judiciously 发音
英:[dʒuˈdɪʃəsli] 美:[dʒuˈdɪʃəsli]
英: 美:
judiciously 中文意思翻译
judiciously 网络释义
adv. 明智而审慎地;明断地
judiciously 词性/词形变化,judiciously变形
副词: judiciously |名词: judiciousness |
judiciously 反义词
judiciously 短语词组
1、judiciously wisely ─── 明智地
2、judiciously deutsch ─── 明智的德国
3、judiciously defined ─── 明智的定义
4、judiciously managed ─── 明智地管理
5、judiciously definition ─── 明智的定义
6、judiciously define ─── 明智地定义
7、judiciously urdu ─── 明智的乌尔都语
8、judiciously syn ─── 明智地
judiciously 同义词
sagaciously | wisely | carefully | prudently | shrewdly |sensibly | astutely | cautiously | justly | thoughtfully | discriminatingly
judiciously 相似词语短语
1、auspiciously ─── adv.吉祥地;吉兆地;繁荣昌盛地
2、bodaciously ─── 大胆地
3、deliciously ─── adv.美味地,芬香地
4、suspiciously ─── adv.怀疑地;猜疑地
5、judicious ─── adj.明智的;头脑精明的;判断正确的
6、audaciously ─── adv.无畏地;放肆地;大胆创新地;无拘无束地
7、lubriciously ─── 色彩斑斓的
8、ludicrously ─── adv.滑稽地;荒唐地
9、injudiciously ─── 不公正地
judiciously 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Finally: Establish good rules, change them infrequently and judiciously, and turn the people loose upon the economy. ─── 在经济上,要放松对人们的管制。
2、DO use a closing brace any time you have an opening brace. DO end your statements with a semicolon. DO use whitespace judiciously to make your code clearer. ─── 做:在任何使用{的时候都要使用}括号;以分号结束语句;明智使用空白符以使你的代码更清晰。
3、It argues that via these new technologies. the seemingly political divide can be partially straddled and used judiciously. ─── can be used to further enlarge prevailing windows of political opportunities in once-seemingly authoritarian regimes威权体制.
4、However, due to the technical nature of the proposals, it could be judiciously commented upon only by experts from the capitals. ─── 但是,由于提案牵涉技术问题,必须是来自首都的专家才能作明智的评论。
5、"The night is already greatly advanced," Tuny said judiciously. ─── “现在已经是深夜了。”董审慎地说。
6、But expectant mothers and others should weigh the findings judiciously against other eidence, the researchers added. ─── 但是待产妇和其他人可以结合一些其它证据来审慎地权衡这项发现,研究者补充到。
7、The decision not to align two elements or groups of elements should be made judiciously, and always to achieve a specific differentiating effect. In particular, designers should take care to: ─── 任何两个元素或者两组元素没有对齐的情况都必须有足够充分的理由,或者是要达到特别的与众不同的效果。 具体来说,设计者应当注意如下方面。
8、This requirement is not essential in practice if the locations of the exciter stations are chosen judiciously ─── 如果激振点安设得当,这个要求在实际上并不重要。
9、Judiciously using wildcards in join point signatures often leads to good, succinct pointcut definitions. ─── 在连接点签名中明智地使用通配符通常可以产生好的、简洁的连接点定义。
10、By doing so, new values could be derived to allow copyright law to be interpreted and used judiciously and with greater consensus. ─── 唯有如此,新的价值才能衍生,使著作权在网路环境当中有日趋一致解读和取舍正义的方法。
11、Classes are optimized for size and performance and use device resources judiciously. ─── 类针对大小和性能进行了优化,可以合理地使用设备资源。
12、let's use these intelligence tests judiciously. ─── 让我们好好利用这些智力测试题吧。
13、purchase judiciously ─── 审慎地购买
14、Which of the following system privileges can allow the grantee to masquerade as another user and therefore should be granted judiciously? ─── 下列哪一项制度的特权,可以让承批人伪装成另一个用户,因此,应准予明智?
