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09-04 投稿


wholeness 发音


英:  美:

wholeness 中文意思翻译



wholeness 网络释义

n. 完整;完全;全体

wholeness 短语词组

1、wholeness book by toure roberts ─── 图雷·罗伯茨的《整体性》一书

2、wholeness and unity ─── 整体与统一

3、wholeness at work ─── 工作中的整体性

4、wholeness and the implicate order ─── 整体性与蕴涵秩序

5、wholeness book ─── 整体书

6、wholeness healing grand island ne ─── 东北大岛整体疗养

7、hope for wholeness ─── 希望完整

8、wholeness definition ─── 整体性定义

9、wholeness bohm ─── 整体玻姆

wholeness 相似词语短语

1、wholesomeness ─── n.有益于身心健康;增进健康

2、idleness ─── n.懒惰;闲散;失业

3、soleness ─── (尤指女子)单身;未婚

4、-bleness ─── 混合

5、maleness ─── n.男性;雄性

6、nobleness ─── n.高贵;高尚;高洁

7、haleness ─── n.健壮

8、ampleness ─── n.富裕;广大

9、agileness ─── n.敏捷;灵活

wholeness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The whole garden was stacked with bricks. ─── 园子里堆满了砖。

2、The whole country was anxious for peace. ─── 全国上下都渴望和平。

3、The Grand Theatre has been booked up for whole week. ─── 大剧院整个星期的票都已订完了。

4、The whole country resisted the invaders. ─── 全民抗击侵略者。

5、She refused to skivvy for the whole family. ─── 她不肯给全家当仆人。

6、They only met twice during the whole time they were neighbours. ─── 他们在毗邻而居期间只见过两次面。

7、He was picked out from the whole class to represent them at the other school. ─── 他被挑选出来作为全班同学的代表,到另一所学校去。

8、He explained the whole thing from way back. ─── 他把整件事情解释得很透彻。

9、In the human body, this Life Energy flows freely into, through and out of the body, when it is in a state of health and wholeness. ─── 在人体内,这种生命能量自由流动,进出我们的身体,这个时候身体处于健康和全体状态。

10、She spent the whole summer mooning about at home. ─── 她一夏天都在家中混日子。

11、Man is a microcosm of the whole of mankind. ─── 人是全人类的缩影。

12、His constant blunders made him the laughing-stock of the whole class. ─── 他总是出错,成了全班的笑柄。

13、The guard of honor headed up the whole parade. ─── 仪仗队走在游行队伍的最前头。

14、A coughing fit racked her whole body. ─── 她一阵咳嗽全身都十分难受。

15、He was the admiration of his whole family. ─── 他受到全家人的敬重。

16、His whole talk is calculated for effect. ─── 他的整个谈话是为了耸人听闻。

17、The Local Court has referred the whole case to the High Court. ─── 地方法院将整个案子提交高级法院处理。

18、He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life. ─── 他突然致富,富有改变了他的整个生活方式。

19、News of the Queen's visit set the whole town astir. ─── 女王到访的消息轰动全城。

20、He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals. ─── 他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。

21、On that self, it should be centered, a bigness, a wholeness, otherwise, compassion is just a word and a dream. ─── 正是这个“自我”拥有着一种强大,一种完整。否则,同情心只是一虚物而已。

22、The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. ─── 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。

23、He have make over the whole property to the national trust. ─── 他已把全部房地产转交给全国名胜古迹托管协会。

24、Step by step he gained the child's confidence and got the whole story from her. ─── 他逐渐地取得了那个小孩信任并从她那里了解到事情的全部经过。

25、He has eaten a whole box of chocolates. ─── 他吃了一整盒巧克力。

26、A terrible silence descended upon the whole hall. ─── 一阵可怕的寂静突然笼罩着整个厅堂。

27、The whole society must help the young men who go wrong. ─── 全社会都要帮助走入歧途的青年。

28、Smith's helpers have knocked up the whole of this street. ─── 史密斯的支持者为了争取选票把这条街家家户户都访问遍了。

29、He's the chief, in charge of the whole show. ─── 他是主管,负责全盘工作。

30、He reported on the whole event to the minister. ─── 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。

31、I am sate with opera after listening to it for a whole weekend. ─── 听了整整一个周末的歌剧,我觉得腻了。

32、The whole village turned out to welcome the pope. ─── 全村的人都出来欢迎教皇。

33、He has hashed up the whole plan. ─── 他把整个计划搞得一团糟。

34、He stank the whole house out with his tobacco smoke. ─── 他吸烟把整所房子弄得难闻极了。

35、He put his whole heart into thinking up ways to improve his work. ─── 他把整个心思都用来想办法改进工作。

36、His whole attention was riveted on the drama unfolding before him. ─── 他全神贯注于翻展在面前的这个剧本。

37、He's eaten a whole plate of french fries. ─── 他把一盘油炸土豆条全吃完了。

38、He can say the whole of the English Bible by rote. ─── 他能把整本英语《圣经》硬背出来。

39、Her whole life has been given to the study of dance. ─── 她一生献身于研究舞蹈。

40、These three steps are the beginning of a lifetime's journey back to your sense of wholeness and joy. ─── 这三个步骤是你人生旅途重返完整和快乐的感觉。

41、The whole neighborhood praises him. ─── 四周邻居都称赞他。

42、The inefficiency of one department can bring a whole industry into disrepute. ─── 只要有一个部门的效率不高,就会使整个行业的名声受到影响。

43、You've eaten the whole pie, you glutton! ─── 你把整块馅饼都给吃了,你这贪吃鬼!

