galleys 发音
英:[ˈgæliz] 美:[ˈgæliz]
英: 美:
galleys 中文意思翻译
galleys 短语词组
1、galleys gyro ─── 船用陀螺
2、galleys boat ─── 帆船
3、galleys def ─── 厨房定义
4、galleys 868 ─── 厨房868
5、galleys food ─── 厨房食品
galleys 词性/词形变化,galleys变形
名词复数: galleys |
galleys 相似词语短语
1、walleyes ─── n.玻璃梭鲈;斜视;角膜白斑
2、alleys ─── n.小巷,大巷(alley的复数);大街小巷
3、galletas ─── n.饼干(西班牙语单词galleta的复数);n.(Galletas)(西)加列塔斯(人名)
4、gallets ─── n.石片;碎片;vt.把碎石片嵌入(等于galet,garret);n.(Gallet)人名;(法、意)加莱
5、galley ─── n.[船]船上的厨房;单层甲板的大帆船;活版盘,长条校样;n.(Galley)人名;(英)加利;(法、德)加莱
6、galleass ─── n.(16-17世纪地中海的)三桅帆装军舰
7、gulleys ─── n.溪沟;隘谷;vt.开槽(等于gully);n.(Gulley)人名;(英)格利
8、valleys ─── n.山谷(valley的复数);凹处
9、galleons ─── n.西班牙大帆船(15-16世纪用做军舰或商船用);金加隆巫师钱(哈利波特里的钱币名,Galleon的复数形式)
galleys 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Any of various cast-iron cooking ranges used in such galleys during the early19th century. ─── 乘务灶19世纪早期厨房里多种铸铁炊事炉灶中的一种。
2、Twelve hundred galleys floated at Aulis, waiting for a favourable breeze to swell their flagging sails ─── 一千二百艘船只聚集于奥利斯,等着风鼓船帆,顺风而行。
3、On his departure from the galleys it had been nineteen years since he had shed a tear. ─── 直到他出狱的那天,十九年中,他没有流过一滴泪。
4、Jean Valjean was condemned to five years in the galleys. ─── 那是何等悲惨的日子!冉阿让被宣判服五年苦役。
5、Restore to his cell the convict from the galleys. ─── 把犯人送进牢狱
6、This sou piece was one of those marvels of industry, which are engendered by the patience of the galleys in the shadows and for the shadows, marvels which are nothing else than instruments of escape. ─── 这种很大的苏是苦役牢里的一种极为精巧的工艺品,靠耐力在黑暗中精心制造出来为秘密活动服务的奇异产品,也就是说,是一种越狱的工具。
7、When war threatened,Venice could very quickly send a fleet of war galleys to sea. ─── 当战争威胁到他们时,威尼斯的人民可以迅速的将用于战争的桨帆船送到大海。
8、Since you are an abbe, I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys ─── 您既是神甫,我就得和您说,从前在我们牢里有个布道神甫。
9、Otherwise it would have gone into some future edition, for WEEKLY SAGAMORES do not waste "live" matter, and in their galleys "live" matter is immortal, unless a pi accident intervenes. ─── 本来,这条讣告将来还可以用,因为《萨加摩尔周报》从来不糟蹋“备用”稿,只要字版不乱,“备用”稿就常备不懈。
10、I am a convict from the galleys. ─── 我是个苦役犯。
11、Brevet, take a good look at the accused, recall your souvenirs, and tell us on your soul and conscience, if you persist in recognizing this man as your former companion in the galleys, Jean Valjean? ─── 布莱卫,好好地望着这被告,回想您从前的事情,再凭您的灵魂和良心告诉我们,您是否确实认为这个人就是您从前监狱里的朋友冉阿让。”
12、It was the antechamber of the galleys. ─── 这里是大桡船的接待室。
13、I have passed nineteen years in the galleys. ─── 在监牢里过了十九年。
14、He sighed for the galleys, with their infamous costume. ─── 他羡慕那些穿着囚衣的苦工。
15、of the sunken galleys with their tall masts, ─── 她唱道沉在海底的西班牙帆船;
16、it had the air of the galleys, but of cyclopean and superhuman galleys, and it seemed to have been detached from some monster ─── 它那模样,好象是从监狱(巨魔和超人的监狱)里出来的,也好象是从一个奴怪身上解下来的。
17、Far larger than war galleys and much harder to board, Galleasses feature a forecastle resembling a mini turret, with forward mounted centreline cannons as well as side facing cannons. ─── 与加列战舰相比,加利斯战舰体积更大,甲板更为坚固,前甲板建有标志性塔楼,内置主舰炮,与两侧舷炮协同作战。
18、The Venetian Council finally allowed round ships to enter the trade that was previously reserved for merchant galleys, thus reducing transport cost by one third. ─── 威尼斯议会最终允许圆型船进入原本只供商船使用的贸易,从而降低了三分之一的运输成本。
