hereditary 发音
英:[həˈredɪteri] 美:[həˈredɪt(ə)ri]
英: 美:
hereditary 中文意思翻译
hereditary 网络释义
adj. 遗传的;世袭的;世代相传的n. 遗传类
hereditary 同义词
ancestral | transmitted | inherited | transmissible | family | heritable | traditional | familial | genetic | innate | inbred | patrimonial |inborn
hereditary 常用词组
hereditary disease ─── [医]遗传性疾病
hereditary factor ─── 遗传因子;遗传因素
hereditary 反义词
hereditary 词性/词形变化,hereditary变形
副词: hereditarily |名词: hereditariness |
hereditary 短语词组
1、hereditary allergy ─── [医] 遗传变应性
2、hereditary cause ─── [医] 遗传原因
3、hereditary cerebrospinal paralysis ─── [医] 遗传性脑脊髓性麻痹
4、hereditary deforming cbondrodysplasia ─── [医] 遗传畸形性软骨发育异常, 软骨发育异常
5、hereditary condition ─── [网络] 遗传性状况
6、hereditary deforming chondrodystrophy ─── [医] 遗传变形性软骨营养障碍, 软骨发育异常
7、hereditary ectodemal polydysplasis ─── [医] 遗传性外胚层发育障碍
8、hereditary connection ─── [医] 遗传联系
9、hereditary ataxic paraplegia ─── [医] 遗传性共济失调性截瘫, 弗里德赖希氏共济失调
10、hereditary chorea ─── [医] 遗传性舞蹈病, 慢性舞蹈病
11、hereditary cerebellar sclerosis ─── [医] 遗传性小脑硬化
12、familial hereditary tremor ─── [医] 家族遗传性震颤
13、hereditary cerebella ataxia ─── [医] 遗传性小脑性共济失调, 马里氏共济失调
14、hereditary cerebral leukodystrophy ─── [医] 遗传性脑白质营养不良, 家族性脑中叶硬化
15、hereditary cerebellar ataxia ─── 遗传性小脑共济失调
16、chronic progressive hereditary chorea ─── [医] 慢性进行性遗传舞蹈病
17、hereditary gastritis ─── 遗传性胃炎
18、hereditary disease ─── [医] 遗传性 ─── [疾]病
19、hereditary ectodermal dysplasia ─── [医] 遗传性外胚层发育不良
hereditary 相似词语短语
1、heredities ─── n.遗传,遗传性
2、nonhereditary ─── 非遗传的
3、hereditist ─── n.遗传论者
4、heredity ─── n.遗传,遗传性
5、hereditably ─── 遗传的
6、termitary ─── n.白蚁巢;白蚁巢状结构(等于termitarium)
7、hereditarily ─── adv.遗传地;世袭地
8、hereditarian ─── n.遗传论者;adj.与遗传论有关的
9、hereditable ─── adj.可继承的;可遗传的
hereditary 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A ruler, especially a hereditary one. ─── 君主一国君主,尤指世袭的
2、Acquired at birth or during uterine development,as a result of either hereditary or environmental influences. ─── 先天的由于遗传或环境影响在出生或出生前就获得的
3、Perhaps the most thoroughly analyzed hereditary disease are those in which abnormal hemoglobin molecules are produced. ─── 也许最详尽分析过的遗传性的疾病,乃是那些产生异常血红蛋白的遗传
4、It also provides theoretical basis and studying direction for treatment with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. ─── 为LHON的治疗提供了理论依据和研究方向;
5、Freckles on my face after the talent is hereditary, I grew up trying to get rid of these Mimicengceng freckles. ─── 我脸上的雀斑是后天赋遗传的,从小我就想把这些密密层层的雀斑去掉。
6、If authority can be hereditary, can blame or guilt be hereditary, too? ─── 如果权力可以世袭,那么谴责和罪恶也可以世袭吗?
7、Succession in control of such an enterprise as the Family was by no means hereditary. ─── 像家族那样的企业控制权,按惯例,根本不是父子相传的。
8、Internal cause including hereditary factors, energetic factor, organism immunity factor, metabolism factor and so on. ─── 内因包括遗传因素、精神因素、机体的免疫因素、代谢因素等。
9、He insists his elevation to boy warlord was not simply due to a medieval - style hereditary due to a medieval - style hereditary right. ─── 他认为他小小年纪被推为军事首领并不仅是由于中世纪式的世袭权利。
10、Something natural, as if being on the water were beyond his control, part of a gene passed on to him from some obscure hereditary pool. ─── 一些是自然的,比如在水上远远被他控制,部分来自某些遗传基因的组合。
11、That is the commonest fatal hereditary disease. ─── “在你的家族里,秃发是遗传性的吗?”
