tawdry 发音
英:[ˈtɔːdri] 美:[ˈtɔːdri]
英: 美:
tawdry 中文意思翻译
tawdry 网络释义
adj. 非常华丽的;廉价而俗丽的n. 俗丽的东西;廉价而俗丽之物
tawdry 短语词组
1、tawdry gossip ─── 庸俗的流言蜚语
2、tawdry affair ─── 下流的事
3、tawdry tale ─── 俗语
4、tawdry trick ─── 花哨的把戏
5、tawdry defined ─── 俗气的定义
6、tawdry art ─── 俗丽的物种
7、tawdry lace ─── 俗丽花边
8、tawdry clue ─── 俗气的线索
9、tawdry define ─── 俗气的定义
tawdry 词性/词形变化,tawdry变形
tawdry 相似词语短语
1、bawdy ─── adj.猥亵的;下流的;卖淫的
2、tawdrily ─── adv.俗丽地
3、-andry ─── n.(Andry)人名;(英、法)安德里
4、bawdry ─── n.猥亵的言语;卖淫
5、tawery ─── n.石弹;射石弹者站立的基线(taw的变形)
6、tawny ─── adj.黄褐色的;茶色的;n.黄褐色;茶色
7、Cawdrey ─── 卡德雷
8、tawer ─── n.盐硝皮工人,生鞣皮工人
9、tawney ─── n.(Tawney)(美、英)托尼(人名)
tawdry 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、His utmost political imagination carried him to a belated and tawdry attempt to restore the Westem Empire. ─── 最大的政治幻想支撑着他企图恢复西罗马帝国这样一个陈旧过时、华而不实的念头。
2、The effect of a tawdry, unarranged, and over-decorated environment works for the deterioration of taste, just as meager and barren surroundings starve out the desire for beauty. ─── 一个俗气的、没有秩序的和装潢过度的环境会败坏美感,正如贫乏而荒芜的环境会饿死美的愿望一样。
3、a tawdry imitation ─── 价廉而俗丽的仿制品
4、The two sisters stooped, broad, lethargic; stooping, they presented an incredible expanse of pale cloth and a flutter of tawdry ribbons ─── 这两个身宽体胖,无精打彩的姐姐只好屈下身去,她们弯腰时,背影成了宽大得叫人不敢相信的一块白布,还飘拂着艳俗的缎带。
5、And trousers that cried with a loud voice."Come look at me, and see how cheap and tawdry I am; my master, what a dirty buck!" ─── 那条裤子仿佛在大喊:“来瞧我呀,我多么便宜,又多么花不棱登的;我的主人,一个多么粗俗的花花公子
6、tawdry jewellery, furnishings ─── 俗丽的珠宝、 家具.
7、It was a fittingly tawdry end to what had become an increasingly tawdry melodrama. ─── 对渐渐拔剌的剧情来说,这样拔剌的结局是在适合不过的了。
8、tawdry ornaments. ─── 俗艳的装饰
9、There was Parking room for motors on each side of the road, and there were saloons, tawdry and bright. ─── 路两边都有停汽车的地方,还有俗里俗气、灯火通明的酒巴间。
10、The two sisters stooped , broad , lethargic; stooping, they presented an incredible expanse of pale cloth and a flutter of tawdry ribbons . ─── 这两个身宽体胖,无精打彩的姐姐只好屈下身去,她们弯腰时,背影成了宽大得叫人不敢相信的一块白布,还飘拂着艳俗的缎带。
11、1.vulgar; garish; gaudy; tawdry; meretricious; philistine 2.in bad (or poor) taste ─── 俗气
12、A tawdry scarf of yellow silk, trimmed with tinsel and spangles, which had seen as hard service, and boasted as honorable a transmission. ─── 一块花哨而俗气的黄色丝披巾,边上缀着金银线和亮闪闪的铂片,原来是用旧了作为一种恩赐赏下来的。
13、But then, the world's oldest profession has always been a bit tawdry. ─── 但是,话说回来,世界最古老的职业向来就是低俗的。
14、Only a sentimental masochist would want to relive the tawdry 1990s. ─── 只有感情丰富的受虐狂才愿意重温那风风光光的九十年代。
15、65.So long as your tale does not turn into some tawdry bundle of lies existing solely to titillate the common reader , perhaps your relation of 's tale will have some merit, Volo. ─── 只要你记载的事迹不要变成纯粹为了娱乐大众写的一箩筐卑贱谎言,也许你所写的传会有些优点,瓦罗。
16、So long as your tale does not turn into some tawdry bundle of lies existing solely to titillate the common reader, perhaps your relation of 's tale will have some merit, Volo. ─── 只要你记载的事迹不要变成纯粹为了娱乐大众写的一箩筐卑贱谎言,也许你所写的传会有些优点,瓦罗。
17、Classic culture and art have been replaced by tawdry mystifications, exotic rites and vacation photos. ─── 经典文化和艺术已经被低俗的故弄玄虚,外国仪式和假期的照片所替代。