19、the galleys make the convict what he is; ─── 牢狱制造囚犯。
20、He saw his galleys rammed by the sharp prows of other galleys; his fighting-men shot down; his ships boarded. ─── 他看见自己的军舰被敌舰的尖锐船头所撞击;看见他的战士被射死;他的船只被登占了。
21、"In the galleys at Toulon. ─── " “土伦监牢里的苦役犯。”
22、He resolved to whet it in the galleys and to bear it away with him when he departed. ─── 于是他下定决心,要在监牢里磨练他这武器,并带着它出狱。
23、This time his powerful galleys crossed the Aegean Sea without mishap and arrived safely off Attica, the part of Greece that surrounds the city of Athens. ─── 这一回,他强而有力的军舰横过了爱琴海,毫无灾祝地安全到达阿提卡,希腊围绕着雅典城的那部分。
24、There's a bandit's phiz for you!I'd send him to the galleys on the strength of his face alone. ─── 仅仅那副面孔已够使我把他送进监狱了。”
25、and at night, dripping with perspiration, overwhelmed with lassitude, their green caps drawn over their eyes, to remount, two by two, the ladder staircase of the galleys beneath the sergeant's whip. ─── 到了晚上,流着汗,疲惫不堪,绿帽子遮在眼睛上,两个两个地在警察的鞭子下,由软梯爬上战船的牢房里去!
26、A man kept his hat on in the presence of a procession--it was a Huguenot attitude; he was sent to the galleys. ─── 一个人在教会行列走过时头上还戴着帽子,这是新教徒的态度,该送去当桡手。
27、It may have been developed by the Egyptians as early as 1200 BC, but it was most commonly used on Phoenician, Greek, and Roman galleys. ─── 它可能是在西元前1200年由埃及人发明的,但却被古代腓尼基、希腊和罗马的桨帆船广泛采用。
28、The king went down to the shore with a great company of armed men, and sent some of his war galleys after the Argo; ─── 国王于是带领大批武装士兵来到海岸,并派遣几艘军船,追赶阿格号。
29、One detail, which we must not omit, is that he possessed a physical strength which was not approached by a single one of the denizens of the galleys ─── 有一件我们不应当忽略的小事,就是他体质强壮,苦役牢里的那些人都比不上他。
30、and all that for the sake of an old wretch of an apple-thief who, most assuredly, has deserved the galleys for something else, if not for that ─── 况且这一切全是为了一个自作自受、偷苹果的老畜生,他去服他的终身苦役,如果不是为了偷苹果,也一定还做了别的事!
31、However, there are some things I would probably tweak: Why are there 2 galleys? ─── 然而,我对于此建筑还有一些好的想法:为什么有两个厨房呢?
32、Beneath the cudgel, beneath the chain, in the cell, in hardship, beneath the burning sun of the galleys, upon the plank bed of the convict, he withdrew into his own consciousness and meditated. ─── 他终日受着棍棒、鞭笞、镣铐、禁闭、疲乏之苦,受着狱中烈日的折磨,睡在囚犯的木板库上他扪心自问,反躬自
33、Venice needed large fleets of galleys for both trade and war. ─── 威尼斯需要大量的桨帆船船队用于贸易和战争。
34、At that time "cotonine" was very expensive and obviously, the sails from it were made for the Royal galleys and ships of very rich court people. ─── 在那个时候“cotonine”非常昂贵,而且很明显,用它制作的帆适合于皇家战舰和非常富有的宫廷人士的船。
35、Galleys of the Lochlanns ran here to beach, in quest of prey, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a molten pewter sun ─── 一艘艘湖上人的大帆船曾驶到这岸边,来寻觅掠夺品。它们那血红的喙形船首,低低地停泊在融化了的锡镴般的碎浪里。
36、Galleys were towed down a canal that ran between the buildings of the shipyard. ─── 桨帆船被拖入位于建筑物和造船厂的河道中。
37、the galleys at Toulon. ─── 土伦监牢里的苦役犯。
38、You understand what we are! He said mass in the middle of the galleys, on an altar. ─── 他在监狱里一个祭台上做过弥撒,头上有个尖的金玩意儿。
39、Long-continued wretchedness in the galleys, long misery outside the galleys, had brutalized him, etc.He defended himself badly;was that a reason for condemning him? ─── 狱中长期的苦楚,出狱后长期的穷困,已使他变成神经呆笨的人了,律师说着说着,说他不善于为自己辩护,这能成为判罪的理由吗?