44、The whole city was immersed in a festival atmosphere. ─── 全城沉浸在节日的气氛中。

45、The whole edifice of his hopes was destroyed. ─── 他心中的希望整个都毁了。

46、The whole village is up in arms about the proposal to build an airport nearby. ─── 全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划。

47、He had been working for a whole day and he needed to rest from his work. ─── 他已整整干了一天了,他需要停下来休息一下。

48、He performed the trick in full view of the whole audience. ─── 他在全体观众都看得见的情况下变魔术。

49、He's the kingpin of the whole team. ─── 他是全队的主力。

50、Once he had made up his mind, he went the whole hog. ─── 她一旦下定决心,就会干到底。

51、Right now, the only person standing between you and emotional wholeness is you. Weekly healing stones: Paraiba Tourmaline, Citrine. ─── 眼下,唯一一个站在你和全部感情之间的人就是你了。

52、The misbehaviour of a few makes the whole group appear in a had light. ─── 一些人的不正当举动会对整个小组不利。

53、The whole household was early last Sunday. ─── 上星期天全家人都起得很早。

54、His aunt is elected the representative of the whole sisterhood of nurses. ─── 他的姑妈被选为全体护士妇女团体的代表。

55、He conjured up a whole meal in a jiffy. ─── 他一眨眼功夫就变出了一桌饭菜。

56、He seemed to have the whole world at his bidding. ─── 他似乎能让全世界都听从他的指挥。

57、He recited the whole of The Ancient Mariner to us off the reel. ─── 他一口气把《古水手吟》从头到尾都背诵出来了。

58、One rotten apple spoil the whole barrel. ─── 一只烂苹果,糟蹋一整箩。

59、Soon, the whole school knew about her win. ─── 不久,全校师生都知道她获胜了。

60、Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment. ─── 一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。

61、The whole village knew about the scandal. ─── 全村人都知道那件丑事了。

62、A very funny joke may relieve you of a whole day's fatigue. ─── 一则非常滑稽的笑话可以使你消除一天的疲劳。

63、He had devoted his whole life to the study of contemporary art. ─── 他把他的一生都献给了当代艺术研究。

64、A fair death honors the whole life. ─── [谚]死得其所,流芳百世。

65、The two buildings are similar on the whole. ─── 从整体来看,这两幢楼是相似的。

66、It was raining; they had to stay in the inn the whole day. ─── 下雨了,他们不得不在旅馆里待了一整天。

67、He spoke only two words the whole evening. ─── 一晚上他只说了两个字。

68、He runs the whole gamut of dissipation. ─── 他干尽了放荡的事儿。

69、And yet we want a relationship which is really an attachment to another without an inward sense of harmony, wholeness, integrity. ─── 然而我们想要的关系实际上只是一种对于别人执着,而缺少一种内在的和谐,完整和健全感。

70、The whole town is in a festal mood. ─── 全镇沉浸在节日的气氛之中。

71、The detective spent the whole day lying in waiting for the suspected man. ─── 侦探一整天的时间都在暗中监视那个受怀疑的汉子。

72、He has played the whole way in the basketball. ─── 他自始至终参加了这场球赛。

73、He is the prime mover in the whole matter. ─── 他是整个事件的发起者。

74、He balled up the whole program. ─── 他把整个计划弄得一团糟。

75、Having bought out all his partners he now owns the whole company. ─── 他买下合夥人的全部股份,现在整个公司是他的了。

76、Then I think again: maybe we "can" control the moon's luster; it's wholeness. ─── 我又思考再三:也许我们可以控制月亮的光彩和圆满。

77、It only needed a push and the whole building will come tumble down. ─── 只要稍稍一推,那整幢房子就会倒塌下来。

78、You return to a state of wholeness and ease. ─── 你回到了一个完整的舒适的状态。

79、His subversive action will give a black eye to the whole liberal movement. ─── 他的颠覆行为将使整个自由运动丧失信誉。

80、The whole clan is coming to stay with them at Christmas. ─── 他们那一大帮亲戚要在圣诞节期间来他们这里住。

81、He changed his whole mode of life. ─── 他改变了整个生活方式。

82、The whole cast broke off for coffee in the middle of rehearsal. ─── 全体演员在排练休息时喝咖啡。

83、The creator and creation merge into wholeness of joy. ─── 创作者与创作融成完整的喜悦。

84、There will be a run-through of the whole play tonight. ─── 今天晚上要把全剧排练一次。

85、His jokes amused the whole table. ─── 他讲的笑话把满桌人都逗笑了。

86、We should have the whole deal sewn up by the end of this week. ─── 到本周末,我们应该可以把整个交易谈妥。

87、Each species has retained a portion of the knowledge necessary to return to a state of wholeness again and ascend home. ─── 每种物种都保留着一部分知识,这些知识对于再次回归到完整状态和提升回家是必要的。

88、He's already mapped out his whole future career. ─── 他对自己未来的事业有了周详的计划。

89、The whole school (was) assembled in the main hall. ─── 全校在大礼堂集合。

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