J].中国电机工程学报,2002,22(1):33-37.
26、The only relevant factor, therefore, is the emission of nitric oxides (NOX) generated above all at particularly high combustion temperatures. ─── 唯一相关的因素,因此,对(NOx)的氮氧化物排放量在上述所有生成的燃烧温度特别高。
27、SCR DeNOx Technology is most widely applied in power plants and is able to achieve a NOx removal efficiency of over 90%. ... ─── SCR脱硝技术是应用最广泛的燃煤锅炉烟气脱硝技术,脱硝效率高达90%以上。催化剂的合理选择与设计是保...
28、Homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion is a new combustion mode for internal combustion engine, which can greatly reduce NOx and smoke emissions simultaneously, and can also improve engine thermal efficiency. ─── 均质充量压缩着火(Homogeneous charge compression ignition,HCCI)燃烧是一种新的内燃机燃烧方式,它可以同时大幅降低内燃机碳烟和氮氧化物两种主要有害排放,有较高的热效率。
29、Purify NOx, SOx, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and various bad odor. ─── 净化氧化氮、氧化硫、挥发性的氧化物和各种恶臭气味。
30、O3 concentrations were well negatively correlated with NO, NO2, NOx and CO during day time, but correlation of night time is discreased because of complex variation of precursors. ─── NO、NO2和CO作为O3的前体物,昼间其浓度与O3浓度呈线性负相关,夜间相互作用较为复杂,相关性显著降低;
31、Atrophaneura nox hainanensis ─── n. 玛曙凤蝶海南亚种
32、Diurnal Variations of NMHC1 NOX, O3 and SO2 in Shanghai Atmosphere ─── 上海市大气中NMHC、NO_x、O_3和SO_2变化规律
33、Coupled with the engine is a new catalytic converter system that brings together diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), NOx trap catalyst (NTC) and diesel particulate filter (DPF) technologies. ─── 再加上发动机是一个新的催化转化器系统,汇集了柴油氧化催化剂(doc)外,氮氧化物催化剂的陷阱(月ntc)和柴油微粒过滤器(联邦警察局)的技术。
34、Wei Enzong, Luo Zhongyang, Cen Kefa.Low NOx combustion technology for coal-fired boiler and experimental research[J].Power System Engineering, 2001,17 ( 11 ): 361-365. ─── [2]魏恩宗,骆仲泱,岑可法.燃煤锅炉低NOx燃烧技术及其试验研究[J].电站系统工程,2001,17(11):361-365.
35、ozone is not directly emitted from any source , and is formed under photochemical reaction between nox and voc under sunlight. ─── 臭氧并非直接由污染源排放,而是由氮氧化物与挥发性有机化合物在阳光下产生光合化学反应所形成的。
36、Nie Qihong, Sun Shaozeng,Wu Shaohua et al.Study on application of new type HBC-SSA burners with low NOx emissions in a lean coal fired boiler[J].Proceedings of the CSEE, 2002, 22(7): 155-159. ─── [2]聂其红,孙绍增,吴少华,等.新型水平浓淡风低NOx煤粉燃烧器在贫煤锅炉的应用研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2002,22(7):155-159.
37、Grundfos' NoNOx pump injects units of urea so precise that the catalytic converter is able to remove most of the NOx content from engine exhaust. ─── Grundfos的NoNOx泵对于注射尿素的注射单位设计的非常精确,所以催化式排气净化器能够将绝大部分的NOx物从引擎排气装置中清楚出去。
38、chemiluminescent NOx analyzer ─── 化学发光式氮氧化物分析仪
39、Distribution of Nox in Air Environment of Tianjin ─── 天津市环境空气中氮氧化物分布状况
40、You make not only water vapor, but you make some nitrous oxides, NOX, or nox as it is known, and this is the precursor to smog. ─── 你不仅仅制造水蒸气,你还会制造一些氮氧化物,NOX,或者如大家所知到的 nox,而这是烟雾的前驱体。
41、Release control model of NOx in natural gas combustion ─── 天然气燃烧中NOx减排的数学模型
42、An analytical study and numerical simulation of the pyrolysis chemism and the release of volatiles of micronized coal, accompanying NOx reduction during its recombustion in EFR, has been conducted. ─── 对立式管式携带炉内再燃还原NO过程中超细煤粉热解化学机理及挥发份的释放进行了分析和数值模拟研究。
43、If all pre-Euro and Euro I diesel commercial vehicles are replaced by Euro IV models, the vehicular emissions of RSP and NOx will be reduced by 74% and 38% respectively. ─── 如果这些车辆全部更换为欧盟IV期型号,由车辆排放的悬浮粒子和氮氧化物会分别减少74% 及38%。
44、In addition,low NOX exhausting is realized by recirculation of external exhausting. ─── 另外,由于采用外部排气再循环,从而实现了低NOX的排放。
45、With a reacting gas mixture of 530 ppm NO, 650 ppm C2H4, 5.8% O2 in N2 and GHSV = 12000 h-1, the pure catalytic, pure plasma-induced and plasma-catalytic (in the POC reactor) NOx conversion percentages are 39%, 1.5% and 79%, respectively. ─── 在250℃,空速12000h一‘和输入放电能量密度155 JL一,条件下,使用标准混合气(NO 530 Ppm,CZH4 650 ppm,O:5.8%,余N:)时,单纯催化(Cu(165)ZsM一5)脱除No二转化率为39%,单纯放电(填充石英砂)No,转化率