40、Other people had drowned at sea since galleys swarmed with painted sails. ─── 自从布满彩帆的大船下海以来,别的人曾淹死在海里。
41、A number of fishing-smacks and coasting boats, some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys, were discernible on the Red Sea ─── 在红海上,飘浮着星罗棋布的渔舟和小船,其中有些船只,依然还保持着古代船只的那种美丽的式样。
42、He was inflicting on him that frightful living death, that death beneath the open sky, which is called the galleys. ─── 他害他受那种惨酷的活死刑,大家叫做苦牢的那种过露天生活的死刑。
43、Their legions and galleys open new settlements and defend their people against attacks from their enemies. ─── 玩家藉著建城、立庙、航海、征服、研究,除了扩大自己的势力、增加资源生产外,亦可诞生卓越的人物。
44、You have been in the galleys of Toulon; it was twenty years ago; ─── ‘不用装腔,’布莱卫说,‘你是冉阿让,你在土伦监狱里呆过。到现在已经二十年了。
45、be sent to the galleys ─── 被罚作划船苦工
46、Should he impose his galleys on those two dazzling children, or should he consummate his irremediable engulfment by himself? ─── 让这两个前途无限光明的孩子来承担他的徒刑,或是他自己来完成他那无可救药的沉沦。
47、And then, to face the worst, there was danger only for himself,and he had no right to condemn Cosette to the cloister for the reason that he had been condemned to the galleys. ─── 何况,即使从最坏的情况设想,有危险的也只可能是他本人,总不能因自己曾被判处坐苦役牢,便可用这作理由,认为有权利判处珂赛特去进修院。
48、Inside are galleys , a kitchen area, a workout room, kitchen facilities, and three windows providing the best view outside of this world. ─── 本杰罗计划在两年内把完整的原型舱,太阳舞者号,送入轨道。
49、Now, before going to the galleys for theft, what was Jean Valjean? A pruner of trees. ─── 最后,到了本地。所以,在犯特种窃案入狱以前,冉阿让是做什么事的人呢?修树枝工人。
50、Jean Valjean changed his number in the galleys. ─── 冉阿让在苦役牢里换了号码。
51、When the hour came for him to take his departure from the galleys, when Jean Valjean heard in his ear the strange words, Thou art free!the moment seemed improbable and unprecedented; ─── 当冉阿让出狱时,他听见有人在他耳边说了这样一句奇特的话“你自由了”,那一片刻竟好象是不真实的,闻所未闻的;
52、He had calculated that his earnings, during his sojourn in the galleys, ought to amount to a hundred and seventy-one francs. ─── 他计算过,他的储蓄,按照他在狱中度过的岁月计算,本应有一百七十一个法郎。
53、First Senator. Indeed, they are disproportion'd; My letters say a hundred and seven galleys. ─── 元老甲它们真是参差不一;我的信上说是共有船只一百零七艘。
54、the potable water system supplies potable water to the galleys and lavatories. ─── 饮用水系统为机上厨房及卫生间提供饮用水。
55、If the man who plants vegetables, and carries his corn to town on market-days, is not more usefully employed than I am, then let me work ten years longer at the galleys to which I am now chained. ─── 作为!倘若种土豆和驾车进城出售谷物的农民不比我更有作为,那我就甘愿在这条锁住我的奴隶船上再服十年苦役。
56、Jean Valjean had entered the galleys sobbing and shuddering; he emerged impassive. He had entered in despair; he emerged gloomy. What had taken place in that soul? ─── 冉阿让走进牢狱时一面痛哭,面战栗,出狱时却无动于衷;他进去时悲痛失望,出来时老气横秋。这个人的心有过怎样的波动呢?
57、Fleets of war galleys, legions of crusaders, armies of slaves! ─── 战舰、圣战士以及奴隶大军!
