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epistemology 发音

英:[ɪ,pɪstɪ'mɒlədʒɪ; e-]  美:[ɪ,pɪstə'mɑlədʒi]

英:  美:

epistemology 中文意思翻译



epistemology 词性/词形变化,epistemology变形

副词: epistemologically |形容词: epistemological |名词: epistemologist |

epistemology 短语词组

1、epistemology definition ─── 认识论定义

2、epistemology in research ─── 研究中的认识论

3、epistemology and logic ─── 认识论与逻辑

4、applied epistemology ─── [计] 应用认识论

5、epistemology define ─── 认识论定义

6、epistemology degree ─── 认识论程度

7、epistemology dictionary ─── 认识论词典

8、epistemology framework ─── 认识论框架

9、epistemology philosophy ─── 认识论哲学

10、epistemology quiz ─── 认识论测验

epistemology 相似词语短语

1、enterology ─── n.[内科]肠病学;胃肠病学

2、pistology ─── 信仰学

3、epistemologist ─── n.知识学家

4、epistemologies ─── n.认识论

5、aristology ─── 亚里士多德

6、epistemological ─── adj.认识论的

7、epistemologically ─── 认识论地

8、entomology ─── n.昆虫学

9、epidemiology ─── n.流行病学;传染病学

epistemology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the field of epistemology,two theories about how belief justification occurs compete with each other for prominence. ─── 在知识论领域,有两种相互竞争的信念确证理论。 一种是基础论,另一种是一致论。

2、Zhuangzi who is a skeptikos and an intuitioner,he took relativism as basis,combined skepticism with intuitivism is the main characteristic of his epistemology. ─── 庄子既是一个怀疑主义者,又是一个直觉主义者,以相对主义为基础,把怀疑主义同直觉主义结合起来是庄子认识论的主要特点。

3、We shall find the rational basis of the new criterion respectively from the perspective of linguistics, epistemology and axiological philosophy. ─── 我们可以分别从语言学、认识论以及价值哲学层面找到新标准观的合理性依据。

4、Anderson's research and writing concern architectural theory, modern architecture in Europe and America, American urbanism, and epistemology and historiography. ─── 安德森教授的研究与著作涉及到建筑理论、欧美现代建筑、美国城市化、以及认识论和编纂历史等领域。

5、Since the theory of ideology, so described, is concerned with the truth and falsity of beliefs, it might even be considered a form of classical social epistemology. ─── 因为意识形态的理论,就象被描述的那样,开始关心信仰的真假,这种理论也被认为是一种经典的社会认识论。

6、The new dialectical epistemology has replaced the dogmatism of traditional philosophy. ─── 以辩证的认识论的新方法取消了传统哲学的独断论。

7、The highest ambit and core of social science research method is the kind of epistemology on society and history. ─── 其最高层次、最终境界与核心问题是一种社会历史认识论

8、One of the requirements is questioning the relation and function prior to making a guess at the totality of noumenon, and, therefore, to make monistic noumenon- typed epistemology transfer to pluralistic function-typed epistemology. ─── 对认识论的要求之一是对关系、功能的追问优先于对本体整一性的判断,从而使一元本体型认识论转向多元功能型认识;

9、If we draw there's this clear distinction between epistemology and metaphysics. ─── 如果我们将它清晰地定位于认识论和形而上学之间。

10、This paper proposes a new method of modeling opponents in adversarial multi-robot system,based on the model of BDI(Belief,Desire,Intention) and combined with common epistemology. ─── 在Agent的BDI模型的基础上结合普遍的认知规律,提出一种对抗性多机器人系统中的对手建模模型。

11、He critiqued the traditional meatphysics in epistemology and constructed his moral metaphysics,which helped metaphysics gain its new developing field. ─── 他对传统形而上学作了认识论上的批判,并且建立了自己的道德形而上学,这就为形而上学的发展争得新的领域。

12、In the next chapters, we shall explore the implications of revelation for epistemology: the roles of presuppositions, reason and logic, and theological systems. ─── 下面几章,我们将探索启示在知识论中的涵义;我们将从预设、理性、逻辑的角色,以及神学系统等角度来讨论。

13、The development of intracerebral transplantation abides by the laws of epistemology and dialectics. ─── 它的产生和发展遵循着认识论和辩证法的客观规律。

