thickened 发音
英:[ˈθɪkənd] 美:[ˈθɪkənd]
英: 美:
thickened 中文意思翻译
thickened 词性/词形变化,thickened变形
动词过去式: thickened |动词第三人称单数: thickens |动词现在分词: thickening |名词: thickener |动词过去分词: thickened |
thickened 反义词
thickened 短语词组
1、aluminium soap-carbon black thickened grease ─── [化] 铝皂-碳黑稠化润滑脂
2、thickened fluids ─── 增稠液体
3、thickened pancreas ─── 胰腺增厚
4、thickened bladder ─── 膀胱增厚
5、thickened coffee ─── 浓咖啡
6、thickened fuel ─── 稠化燃料
7、thickened fibre ─── 加厚的纤维
8、thickened aorta ─── 主动脉增厚
9、thickened ligamentum flavum ─── 黄韧带增厚
10、bentonite-thickened grease ─── [机] 膨润土润滑脂
11、thickened resin ─── 增稠树脂
12、thickened skin ─── 皮肤粗燥
13、breaking of soap-thickened gels ─── [建] 皂-稠化凝胶之分开
14、aluminum soap-carbon black thickened grease ─── [化] 铝皂-碳黑稠化润滑脂
15、thickened uterus ─── 子宫增厚
16、reinforcement by thickened embedded nozzle ─── [化] 内伸式接管加厚补强
17、thickened cream ─── 浓缩奶油稠化奶油
18、thickened water ─── 浓水
19、thickened gasoline ─── 增稠汽油
thickened 同义词
curdle | deepen |condense | coagulate | concentrate | harden | jell | solidify | intense | more | gelatinize | grow | jelly | clot | clabber | aggrandize | cake | congeal | jellify | intensify | set | inspissate | compact | stiffen
thickened 常用词组
thickened oil ─── 稠化油
thickened 相似词语短语
1、thickener ─── n.[助剂]增稠剂;浓缩机
2、unthickened ─── 不凝结的
3、thicken ─── vt.使变厚;使模糊;使…变复杂;vi.变浓;变厚;变得模糊;变粗;变复杂
4、slickened ─── 光滑的
5、quickened ─── vi.加快;变活跃;进入胎动期;vt.加快;鼓舞;使复活
6、thicketed ─── 加厚的
7、sickened ─── v.生病;令…恶心;使厌倦(sicken的过去分词);adj.患病的;恶心的
8、thickeners ─── n.[助剂]增稠剂(thickener的复数形式)
9、chickened ─── n.鸡肉;小鸡;胆小鬼,懦夫;adj.鸡肉的;胆怯的;幼小的
thickened 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A supportive tissue of plants, consisting of elongated, living cells with unevenly thickened walls. ─── 厚角组织植物的一种支持组织,由延长的活细胞组成,细胞壁厚薄不均
2、A thickened carotid intima-media layer is a surrogate marker for heart attack and stroke. ─── 增厚的颈动脉内膜中层厚度是心脏病发作和中风的标志。
3、Sclerenchyma The main supporting tissue in plants, made up of cells with heavily thickened, often lignified, walls and empty lumina. ─── 厚壁组织:由细胞壁极度加厚,通常木质化的死细胞组成,是植物体内的一种主要支持组织,通常具有简单纹孔。
4、The arteriolar wall is markedly thickened and the lumen is narrowed. ─── 动脉壁明显增厚,管腔狭窄。
5、You can thicken the soup with flour. ─── 你可以用面粉使汤变浓。
6、Sauce it up: A simple sauce made of chicken broth, salt, sugar and chicken oil, thickened with corn starch, is spooned over the entire dish. ─── 调味:用鸡汤、盐、糖和鸡油混合熬煮,制成一个简单的酱汁,加玉米淀粉使之变浓稠,淋一勺在整盘菜肴上。
7、Fruiting pedicels filiform, often thickened and clavate at apex, reflexed. ─── 丝状的果梗,通常加厚和棍棒状的在先端,反折。
8、The thickened, cystic lining secretes fluids that create an ideal environment in which bacteria can grow. ─── 增厚、囊肿的内膜会分泌出一些液体,这些液体能为细菌提供一个理想的生长环境。
9、Large meteor impacts may have occasionally thickened and warmed the atmosphere. ─── 大型陨石的撞击则可能偶发的使大气密度及温度增加。
10、Leaf blade (1.5-)2-5(-7) mm wide; petiole thin or rarely slightly thickened, papery, often not purplish. ─── 叶片(1.5-)2-5(-7)毫米宽;叶柄薄的或很少稍加厚,纸质,通常不略带紫色。(7
11、One athlete had calluses and praised the "doctor fish" , which did a great job of eating away all the thickened skin from his feet. ─── 一个运动员有愈伤组织,并赞扬“医生鱼”,其中没有一项伟大的工作的蚕食所有皮肤增厚,从他的双脚。
12、The predetermined solution viscosity of the thickened solution should preferably be above 600 centipoises. ─── 增稠溶液的规定粘度最好在600厘泊以上。
13、He asked himself if May's face was doomed to thicken into the same middle-aged image of invincible innocence. ─── 他不禁自问道,梅的面容是否有一天也注定会变粗,成为中年人不可改变的天真形象呢?