58、"He has been in the galleys," said Thenardier. "Eh! Good God! no one knows who has been there or will be there." ─── “他坐过苦役牢吗?”德纳第常说,“哼!我的天主!谁也不知道今天有谁在坐牢,也没有人知道明天谁会去坐牢。”
59、Panchaud, alias Printanier, alias Bigrenaille, and Demi-Liard, alias Deux-Milliards, who had been inconsistently condemned, after a hearing of both sides of the case, to ten years in the galleys. ─── 还有半文钱,又叫二十亿,他们被审讯并判处十年苦役。
60、You understand what we are! He said mass in the middle of the galleys, on an altar. ─── 他在监狱里一个祭台上做过弥撒,头上有个尖的金玩意儿。
61、In the first case, the man of authority fell lower than the man of the galleys, in the second, a convict rose above the law, and set his foot upon it. ─── 第一种情况,是执行权威的人比苦役犯还卑贱;第二种情况是囚犯升高到法律之上,并将法律踩在脚下。这两种情况对他沙威来说都是有损荣誉的。
62、He was serving out his sentence at the galleys of Toulon, whence he had been brought for this case. ─── 他原在土伦监狱里服刑。是为了这件案子才从狱中提出来的。
63、light ship War Galleys are larger than normal galleys. Equipped with ballista or catapults. ─── 加列战舰比战船更为巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。
64、He would have arrested his own father, if the latter had escaped from the galleys, and would have denounced his mother, if she had broken her ban. ─── 他是走极端的,不承认有例外,一方面他常说:“公务人员不会错,官员永远不会有过失。”
65、Swift and reliable,galleys carried the city's most valuable cargoes. ─── 它快捷并且牢固,城市中最昂贵的货物都由它们承载。
66、We find in the eighteenth century, in nearly all the songs of the galleys and prisons, a diabolical and enigmatical gayety. ─── 及至十九世纪,几乎所有的大桡船、苦役牢、囚犯队里的任何歌曲都有了一种疯狂费解的轻快趣味。
67、One gets free from the galleys, but not from the sentence. ─── 被释放并不等于得到解放。
68、He was serving out his sentence at the galleys of Toulon, whence he had been brought for this case. ─── 他原在土伦监狱里服刑。是为了这件案子才从狱中提出来的。
69、You have been in the galleys of Toulon; ─── ‘不用装腔,’布莱卫说,‘你是冉阿让,你在土伦监狱里呆过。
70、He was one of those wretched men whom nature has sketched out for wild beasts, and on whom society puts the finishing touches as convicts in the galleys. ─── 世间有些不幸的人,先由自然环境造成野兽,再由人类社会造成囚犯,直到老死,戈什巴依便是这里面的一个。
71、In less than two hours all the good that he had done had been forgotten, and he was nothing but a "convict from the galleys. ─── 他从前作的一切好事,不到两个钟头,也全被遗忘了,他已只是个“苦役犯”。
72、He saw many other ships as well: fishing boats, lumbering merchantmen, proud galleys with their oars lashing the waves into white foam. ─── 他也看见了很多其他的船:渔船,伐木商的船,骄傲的战舰用它们的桨拍打着海浪激起白色的水花。
73、"Do you remember the knitted suspenders with a checked pattern which you wore in the galleys?" ─── “你还记得你从前在狱里用的那条编织的方格子花背带吗?”
74、Galleys were swift and carried many men, but were not designed to stand up to the broadsides of modern warships. ─── 狭长船快而敏捷并能承载很多人,但是并不是设计用来能抵挡现代战船的舷侧的。
75、He now wished to be amongst them, in order to see some other face besides that of his jailer; he sighed for the galleys, with the infamous costume, the chain, and the brand on the shoulder. ─── 而现在他却希望和他们在一起,以便除了看到那不和他讲话的狱卒以外,还可以看到一些其他的面孔,他羡慕那些穿着囚衣,系着铁链,肩上钉着记号的苦工。
76、A number of fishing-smacks and coasting boats, some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys, were discernible on the red Sea. ─── 在红海上,飘浮着星罗棋布的渔舟和小船,其中有些船只,依然还保持着古代船只的那种美丽的式样。
77、Before going to the galleys, I was a poor peasant, with very little intelligence, a sort of idiot; the galleys wrought a change in me. ─── 假使你们愿意,请你们在这上面多多思考。在入狱以前,我是乡下一个很不聪明的穷人,一个很笨的人,牢狱改变了我。
78、In this vault, men who had been condemned to the galleys were incarcerated until the day of their departure for Toulon. ─── 那些链子,象垂着的胳膊,还有那些枷,象张着的手掌,把一个个可怜人的颈子掐起来。
79、" "The meaning of it is," replied Jean Valjean, "that I have been in the galleys. ─── “意思是说,”冉阿让回答,“我曾被罚,干过苦役。”
80、Featuring multiple centreline guns and some flanking guns it can take on and destroy war galleys. ─── 配备多门主炮和大量舷炮后,兰特纳战舰战力远超加列战舰。
81、War Galleys are larger than nformal galleys. Equ epped with ballista or catapults. ─── 加列w战舰比战船更为巨大,上置弩炮或投石器。
82、Its galleys could have penetrated up the rivers to the heart of Russia. ─── 它的大木船溯河而上可以深入俄罗斯的腹地。
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