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08-29 投稿


waders 发音

英:[ˈweɪdəz]  美:[ˈweɪdərz]

英:  美:

waders 中文意思翻译



waders 词性/词形变化,waders变形


waders 短语词组

1、caddis waders ─── 卡迪斯涉水者

2、waders boots ─── 涉水靴

3、waders for fishing ─── 钓鱼用的涉禽

4、waders for fishing ebay waders for fishing ─── 易趣

5、best waders for fly fishing ─── 飞钓最佳涉水者

6、waders definition ─── 涉水者定义

7、insulated waders ─── 绝缘涉水靴

8、overshoe waders ─── 套鞋涉水者

9、waders amazon ─── 涉水者亚马逊

waders 相似词语短语

1、faders ─── n.增益调节器(光亮);[电子]音量控制器;混频电位器;n.(Fader)人名;(英)法德;(法)法代

2、Randers ─── 兰讷斯;n.(Randers)人名;(挪、瑞典)兰德斯

3、beaders ─── n.联管箱;弯管机;卷边器

4、banders ─── n.打包机;打捆工,[包装]打捆机;n.(Bander)人名;(英、罗)班德尔;(法)邦代

5、bladers ─── n.平路机;推土机;叶片安装工

6、warders ─── n.看守;守卫;典狱官;n.(Warder)人名;(英)沃德

7、wades ─── vi.跋涉;vt.涉水;费力行走;n.跋涉;可涉水而过的地方

8、wader ─── n.[鸟]涉禽;涉水者,跋涉者;长筒防水靴

9、wanders ─── vi.徘徊;漫步;迷路;离题;vt.游荡,漫游;n.(Wander)人名;(英)万德(女子教名)

waders 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、a wetland refuge for birds, waders and wild fowl ─── 飞鸟、涉禽和野禽类的湿地藏身处

2、Number of species and individuals, species diversity index and evenness, and proportion of wader birds decreased from bay-mouth to bay-head, and was lowest in midbay. ─── 其中湾口的水鸟物种数、个体数量、多样性指数、均匀度指数以及涉禽所占比例均为最高,湾底次之,湾中部最低。

3、Thinking fast, he dropped his fishing rod, then lifted his legs to try to kick his way out of the waders. ─── 他脑子转得还算快,立即扔掉钓鱼竿,抬起双腿,试图蹬落防水衣逃生。

4、The new shop has been doing a brisk trade in cut-price waders. ─── 那新商店做减价的长筒防水靴生意一直很兴隆。

5、To a certain extent, it can reduce the harmful effects of reclamation on wader communities to manage the wetlands besides cofferdam correctly. ─── 科学管理围堤封堵后滩涂,控制和改造湿地景观,将在一定程度上降低围涂工程对鸻鹬群落的负面效应。

6、Beside a bookshop in a narrow street we zip into white Tyvek bodysuits and pull on hip waders, whitish rubber gloves, and white helmets. ─── 在一条狭窄的街道的书店旁,我们迅速的穿戴好白色的蒂维克纤维服、防水连靴裤、白色橡胶手套还有白头盔。

7、In general waders, habitat insides the cofferdam needs to contained three kinds of landscape element, which is body of water, vegetation and bare flats. ─── 围堤内湿地植被覆盖率大于60%或水面小于总湿地面积20%后,鸻鹬基本不出现,必须含有水域、植被和裸地三种景观要素。

8、His head was back above the water, but he was still trapped in the waders, and he was losing his breath. ─── 。他的头曾一度挺出水面,可身体还被牢牢地困在防水衣里面,看样子即将停止呼吸了。

9、Personality of ropeway An inexhaustible wader--Review of Mr. ─── 摘 要: 文章记述了我国索道工程设计专家朱俊国和以他为首的昆明有色冶金设计研究院索道设计组为开拓我国的架空索道事业不懈奋斗的光辉业绩.