14、His big body with its hard swelling muscles looked soft and slack and his waist line began to thicken. ─── 他那肌肉结实的高大身躯显得松驰了,腰围也开始粗笨起来。
15、A buildup of plaque inside the arteries that carry blood to the feet causes them to thicken and harden. ─── 在足部动脉血管里形成斑块,当血液流通时,它们会越集越厚,越集越硬。
16、The crowd thickened near the doorway. ─── 在门口的人变得很多。
17、Here is a glomerulus in which the capillary loops are markedly pink and thickened such that capillary lumens are hard to see. ─── 图示肾小球,其中的毛细血管袢中呈明显的粉红色、管腔增厚,以至于毛细血管腔难以看见。
18、Her bed was at the very end of the ward, near a cracked window thickened with grime. ─── 她的床在病房的尽头,靠近一扇积满污垢的破玻璃窗。
19、She had an excellent figure with a tiny waist which had not thickened in spite of the six babies she had carried beneath it. ─── 她尽管已经生了六个孩子,体形依旧十分苗条,腰还是细细的,没有变粗。
20、At hour 12 part of alveolar wall thickened, less alveolar space, partial consol. ─── 12h部分肺泡壁增厚,肺泡腔减少,部分实变;
21、The palms of your hands will thicken. ─── 你的手掌将变得粗壮厚实。
22、He added some flour to thicken the soup . ─── 他加了一些面粉使汤变稠。
23、Stir until the sauce has thickened. ─── 搅拌沙司,直到搅稠为止。
24、The mist has thickened up since this morning. I don't think it's safe to go out now. ─── 今天早晨以来雾更大了。我看现在出去不安全。
25、Fish pedicure is a beauty treatment that involves immersing the feet in a tank of water containing Garra rufu fish, which nibble off dead and thickened skin. ─── 鱼疗是一种美体方式,主要做法是将双脚浸在有墨头鱼游弋的水池中,让这些小鱼啃食除去足部的死皮和老茧。
26、"Oh, no! " Les felt as if the air had thickened, pressing like pillows in his face. ─── “哦,怎么会这样!”莱斯感到空气好象凝固了,象枕头压在他的脸上。
27、She noted that my areola darkened and thickened. ─── 她注意到我的乳晕颜色深了,而且厚了。
28、B, Transabdominal cross-sectional scan shows the 2 loculated fluid areas posterior to the uterus separated by a thickened adhesion band (arrowhead). ─── B,经腹部横切面扫描显示子宫后方的2个局限性积液区,被一增厚的粘连束带(短箭头)所分隔。
29、"Oh, no!" Les felt as if the air had thickened, pressing like pillows in his face. "Why? ─── “喔,不至于吧!”莱斯感到空气变得凝重,脸上像捂了几个枕头。“为什么?
30、She gave up presently as if a cloud had approached the sun or the smog thickened and so broken the religious instant, whatever it might have been. ─── 现在她放弃了,就像乌云接近太阳,或烟雾变浓,因此这个宗教瞬间破碎了,不管它之前是什么样子。
31、Add in Shaoxing wine, sectioned celery, stir-fry for 3 minutes, thicken with cornstarch solution.Dish up.Serve hot. ─── 3, 加入绍兴酒、芹菜翻炒3分钟后,注入粟粉水芶芡即可上桌。
32、Thicken the soup by adding flour. ─── 加点面粉使汤变稠。
33、Keep stirring until the sauce has thickened. ─── 不停地搅拌沙司,直到搅稠为止。
34、When one of two identical samples of gravy is thickened with a tasteless starch or gum, many will judge the thicker sample to have the richer flavor. ─── 例如,两种完全相同的调味肉汁样品,其中一个用没有任何味道的植物胶作增稠处理,很多人都会认为较稠样品的风味更浓郁些
35、On T1WI the thickened pericardium displayed medium signal intensity in 20 cases and low signal intensity in 4 cases. ─── 增厚的心包T1WI上20例呈中等信号,4例为低信号。
36、His speech thickened as he drank on. ─── 他不断地喝酒,说话也越来越不清楚了。
37、The thickened and spongy appearing myometrial wall of this sectioned uterus is typical of adenomyosis. ─── 在子宫肌壁中出现粗厚和海绵状的团块,这是子宫腺肌病的典型表现。
38、The mist thickened, and below in all the valleys, there wasn't the faintest glimmer of light. ─── 夜雾更浓了。 下面的所有山谷看不到一丝亮光。
39、Use flour to thicken the gravy. ─── 加面粉使肉汁浓稠.