12、He was struck blind by an hereditary illness 4 years ago. ─── 四年前他由于遗传病而失明。
13、The hereditary privileges, the royal pursue long-term interests, rather than a tyranny of power. ─── 世袭特权,皇族思虑长远,而不一朝用权。
14、Local tyrant was the hereditary chieftain of China's minority ethnic groups in the ancient times. ─── 土官是世袭其职的少数民族首领。
15、He did concede that "a few patients, such as the ones with hereditary pancreatitis, may benefit." Dr. ─── 他确实承认“一部分病人,例如患遗传性胰腺炎者可能会因此受益。”
16、The polygenic and multiple allelic nature of many traits gives a vast potential for variability among hereditary characteristics. ─── 许多特征的多基因本质和复等位本质,使遗传特点中的变异性具有巨大的潜力。
17、Epilepsy is hereditary in her family. ─── 癫痫是她家族的遗传病。
18、The rest presumably have a hereditary basis or arise from spontaneous metabolic events. ─── 其余癌症可能有遗传背景或者来源于自身的新陈代谢疾
19、The prerequisite to hereditary possession was that the possessor must pay rent to the treasury and obey and carry out the imperial edict. ─── 世袭占有的前提是必须向国库缴纳地租 ,并无条件地服从和执行皇帝的命令。
20、There is, a tendency towards slackness and inefficiency in most families that rule by hereditary right. ─── 大多数赋有世袭统治权的家族逐渐变得怠惰、无能。
21、Single nucleotide polymorphism plays an essential role in elucidating hereditary cardiovascular diseases. ─── 因此单核苷酸多态性是阐明遗传性心血管疾病的重要因素。
22、Doctor: I can do nothing for your complaint. It is hereditary. ─── 医生:对你的抱怨我无能为力。那是遗传。
23、There is a rare condition known as hereditary spherocytosis. ─── 在实验室中,可见渗透脆性增加。
24、A nobleman with the highest hereditary rank, especially a man of the highest grade of the peerage in Great Britain. ─── 公爵具有最高世袭身份的贵族,尤指英国具有最高等级贵族身份的人
25、It passes on the hereditary material to each daughter cell. ─── 它将遗传物质传至每个子细胞。
26、It is true that our society is stratified, and very rigidly stratified, on what at first sight appear to be hereditary lines. ─── 不错,我国的社会是分阶层的,而且阶层分明,非常严格,乍看之下仿佛是按世袭的界线划分的。
27、To see if attractiveness can be hereditary, researchers in England focused on the fruit fly Drosophila simulans. ─── 为了观察魅力是否会遗传,英格兰的研究者们把目标对准果蝇。
28、He argued that organisms evolve gradually by accumulating small hereditary changes. ─── 他论证说,生物是由于一些小的遗传变异的积累而逐渐演变的。
29、Hereditary congenital ptosis occurs in 3 main forms: simple; with external ophthalmoplegia; and with blepharophimosis. ─── 什么是'先天性上睑下垂-自出生以来眼睑下垂'?
30、British scientist whose book Hereditary Genius(1869) laid the foundations for the science of eugenics. ─── 加尔东,弗朗西斯1822-1911英国科学家,他的书遗传本质(1869年)奠定了优生学的基础。
31、Ample eidence exists to proe that hereditary factors contribute to alcoholism . ─── 存在丰富的证据证明遗传因素是酗酒的部分原因。
32、Capable of being passed from one generation to the next; hereditary. ─── 可遗传的,遗传的能由一代传给下一代的;遗传的
33、Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease. ─── 囊性纤维性病是一种遗传性疾病。
34、Chinese traditional festivals are not only festivals but also a national symbol and a hereditary of anciant culture. ─── 中国传统节日不仅仅是节日,还是一个民族的象征,一个古老文化的传承。
35、Yes, cleanliness certainly helps, but sometimes (if the problem is hereditary) there is no amount of cleanliness that is going to solve the problem. ─── 不错,整洁有一定的帮助,但有时(如果问题是世袭)并无数额洁净,是去解决问题。
36、American geneticist. He won a1946 Nobel Prize for the study of the hereditary effect of x-rays on genes. ─── 墨勒,赫尔曼·约瑟夫1890-1967美国遗传学家,因研究X射线对基因遗传的影响而获1946年诺贝尔奖
37、Peutz-Jeghers, also known as Hereditary Intestinal Polyposis Syndrome, is an autosomal dominant genetic disease. ─── 什么是'黑斑息肉综合征-多生长在肠道'?