14、The application of this doctrine in logic,epistemology,and ethics. ─── 实证哲学实证主义在逻辑学、认识论及伦理学中的运用。

15、Thus, a new epistemology (theory of knowledge) arose. ─── 因此,一种新的知识论崛起。

16、To this problem, Quine , A.I.Goidman, Stephen P Stich, and Hilary Kornblith , who claimed naturalized epistemology resorted to the instrumentalism and offered different iliustrations respectively. ─── 对于这一问题,奎因,戈德曼、斯蒂奇、科恩布里奇等自然化认识论者诉诸于工具主义分别给出了不同的解释。

17、Based on different views of natural kinds, I conclude that Quine’s version of naturalistic epistemology is a modest standpoint, and Kornblith’s version is a more radical one. ─── 所以,透过对于自然类的议题,我主张蒯因是属于温和的自然主义知识论者,而孔布里斯则是属于极端的自然主义知识论者。

18、In the field of epistemology, it endowed rational knowledge as the main body and realized the Copernican revolution. ─── 在认识论领域,确立了理性的主体地位,实现了“哥白尼式的革命”,完成了从认识对象到认识主体的转变;

19、In epistemology, he admitted thinking people can reflect the reality. ─── 在认识论上,他承认人的思维能反映现实。

20、Both the historian's pursuits for integrity and truthfulness, and the moralization on their own part, show that the Chinese traditional historiography contained rich thoughts of epistemology. ─── 史家对“书法不隐”、“秉笔直书”的执着追求和与之相对应的史家自身素养的规范,都显示出中国传统史学中蕴含的丰富的史学认识论思想。

21、His theory on w3 is an ontological theory which have close relationship with evolutionary epistemology. ─── 世界3的理论是他的实在论的本体论,并且与进化认识论密切相关。

22、The sensation problem is always fundamental issue concerned by philosophy and psychology to epistemology as the keynote in modern Western. ─── 感觉问题是近代西方以认识论为主旨的哲学与心理学始终关注的基本性问题。

23、In this dialectic system can be established on the basis of the system's ontology, epistemology and philosophy of the value of the new system. ─── 在这种系统辩证法的基础上可以建立系统主义的本体论、认识论和价值论的新哲学体系。

24、Shera was particularly interested in the affinity between social epistemology and librarianship. ─── 希瑞特别有兴趣于社会认识论和图书馆管理业务的亲密关系。

25、Moreover, we would reflect upon and confirm the contemporary meaning that such an epistemology is possessed with. ─── 并进而反思与肯认此一道德知识论仍可有的当代意义与价值。

26、Later the philosophers found that pursueing to "the beginning base" question was based on epistemology, the western modern philosophy started by French philosopher Descartes in the 17th century was guided into epistemology. ─── 后来哲学家们发现,对“始基”问题的追寻是以认识论为基础的,由17世纪的法国哲学家笛卡尔所肇始的西方近代哲学将哲学引向了认识论。

27、Practice, in Feng Qi's Broader Epistemology, is both the subjective activity itself of human being, and its affirmation. ─── 实践,在冯契的广义认识论中,既是人的主体能动性本身,又是人的主体能动性的确证。

28、Hume, an outstanding philosopher in modern England, had made special contributions in some subjects, such as epistemology, ethics, politics and aesthetics. ─── 作为英国近代著名哲学家,休谟在认识论、伦理学、政治学、美学等方面都有自己独到的贡献。

29、The science comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology. ─── 哲学由逻辑学、伦理学、美学、文学和认识论组成的学科

30、The application of this doctrine in logic, epistemology, and ethics. ─── 实证哲学实证主义在逻辑学、认识论及伦理学中的运用

31、The viewpoint of practice is basic viewpoint of Marxist epistemology. ─── 实践的观点是马克思主义认识论的基本观点。

32、The concepts of “kinds” or “similarity”, just as Quine’s epistemology, are expected to be naturalized. ─── 对蒯因来说,类或相似性的概念也必须加以自然化,就如同知识论的自然化一样。

33、Key words: Contextualism;a reflection from epistemology ;a model of the empirical research;“ideal type”and“middle - range theory” ;the empirical vail ables. ─── 作者简介:马理(1957-),河北东光人,四川大学新闻传播学博士生,温州大学副教授,主要研究方向为科学社会学和科技传播。