10、Ski boot Appliacation: Raincoat, skiing dress, Sportwear, Diving dress, Puptent, Motor-cycle's and Boat's tent, Wader, waterproofbag and all Waterproof etc. ─── 用途:雨衣、滑雪衣、运动服、潜水服、无纺布服装、营幕帐蓬、摩托车雨衣、车船罩、防水鞋、防水袋等等防水用品。

11、The most common migrants are the waders of the sandpiper family, but they also include other birds ranging in size from herons to shrikes. ─── 最常见的候鸟是鹬鸟家族里的涉禽,但也包括大到鹭小至伯劳的其他鸟类。

12、Also includes 21 foot jet boat, guide, rods, bait, waders and transportation to and from the hotel to fishing area. ─── 另外还包括21英尺喷射快艇、船上导游、鱼竿及鱼饵、高筒防水靴以及酒店到钓鱼处的接送。

13、At peak migrations times, the sky over Mai Po is dark with ducks and waders, harried by the eagles and hawks that hunt them. ─── 在迁徙最忙碌的时候,米埔的上空全是黑压压的鸭子和水鸟,老鹰们纷纷来掠食。

14、Slender legged waders and gracious waterbirds inhabit a network of wetlands and coastlines. ─── 长着细长双腿的涉禽和姿态优美的水禽,栖息在湿地和海岸线所组成的区域。

15、"Within about five steps, the water was coming in through the top of the waders," says McClure. ─── “大概也就挪动了五步的样子,海水已经漫过防水衣了”,马克留尔说。

16、It was not the blob of dead jellyfish, but rather pieces of its stinging tentacles that stung the waders, scientists said. ─── 科学家说,蜇人的凶器并不是死水母的小圆“帽”,而是它的触角残肢。

17、Thinking fast, he dropped his fishing rod, then lifted his legs to try to kick his way out of the waders. ─── 他脑子转得还算快,立即扔掉钓鱼竿,抬起双腿,试图蹬落防水衣逃生。

18、Compared with the data from Calidris alpina in September 1986, the contents of heavy metals in the breeding areas of these waders decreased in the last decade, es-pacially Pb. ─── 比较1986年9月黑腹滨鹬Calidris alpina的重金属富集量发现,亚太鹬类迁徙路线上的滨鹬繁殖地的环境重金属含量有所下降,尤其是铅.

19、His head was back above the water, but he was still trapped in the waders, and he was losing his breath. ─── 他的头曾一度挺出水面,可身体还被牢牢地困在防水衣里面,看样子即将停止呼吸了。

20、One local fly - fishing store , for instance , now sells rubber waders for $ 750 a pair. ─── 例如,一家当地的渔具店现在把橡胶钓鱼长靴卖到了750美金一双。

21、Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek, but we stepped in, waded out to the middle and faced upstream. ─── 我 们 穿 着 长 及 臀 部 的 水 靴 , 对 于 齐 踝 深 的 小 溪 来 说 似 乎 有 点 虚 张 声 势 ,于 是 我 们 走 到 水 里 , 淌 进 了 小 溪 中 央 。

22、Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek, but we stepped in, waded out to the middle and faced upstream ─── 我们穿着长及臀部的水靴,对于齐踝深的小溪来说似乎有点虚张声势,于是我们走到水里,淌进了小溪中央。

23、1.I can't wade in these jade-green waders. ─── 我穿着这碧绿色的长筒防水靴没法蹚水.

24、alias, Hainan magnificus tiger, white ears Night Heron, medium-sized waders. ─── 别名,海南虎斑鳽、白耳夜鹭,中型涉禽。

25、A waist loop should never be used because there is a serious danger that the wader's head would be submerged in the case of a fall with a waist tie-in. ─── 不该使用腰部的绳圈,因为当过溪者掉进溪谷里会有头埋入水中的危险。

26、The variation of landscape heterogeneity is the main factor to change the structure of wader communities. ─── 景观异质性的改变是引起鸻鹬群落结构变化的主要原因,也是决定鸻鹬群落分布的重要因子。

27、He felt the deadweight of the flooding waders pulling him down and knew that if he didn't get out of them, he would drown. ─── 防水衣灌满了海水,他顿感重得无法承受,觉得防水衣很快就会把他拖下水底,如果再不挣脱防水衣,他很快将被淹死。