38、It has become common practice for husband and wife to enjoy the same hereditary rights and for sons and daughters to have equal rights as heirs. ─── 夫妻相互继承遗产和子女平等继承父母遗产的权利普遍得到了保障。
39、this disease hereditary? ─── 这种病遗传吗?
40、Does dominance hereditary disease have those? Recessive have those again? ─── 像红绿色盲,白化病,血友病都是隐性遗传病,六指就是显性的.
41、A hereditary woman ruler; a queen. ─── 世袭的女性统治者;女王
42、A. Do you think beauty is hereditary? ─── 你认为美貌是会遗传的吗?
43、Used as a hereditary title for certain princes in the Holy Roman Empire. ─── 侯爵神圣罗马帝国的某些候爵的世袭封号
44、He believed that hysteria was the result of a weak neurological system which was hereditary. ─── 他相信歇斯底里是家族遗传下来的神经系统衰弱所导致的结果。
45、This oldest profession is hereditary - a woman's specialty! ─── 女子的职业是世袭的,是专门的!
46、The truth was, for me, it was hereditary, and no matter what I did in terms of keeping my face clean, I was destined to have the problem. ─── 事实真相是,对我来说,这是遗传性,没有什么事做,我在保持脸部清洁,我是注定有问题。
47、However, the fact that magic runs in families means that it is a hereditary trait. ─── 但是,由于魔法能力存在于某些特定的家庭,这意味着这是一种遗传特性。
48、"It was hereditary in his family to have no children" is a well known Irish bull. ─── “没有后嗣是他家族的遗传”这句话是众所周知的自相矛盾的笑话。
49、It is known that they are strands of deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA), the hereditary material of the cell. ─── 已知它们为脱氧核糖核酸链,是细胞的遗传物质。
50、In principle, membership in these three groups is not hereditary. ─── 在原则上,这三类人的身份不是世袭的。
51、The rich were not a hereditary class, for most wealthy men were self-made. ─── 富豪不是遗传的,大多数的有钱人是靠自己的努力。
52、A hereditary military dictator of Japan; the shoguns ruled Japan until the revolution of 1867-68. ─── 一个世袭的日本军事统冶者;统冶日本直到1867-1868年明冶维新改革的日本幕府将军。
53、In some cities the office of high priest of certain divinites was hereditary in a particular gens. ─── 在一些城市里,某些神的大祭司之职是由固定的氏族世袭。
54、And you will let me copy your hereditary nostrum. ─── 你把那张药方借我抄一抄就好了。
55、Most of the multiple glomus tumors are sporadic but some are hereditary or congenital. ─── 大部分多发性脉络球瘤为偶发性,但亦有少部分属于遗传或先天性。
56、She believes that hereditary peerages should be abolished. ─── 她认为世袭贵族应当被废除。
57、Pray for the salvation of Badawi, Razak and nine hereditary state sultans. ─── 为巴达威及拉兹克及九位国家世袭的君王人选得救祷告。
58、The truth was, for me, it was hereditary, and no matter what I did in terms of keeping my face clean, I was destined to have the problem. ─── 事实真相是,对我来说,这是遗传性,没有什么事做,我在保持脸部清洁,我是注定有问题。
59、A hereditary form, myotonia congenita (Thomsen's disease), can affect eyelid and eye motion, swallowing, or talking. ─── 具遗传性的先天性肌强直(汤姆生氏病),会影响眼睑和眼睛的运动、吞咽或说话。
60、In principle, mumbership in these three groups is not hereditary. ─── 在原则上,这三类人的身份不是世袭的。
61、The head of state is the hereditary monarch. ─── 国家元首是世袭统治者。
62、A hereditary base has been shown in St.Bernard dogs. ─── 在圣伯纳犬中发现该疾病有遗传基础。
63、Despite his difficult childhood, Temujin grew up strong enough to claim his hereditary position as tribal leader. ─── 尽管童年生活很艰苦,长大后的铁木真却英勇威武,并成功夺回部落首领的世袭地位。
64、Medical researchers believe they could be close to pinning down the cause of hereditary asthma. ─── 医学研究员相信他们接近确定遗传哮喘病的病因了。
