furthering 发音
英:[ˈfɜːðərɪŋ] 美:[ˈfɜːrðərɪŋ]
英: 美:
furthering 中文意思翻译
furthering 常用词组
further development ─── 进一步的发展
further study ─── 进一步研究;深造;继续教育,进修
further more ─── adv. 而且;此外
furthering 短语词组
1、furthering that point ─── 进一步推 ─── 进这一点
2、furthering interests ─── 增进兴趣
3、furthering global trade ─── 促进全球贸易
4、furthering on ─── 更进一步;再向前
5、furthering study ─── 进一步研究;深造;继续教育, ─── 进修
6、furthering def ─── 进一步定义
7、furthering advances ─── 进一步发展更加提升……
8、furthering arguments ─── 进一步论证
9、furthering his studies ─── 继续学习
10、furthering education ─── 继续教育;进修
11、furthering means ─── 推进方式
12、furthering syn ─── 进一步合成
13、furthered furthering ─── 进一步深化
14、furthering my study ─── 进一步深造深入学习
15、furthering define ─── 进一步定义
furthering 词性/词形变化,furthering变形
动词现在分词: furthering |动词过去式: furthered |动词第三人称单数: furthers |动词过去分词: furthered |名词: furtherer |
furthering 同义词
past | expand | help | broaden | speed | then | off | aid | upwards | or | foster | other | promote | added | boost | farther | cooperate | spread | yet | additional | encourage | auxiliary | beyond | forward | expedite | over |advance | forwards | more | onward | second | supplementary | extra | extend
furthering 反义词
furthering 相似词语短语
1、murthering ─── v.谋杀;糟蹋,弄坏(同murder);n.谋杀;(非正式)困难或令人不快的事物(同murder)
2、forgathering ─── vi.聚会;偶然遇见
3、furtherance ─── n.促进;助成;助长
4、featherings ─── n.羽毛;羽状物;轻快的弓法
5、fathering ─── n.为人父,为父之道;v.成为……的父亲;是……的创始人,创立(father的现在分词)
6、fothering ─── n.海上堵漏;铅的重量单位;临时堵漏的用防水软垫
7、feathering ─── n.羽毛;羽状物;轻快的弓法
8、furthcoming ─── 下一步
9、wuthering ─── 咆哮的;呼啸的
furthering 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Disposal unadvisable recommend hold until further notice. ─── 卖不掉不足取,建议保留下来另候通知。
2、Lack of space forbids further treatment of the topic here. ─── 因篇幅所限,此处不便对本题作进一步阐述。
3、But let us pursue this ghostly speculation further. ─── 但是让我们再进一步继续这样梦幻似地设想。
4、Attempts to get further information by questioning the captives ran into a blank wall. ─── 审讯俘虏以获得更多情报的试图未能取得任何进展。
5、He also declined to speak to reporters after a Wednesday afternoon shoot-around, furthering the notion that he was all business these days. ─── 他同时婉拒了在星期三下午新闻发布会的向记者发言,推动了他这些举动的是他这三天相当忙。
6、In the coming months electric lighting will be further extended. ─── 在以后几个月中将有更多住户用上电灯。
7、He would stoop to anything to further his career. ─── 为了进一步向上爬,他什么事都干得出来。
8、Values: within the principles of open source, and with the goal of furthering the missions of academic and research institutions. ─── 价值:在开源的思想下,以促进大学和研究机构的人物为目标。
9、A worker or device that feeds materials into a machine for further processing. ─── 加料工人,进料器将原料送入机器使其继续运转的工人或装置
10、A factory must try to diversify for further development. ─── 一个工厂要获得进一步发展就要努力使产品多样化。
11、Lenin carried further the ideas of Marx and Engels. ─── 列宁发展了马克思和恩格斯的思想。
12、Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan.You are developing enthusiasm as a habit,and habits require reinforcement. ─── 切勿在过完一天之后才发现一无所获。你应将热忧培养成一种习惯,而习惯需要不断的补给。
13、The hope of making further discoveries led them to venture upon a second voyage. ─── 他们希望有新的发现,于是大胆进行了第二次航行。
14、On (your) arrival at the hotel please wait for further instructions. ─── (你)抵达旅馆後,请听候进一步指示。
15、Please let us know in case of further requirement. ─── 如有进一步的需求,请通知我们。
