ramus 发音
英: 美:
ramus 中文意思翻译
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n. [动][植][解剖] 分支;枝;羽支n. (Ramus)人名;(法)拉米斯;(英)雷默斯
ramus 短语词组
1、ramus intermedius branch ─── 中间支
2、ramus anterior ─── 前支
3、ramus intermedius branch angle ─── 中间支支角
4、ramus anatomy ─── 支解剖学
5、ramus intermedius ─── [解剖]中间支<拉>中间支
6、ramus intermedius artery ─── 中间支动脉
7、ramus superior ─── 上支
8、ramus realty ─── 分支不动产
9、ramus artery ─── 支动脉
10、ramus point ─── 升支点
11、ramus of jaw ─── [医]颌骨支:同ramusmandibulae
12、ramus of mandible ─── [解剖]下颌支
13、ramus branch ─── 支
14、ramus artery wiki ─── 动脉支
ramus 词性/词形变化,ramus变形
名词复数: rami |
ramus 相似词语短语
1、wamus ─── n.开襟绒线衫
2、ramps ─── n.[交]坡道(ramp的复数);斜坡;v.横冲直撞;敲诈勒索(ramp的三单形式)
3、Camus ─── n.加缪(法国小说家、剧作家)
4、Pyramus ─── 皮拉摩斯(人名)
5、rimus ─── n.芮木泪柏(新西兰产乔木)
6、ratus ─── 车轮
7、ramous ─── adj.[生物]分枝的;多枝的
8、rams ─── abbr.可靠性、可用性、可维护性和安全性(Reliability,Availability,Maintainability,andSafety);随机存取测量系统(RandomAccessMeasurementSystem);地区性自动化管理系统(RandomAccessMeasurementSystem);n.(Rams)人名;(德、西、波)拉姆斯
9、Lamus ─── 拉莫斯
ramus 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Mandibular angle ramus outermost part of bony plates called bone plate, which is equivalent to masseter muscle attachment surface. ─── 下颌角升支部分最外层骨板叫骨外板,相当于咬肌附着面。
2、resection of anterior portion of mandibular ramus ─── 下颌升支切除术
3、ramus ilealis arteriae ileocolicae ─── 回结肠动脉回肠支
4、ramus communicans cum nervo laryngeo inferiore ─── 喉下神经交通支
5、An offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure, especially that of a nerve, blood vessel, or lymphatic vessel; a ramus. ─── 分支某一结构主要部分的分支或分岔,尤指神经,血管,或淋巴管的;分支
6、Methods: 37 patients with mandibular prognithism without presurgical orthodontic,underwent orthodontic treatment just the next day after the sagittal split ramus osteotomy. ─── 方法:37例术前未做正畸治疗的下颌前突患者,下颌升支矢状劈开术后第2日即开始用固定矫治器快速正畸,利用带钩方丝托槽行颌间牵引建立咬合。
7、ramus communicans cum nervo ulnari ─── 尺神经交通支
8、Methods 21 cases of mandibular angle and ramus fractures were treated by screwed miniplates placed through an intraoral incision with transbuccal mini-incision. ─── 方法:对21例下颌骨角部和升支骨折患者,经口内切口联合颊部小切口穿刺复位内固定。
9、ramus cutaneus palmaris nervi ulnaris ─── 尺神经掌肌皮支
10、Compared with health control group, features of IRS Patients,NFM are as follow: capillary loops less, export ramus is wider, capillary loops is longer(P
11、horizontal(ascending)ramus of the mandible ─── 下颌骨水平[升]枝
12、ramus carpeus dorsalis arteriae ulnaris ─── 尺动脉腕背支
13、ramus circumflexus arteriae coronariae sinistrae ─── 左冠状动脉回旋支
14、Objective: To investigate the role of L2 ramus communicans in the nociceptive pathway of low back pain. ─── 目的:探讨L2脊神经交通支在椎间盘源性腰痛传导通路中的作用。
15、Mandibular ramus reconstruction using embedded self-loading distractor in a rabbit. ─── 内置自加载牵张器重建兔下颌支的实验研究。
16、ramus communicans nervi intermedii cum nervo vago ─── 中间神经迷走神经交通支
17、Methods: Microdissection were used to obtain the number, origins and anastomosis sites of the ramus communicans as well as the related data of the spinal accessory nerve. ─── 方法:利用显微解剖方法,观测交通支的数量、来源、交通部位及副神经相关数据。
18、ramus coni arteriosi arteriae coronariae dextrae ─── 右冠状动脉动脉圆锥支
19、The domination nerves of supercilii muscle is mainly from the plexus of the temporal branches' inferior ramus . ─── 支配皱眉肌的主要神经为面神经颞支吻合网的次级支。
20、Bilateral vertical ramus osteotomy ─── 双侧下颌升支垂直截骨术
21、ramus anastomoticus cum nervo hypoglosso ─── (与)舌下神经交通支
22、Earlier in the week, PNG workers clashed with management at the Chinese-run Ramu nickel mine in Madang Province, on the northeast coast, after a tractor injured a worker. ─── 本周早些日子,在东北海岸的Madang省,当一个拖拉机手伤害了一个工人,信息几内亚的工人和中国国有Ramu镍矿场的中国管理成发生了冲突。