34、Karl Marx's theory of ideology could well be considered a type of social epistemology. ─── 卡尔·马克思的意识形态理论可以被看作是一种社会认识论。

35、From the view of epistemology, it is impossible for the disunity of humanities and sciences.Both of them are the necessary content for human beings. ─── 从认识论的知识观来看,人文与科学不可分裂,它们是人类认识(教育)活动中不可或缺的内容。

36、His perspectivist epistemology is supported by modern sciences, and seems more comprehensive and inclusive. ─── 他的透视主义认识论,得到现代科学的支持,是一种比较全面并具有巨大包容性的认识论。

37、Hiromatu Wataru maintains that in epistemology both classic physics and modern physics show a certain degree of misunderstandings. ─── 广松涉认为,无论经典物理学还是现代物理学,它们在认识论上都存在某种程度的物象化误视。

38、Perhaps the first use of the phrase "social epistemology" appears in the writings of a library scientist, Jesse Shera, who in turn credits his associate Margaret Egan. ─── 或许,最早使用“社会认识论”这个词语是出现在图书馆学家杰西·谢拉的著作中,他之后是他的伙伴马格利特·艾根。

39、From a point of view of self-reflection, Habermas has revealed the relation of knowledge to interest, criticized the positivist epistemology and its view of science and paved the road to the construction of basis of social critical theory. ─── 哈贝马斯从认识对自身的反思入手,揭示了认识与兴趣的关系,批判了实证主义的认识论及其科学观,为奠定社会批判理论的认识论基础扫清了道路。

40、The phrase "social epistemology" does not have a long history of systematic use. ─── “社会认识论”这一词组系统的应用并不太长。

41、Here, I want on this question, from the epistemology Angle, to propose my some views. ─── 这里,我想就这个问题,从认识论的角度,提出自己的一些看法。

42、Traditionally, philosophy has been partitioned into three areas: epistemology, metaphysics, and value theory. ─── 哲学在传统上分为三个领域:认识论、形而上学和价值理论。

43、If we accept the phronesis model of legal epistemology, law is actually spoken by a kind of phronesis saying. ─── 在实践理性的法认识论维度下,法律其实就是一种实践言说。

44、The" Concept& Type" pattern is more useful to set up a scientific system of epistemology of law. ─── “概念+型”模式更有助于建立科学的法认识论体系。

45、He strongly opposes to the traditional foundationist epistemology, and put forward fallibilism epistemology. ─── 他强烈反对传统基础主义认识论,提出了可误主义认识论。

46、The way to recognition of USI and its development was tortuous,which reflect standpoints of dialectical materialism s epistemology and contradiction. ─── 对USI的认识和实践经历了一个曲折的过程,体现了辩证唯物主义的认识论和矛盾论的观点。

47、The societology research is not independent of epistemology study on science, and epistemology study on science cannot hive off societology research on science. ─── 其实 ,科学的社会学研究不能独立于科学的认识论研究 ,科学的认识论的研究也离不开科学社会学研究。

48、He did not, however, construct a conception of social epistemology with very definite philosophical or social-scientific contours. ─── 但是他并没有创建一个能够非常提供非常明确的哲学上或者是社会科学的轮廓的社会认识论概念。

49、It has the consistency of a naturalized Epistemology and modernized Axiology, but also promises the power of a new Internet philosophy. ─── 它延续了回归自然的认识论(Epistemology)和现代化的价值论(Axiology),并且保证了新网络哲学的力量。

50、It is thought that its essence by modern Chinese jurisprudence, which is under the direction of Marxist dialectic and epistemology. ─── 以马克思主义辩证法和认识论为指导的我国现当代法学认为法有其本质。

51、He did not, however, construct a conception of social epistemology with very definite philosophical or social-scientific contours. ─── 但是他并没有创建一个能够非常提供非常明确的哲学上或者是社会科学的轮廓的社会认识论概念。

52、The question of epistemology is the subject of An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and it is one of the imperative tasks at that time. ─── 洛克的《人类理解论》可以说就是以人的认识论为主题的,这几乎是洛克及其时代最需要解答的课题之一。

53、Among them, thoughts of praxis-meta-ontology and epistemology are especially remarkable. ─── 其中实践一元本体论思想和认识论思想显得尤为突出。