16、And now for your further delectation, we present a selection of popular melodies. ─── 为使你们更加愉快,我们奉献给你们一组精选的流行歌曲。
17、Experts say making a move from a position that has become routine is critical to furthering a career. ─── 专家指出,如果工作变成了例行公事,那么做出改变对于职业生涯的进一步发展是至关重要的。
18、They pushed the boat further into the water. ─── 他们把小船又往水里推了推。
19、You understand the situation; I needn't elaborate any further. ─── 你了解形势,我无须赘述。
20、If referred to property where people were free to venture and use for their own enrichment and for furthering the development of human kind, science, knowledge, culture, etc. ─── 它涉及人们为自己的繁荣以及为促进人类、科学、知识和文化等的发展而能够自由投资和使用的财产。
21、Under what circumstances and to what extent might we, in the interests of furthering development, find it desirable to intervene in a market system? ─── 为了推进发展,在什么情况下和什么限度内我们能发现干预市场体系是可取的呢?
22、You must understand the elements of mathematics before we can proceed further. ─── 你必须先弄懂数学基础知识,我们才能进一步学习。
23、He also declined to speak to reporters after a Wednesday afternoon shoot-around, furthering the notion that he was all business these days. ─── 他同时婉拒了在星期三下午新闻发布会的向记者发言,推动了他这些举动的是他这三天相当忙。
24、No further discount will be given for prepayment of invoice. ─── 对该发票的提前付款,我们不能作更大的折扣。
25、Furthering opportunities in continuing professional education and life long learning. ─── 在持续专业教育及终生学习方面提供更多机会。
26、Discontent in the party will lead to further defections. ─── 党内的不满情绪将导致更多的党员脱党。
27、Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan. ─── 切勿在过完一天之后才发现一无所获。
28、The International Association for the Study of Pain. Dedicated to furthering research on pain and improving the care of patients with pain. ─── 国际疼痛研究学会:推动疼痛的研究与促进对疼痛病人的照护。
29、The general ordered the fleet to remain where they were and wait for the further instructions. ─── 将军命令舰队原地待命。
30、Under what circumstances and to what extent might we, in the interests of furthering development, find it desirable to intervene in a market system ? ─── 为了推进发展,在什么情况下和什么限度内我们能发现干预市场体系是可取的呢?
31、She lives to the west of (ie further west than) Glasgow. ─── 她住在格拉斯哥以西的地方。
32、Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan. You are developing enthusiasm as a habit, and habits require reinforcement. ─── 切勿在过完一天之后才发现计划全无进展。你应将热忱培养成一种习惯,而习惯要不断加强。
33、To many people around the world, America's rhetoric about democracy sounds a lot like an excuse for furthering U.S. hegemony. ─── 对于世界各地的许多人来讲,美国关于民主的言论听上去更像美国进一步实施霸权的托词。
34、That library will open only in the morning till further notice. ─── 在另行通知以前,那个图书馆只在上午开放。
35、In recognition of her contribution to furthering the Chinese language, she was conferred the President's Award for Teachers in 2006. ─── 她在华文教学上展现的创意与感染力深受肯定,使她于2006年荣获卓越教师总统奖。
36、Education needn't only be about furthering your career. ─── 教育不必只是与推进你的事业有关。
37、He's been thinking of furthering his studies abroad but, his aged mother, his wife and the children all become a millstone around his neck. ─── 他一直打算出国留学,可是年迈的老母亲以及妻子和孩子成了他的沉重包袱。
38、He lives to the east of (ie further east than) Exeter. ─── 他住在埃克塞特的东边。
39、The furthering economic globalization has improved people's living standard. ─── 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。