46、In the recent years, sunlit snow and ice has been proved to be an important NOX source in the polar boundary layer. ─── 近年来,人们认识到冰雪在光照下释放NOx是极地大气边界层NOx的一个重要来源。
47、Compared with no heater,the THC emissions decreased 42.7%,the CO emissions decreased 2.1%,the NOx emissions decreased 72.3%. ─── 与不使用汽车加热器相比,可以降低THC排放的42.7%,CO排放的2.1%,NOx排放的72.3%。
48、How to Reduce NOx in the Flue Gas of Refinery Furnace ─── 如何降低炼油厂加热炉烟气中的NOx
49、The CH4, CO, NMHC emissions decrease significantly, while the NOx emission increases. ─── 在天然气中掺入适量氢气后有利于改善发动机怠速燃烧,从而增加怠速稳定性。
50、NOx levels are up to 70% lower than conventional oxy-gas burners and up to 50% lower than conventional oxy-oil burners. ─── 氮氧化物生成量与常规全氧助燃燃气燃烧器相比最高可降低70%,与常规全氧助燃燃油燃烧器相比最高可降低50%。
51、Nitrogen oxides (NOx) have a reddish-brown appearance often seen in car exhaust fumes. ─── 二氧化硫是无色而有强烈气味的气体。
52、Development and commercial test of a low-temperature NOx SCR catalyst ─── 低温脱除NOx催化剂的开发
53、The experimental results showed that the percent catalytic conversion of NOx in analog flue gas reach 93% when the airspeed is 18000h-1. ─── 实验结果表明:在空速为18000h-1时,对模拟烟气中的NOx的催化转化率达到93%。
54、SCR reduces oxides of nitrogen, the smog precursor known as NOx, by injecting urea periodically into the exhaust system. ─── SCR可以降低氮氧化物排放,通过定期向排气系统喷射尿素来降低氧化氮。
55、The debut album of a young Swedish band Nox Aurea is specially created for those ones seeking for combination of aesthetic sophistication with solid sound and deep sense in doom death metal. ─── 专辑介绍: 瑞典旋律厄运哥特死首专,无法形容的强大,缓慢但却能压迫你的神经,在深渊处徘徊!推荐!
56、Keywords coal reburning;NOx reduction;percentage of NO reduction; ─── 关键词燃煤再燃;脱硝技术;NO还原率;
57、Oxygenates such as ethanol and MTBE were blended into gasoline and diesel, more and more practices proved that the use of these oxygenates can reduce the emissions of CO, NOx, HC, PM significantly. ─── 实践表明,含氧燃料的使用能够明显降低汽车尾气中一氧化碳(CO)、氮氧化合物(NOx),碳氢化合物(HC)、颗粒污染物的排放量。
58、The lower position of reburning injector, the less NOx reduction can be achieved due to the disturbance effect from main combustion zone. ─── 再燃风喷口位置越低,受主燃区的干扰越大,还原效果差;
59、Emissions of diesel engine cause serious harm to environment because of including a great deal of particulate, NOx and hydrocarbon. ─── 柴油机的尾气中颗粒物、氮氧化物和碳氢化合物含量的很高,对环境造成了严重危害。
60、A new less capital-intensive method utilizes commercially available aqueous ammonia and charcoal produced from co-firing biomass gases for NOx reduction applications. ─── 一种新的少一些资本密集型的方式是利用商业可得的含水氨和木炭,它们是用替代燃料生物气体来减少氮化物。
61、Study on the Process of Measuring NOx in the Air by Gas Sensor ─── 传感器测定空气中NOx的方法
62、The release process of volatiles has a vital influence on the reduction of NOx during recombustion of pulverized coal. ─── 在煤粉再燃还原NO的过程中,挥发份的释放过程对其再燃还原NO有重要影响。
63、The reaction mechanism of simultaneous reduction of NOx and SO2 from natural gas reburning by injection calcium magnesium acetate was introduced in detail. ─── 对天然气再燃过程中添加的有机酸盐同时脱硫、脱氮反应途径及机理进行了详细的分析。
64、The measures of lowering the emission of SO2 and NOx for CFB are introduced. ─── 介绍目前流化床锅炉采用的减轻SO2和NOx的排放的措施和影响因素。
65、An optimal solution of the system Nox emission, minimum load rejection, system fuel cost and system active power losses result. ─── 系统氮氧化物排放的一个最佳方案,极小的装载拒绝、系统燃料费用和系统活动电源损失发生。
66、This paper presents the equipment retrofit, combustion adjustment and results achieved of the company in an effort to reduce boiler NOX emission. ─── 为此特别介绍了热电分公司为降低锅炉NOX排放所进行的设备改造和燃烧方式的调整及其取得的效果。
67、In the condition of optimization, the diesel engine which originally only met Euro II can meet the requirement of Euro III, using the combination of the NOx catalyst and the oxidation catalyst. ─── 在进行优化控制的条件下,组合使用NOx催化剂和氧化催化剂,使原来只达到欧II排放法规要求的柴油机达到了欧III法规要求。
68、Zhong Beijing, Fu Weibiao.Importance of HCN to NOx reduction in fuel reburning[J].Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 2000,6(1): 77-84. ─── [4]钟北京,傅维镳.再燃过程中HCN对NOx还原的重要性[J].燃烧科学与技术,2000,6(1):77-84.