54、Zhu Xi's idealism with his tendency to "Gewu poor rationale," said a materialist epistemology principle is not to the heart "and thoroughgoing," but to actually seek the truth. ─── 他把朱熹具有唯心主义倾向的“格物穷理”之说,变成唯物主义的认识论原则,不是向内心“穷理”,而是向实际求真。

55、World view, epistemology and axiology not only the three main parts that constitute philosophy, but also reflect the history of human thought. ─── 世界观、认识论与价值论不仅是构成哲学的三大主要领域,而且反映了人类思维的发展历程:古希腊人对世界本源的探索反映了人类对认识世界的渴望;

56、Schopenhauer criticizes the traditional rationalism epistemology, and establishes will metaphysics which replaces traditional rational metaphysics. ─── 叔本华通过批判传统的理性主义认识论,建立起一种意志的形而上学,以之取代传统的理性形而上学;

57、They tried to develop a new and feminist epistemology to replace the traditional mode of androcentrism epistemology, and reestablish science and knowledge system. ─── 她们试图发展出一种新的、女性主义的认识论,以替代传统的男性中心的认识论模式,重建知识体系。

58、The self-organizational evolution of complex system has not only uncertainty but also determinacy,but the determinacy is relative either from ontology or from epistemology. ─── 复杂系统的自组织进化不仅具有非决定性的一面 ,也有决定性的一面 ,但这种决定性无论从本体论还是从认识论上看 ,都具有一种相对性。

59、Tacit is an important phenomenon in epistemology, this article interprets its meaning, its mechanism, and its significance in epistemology as well. ─── 意会是认识中十分重要的现象,探讨了意会的含义,意会形成的机理,以及意会的重要意义。

60、In thenaturalistic prospects depicted by Quine, epistemology is assimilated into naturalsciences, becoming a common member of the family of science. ─── 在他勾画的自然主义前景中,认识论被纳入了自然科学当中,成为科学大家庭中的普遍一员。

61、The science comprises logic,ethics,aesthetics,metaphysics,and epistemology. ─── 哲学由逻辑学、伦理学、美学、文学和认识论组成的学科。

62、In October, I will teach a class on Epistemology. ─── 十月份我将教一个班级的认识论课程。

63、He analyzed the unity of Marxism dialectical(regarded as the ontology), epistemology and ethics by using the method of uniting history and logic . ─── 他运用历史与逻辑相统一的方法成功地分析了马克思主义辩证法(作为本体论看待)、认识论、论理学的统一。

64、We can study the belief establishment of the socialism core value system from the ontology aspect and epistemology aspect. ─── 可以从本体论和认识论两个方面研究社会主义核心价值体系信仰的确立。

65、In science epistemology, the thought of discontinuity and instant intuition directly affects Bachelard's reverie theories. ─── 在科学认识论中,“非连续性”和“瞬间直觉”思想直接影响着其梦想理论的研究;

66、Traditional Marxist philosophy only treats" practice" as the category of epistemology. ─── 传统的马克思主义哲学只是把实践当作认识论范畴来看待。

67、Genetic epistemology has its philosophical origins;it is based on the critical reflection on two main epistemological traditions: the empiricism and the rationalism. ─── 发生认识论的建立有其深厚的哲学根源:它是在批判传统认识论中的经验主义和理性主义的基础上建立起来的。

68、Does Goldman's Reliabilism Successfully Justified the Naturalized Epistemology? ─── 戈德曼的可靠论成功维护了自然化认识论吗?

69、But his toolism truth viewpoint induces him into a mire of truth epistemology. ─── 但库恩工具主义的真理观也使其陷入了真理认识论的泥淖。

70、In epistemology and in its broadest sense, rationalism is "any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification" (Lacey, 286). ─── 典型的理性主义者认为,人类首先本能地掌握一些基本原则,如几何法则,随后可以依据这些推理出其余知识。

71、That can summarize as a kind of intuitional epistemology that can experience an ego life’ s rhyme personally. ─── 从而归结为一种能够体验自我生命主体律动的直觉认识论。

72、In a broad sense, Bayesian epistemology makes a general reference about all of the subjectivism theories about probable induction. ─── 广义而言,贝叶斯认识论则泛指关于概率归纳的所有主观主义理论。

