fudged 发音
英:[fʌdʒd] 美:[fʌdʒd]
英: 美:
fudged 中文意思翻译
fudged 词性/词形变化,fudged变形
动词第三人称单数: fudges |动词现在分词: fudging |动词过去式: fudged |动词过去分词: fudged |
fudged 短语词组
1、fudged def ─── 假定义
2、fudged clue ─── 捏造的线索
3、fudged means ─── 捏造的手段
4、fudged it ─── 捏造的
5、fudged meaning ─── 捏造的意思
6、fudged numbers ─── 捏造的数字
fudged 相似词语短语
1、nudged ─── v.推进;轻推;用肘轻推;唠叨;往前挤;鼓励;接近(nudge的过去式和过去分词)
2、judged ─── v.裁决;审理(judge的过去分词);adj.判断的
3、fadged ─── v.同意;成功;n.(低于一百千克的)羊毛包
4、fudge ─── n.法奇软糖,乳脂软糖(用糖、黄油和牛奶制成);敷衍,装模作样(没有真正解决问题);浓巧克力(尤用作蛋糕的馅或冰淇淋调味品);胡说,废话;插入报纸版面的最新消息;(报纸付印前为最新要闻留出的)空白处;不太令人满意的折中方案;v.含糊其辞,模糊处理;回避;篡改,捏造(事实、数字);int.胡说,废话(表示怀疑或恼怒);n.(Fudge)(美、加、英)富奇(人名)
5、mudged ─── 泥泞的
6、budged ─── vi.挪动;微微移动;改变态度或意见;服从;vt.使让步;移动;使改变态度或意见;n.羔羊皮;n.(Budge)人名;(英)巴奇
7、fidged ─── n.坐立不安的人;坐立不安的习惯或状态;vi.抽筋
8、-judged ─── v.裁决;审理(judge的过去分词);adj.判断的
9、fudges ─── n.法奇软糖,乳脂软糖(用糖、黄油和牛奶制成);敷衍,装模作样(没有真正解决问题);浓巧克力(尤用作蛋糕的馅或冰淇淋调味品);胡说,废话;插入报纸版面的最新消息;(报纸付印前为最新要闻留出的)空白处;不太令人满意的折中方案;v.含糊其辞,模糊处理;回避;篡改,捏造(事实、数字);int.胡说,废话(表示怀疑或恼怒);n.(Fudge)(美、加、英)富奇(人名)
fudged 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A squabble over land (which can be divided) or power (which can be shared) or rules (that can be fudged) becomes a dispute over non-negotiable absolutes. ─── 在绝对无法协商的情况下,对土地(能够被分割)、权力(能够被分享)、规则(能够被更改)的争吵会升级成争端。
2、I fudged my work. ─── 我在工作中出了漏子。
3、Himmler's racial purity requirements could be fudged because of the alleged "kindred stock" of these Germanic recruits. ─── 希姆莱的纯种族理论要求简直就是在说梦话,因为这些人必须招募有“血缘关系”的日耳曼人。
4、There are certain things that are vital in a printed file that are either irrelevant in a digital file or can be fudged quite a bit. ─── 对于印刷文本来说十分重要的参数也许与数字化文件不相关或者是可以被忽略。
5、The tests must not be fudged. ─── 这个测试必须不能敷衍了事。
6、Certain conditions, such as “related-party” transactions, are almost impossible to bring into line with international standards, so they will be fudged. ─── 一些条件,比如“关联方”交易,是几乎不可能同国际标准对接的,所以会被回避。
7、Asked in an interview before taking over the White House in January, Obama, who has been a smoker all his adult life, fudged a question about whether he had given up. ─── 奥巴马成年之后一直是个吸烟者。一月份接手白宫之前,他在一次采访中对是否戒烟的问题敷衍作答。
8、This writer has fudged up a lot of old ideas ─── 这位作家胡诌了很多旧观点。
9、always fudged on the important questions. ─── 总是在重大问题上犹豫
10、Mr Romney fudged), Mr McCain told Mr Crist to get stuffed. ─── 罗姆尼先生不置可否),麦凯恩先生告诉克里斯特先生闭嘴。
11、Most of the recent policy changes and buy-local pronouncements can be fudged under existing trade agreements. ─── 近期多数政策改变和购买本地货声明都能用现有的贸易协定敷衍过去。
12、4. The physicist fudged on his experimental data. ─── 那位物理学家捏造实验数据。
13、The time scale for the fiscal targets had to be fudged, which let Italy and others slip through. ─── 财政目标的时间尺度不得不含糊其辞,这也使意大利等国趁虚而入。