15、Use design features judiciously your graphics should enhance your marketing message make your resume look professional, not garish. ─── 图表是用来提升你的价值,使你的简历看起来很专业,而不是令其华而不实。
16、That means immediately cutting rates and continuing to provide emergency liquidity judiciously. ─── 这意味着美联储需要马上降息行动付诸实施,并继续向金融系统注入急需的流动性。
17、Dreams are used far more judiciously today than in the early years before defence analysis. ─── 今天,较防御分析之前的早些年相比,对梦的使用远远审慎许多。
18、Locked plating is an expensive fracture management choice and has to be used judiciously. ─── 锁定钢板接骨术是骨折治疗花费昂贵的选择,必须谨慎选择。
19、The nurse safeguards the client's right to privacy by judiciously protecting information of a confidential nature. ─── 护士要捍卫患者的隐私权,明智地保障情报的机密性。
20、Gien those realities, experts agree that all antibiotics should be used judiciously. ─── 面对现实,专家同意应该明智地使用抗生素。
21、Sonny had been listening judiciously. ─── 桑儿一直在聚精会神地听着。
22、Finally, if your cravingwon't be rebuffed, indulge it - judiciously. ─── 最后,你实在无法打消吃的渴望,就放纵自己吧--不过要适度。"
23、However, due to the technical nature of the proposals, it could be judiciously commented upon only by experts from the capitals. ─── 但是,由于提案牵涉技术问题,必须是来自首都的专家才能作明智的评论。
24、Their plan will succeed according as it is judiciously managed. ─── 他们的计划如果执行得当必将成功。
25、His abridged version of the Dream has been judiciously made, in which full justice has been done to the content and flavour of the original. ─── 他的《红楼梦》英译节略本做得明智而审慎,充分体现了原书的内容和风格。
26、Use modes judiciously, if at all ─── 如果有的话,模式的运用要明智
27、Quotations judiciously chosen will support and amplify your point, but they require interpretation. ─── 明智的选用引文会支持并扩大你的观点,但需要解说。
28、Geochemical methods may be linked judiciously with other techniques. ─── 地球化学方法应同其它方法有机地结合起来。
29、She uses her power judiciously but her backing for Edinburgh’s bid to become the first UNESCO city of literature has given a significant boost to that campaign. ─── 罗琳明智地使用着自己的力量。在UNESCO文学名城评选活动中,她支持爱丁堡成为第一座文学名城,这无疑是一个重磅声援。
30、In summary evidence-based medicine reflects a rational approach to medical practice which judiciously uses the best available research evidence together with appropriate experience and expertise. ─── 总结起来,循证医学所反映的是医疗实践中的一种理性道路,即将可以获得的最佳研究证据、适宜的个人经验以及专业知识加以完美结合的方式。
31、Then he looked up, lifted those hands calmly, judiciously, and nodded his head ─── 后来,他仰起脸,轻轻地抬起双手,颇有见解地点了点头。
32、The letter was judiciously worded. ─── 这封信措辞审慎。
33、Responsive to changing times, Sumitomo shall set its business course boldly yet judiciously, never rashly pursing easy gains, regardless of whether its business is flourishing or not. ─── 我们住友经营,顺应时势变迁,衡量获利得失,时或弛张兴衰,以为因应,断不冒进轻求近利。
34、while the more it expends judiciously in keeping agriculturists and manufacturers at work, the more it will have for every other purpose. ─── 而它明智地在养活工农业劳动者方面花的钱愈多,它能用于干其他各种事情的钱也就愈多。
35、Riches come to a man by good luck and sincere, earnest labor and if used judiciously for a right cause, they bring him mental peace and happiness.Squandering money on trifles e.g. ─── 只有通过勤劳的劳动以及把财富用于高尚的事业,财富和好的运气就会不断到来,并给人们带来平和与欢乐。
36、For some time he continued to sit in silence. Then he looked up, lifted those hands calmly, judiciously, and nodded his head. ─── 他静静地又坐了一会儿,然后抬起头来,安详地、有见地地举起了双手,点了点头。
37、The Congress is ignorant of the consequence of fire sale: global helium prices are so artificially deflated that few can be bothered recycling the substance or using it judiciously. ─── 国会对廉价出售的后果一无所知:全球氦气价格被人为压低,以至于几乎没有人愿意回收这种物质或明智地使用它。
38、Then he looked up, lifted those hands calmly, judiciously, and nodded his head. ─── 然后他抬起头向上看,平静而神圣地举起双手,点了点头。
39、Numerous problems that have been besetting Taiwan would be judiciously resolved within the framework of one China. ─── 原来一直困扰台湾的各种问题,都将在一个中国的架构下得到合理解决。
40、His ideas were quaint and fantastic . She brought him judiciously to earth. ─── 他的看法荒廖古怪,她颇有见识地劝他面对现实。
