paucity 发音
英:[ˈpɔːsəti] 美:[ˈpɔːsəti]
英: 美:
paucity 中文意思翻译
paucity 网络释义
n. 缺乏;少数;少量
paucity 短语词组
1、paucity gas ─── 贫气
2、paucity stemming ─── 贫乏堵塞
3、paucity of ─── 缺乏
4、paucity defined ─── 贫乏定义
5、paucity of gas abdomen ─── 腹气不足
6、paucity define ─── 贫乏定义
7、paucity in a sentence ─── 一句话中的贫乏
8、paucity definition ─── 贫乏的定义
9、paucity of speech ─── 言语贫乏
paucity 相似词语短语
1、laicity ─── n.世俗化
2、caducity ─── n.衰老;早落性;暂时性;无常
3、astucity ─── 机敏
4、basicity ─── n.碱度;盐基度
5、opacity ─── n.不透明;不传导;暧昧
6、-acity ─── 敏捷
7、raucity ─── n.粗哑;沙哑
8、aduncity ─── 成人
9、audacity ─── n.大胆;厚颜无耻
paucity 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Today, a greater cross-cultural shame is the paucity of Chinese fusion dishes on the same menus that ambitious, home-grown chefs fill with Japanese and other non-Chinese Asian hybrids. ─── 今天,在跨文化饮食方面一个更为令人遗憾的现象是,在很多雄心勃勃的美国本土厨师的菜单上,有日本和亚洲其他国家的菜肴,美式中国菜却寥寥无几。
2、Markets might have treated this as evidence of a lack of imagination, or a paucity of profitable projects. ─── 市场本应将其认作公司缺乏野心或是盈利项目的证据。
3、The results are often unsatisfactory because of the paucity of cells ─── 因细胞稀少,结果常令人不满意。
4、Many policy makers insist that consumer spending is a strong economic catalyst and, therefore, a paucity of retail stores is a contributing factor to low-performing economies. ─── 许多政策制定者坚持认为,消费者支出是一个强大的经济催化剂,因此,零售商店稀缺是经济表现不佳的一个促成因素。
5、Barriers to progress include the paucity of large, well-characterized cohorts for inestigation and difficulties in scientific culture that fail to adequately reward interdisciplinary collaboration. ─── 阻碍进步是缺乏研究需要的大量特征明显的队列研究的资料和困于缺乏充分跨学科合作回报的科学氛围。
6、According to the Pentagon, sophisticated modeling, simulations and exercises can offset the paucity of real intercepts. ─── 根据国防部的说法,精密的模型化、模拟与演习,能弥补实弹拦截试射次数的不足。
7、The paucity of self-control, the abundance of self-indulgence together with what is called narcissism make the situation worse. ─── 缺乏自我控制,丰富的自我放纵连同所谓自恋会使情况变得更糟。
8、The paucity of nitrogen suggests that the heavy elements came mostly from high-mass stars, which produce less nitrogen relative to other heavy elements than low-mass stars do. ─── 氮的匮乏,代表重元素大多来自于大质量恒星,因为大质量恒星所产生的氮与其他重元素的相对比例,通常较小质量恒星的少。
9、This has led to a failure to adopt modern informatics and software techniques and therefore paucity of chemistry in bioinformatics. ─── 这导致了采用现代信息学和软件技术的一个失败,并因此在生物信息学中缺乏化学。
10、The problem posed by the paucity of quality hotel rooms and their inflated prices has even spurred India's finance minister to take action. ─── 印度高档酒店客房的稀缺及其高昂价格所引发的问题,甚至促使印度财政部长采取了行动。
11、a paucity of food ─── 粮食的缺乏
12、A paucity of natural resources ─── 缺乏自然资源
13、Government efforts to increase domestic agriculture are complicated by the paucity of fresh water in this parched desert nation. ─── 政府努力增加对国内农业是复杂的难解的,由缺乏新鲜水源在这炎热的沙漠国家。
14、Markets might have treated this as evidence of a lack of imagination, or a paucity of profitable projects. ─── 市场本应将其认作公司缺乏野心或是盈利项目的证据。
15、Details of the clinical features, histopathologic diagnosis, and management of the case are provided to augment the paucity of literature available to clinicians managing the rare disease. ─── 由于相关文献资料贫乏,故报告本病例详细临床徵象,组织病理发现与治疗过程以供参考。
16、This is due to a paucity of reliable evidence on the comparative advantages of the various species combination ─── 原因是缺乏对各种混合种类相对利益的可靠证明。