23、Open fracture of ramus of mandible ─── 下颌骨支开放性骨折
24、ramus anterior sulci lateralis cerebri ─── 大脑外侧沟前支
25、Coronary artery is proboscis and ramus of inferior epigastric artery and obturator artery. ─── 冠状动脉是腹壁下动脉和闭孔动脉的吻和支。
26、horizontal ramus of the mandible ─── 下颌骨水平枝
27、The reconstruction of the condylar-ramus area of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) will be used as an illustration of this approach. ─── 本文以颞下颌关节(TMJ)髁突-升支区重建为例,对这一新技术作一详细介绍。
28、An offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure,especially that of a nerve,blood vessel,or lymphatic vessel; a ramus. ─── 分支某一结构主要部分的分支或分岔,尤指神经,血管,或淋巴管的;分支。
29、ramus anastomoticus cum nervo zygomatico ─── (与)颧神经交通支
30、Bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy ─── 双侧下颌支矢状劈开截骨术
31、ramus dorsalis venarum intercostalium posteriorum ─── 后肋间静脉背支
32、ramus mastoideus arteriae occipitalis ─── 枕动脉乳突支
33、ramus carpeus volaris arteriae ulnaris ─── 尺动脉腕掌支
34、ramus anastomoticus cum plexu tympanico ─── (与)鼓室丛交通支
35、The mandibular implant made of e-PTFE has four parts, including the ascending ramus part, the gonial angle part, the lateral cortex part and the base part. ─── 下颌角肥大截骨过多以及发育不良导致骨缺损的特点是:下颌骨局部缺损面积较小,不影响骨的连续性,但影响美观。
36、ramus anterior nervi laryngei inferioris ─── 喉下神经前支
37、Methods: The mandibular symmetry of 22 crossbite cases were observed with spiral CT images.The parameters of skeletal morphology and position of condyle and ramus were measured. ─── 方法:对22例单侧后牙反(牙合)患者进行螺旋CT扫描、多层面重建和相关参数测量,并进行统计分析。
38、Most of the lesion are on the molar region, body and ascending ramus. ─── 下颔骨的好发部位则依序为臼齿区域,下颔体部及枝部。
39、ramus internus nervi laryngei superioris ─── 喉上神经内侧支
40、Open osteoplasty of mandibular ramus ─── 下颌骨切开成形术
41、Anatomy An offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure, especially that of a nerve, blood vessel, or lymphatic vessel; a ramus. ─── 分支:某一结构主要部分的分支或分岔,尤指神经,血管,或淋巴管的;分支
42、ramus externus nervi laryngei superioris ─── 喉上神经外侧支
43、Odontogenic keratocyst is a developmental odontogenic cyst most commonly occurring in the jaws, with a predilection for the posterior body and ascending ramus of the mandible. ─── 摘要角化囊肿是口腔颌面部常见的牙源性肿物,多见于颌骨,特别是下颌支和下颌体,罕见在软组织中发生。
44、ramus anterior ductus hepatici dextri ─── 右肝管前支
45、Open osteotomy of mandibular ramus ─── 下颌支开放性切骨术
46、ramus anastomoticus cum nervo glosopharyngeo ─── (与)舌咽神经交通支
47、Methods A horizontal incision is made intraorally.The periosteum is elevated from the lateral and medial aspect of the ramus and continued to the mandibular angle. ─── 方法在下颌升支前外侧,沿升支外斜线作切口,于骨膜下分离,暴露术区后,依术前设计用磨削锉将下颌角肥大畸形的骨性部分除去,并将其修磨成近似正常的下颌角。
48、Ramus Choi, though got accused for not being a good student, went to Shang Sin Chun Tong by himself yesterday to pay respect to Mui Jei.But he was late as Shang was closed, so had to go again today. ─── 曾被指是不尽徒弟本分的蔡一杰,昨日独个儿到省善真堂拜梅姐,但迟了已关门要今日再去。
49、ramus anastomoticus ulnaris nervi radialis ─── 尺神经桡神经吻合支
50、ramus anterior ascendens fissurae cerebri lateralis ─── 大脑外侧裂前升支
51、ramus anterior nervi cutanei antebrachii medialis ─── 前臂内侧皮神经前支
52、All bus and the ramus bus are covered with pyrocondensation bushing. ─── 所有母线和分支母线都用热缩套管覆盖。
53、Disease from surrounding structures can invade the masticator space via the pterygopalatine fossa, the buccal space immediately anterior to the ramus, the foramen ovale, or by way of direct invasion. ─── 咀嚼肌间隙临近的病变可循翼腭窝、颊间隙、上颌窦、卵圆孔等途径侵及咀嚼肌间隙。
54、Across the street is the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre, a silver cube designed by Joshua Prince-Ramus and Rem Koolhaas. ─── 穿过佛罗拉大街,便看到了由乔舒亚·普林斯·拉莫斯及雷姆·库哈斯共同设计的成银色立方体状的迪和查尔斯·威利剧院。