18、Cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature;tawdry. ─── 俗艳的外表或本质粗俗表面却艳丽的;低俗的
19、Fortunately, your desire to have only the best things in life prevents you from wasting money on cheap, tawdry items that don't stand the test of time. ─── 幸运地是,你的欲望都在昂贵的物品上,这就避免你花钱买些既便宜又不实用的东西了。
20、" Here is where the children of the flesh and children of the spirit sit together to watch the nightly offerings of the television networks, and to applaud the glittering stars in their tawdry roles. ─── 在这里属肉体之子与属灵之子坐在一起观看晚间电视广播的献礼,称赞着那些扮演俗丽角色的华而不实的明星。
21、It's extraordinary that Sondheim was able to build on something that really has such tawdry beginnings. Something that's just so profound. ─── 桑德海姆能够在曾经那么华丽、影响深远的开端下继续这个故事,这简直非比寻常。
22、A woman regarded as gaudy or tawdry ─── 娼妓被认为是媚俗或低俗的女人
23、But two tawdry facts remained: Mr Musharraf had never won an unrigged election; and had long been unpopular. ─── 但他的两个污点依然存在:从未赢过一场他未加操控的选举;长期不受欢迎。
24、There is much getting up of a tawdry morality, barely skin deep, much crying, “Peace, peace,” where there is no peace and very little deep heart-searching anxiety to be thoroughly purged from sin. ─── 人多多激发起一种廉价俗气的道德品行,仅仅是肤浅的,大声呼喊“平安,平安”,其实却没有平安;极少有深入省察内心的焦虑不安,然后彻底从这焦虑中把罪除去。
25、cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry ─── 俗艳的外表或本质粗俗表面却艳丽的;低俗的
26、What seemed sweet and sad immediately turns shabby and tawdry. ─── 当时的甜蜜和伤心立马变得卑鄙和恶俗起来。
27、10. She slopped about her room, unkempt and dishevelled, in her tawdry dressing-gown. ─── 她不修边幅,满头蓬发,穿着俗里俗气的睡衣邋邋遢遢在屋里走来走去。
28、I looked out from behind the curtain and surveyed the house. It was a tawdry affair, call Cupids and cornucopias, like third-rate wedding-cake. ─── 我从帷幔后边扫视整个剧
29、Everything seemed strange, so tawdry and grotesque ─── 一切似乎都很新奇,很花哨,而且滑稽可笑。
30、There was Parking room for motors on each side of the road, and there were saloons, tawdry and bright. ─── 路两边都有停汽车的地方,还有俗里俗气、灯火通明的酒巴间。
31、tawdry jewellery ─── 俗丽便宜的首饰
32、of a display that is tawdry or vulgar. ─── 卖弄俗丽的或粗俗的东西。
33、Blame for this tawdry mess belongs in many quarters. ─── 很多人应对这起“女友门”混乱事件负责。
34、A magazine writer in 1913 described them as "tawdry and gaudy gimcracks flimsy gewgaws ephemeral and unbeautiful; ─── 1913年,一位杂志作家是这样描绘这些小礼品的,“华丽而不实的小玩意儿,没有价值的便宜货,生命短暂且不好看;
35、a tawdry affair/scandal ─── 卑鄙下流的勾当/丑行
36、5.Long Island has developed its own tawdry suburban version of the crime passional, in which murder supplants divorce as a solution to the eternal triangle. ─── 长岛对由情欲引起的犯罪已形成了本地独有的、表面壮烈实则鄙俗的处理手法,用谋杀代替离婚来解决争风吃醋方面的仇怨这一行径便是其中一例。
37、They talked to each other and shared their oranges with the tawdry girls who sat beside them ─── 他们互相交谈着,并和边上坐着的那些衣着俗艳的姑娘分食着桔子。
38、A tawdry scarf of yellow silk, trimmed with tinsel and spangles, which had seen as hard service, and boasted as honourable a transmission . ─── 一块花哨而俗气的黄色丝披巾,边上缀着金银线和亮闪闪的铂片,原来是用旧了作为一种恩赐赏下来的。
39、And trousers that cried with a loud voice. "Come look at me, and see how cheap and tawdry I am; my master, what a dirty buck!" ─── 那条裤子仿佛在大喊:“来瞧我呀,我多么便宜,又多么花不棱登的;我的主人,一个多么粗俗的花花公子!”