17、The reason for this is the paucity of data over the tropics, where many of world's dense (and highly inaccessible) rainforests are situated. ─── 出现这种争议的原因是由于缺乏热带地区的监测数据。而这些热带地区分布着地球上最茂盛的雨林。人们很难进入这些雨林。
18、The main reasons of these contradictions include: value paucity of performance evaluation of local government, single measurement tool of performance evaluation of local government, and delays in functional change of local government. ─── 其主要原因在于:地方政府绩效评估价值缺失、地方政府绩效评估测量工具选择单一、地方政府职能转变滞后。
19、There is a paucity of data from alidated measuring instruments on the ery long-term outcome of lumbar discectomy. ─── 然而,目前缺乏来自腰椎间盘切除术超长期结果的确切评价方法的数据。
20、However,most newly arisen polyploids fail to become established because of meiotic abnormalities and/or the paucity of appropriate mates . ─── 然而,由于减数分裂异常和/或缺乏适当的配偶,大多数新出现的多倍体不能确定其多倍性。
21、The paucity of advice on saying no is particularly bad when you consider how hard the word is to say. ─── 有关如何说不的建议寥寥,当你思考这个词有多难说出口时,这种情况尤其糟糕。
22、The paucity of fruit was caused by the drought. ─── 水果缺乏是由于干旱造成的。
23、Given the paucity of public data in China, it is often hard for short sellers to prove fraud or to quantify its presence. ─── 考虑到中国公开数据甚少,空头往往很难证实或量化公司的欺诈行为。
24、While the country suffered from the paucity of funds to implement numerous projects, the investment made in modern education was a right one. ─── 虽然不丹是个穷国,没有更多余的资金来发展各种项目,但是就发展现代化教育这个问题上,国王及其臣民都是极力支持的。
25、The books and theses he was able to read were mostly on aspects of physical and economic geography; the more he read, the more he discovered the sheer paucity of materials that combined the humanities and the sciences. ─── 他能读到的书和论文主要都是自然地理或经济地理方面的,他愈读愈发现结合人文科学的研究少而又少。
26、The isolation of the rural word because of distance and the lackof transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of theinformation media. ─── 因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。这种隔绝状态,由于通讯工具不足,就变得更加严重了。
27、But to truly get well, they'll need "much longer, '' he said, and there's " a paucity'' of geriatric psychiatrists. ─── 但想要真正恢复,他们还需要“更长时间,”他说,老年精神病学家还比较“缺乏”。
28、A big problem private investors face is the paucity of sources for accurate and fast knowledge. ─── 缺乏快速而准确的信息来源是散户面临的一大问题。
29、People eager to retain or restore their youthful biology might well recognize the paucity of proof but decide to try a putative anti-aging intervention anyway, thinking they have little to lose. ─── 亟盼维持或恢复年轻的人们,可能很清楚这种证据的缺乏,但还是决定试试看所谓的抗老化干预。
30、These characteristics are concretely reflected in Japan's retrogression and paucity of support and in China's progress and abundance of support. ─── 这个特点的具体反映是日本的退步和寡助,中国的进步和多助。
31、The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media. ─── 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重。
32、But the paucity of European institutions and the ubiquity of American ones at the top of international league tables are a constant reminder of the gap between glorious past and mediocre present. ─── 然而在国际比赛名次表上,欧洲学院的缺乏以及美国学院的普遍提醒了其辉煌过去和平庸现在的差异。
33、Due to the paucity of patient data, there is no standard treatment protocol for primary breast lymphoma. ─── 因为缺乏病人资料,目前为止对于原发性乳房淋巴瘤尚未结论出标准的治疗方式。
35、(Why is there a paucity of professional teachers in Asia? ─── 为什麽在亚洲专业的英语老师如此缺乏?