55、ramus anastomoticus cum nervo auriculotemporali ─── (与)耳颞神经交通支
56、ramus interventricularis anterior ─── 前室间支
57、The perpendicular distance from the insertion point (P) of virtual cylindrical implant to the pubic symphysis (A) and the rim of superior ramus of pubis ( were measured respectively. ─── 分别测量虚拟圆柱状内植物入钉点(p)到耻骨联合的垂直距离(A),以及到耻骨上支边缘的垂直距离(B)。
58、ramus ascendens sulci lateralis cerebri ─── 大脑外侧沟升支
59、ramus descendens arteriae occipitalis ─── 枕动脉降支
60、ramus auricularis arteriae occipitalis ─── 枕动脉耳支
61、Objective To evaluate the treatment with screwed miniplates through an intraoral and transoral approach for patients with angle and ramus fractures. ─── 摘要目的观察口内和经颊小切口手术入路处理下颌骨角部和升支部骨折,并用小钛板坚固内固定的疗效。
62、This is a radiograph of a giant cell tumor involving the left ischial ramus. ─── 左坐骨支的骨巨细胞瘤X线图。
63、Among the slain were the composer Claude Goudimel and the philosopher Petrus Ramus. ─── 大屠杀延续了几天,国王想停止也止不住。
64、ramus choroideus arteriae cerebri posterioris ─── 大脑后动脉脉络丛支
65、Methods The height and the width of the mandibula r ramus,the locations of the mandibular foramen and the canal and so on were mea sured in 40 sides of mandibular ramus in 20 cadavers. ─── 方法对20例40侧新鲜湿性下颌骨标本测量下颌升支的高度和宽度,下颌孔和下颌管的位置等。
66、ramus anastomoticus cum chorda tympani ─── (与)鼓索交通支
67、ramus colicus arteriae ileocolicae ─── 回结肠动脉结肠支
68、ramus dorsalis manus nervi ulnaris ─── 尺神经手背支
69、ramus caudae nuclei caudati arteriae posterioris ─── 尾状核后动脉尾支
70、ramus meatus acustici interni arteriae basilaris ─── 基底动脉内耳道支
71、There were 12 lesions, including 4 acetabula,1 ramus,2 proximal ends of tibia,3 talus,1 collu m scapulae,and 1 caput ossis femoris. ─── 12例病变部位为髋臼附近 4例 ,胫骨上端 2例 ,距骨 3例 ,内踝、肩胛盂和股骨头各 1例。
72、ramus anastomoticus cum nervo laryngeo inferiore ─── (与)喉下神经交通支
73、The bus bar from one switchgear to the other switchgear is fixed with the bushing and the ramus bus . ─── 母线从一个开关柜引至另一个开关柜,通过分支母线和套管固定。
74、ramus anterior arteriae recurrentis ulnaris ─── 尺侧返动脉前支
75、Giant fibroma on right ischial ramus: a case report ─── 坐骨支巨大成纤维性纤维瘤一例报告
76、ramus calcarinus arteriae occipitalis medialis ─── 枕内动脉距支
77、ramus lateralis ductus hepatici sinistri ─── 左肝管外侧支
78、Title: Mandibular ramus reconstruction using embedded self-loading distractor in a rabbit. ─── 关键词:下颌骨;重建;牵张成骨;镍钛记忆合金;兔
79、ramus alveolaris superior medius ─── 上牙槽中支, 上齿槽中支
80、ramus inferior nervi oculomotorii ─── 动眼神经下支
81、This is a computed tomographic (CT) scan of a giant cell tumor involving the left ischial ramus. ─── 左坐骨支的骨巨细胞瘤CT图。
82、All bus and the ramus bus are covered with pyrocondensation bushing. ─── 所有母线和分支母线都用热缩套管覆盖。
83、ramus coni arteriosi arteriae coronariae sinistrae ─── 左冠状动脉动脉圆锥支
84、To improve her facial profile and to achieve normal occlusion, she accepted the orthodontic treatment combined with orthognathic surgery (bilateral vertical ramus osteotomy). ─── 为改善外貌与咬合的异常,病患接受了齿颚矫正与下颚双侧矢状垂直截骨术的治疗。
85、Bell WH, Yamaguchi Y. Condylar position and mobility before and after intraoralvertical ramus osteotomies and neuromusclar rehabilitation[J]. Int J Adult Orthod Orthognath Surg, 1991,6:97. ─── 口腔颌面外科杂志2000年第1期第10卷文献综述作者:刘向辉徐正林单位:刘向辉(南京解放军八一医院口腔科210002);徐正林(南京解放军八一医院口腔科210002)...
86、The two most commonly used surgical techniques to setback a prognathic mandible include the bilateral sagittal split osteotomy and the vertical ramus osteotomy. ─── 二种最普遍使用正颚手术方法来改善下颚骨前突症的方法是双侧矢向面骨切开术及垂直下颚枝骨切开术。
87、block anesthesia at internal ramus prominence ─── 下颌升支内侧隆突阻滞麻醉
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