41、The adanced age of the patients in the present series and the relatiely short duration of follow-up suggest that the prosthesis should continue to be used judiciously. ─── 本次研究中患者年龄的增大以及相对较短期的随访,提示我们关于肩关节的修复术的选择需要慎重考虑。
42、Modern fertilizers should be used judiciously. ─── 现代化肥应被明智地使用。
43、The Taiwan question should and entirely can be resolved judiciously through bilateral consultations and within the framework of one China. ─── 台湾问题应该也完全可以通过两岸的协商,在一个中国的架构内求得合理的解决。
44、5.In handling such matters, we must act judiciously and give good guidance to the masses;under no circumstances should we irresponsibly try to arouse their enthusiasm by making loose promises. ─── 解决这类问题,步子一定要稳,要对群众很好地进行引导,千万不能不负责任地许愿鼓动。
45、He lifts her brows slightly with a couple of judiciously placed Botox injections and tells her to be patient. ─── 他用两个妥善配置的肉毒杆菌注射剂将她的眉毛稍稍提起,然后告诉她耐心等待。
46、Controls must be used appropriately and judiciously, like all elements of a good user interface. ─── 就像所有好的界面元素一样,控件的使用也必须是恰当且合理的。
47、The driver squinted judiciously ahead and built up the speed of the truck a little ─── 司机识时务地眯着眼向前望着,把汽车速度加快了一些。
48、The answer “no” will give your counterparts an idea of what to expect at the negotiating table. Use it judiciously. ─── 回答‘不’将会提示你的对手在谈判桌上讲能得到哪些东西。要深思远虑后再用之。
49、Finally, if your craving just won't be rebuffed, indulge it - judiciously. ─── 最后,如果你实在无法打消吃的渴望,那么就放纵自己吧--不过要适度。"
50、Because this method affects all components managed by the current service, and not just the current component, this method should be used judiciously. ─── 由于此方法会影响由当前服务管理的所有组件,而不只是影响当前组件,因此应谨慎使用此方法。
51、Color is best used judiciously. ─── 我们最好小心并明智地运用颜色。
52、Each word has to be used wisely, judiciously, and with grace, with your inner-harmony in mind. ─── 它不仅仅能够促进您和内心自我的关系,还能改善您和他人的关系。
53、For some time he continued to sit in silence. Then he looked up, lifted those hands calmly, judiciously, and nodded his head. ─── 他静静地又坐了一会儿,然后抬起头来,安详地、有见地地举起了双手,点了点头。
54、I begin to wonder if just a little judiciously placed Botox might not be a good idea, after all. ─── 我开始感到困惑,难道说只是一点适当使用的肉毒杆菌真的可能不是个好主意吗?
55、they will use power judiciously for the good of the institution and its users; ─── 并且懂得一些法律知识以便开展商业活动。
56、The legal profession would therefore be well advised to consider the laws on Intellectual Property very judiciously in order to acquit themselves with any degree of authenticity. ─── 法律界将会被很好地建议要非常审慎地考虑有关知识产权的法律以使自己表现得有某种程度的可信性。
57、"There are two kinds of storms," Pablo said, heavily and judiciously. ─── “风雪有两种,”巴勃罗一本正经而富有见识地说。
58、Judiciously, amin conceded that there was another, less happy, side to the story:”the land is poorer, because the mud that used to come with the Nile flood has stopped. ─── 不过阿明也看得很清楚,他承认这件事还有另外一面,不那么好的一面。他说:“土地更差了,因为过去尼罗河一泛滥就带来泥沙,可现在没有了。
59、It's good management of the game, and to the sportsman's benefit, to crop big game judiciously. ─── 审慎地除掉一些大型动物,既是管理动物的良方,也可以为爱好运动的人提供打猎的乐趣。
60、So if you use a system-wide hook, you should use it judiciously and unhook it as soon as you don't need it. ─── 所以,如果你用系统范畴的钩子,你应该明智的用它并且一旦你不需要它们时就让它们脱钩。
61、Sun Chen: Judiciously. ─── 谨慎的,明智的。
62、So dole out the praise judiciously and offer encouragement liberally; it will help your child grow up to feel good about herself. ─── 所以要审慎的给予赞美,不受限制的进行鼓励,这将帮助你的孩子自我感觉良好的成长。
63、He says the government's credit tightening has forced China's banks to ration loans more judiciously, a move that has helped to reduce, not promote, the possibility of defaults. ─── 他指出,中国政府收紧信贷的举措迫使中资银行更为明智地发放贷款,这有助于减少、而不是增加出现违约贷款的可能性。
64、Ads judiciously targeted. ─── 广告明智对象.
65、Finally, the surgeon noted, blood monitoring to assess the patients' progress after surgery should be used "judiciously. ─── 最后加甘蒂普强调说,手术之后,应该谨慎地对血液进行监控,以确定患者术后的好转情况。
66、Branagh has cut the play judiciously. ─── 布拉纳格已经审慎地删减了那个剧作。
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