36、1.The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the imformation media. ─── 农村因为地处偏僻,交通不便,与外界隔绝。而通讯工具的缺乏,使农村更为闭塞。
37、There seems to be a paucity of research regarding the interrelationships among internationalization, product diversification and performance, especially on the level of subsidiary. ─── 摘要:厂商国际化与产品多角化程度对绩效的影响有其重要性,然而过去的研究多著重于已开发国家,并针对大型多国籍企业之整体绩效进行探讨。
38、This explains the paucity of asset returns to the average Shanghai households in household survey data. ─── 这就解释了家庭调查数据中所显示普通上海家庭资产规模之小的原因。
39、The effect is bigger in developing countries than developed ones, due to the paucity of existing communications infrastructure. ─── 由于缺少现存的通讯基础设施,这两者在发展中国家的影响要大于对发达国家的影响。
40、1.The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media. ─── 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重。
41、One of the roadblocks to understanding the molecular basis of hearing is the paucity of hair cells available for study, Heller said. ─── 赫勒声称,由于用于研究的毛细胞数量稀缺,从而阻碍了他们进一步了解听觉的分子基础。
42、a paucity of knowledge/information/research ─── 知识的贫乏;信息的短缺;研究的不足
43、However the major studies of refusal speech acts focus on thesincere refusals and there is relative paucity of research on ostensible refusals. ─── 然而大部分有关拒绝言语行为的研究只侧重于诚意拒绝言语行为,对于非诚意决绝,尤其是虚假拒绝言语行为的系统研究甚少。
44、The paucity of the avifauna of the Eurasian highlands (only 75 species breed regularly above the timber line) is determined by severe natural conditions and scarcity of food sources. ─── 欧亚地区高地鸟类区系的贫乏性(仅有75种繁殖于林线之上)受严酷的自然条件和食物资源短缺所决定。
45、Almost everything: the high monthly data plans that go with it, its paucity of features, the low-quality camera, the unfashionable design and the fact that it's not Japanese. ─── 几乎一切:高月度数据计划,选择它,它缺乏的功能,低质量的相机,过时的设计和一个事实,即它不是日本。
46、SARS has exposed the deficiency and paucity that existed in our public health field in recent years, which gave great impacts in our medical &health field. ─── 投入不足、管理不善、体制落后、软硬件缺失等等问题的存在,需要我们尽快找到医疗卫生系统的症结所在,完善甚至重建公共卫生体系,进一步深化卫生体制改革。
47、adversity, arid, barren, destitute, impoverished, indigent, meager, paucity, pauper, penury, privation, scanty, squalor. ─── 表“ 贫穷、贫乏” 之意:
48、Another condition which makes for happiness in marriage is paucity of unowned women and absence of social occasions when husbands meet other women. ─── 婚姻幸福的另一个条件是单身女人不多,丈夫遭遇其他女人的社会诱因不在,多数男人如果没有与妻子以外的其他女子进行接触的机会,他们会随遇而安。
49、Summary of Background Data.There is a paucity of literature regarding the surgical treatment of Scheuermann's kyphosis using current implant systems and operative techniques. ─── 背景数据信息概要:采用现行的内固定系统和操作技术手术治疗绍伊尔曼脊柱后凸的相关文献甚少。
50、INTRODUCTION: A paucity of data exists regarding the safety and effectiveness of combination treatment with varenicline and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). ─── 前言: 伐尼克兰联合尼古丁替代治疗的安全性和有效性的相关研究资料较少。
51、"The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media." ─── 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足变得更加严重。
52、This implies markedly higher maintenance levels for the UK sector, although the issue is clouded by a paucity of advance information from UK operators. ─── 这意味着在英国该部门的维护水平明显地提升了,虽然只能预先从英国的营运商得到些许有关的信息。
53、Determinating Paucity Arsenic in Vegetable Oil with a New Method ─── 新法测定食用植物油中微量砷