69、Impact of staged-air ratio on NOx reduction and boiler combustion ─── 分级风比率对降低NOx及锅炉燃烧的影响
70、Reduction of NOx Exhuast Emission Using EGR from an Light-duty Vehicle ─── 利用排气再循环降低轻型车NOx排气污染物
71、Adding TiO2 or Na2CO3 to the coal in which CaO has been added to will reduce the emissions of NOx, but the magnitude reduced by Na2CO3 is larger. ─── 加入CaO后再添加TiO2或Na2CO3均对NOX浓度的减少起一定作用,但Na2CO3的效果更加明显。
72、Study on Pollution and Control of NOx in Air Environment ─── 大气中氮氧化物的污染与防治
73、Low-temperature SCR of NOx for stationary source ─── 固定源低温选择性催化还原NOx技术研究进展
74、Because the main raw material for Liu ash, NOx, sulfur, ranging from discharge when the arrival of Love, burning point has passed, a higher safety factor. ─── 因主要原料为柳灰、硝、硫磺,燃放时不等花火落地,燃烧点已过,安全系数较高。
75、Of the vehicle fleet, diesel commercial vehicles are key contributors to air pollution, accounting for 90% and 80% of the total vehicular emission of RSP and NOx respectively. ─── 在各类车辆中,以柴油商业车辆造成的空气污染最为严重,所排放的悬浮粒子和氮氧化物分别约佔全港总车辆排放量90%及80%。
76、Application of Low NOx Combustion Technology in Pulverized Coal Firing Boilers ─── 低NOx燃烧技术在煤粉锅炉上的应用
77、More than half of U.S. coal generators lack postcombustion NOx pollution controls. ─── 超过一半的美国煤炭发电机缺乏二次燃烧氮氧化物污染控制。
78、Therefor, we must take powerful measures to control NOX emission from power plant coal combustion. ─── 因此,必须采取强有力的措施来减少火电厂燃煤产生的NO_x。
79、In this paper,the new cokemaking process(SCOPE21) is introduced which making up of coal rapid heating treatment;medium temperature carbonized-reheating upgrading and low NOx combustion. ─── SCOPE21技术通过对原煤进行快速加热预处理、中低温出焦和热风改质,提高了原煤粘结性,扩大了炼焦配煤资源。
80、Using 30% ethanol blend with 3% additive and 1% ignition improver produced a decrease of some pollutants, eg. 42% in Bosch Smoke Number, 15% in NOx emission at the highest load. ─── 在最大负荷时,E30+3%助溶剂+1%着火改进剂混合燃料排放的碳烟和NOx分别比纯柴油低42%和15%。
81、In many cases the simultaneous removal of NOx and dioxins is obtained with one single Shell System. ─── 在诸多案例中,单个壳牌系统同时去除氮氧化物和二恶英。
82、Different combustion form influence the NOx emission. ─── 对比不同构型对氮氧化物生成的影响。
83、CFD Research on Low NOx Gas Burner ─── 低氮氧化物燃气燃烧器的CFD研究
84、Fang Lijun,Gao Zhengyang,Yan Weiping,et al.Experimental study on performance of NOx emission for low volatilization coals[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2003,23(8):211-214(in Chinese). ─── [21]方立军,高正阳,阎维平,等.低挥发分煤燃烧NOx排放特性的试验研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2003,23(8):211-214.
85、The technique of preheating raw meal and separating combustion has shown its remarkable effect in reducing NOx and SO2 emissions, but should be completed further for the indus- trial use. ─── 利用热生料和分级燃烧技术减少 NOx 和 SO_2的排放量已取得了明显的效果,今后将进一步完善达到实用的程度。
86、Emission and control of Nox from power plants of East China Grid ─── 华东电网火电厂氮氧化物排放与控制
87、low NOx combustion technology ─── 低NOx
88、Low NOx Combustion with dual adjustable draft ─── 低NOx双调风旋流燃烧
89、To combat this problem and address the standards set by global governments to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, power companies are turning to advanced energy solutions technology. ─── 为了克服这个问题,满足世界各国政府提出的各个排放标准,减少氮氧化合物排放,发电公司正寻求高级能源解决方案技术。
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