65、The gene defect accounts for 6 percent to 7 percent of all cases of hereditary spastic paraplegia, they said. ─── 6-7%的遗传性痉挛性截瘫患者存在该基因缺陷。
66、Having predominantly maternal hereditary traits. ─── 主要有母性遗传特性的
67、It is concluded that tetrandrine has hereditary toxicity to experimental aninal. ─── 但对该药遗传毒性的研究,国内外报道较少,且结论不一。
68、A hologynic hereditary trait. ─── 只能由女性遗传的特征
69、He too had this hereditary peculiarity. ─── 他也有这种祖传的特殊姿态。
70、WD is a drug-treatable hereditary disease, which is rare. However without reasonable treatment, outcome is often fatal. ─── WD是少有的可用药物治疗的遗传病,但未经合理的治疗后果往往是致命性的。
71、Primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) is a blind leading hereditary disease . ─── 原发性先天性青光眼 (primary congenital glauco-ma,PCG)是一种遗传性致盲眼病。
72、What? I thought mental disorders were hereditary. ─── 什么?我以为这种精神失调是遗传的。
73、Because of the( hereditary) factor, he and his father have same temper . ─── 因为遗传的原因,他和父亲的脾气很相似。
74、All offices were elective, generally within a gens, and to that extent hereditary to the gens. ─── 一切职位多半都是在氏族内部选举的,因而是在氏族范围内世袭的。
75、British scientist whose book Hereditary Genius(1869)laid the foundations for the science of eugenics. ─── 加尔东,弗朗西斯1822-1911英国科学家,他的书遗传本质(1869年)奠定了优生学的基础
76、But, mutagenic action is not the only mechanism of hereditary change, the epigenetic mechanism may also play an important role in it. ─── 然而,致突变作用并不是遗传改变的唯一机制,表观遗传基础对此也具有重要作用。DNA甲基化成为外遗传的基础机制已经倍受关注。
77、Relating to or causing the deterioration of hereditary qualities in offspring. ─── 劣生的有关或引起后代种族质量退化的
78、There was such a world of hereditary quiet in her. ─── 她身上有一种先天的娴静气质。
79、It was his hereditary office to close the gates of salvation. ─── 他传统的任务就是去结束梵天降生救世的典礼。
80、In the crucial years, the fact that the Party was not a hereditary body did a great deal to neutralize opposition. ─── 在关键重大的年代里,由于党不是一个世袭组织,这对消除反对意见起了很大作用。
81、In hereditary angioedema, specific stimuli that have previously led to attacks may need to be avoided in the future. ─── 在遗传性血管水肿,具体的刺激曾导致攻击可能需要避免的未来。
82、It is difficult to deal with a hereditary enemy toward whom one feels no personal animosity. ─── 很难与一个没有个人怨仇的世敌交往。
83、"The Declaration of Right upheld the principle of hereditary monarchy" (Edmund Burke). ─── “权利宣言坚持继承主权原则” (爱德蒙·伯克)。
84、In other countries those with hereditary wealth may lead lives of ostentatious indolence. ─── 在其他国家,那些有地位的人可能会过一种炫耀的无所事事的生活。
85、Dennis, like Gould, was not about to be taken in by a hereditary interpretation of IQ. ─── 丹尼斯像古尔德一样,不相信智力的遗传效果。
86、As for trailblazing ability, it is not innate, and its basis and prerequisite are good hereditary quality. ─── 创新能力不是天生俱有的,良好的遗传素质是其基础和前提,更重要的是取决于后天的环境与教育。
87、Cystic fibrosis is the commonest fatal hereditary disease. ─── 囊性纤维化是最常见的致命性遗传疾病。
88、The study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled selective breeding. ─── 优生学通过可控制选择性生育来对人种进行遗传学上的改善的研究
89、In Marlowe's interpretation, human subjectivity is emancipated from the hereditary convention of Elizabethan society. ─── 在马娄的诠释下,得知人的主体性从伊莉莎白时代的社会规范中解放开来。
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