28、But many Venetians are not yet ready to toss their Wellington boots and waders. ─── 不过,许多威尼斯人并不打算扔掉他们的长统靴和防水裤。

29、Waders saved from port development ─── 港口发展拯救了涉禽

30、For the gathering point of coming Mai Po wader course, please gather at HKBWS bird hide at boardwalk around 1300pm. ─── 水鸟班参加者请于下午一时在米埔浮桥香港觐鸟会观鸟屋集合。

31、At peak migrations times, the sky over Mai Po is dark with ducks and waders, harried by the eagles and hawks that hunt them. ─── 在迁徙最忙碌的时候,米埔的上空全是黑压压的鸭子和水鸟,老鹰们纷纷来掠食。

32、flowing over beds of mud into which the incautious wader might sink and vanish unawares. ─── 它们从积满泥淖的河床上流过去,不明情形而涉水过河的人,稍不注意就会陷进泥淖里。

33、The waders are being introduced into the company’s 2009 fishing collection and will be available in stockists soon. ─── 这种长靴在公司2009年的垂钓产品中被推广,不久将面向零售商供应。

34、Just one more stroll around the garden. Just one more turn around the pond. Just one more wader through the woods. ─── 再进花园里溜达一会儿;再绕池塘转上一圈;再到树林中散散心。

35、My waders and fishing gear weighed me down . ─── 我的高筒防水靴和钓鱼工具使我不堪重负。

36、Professional fish breeders will don waders and spend a whole day collecting fleas. ─── 另有一些专门养鱼卖的人,他们会穿上水裤,用整整一天的时间,到河里捞鱼虫。

37、Ma Ming,Clive Minton, Ken Kraaijeveld, R.Jessop et al. 2001.Banding on the waders and terns between Australia and China. ─── (马鸣等,2001,中澳之间迁徙鸻鹬类和燕鸥类的环志介绍。

38、Sporting waders that reached up to his chest, he worked his way south down a sandbar, searching for his first nibble of the day. ─── 他身上穿着齐胸的浅海防水衣,仗着这一身装备,老头子又绕过一处沙滩酒吧,继续涉水走向深一点的地方,希望今天有所斩获。

39、Gulls Waders at the edge of Deep Bay - winter. ─── 冬季于后海湾边陲活动的鸥及涉禽。

40、Waders [pl] angler's high waterproof boots worn when wading ─── (钓鱼人涉水时穿的)长筒防水靴

41、An inexhaustible wader--Review of Mr.Zhang Hai-qiao, the expert of tramway engineering design in our country and a professor of Beijing Materials Handling Research Institute ─── 求索开路一先锋--记北京超重运输机械研究所教授级高级工程师、索道设计专家张海乔先生

42、The distribution of waders is irrelevant to benthal biomass in the wetlands insides cofferdam.Water depth is also an important factor influencing waders' distribution. ─── 水深是影响鸻鹬分布的重要因素,使鸻鹬的空间生态位得到分离。

43、The fish nipped the wader's toe. ─── 鱼咬住了涉水者的脚趾

44、The waders fly 6200 miles from the Arctic Circle to the west coast of Africa. ─── 涉禽类飞越6200英里,自北极圈至非洲西海岸。

45、Thank you for recording the details of the flagged wader that was recently sighted. ─── 感谢您最近对您观测到的环志的详细记录。

46、Fighting my lethargy, I reluctantly slid into my waders, slathered on sunscreen and stumbled into Doug’s sturdy 12-foot skiff. ─── 我顶着瞌睡虫,不情愿地将自己套进防水长筒裤靴,抹了抹防晒霜,而后跌跌撞撞地钻进道格那12英尺长的结实的小艇。

47、The tie-in used by the wader should be only a chest loop (arms passed through a simple loop across back and neck as shown in Figure 20-2) with tie-in point in front. ─── 过溪者的绳圈套入应该只有胸部绳圈而已(手穿过简单的绳圈绕到背颈部,如图20-2所示),连接点在胸前的位置。

48、Nung-fu put on wader and worked in the pond. ─── 农夫穿起防水衣下池工作.