40、His features had thickened, the skin on nose and cheekbones was coarsely red, even the bald scalp was too deep a pink. ─── 他的线条粗了起来,鼻子上和脸颊上的皮肤发红,甚至秃光瓢也太红了一些。
41、The ship was frozen in as the ice thickened. ─── 冰结得越来越厚,船被封冻在里面。
42、She wished the plot to thicken. ─── 她希望戏的情节更加充盈丰满起来。
43、Night fell as we were walking, and the clouds, which had broken up in the afternoon, settled in and thickened. ─── 我们走着走着,不知不觉夜幕降临了,午后四散了的云朵已积聚起来,停住不动了。
44、As they watched, a flash of fire appeared at the root of one wisp, and then the smoke thickened. ─── 他们看到,在一缕烟的底部出现了一闪一亮的火光,随后烟越冒越浓。
45、The thickened septa are most often smooth, but septal nodules may sometimes be seen. ─── 增厚的小叶间隔常平滑,但有时可呈结节状。
46、A thickened root which resembles a tuber. ─── 与块茎相似的加厚的根。
47、Lateral sepals 2, subovate, ca. 7 mm, margin inconspicuously denticulate, apex acuminate, abaxial midvein thickened. ─── 侧生萼片2,近卵形,约7毫米,边缘不明显具小齿,先端渐尖,背面中脉加厚。
48、In this, or a fourth operation, Mr.Collin would try to thicken the eyelids by adding tissue and more skin. ─── 在这一次,或者第四次手术中,科林先生将在眼皮上增加皮肤组织和皮肤,加厚眼皮。
49、Several drinks had thickened his voice. ─── 他喝了几杯酒以後嗓音变得沙哑了。
50、Add in the sauce ingredients and carrot, strew for 30 min. until the beef is cooked and sauce is thickened. ─── 头、蒜头及姜,加入牛肋粒炒至半熟;加入调味汁料和甘笋粒,中慢火焖煮约30分钟至肉熟和汁收;食用前洒上?
51、You can thicken the stew with flour. ─── 你可以将炖肉汁勾芡。
52、She had an excellent figure with a tiny waist which had not thickened in spite of the six babies she had carried beneath it. ─── 她尽管已经生了六个孩子,体形依旧十分苗条,腰还是细细的,没有变粗。
53、Add seasoning and thicken with cornstarch in soup. ─── 2在汤中下调味料及加入生粉水埋芡。
54、Complex Grease A lubricating grease thickened by a complex soap consisting of a normal soap and a complexing agent. ─── 复合润滑脂指用复合皂(即由普通皂与复合剂组成)进行稠化制成的润滑脂。
55、Taproot thickened, elongate terete or clavate, fleshy, reddish, reddish-yellow, or yellow. ─── 加厚的直根,拉长圆柱状或棍棒状,肉质,带红色,带红色黄,或黄的。
56、Thickened pressing bord can aviod the defrmation of the profiles. ─── 加厚的型材压板,防止型材变形。
57、If too thin, cook over medium, stirring, until thickened. ─── 如果太稀了,就中火加热,搅拌,直到变得浓稠。
58、The ore bodies as usual maitain high graded close to the granite and great thickened far away from it. ─── 一般离岩体较远的部位硼矿石的品位较富,但靠近岩体的部位矿体较厚大。
59、The stromawas thicken and collagen fibers were edema and hyperplasia. ─── 基质增宽,胶原纤维增生、水肿。
60、The thickened flap/speed brake tests had been encouraging, so balsa wood strips were reinstalled on both the flap/speed brake and the elevons. ─── 增厚的副翼/刹车片的测试令人满意,于是轻木条又被重新安装到了副翼/刹车片和升降舵辅助翼上去。
61、If you prefer more thicken gravy, can add in some corn flour and stir it with the gravy. ─── 如果喜欢比较浓酌的汤汁,可以加入一些太白粉混和.