40、The Delegation declared that there was clearly a need to examine existing IP instruments with a view to furthering their development impact. ─── 该代表团表示,很清楚,有必要以深入它们的发展影响的观点来检查现有的IP文件。
41、Keep on past the church; the stadium is about half a mile further on. ─── 一直向前走过了教堂,约莫半英里就是体育场。
42、A written character that represents a vowel, consonant, syllable, word, or other expression and that cannot be further analyzed. ─── 书写单位; 书写符号代表一个元音、辅音、音节、词或其它表达方式,并且不能进一步分解的书写符号
43、Resistance stiffened even further last week. ─── 上星期抵抗进一步加强了。
44、Your supervisor is supportive and offers you good advice and opportunities for furthering your education in your field. ─── 上级很支持,提供好的建议和让你在领域中更上一层楼。
45、He's been thinking of furthering his studies abroad but, his aged mother, his wife and the children all become a millstone around his neck. ─── 他一直打算出国留学,可是年迈的老母亲妻子和孩子成了他的沉重包袱。
46、Social media should be used to spread the word and gain new customers, furthering your reach while opening and extending your network. ─── 社会媒体应该被用传递信息并得到新客户、促进和扩大你的网络。
47、Having completed my B.C. degree, I didn’t have any intentions of furthering my education. ─── 在完成了理工科学士学位后,我没有进行深造学习。
48、We will continue next time furthering the aspects of Seizing the Moment, such as acting, reading aloud, and incorporating selflessness. ─── 下一次我们将继续推动方面抓住一刻,如代理、朗读、把无私。
49、But nothing further came of this movement. ─── 但这一运动后来就没有产生更多效果了。
50、The two sides call a truce to avoid further bloodshed. ─── 双方宣布停战以避免再有伤亡。
51、He set the idea by for further consideration. ─── 他把这个意见暂时搁置,等待以后再作进一步考虑。
52、He was held back from further promotion. ─── 他没得到进一步的升级。
53、But a friend that is wholly acquainted with a man's estate, will beware, by furthering any present business, how he dasheth upon other inconvenience. ─── 一个完全通晓你的事业境遇的朋友则不然,他将小心注意,以免因为推进你目前的某种事业而使你在别的方面突受打击。
54、Why are you out of job for such a long time? I have been furthering my study. I have been waiting for a better chance. ─── 你为何失业这么久?我一直在进修。
55、A postcard is enclosed for your convenience in request further information. ─── 为了使您从我们这里取得更进一步信息,随信附去明信片一张备用。
56、Officials working behind the scenes urged them to avoid further confrontation. ─── 在幕后进行操纵的官员们极力劝诫他们应避免进一步的正面交锋。
57、Values: within the principles of open source, and with the goal of furthering the missions of academic and research institutions. ─── 价值:在开源的思想下,以促进大学和研究机构的人物为目标。
58、A further example; a further delay. ─── 另一个例子; 另外的推迟
59、A number of veteran cadres have taken the lead in abolishing the system of life tenure in leading posts, furthering the reform of the cadre system. ─── 一批老同志以实际行动,带头废除领导职务终身制,推进干部制度的改革
60、They are cutting back further on public spending. ─── 他们正进行削减政府开支。
61、China's reform and development will provide new opportunities for furthering the friendly cooperative relationship between Asian and European countries. ─── 中国的改革与发展,将为促进中国同亚欧各国的友好合作关系提供新的机遇。
62、Hopes to be awarded a stipend for further research. ─── 希望能被给予进一步研究的费用。
63、Without further ado she signed. ─── 她很乾脆地签了字。
64、That sale precludes further development on this site. ─── 卖出以后妨碍了这一地点的进一步发展。
65、That library will open only in the morning until further notice. ─── 在另行通知以前,那个图书馆只在上午开放。