49、In recent years the annual number of waders stopping at Mai Po has steadily increased, to around 60,000. ─── 近年来,在米埔停留的鹰的数量逐年稳步增长,现在大约是60000只。

50、chest high boot-foot wader ─── 高统橡胶防水靴

51、A water-dweller resembling a scaly monkey with webbed hands, a kappa will grab and strangle waders in its pond (PA8). ─── 水栖生物,像长满鳞片的猴子,双手带蹼,会抓捕和扼死池塘里的水禽(阿兹卡班的囚徒,第8章)。

52、When you lead from scratch, you want your strip affect, wader affect, initial fonts, collar blush, midsole, and sole., there must be apposite boots for you and your children. ─── “海洋主”告诉我们,这是他们特意选择的由荷兰福尔波集团用亚麻、黄油、松香等纯天然原料和环保工艺生产而成的福尔波梦梵丽地板。

53、Along the strand, there are too few shorebirds: some solitary sandpipers, least timid of the waders, but that is it. ─── 海岸边的滨鸟很少,只有一些孤独的鹬和胆小的水禽,但事实确实是这样。

54、a pair of waders ─── 一双高筒防水胶靴

55、Even in hip waders we were overdressed for the ankle deep creek,but we stepped in,waded out to the middle and faced upstream. ─── 我们穿着长及臀部的水靴,对于齐踝深的小溪来说似乎有点虚张声势。于是我们走到水里,淌进了小溪中央。

56、The girl with jade-green waders is watching the wading birds. ─── 穿着碧绿色长筒防水靴的女孩正在观看涉禽。

57、That has dire consequences not only for fishermen but for seabirds and rare waders too. ─── 这不但给渔民,而且也给海鸟和一些稀有涉禽带来严重后果。

58、Number of species and individuals, species diversity index and evenness, and proportion of wader birds decreased from baymouth to bay-head, and was lowest in midbay. ─── 其中湾口的水鸟物种数、个体数量、多样性指数、均匀度指数以及涉禽所占比例均为最高, 湾底次之, 湾中部最低。

59、Some 835 hectares of mudflats, fish ponds and dwarf mangroves provide a rich habitat, particularly, for migratory and resident birds as well as ducks and waders. ─── 沼泽区面积约为835公顷,全是泥滩、鱼塘和矮红树林,适宜候鸟和留鸟栖息,对野鸭和涉禽类更为适合。

60、Nor do we wear waders. ─── 也不穿水靴。

61、5. A water-dweller resembling a scaly monkey with webbed hands, a kappa will grab and strangle waders in its pond (PA8). ─── 水栖生物,像长满鳞片的猴子,双手带蹼,会抓捕和扼死池塘里的水禽(阿兹卡班的囚徒,第8章)。收藏指正

62、Waders and its Conservation Strategy in the Coastal Wetlands of Fujian Province ─── 福建沿海湿地鸻鹬类资源调查

63、In this swamp, incautious wader might sink easily and vanish unawares. ─── 在这片沼泽地里,轻率的跋涉者很容易就会陷下去,而且在不知不觉中完全消失掉。

64、Those were slow, silent, often turbid; flowing over beds of mud into which the incautious wader might sink and vanish unawares. ─── 布莱克莫尔的河流流得缓慢、沉静、常常是浑浊的;它们从积满泥淖的河床上流过去,不明情形而涉水过河的人,稍不注意就会陷进泥淖里。

65、Liu Weiting; Chiang Chungyu; Chen Pinghuang; Chen Chihhao; Hsu Shihhan Department of Environmental Science; Tunghai University; Taiwan Wader Study Group; ─── 东海大学环境科学研究所、台湾水鸟研究群;

66、This was, until a few years ago, a wonderful wetland, teeming with waders and wildfowl. ─── 这个公园几年前还是一块美妙的湿地,到处是涉禽和野禽。

67、long-billed waders ─── 长嘴涉禽

68、IDENTIFICATION: Medium-sized wader; prefers cover, but when seen in open shows distinctive combination of disproportionately long, ─── 野外鉴别特征:中等体型涉禽;善于隐藏,但当其炫耀时,行为大相径庭,长时间地暴露于开阔地。

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