54、In patients whose aspergillosis is refractory to voriconazole, a paucity of data exist to guide management. ─── 很少资料可以用来指导治疗对伏立康唑不起反应的曲菌病。
55、The paucity of data has meant that rebound has been ignored in most of the academic work done around climate change. ─── 数据的缺乏已经告诉我们,在多数围绕气候变化进行的学术工作中,回弹效应被忽视了很久。
56、The caveat I would make is not about one or another country's paucity of engineers or computers. ─── 我想给出的告诫不是这个或那个国家缺少工程师或计算机。
57、Even the film's impressive finale can't hide the first hour's paucity of imagination. ─── 这部电影在开头一个小时中毫无想象力,即使有个让人印象深刻的结局也无法掩盖这个缺憾。
58、With the same motif of the family tragedy, the trilogy shows that Americans have an embarrassment of riches and a paucity of spirituality and morality, focusing on the disillusionment of the American Dream. ─── 通过三部对失败家庭描写的剧作,萨姆.谢泼德力图揭示美国当今社会物质极大丰富与精神极其贫乏的现状,透析出了美国人所一直追求的美国梦业已幻灭。
59、The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of information media. ─── 每个广播公司下面都联系有大约200个附属广播站,由公司向这些广播站提供主要文艺节目,这些节目要靠各站就地取材是难以编排出来的。
60、The likely explanation for this paucity is that during their early evolution in the Mesozoic (245 million to 65 million years ago), mammals were small, secretive and nocturnal. ─── 哺乳动物锥色素减少的原因,可能是哺乳动物刚在2亿4500~6500万年前的中生代演化出来时,体型小、潜匿且夜行。
61、Bryant Gumbel:I don't watch the winter game.there is a paucity of blacks. ─── 科比冈贝尔:我不看那样的竞选.那里有一个贫乏的黑人。
62、By 1975, he began to think about writing about wine and commencing his own "independent, consumer's guide," largely because of the paucity of reliable information on wine quality. ─── 1975年,帕克开始考虑写葡萄酒并出他自己的“独立的,消费者指南” ,主要依据他积累的大量有关葡萄酒质量的确切信息。
63、Analysis of low slabitity of hydraulic paucity speed regulation system ─── 液压微量调速系统低速稳定性分析
64、Because of my state of complete foolishness and paucity of pious activities, although the Lord offered me His personal service, I wanted material name, fame and prosperity. ─── 由于我的完全愚昧状态和缺少虔诚的活动,虽然主给了他个人的帮助,可是我还要物质的名称、名誉和荣华。
65、Paucity Manganese in Drinking Water by Way of Oxidization of Ammonium Persulfate ─── 过硫酸铵氧化法测定生活饮水中的微量锰
66、The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media. ─── 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村与外界隔绝,而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足变得更加严重。
67、This confusion has been exacerbated by a paucity of serious attempts to synthesize and evaluate available data on the details of avian and dinosaurian evolution. ─── 由于缺乏认真的尝试来综合和评估鸟类和恐龙进化细节的现有数据,这种混乱变得更加严重。
68、Experts cite the lack of sports venues, a paucity of sports programs and stingy government funding as primary factors. ─── 体育场所的短缺、学校运动项目的缺失、吝啬的政府拨款和人才基础的薄弱,是印度的主要问题。
69、a paucity of evidence ─── 少量证据.
70、It was an error; but ought not the paucity of this intelligence to be taken into consideration? ─── 这是一种错误,不过,难道我们不应当去考虑他智力薄弱的一点?
71、This is because of the relative paucity of hybridization in the fungi as compared with green plants ─── 这是因为真菌中的杂交同绿色植物比较起来相对贫乏的原故。
72、The resulting paucity of experimental data would cripple development efforts.Presumably, only new tests would provide that information adequately. ─── 缺乏实验资料将会影响开发工作,或许真的必须重新测试,才能获得足够的资料。
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