66、Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan.You are developing enthusiasm as a habit,and habits requires reinforcement. ─── 切勿在过完一天之后才发现一无所获,你应将热忱培养成一种习惯,而习惯需要不断的补给。
67、If you do not accept this suggestion, there's not any necessity in further discussion. ─── 如果你们不接受这一建议,那就没有必要再讨论下去了。
68、It is hoped that the tax cuts will act as a stimulant to further economic growth. ─── 希望降低税率这一措施能刺激经济进一步增长。
69、Further, as Mr.Jackson repeatedly points out, black voters cannot be taken for granted. ─── 再者,正如杰克逊先生屡次指出的。黑人选民并非理所当然地一定投我一票。
70、Minerva forbore no longer, nor interposed any further advice. ─── 密涅瓦再也不能容忍了,她也不再提出进一步的忠告。
71、Do you think we might end the discussion there? I see no point in dragging it out any further. ─── 你看我们就讨论到这行吗?我看拖下去也毫无意义了。
72、He did his best to further the interests of his state. ─── 他竭尽所能增进他那个州的利益。
73、Asia Society is a leading non-profit educational organisation dedicated to furthering understanding of the countries and cultures of Asia. ─── 亚洲协会是非牟利的敎育组织,宗旨致力增进人们对亚洲各国和各文化的了解。
74、On this point, I think I can say without boast, that never in the history of American Presidential campaigns has a candidate gone further than I did in attempting to create a united front. ─── 对于这一点,我可以豪不自夸地说,在历届美国总统竞选中,没有任何一位候选人象我这样不遗余力地促进统一战线的建立。
75、They are making further efforts to decrease military spending. ─── 他们正在做进一步的努力来减少军费开支。
76、He has further proof of this. ─── 他对此有进一步的证据。
77、With further delay it will be too late to repent. ─── 再要推延,就会悔之无及了。
78、There is no further reference to him in her diary. ─── 她的日记中没有进一步提到他。
79、Secondly, Pound proposed the integral conception of furthering judicial reform in the light of the reality in China. ─── 其次,庞德针对中国司法改革的实际情况,提出了深入司法改革的整体设想。
80、Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan.You are developing enthusiasm as a habit, and habits require reinforcement. ─── 切勿在过完一天之后才发现一无所获。你应将热忧培养成一种习惯,而习惯需要不断的补给。
81、The spectroscopic data muddy the picture further. ─── 分光观测资料进一步扰乱了这一图景。
82、It is helpful to furthering the study and to its wide and effective use in thehealth food. ─── 对于其在科研中的进一步研究和在保健食品中更广泛、更有效的应用有一定的指导意义。
83、Once you get your first CRA position, give it everything you have. A good track record is the greatest asset in furthering your career. ─── 一旦你第一次得到CRA的职位,一定要全身心的投入工作。一份良好的工作记录是保证你今后职业发展的最珍贵的财富。
84、The two sides will maintain close contact and cooperation on furthering this initiative. ─── 双方将为此保持密切联系和合作。
85、A further complication is Fred's refusal to travel by air. ─── 另一个难题是弗莱德拒绝乘飞机旅行。
86、Hong Kong also maintains close co-operation with its trading partners in furthering the objectives of strategic trade controls. ─── 在管制战略物品方面,香港亦与其他贸易伙伴保持紧密合作。
87、Buyer vireo firm will never agree no use argue him further but may be harmful. ─── 买主主意已定,再勉强也不会同意,只会伤和气。
88、Daniel Patrick Moynihan is an example of a veteran who used the GI Bill to improve his life by furthering his education. ─── Daniel Patrick Moynihan就是一个适用于军事法案的老兵的案例。通过提高他的教育水平,改善他的生活。
89、However, this is our personal opinion and we wish you to make further inquiries on your part. ─── 但这只是我们单方面的意见,盼贵公司能做更进一步的调查。
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