14、9.You fudged a mile. ─── 你偷跑了一英里。
15、Or Marilee Jones, an MIT dean who fudged on her credentials and quit when she was found out. ─── 或者问问琼斯(MarileeJones)也行。由于被人发现伪造资历证明,她辞去了麻省理工学院(MIT)的系主任一职。
16、Fudged on the building code requirements. ─── 超出房屋建筑规范的规定
17、3. A few weeks later, go back and get rid of all the stuff you fudged on the first time around. ─── 一周后,回去把你之前第一轮清理中该扔没舍得扔的衣服再清理一次。
18、The time scale for the fiscal targets had to be fudged, which let Italy and others slip through. ─── 财政目标的时间尺度不得不含糊其辞,这也使意大利等国趁虚而入。
19、28. Certain conditions, such as “related-party” transactions, are almost impossible to bring into line with international standards, so they will be fudged. ─── 像与“关联方”的交易等一些情形几乎不可能跟国际标准保持一致,因此不得不规避。
20、I asked how long he was staying, but he fudged the answer. ─── 我问他要待多久,但他含糊其辞。
21、OK, first, they're WC strings that I installed last summer. Yeah, I probably fudged that job up. ─── 好吧,首先,那是我去年夏天装上去的wc弓弦.嗯,我可能弄得有些马虎.
22、The government have fudged the issue of equal rights ─── 政府规避平等法案问题。
23、Both have fudged their calculations and avoided specifics. ─── 双方都模糊处理了其计算结果并回避了细节。
24、"Our program is in about 400 dealerships," leaves a feeling that the number might be fudged a bit. ─── “我们的项目约有400个经销点,”给人感觉这个数据有捏造之嫌。
25、Unlike some of his rivals (Mr Giuliani embraced the plan; Mr Romney fudged), Mr McCain told Mr Crist to get stuffed. ─── 和他的一些对手不同(朱利安尼先生赞同这个计划;罗姆尼先生不置可否),麦凯恩先生告诉克里斯特先生闭嘴。
26、But nobody should fool themselves into thinking that the reaction to a fudged deal would be better. ─── 但我们不能自欺欺人地认为,市场对一项敷衍了事的协议会有更好的反应。
27、I asked how long he was staying, but he fudged the answer. ─── 我问他要呆多久,但他含混其词。
28、10. In the real world, limits are fudged all the time. Considerate products need to realize and embrace this fact . ─── 在现实世界中,限制总是可以调整的,体贴的软件需要意识并且包容这类事实。
29、"Our program is in about 400 dealerships, " leaves a feeling that the number might be fudged a bit. ─── “我们的项目约有400个经销点,”给人感觉这个数据有捏造之嫌。
30、"Certain conditions, such as “related-party” transactions, are almost impossible to bring into line with international standards, so they will be fudged. ─── 像“相关单位”的交易等一些情形几乎不可能跟国际标准保持一致,因此不得不回避。"
31、Unlike some of his rivals (Mr Giuliani embraced the plan; Mr Romney fudged), Mr McCain told Mr Crist to get stuffed. ─── 和他的一些对手不同(朱利安尼先生赞同这个计划;罗姆尼先生不置可否),麦凯恩先生告诉克里斯特先生闭嘴。
32、That can mean fudged compromises. ─── 这可能意味着勉强的妥协。
33、She wasn’t sure how to do the job so she just fudged it. ─── 她没把握要怎么做这项工作,所以只得应付一下。
34、Our manager has been fudged the issue of bonus payment for month. ─── 我们的经理数月来一直回避发放奖金一事。
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