40、The implication in all such speeches is that a party's policies spring from the nation's collective consciousness, and not from anything so tawdry as political strategy sessions and focus groups. ─── 所有这类演讲都在暗示,一个政党的政策来源于国家的集体意识,而不是来源于华而不实的政治策略会议和中心团体。
41、Michael and Carolyn recognized that coming forth with the story might result in tawdry gossip and unkind debasement of whatever memories people have of Richard and Francesca Johnson. ─── 迈可和卡洛琳承认,把故事讲出来很可能引起一些粗俗的闲言碎语,并且使理查德与弗朗西丝卡. 约翰逊夫妇在人们心目中留下的印象遭到无情的贬低。
42、22. The rare wine world is still recovering from the tawdry affair. ─── 这个庸俗的故事至今还让葡萄酒珍品界至今还对这个庸俗的故事心有余悸。
43、tawdry ornaments ─── 花哨而不值钱的装饰品
44、One or two who seemed their chiefs, had some tawdry ornaments of silver about their necks and in their ears, and wore showy scarfs of yellow, or scarlet, or light green; ─── 一两个像是他们首领的人脖子上耳朵上都带着俗丽的银首饰,披着黄色、红色或淡绿色的肩巾,而腿和胳膊却是裸露着的。
45、The main street has assumed its tawdry prosperity with discomfort ─── 繁华的大街透着一股不安的气氛。
46、The whole thing - from Jimmy Page's guitar to David Beckham's kick - was tacky, tawdry, tasteless and horribly tabloid in every detail. ─── 整个事情-从吉米的吉他篇到贝克汉姆的踢球-俗气,俗丽,缺少品味和令人讨厌到每一个小的细节上。
47、tawdry clothing ─── 价廉而花哨的衣服
48、She saw herself as shallow, tawdry. ─── 她看到自己只是个穿得花花绿绿的浅薄庸俗的女人。
49、She slopped about her room, unkempt and disheveled, in her tawdry dressing-gown. ─── 她不修边幅,满头蓬发,穿着俗里俗气的睡衣邋邋遢遢在屋里走来走去。
50、Beside him even the venerable head of the university looked tawdry and small ─── 同他一比,连那个叫人肃然起敬的大学校长也显得渺小而庸俗了。
51、The tale of Miss Thompson going from schoolgirl to call girl is particularly tawdry, the Daily Mail revealed. ─── 《每日邮报》讲述了珍妮从一个学生堕落为应召女郎的故事,简直骇人听闻。
52、A tawdry scarf of yellow silk, trimmed with tinsel and spangles, which had seen as hard service, and boasted as honorable a transmission. ─── 一块花哨而俗气的黄色丝披巾,边上缀着金银线和亮闪闪的铂片,原来是用旧了作为一种恩赐赏下来的。
53、A once tawdry media product has become fashionable. ─── 这一媒体产物曾花哨俗气,现在却时髦风行。
54、The rare wine world is still recovering from the tawdry affair. ─── 葡萄酒珍品界还对这个俗气的故事心有余悸。
55、Tawdry squabble over nothing ─── 赤口白舌
56、Leave a comment and share your tawdry secrets with the rest of the Beauty Brains community. ─── 留下你的评论以及和美丽头脑社区的人分享你的华丽秘密。
57、Alas, all these shops peddling tawdry knick-knacks will be back with us again. ─── 唉,想想吧,所有那些出售花里胡哨的玩意儿的商店会再一次挤入我们的视野。
58、Do you attend operas, or do you read tawdry novels? ─── 妳会参观歌剧表演,还是阅读通俗小说?
59、But two tawdry facts remained: Mr Musharraf had never won an unrigged election; ─── 但他的两个污点依然存在:从未赢过一场他未加操控的选举;
60、But two tawdry facts remained: Mr Musharraf had never won an unrigged election; and had long been unpopular. ─── 但他的两个污点依然存在:从未赢过一场他未加操控的选举;长期不受欢迎。
61、a flash car; a flashy ring; garish colors; a gaudy costume; loud sport shirts; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments ─── 廉价而华丽的小车;庸俗的颜色;华而不实的服装;廉价的运动衫;华丽庸俗但很时髦的书;俗丽的装饰物
62、6. a flash car; a flashy ring; garish colors; a gaudy costume; loud sport shirts; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments. ─── 廉价而华丽的小车;庸俗的颜色;华而不实的服装;廉价的运动衫;华丽庸俗但很时髦的书;俗丽的装饰物。收藏指正
63、If you can't do or say something to draw a crowd (no, not something tawdry) then simply stand in the center of the room. ─── 如果你不能做或说一些吸引人群(无、不媚俗)则干脆站在正中的房间。
64、The channel reinvented itself in 1996 as a purveyor of tawdry nostalgia with Pop-Up Video and perfected the form six years later with I Love the 80s. ─── 该频道在1996年把自己重新定位为以弹出视频方式提供华丽怀旧的供应者,在六年后以“我爱80年代”达到了形式的完美。
65、a flash car; a flashy ring; garish colors; a gaudy costume; loud sport shirts; a meretricious yet stylish book; tawdry ornaments. ─── 廉价而华丽的小车;庸俗的颜色;华而不实的服装;廉价的运动衫;华丽庸俗但很时髦的书;俗丽的装饰物。
66、When you witness evil, if only the tawdry evil of a conversational stiletto twist, use your ninjutsu. ─── 当你看到邪恶,哪怕是一个带着俗气的话里下刀子,那么运用你的忍术。
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