62、According to geophysical data,the crust and lithosphere were obviously thickened under the belt. ─── 地球物理资料表明,该陆内造山带下的地壳和岩石圈曾显著加厚。
63、A portion of the thickened biomass is usually recycled to the reactor to improve performance through higher cell concentrations. ─── 其中一部分浓缩的微生物会再循环回反应器中,以通过提高细胞浓度的方式来提高性能。
64、There is hollow in the thickened wall of a uterus into which the placenta grows. ─── 在变厚的子宫壁上有一凹处,胎盘就长在里面。
65、He added some flour to thicken the soup. ─── 他加了一些面粉使汤浓些。
66、Seen with pulmonary hypertension are small peripheral pulmonary arteries that are quite thickened. ─── 图示肺动脉高压见明显增厚的肺外周小动脉。
67、Mother thickened the gravy with flour . ─── 妈妈用面粉把肉汁调浓。
68、In the form of tricuspid malformation, the three cusps were all thickened and appear strong echo. ─── 三叶畸型时,三个瓣叶均增厚,回声强,运动受限;
69、The chloroplasts can be observed in the cortical chlorenchyma cells. Note the thickened outer wall to the epidermis and the stomatal complex. ─── 在皮层的绿色组织细胞中可见到叶绿体。注意表皮外壁的加厚现象和气孔复合体。
70、These greater omentum lesions appeared as characteristics of thickened , shifted and peculiar-echo. ─── 声像图特征:大网膜趋向于病变部位,且发生厚度、形态和回声改变。
71、At 68, ("20 Celsius" he insists), his hair has thinned, his middle has thickened, and the basso voice has grown rheumy. ─── 他68岁(他坚持自己只有20摄氏度),头发稀疏,腰围已宽,男低音的嗓子变的粘粘糊糊了。
72、Iago. And this may help to thicken other proofs That do demonstrate thinly. ─── 伊阿古本来只是很无谓的事,现在这样一看,也就大有文章了。
73、Labellum with a thickened, central portion and thinner, lateral lobes overlapping with lateral staminodes. ─── 唇瓣具加厚的,中心的部分和更薄,侧的裂片与侧生退化雄蕊重叠。
74、The endotesta consists of one layer of sclereids with inner tangential and radial walls thickened very much. ─── 内种皮由1层径向延长的细胞构成,内切向壁与部分径向壁非常增厚。
75、Thickened interlobular septa are isible bilaterally and are associated with distortion of lung architecture. ─── 增厚的小叶间隔可见于双侧,并肺结构变形。
76、A supportive tissue of plants,consisting of elongated,living cells with unevenly thickened walls. ─── 厚角组织植物的一种支持组织,由延长的活细胞组成,细胞壁厚薄不均。
77、If you want to thicken the soup, add some flour. ─── 如果你想使汤浓些,加一点面粉。
78、Please thicken up the paste with a little more flour. ─── 加点面粉把面糊调厚些。
79、Herbs perennial, stoloniferous but nodes not thickened, glabrous, dioecious. ─── 多年生草本,有匍匐茎的但是节不加厚,无毛,雌雄异株。
80、To descend the surface of lifter in order to thicken the part. ─── 可降低斜销面,增加成品些许肉厚来做变化。
81、In addition, the nodules are patchy in distribution and predominate in relation to thickened interlobular septa. ─── 另外,结节呈斑片状分布,大多和增厚的小叶间隔相关。
82、The thickened artery wall narrows the channel through which the blood flows. ─── 变厚的动脉壁使流通血液的管腔变细。
83、Add tomatoes, stock, and oregano, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer gently until thickened, about 45 minutes. Remove oregano sprigs. ─── 加入番茄,鸡汤和牛至,一起煮。减小火,慢炖大约45分钟使汤变浓。去掉牛至枝。
84、Style exserted, longer than petals, strongly bent, somewhat thickened upwards, dilated at apex into ring. ─── 外露的花柱,长于花瓣,强烈弯曲,有点加厚向上,膨大的在先端成一环。
85、An underground bud with thickened fleshy scales, as in the onion. ─── 具有增厚肉质鳞片的地下芽,如洋葱。
86、Examination of the left breast showed hyperpigmentation of the areloa,which appeared thickened and markedly verrucous. ─── 体格检查:双侧乳晕粗糙、增厚,呈乳头瘤样增生,右侧尤为明显。
87、I've been making all of these, as well as milk thickened with reputedly beneficial “probiotic” lactic acid bacteria. ─── 一直以来我都在制造这些,还有据说是有益处的”益生菌”乳酸菌“增强型牛奶。
88、Some structures like boudin, rootless fold and thicken bending of the folds are visible. ─── 可见褶皱转折端加厚现象,岩层中具有石香肠构造及无根褶皱等。
89、To thicken or stick together; clot. ─── 凝结稠结或粘在一起;粘块
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