73、But B3 and K3 are differences, too; B3 is developed from the view of paradoxical analyses, while K3 is developed from the combined angle of epistemology and ontology. ─── 但B3和K3又有所不同:B3是从悖论分析的角度构建起来的,而K3则是从本体论和认识论分析相结合的角度构建起来的。

74、In this paper, we are to make a rudimentary exploration of the sensible epistemology of scholasticism in order to explain the resolution of the paradox between the material and the spiritual in ontology. ─── 分由以下四个面向进行说明:一、桊由对感觉象之讨论,以指出感性至悟性以至理性连通的可能。

75、On epistemology, however, it gives a sense of rootedness that "practice" was interpreted as anti-doctrinal theory of experience cumulating. ─── 而认识论意义上把“实践”解释为反教条的经验累积论在中国也根深蒂固。

76、It is hoped that through the discussion here, we can have a rudimentary understanding of the sensible epistemology of scholasticism. ─── 四、感觉象表徵的乃是客体对象的真正性质,揩出认识具体实谁的可能;希冀透过本文的讨论,而对士林哲学的感性认识论有初步的掌握。

77、Engels' epistemology of natural sciences is both different from the modern empiricism,rationalism,apriorism,and the theory of reflection. ─── 恩格斯的自然科学认识论既不同于近代经验论、唯理论、先验论,也不同于反映论。

78、The differences can be clarified in the main areas of philosophy, such as ontology, epistemology, dialectics, and axiology. ─── 事实上二者有很多本质区别,这些主要区别可以从本体论、认识论、辩证法和价值论四个领域分别加以澄清。

79、He regards human as an aggregation of consciousness and action, ands put the focus of Epistemology on the practical world consisted of impression and instinct action. ─── 又通过将人视为知觉集合体和行为集合体,将认识的重心放在由印象和本能行为构成的日常生活世界;

80、We can understand "Recurring to Marx" in different perspective,such as in the perspective of hermeneutics,history of thought,epistemology,values,etc. ─── 在理解“回到马克思”时,可以有解释学的视野、思想史的视野、认识论的视野、价值观的视野等等。

81、Owing to the great development of modern scientific revolution,it improves quickly.However,the development of endocrinology abides by the laws of epistemology and dialectics. ─── 得力于现代科技革命的兴起,内分泌学迅速发展,但内分泌学的发生、发展也遵循着认识论与辩证法的客观规律。

82、With general, direct and clear characteristics, it involves metaphysics, epistemology and practical philosophies so it is often discussed in western philosophy. ─── 它具有普遍性、接性、晰性的品格,其内容涉及形而上学、识论和实践哲学的各个方面,因此成为西方哲学中被经常讨论的话题。

83、reason with realistic dimensions, because Goldman's appears that the social practice of epistemology is the truth value of the subject. ─── 之所以具有求真维度,是因为在戈德曼看来,认识论是对社会实践进行求真性价值分析的学科。

84、You know how, in the progress of epistemology, the isolation of the notion of cause has produced considerable difficulties. ─── 你们知道,在认识论的进展过程,将原因这个观念孤立出来,曾经产生相当多的困难。

85、In the history of western philosophy, the understanding of knowledge had been dominated by the Aristotelian notion of episteme. Theoretical knowledge had been the main object of traditional study of epistemology. ─── 在西方哲学史上,理论知识episteme支配着人们对知识概念的理解,是传统认识论研究的主要对象。

86、This paper holds, however, Habermas deviates from Marx's viewpoint of labor though his epistemology itself is enlightening. ─── 他的认识论虽然具有启发意义,但却背离了马克思的劳动的观点。

87、Gadamer also reveals Kantian doctrine of aesthetic consciousness bases on the subjectivism and follows the research model of classical epistemology, so it denies the truth in art. ─── 伽达默尔还表明康德的审美意识学说是建立在主观论之上,并遵循古典认识论的研究模式,所以它否认了艺术中的真理。

88、It emphasizes axiology and neglect the dialectical unification of axiology and epistemology. ─── 强调价值论,忽视了认识论与价值论的辩证统一。

89、Practice is objective, material activity.The category of matter and practice is the core running through ontology, epistemology and view of history. ─── 实践是客观物质活动,实践范畴和物质范畴一样,都是贯穿本体论、认识论、历史观的核心范畴。

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