dialectical 发音
英:[daɪə'lektɪk(ə)l] 美:[,daɪə'lɛktɪkl]
英: 美:
dialectical 中文意思翻译
dialectical 网络释义
adj. 辩证的;辩证法的;方言的
dialectical 短语词组
1、dialectical definition ─── 辩证界定
2、Dialectical theology ─── 辩证神学
3、dialectical behavior therapy ─── 辨证行为疗法
4、dialectical thinking ─── 辩证思维
5、dialectical inquiry ─── 辩证的质询
6、dialectical behavioral therapy ─── 辩证行为疗法
7、dialectical statement ─── 问答式的讲述
8、dialectical exchange ─── 辩证交流
9、dialectical means ─── 辩证法
10、dialectical complementation ─── 辩证互补
11、dialectical montage ─── 辩证蒙太奇
12、dialectical materialism n. ─── 辩证唯物主义
13、dialectical method ─── 辩证方法
14、dialectical relationship ─── 辩证关系
15、dialectical music ─── 辩证音乐
16、dialectical reasoning ─── 辩证推理
17、dialectical logic ─── 辩证逻辑
18、dialectical journal ─── 辩证法期刊
dialectical 词性/词形变化,dialectical变形
副词: dialectically |形容词: dialectical |
dialectical 相似词语短语
1、dialecticism ─── n.方言用语;方言倾向;方言
2、dialectal ─── adj.方言的;乡音的
3、dialectically ─── adv.辩证法地
4、dialectic ─── n.辩证法;逻辑论证;adj.辩证的;辩证法的;方言的
5、dialecticians ─── n.辩论的能手;辩证学家
6、dialectics ─── n.辩证法;辩证逻辑
7、dialectician ─── n.辩论的能手;辩证学家
8、diabetical ─── 糖尿病
9、undialectical ─── 辩证的
dialectical 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The Shanghai dialect is very colorful. ─── 上海话是丰富多彩的。
2、The Algonquian language of the Penobscot,a dialect of Eastern Abenaki. ─── 一种东阿贝那基方言佩诺布斯科特语(指其使用的阿尔冈昆语)
3、After living and working among Arabs for several years, Norman had gone native-wearing Arab robes and even speaking the local dialect. ─── 在阿拉伯国家生活、工作了几年后,诺尔曼已入乡随俗了——他穿起了阿位伯长袍,甚至还能讲当地土话。
4、A hybrid language or dialect;a pidgin. ─── 不纯正的语言一种混合语言或方言;混杂行话
5、We should adopt a dialectical, not a metaphysical, approach towards him. ─── 对他们要采取辩证的方法,而不应采取形而上学的方法。
6、He wrote a play in a local dialect. ─── 他用当地方言写了一个剧本。
7、A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. ─── 一个语言就是一个有陆军海军的方言。
8、II) Theory of Identity --- Authentic Dialectical Relation. ─── 二)同一之道----真正的辩证联系.
9、A hybrid language or dialect; a pidgin. ─── 不纯正的语言一种混合语言或方言; 混杂行话
10、It is the dialectical unity between translatability and untranslatability. ─── 可译与不可译是矛盾对立的辩证统一。
11、An old dialect of German mixed with English is used in church and at home. ─── 上教堂和在家时,他们使用一种混合德语和英语的古老方言。
12、Can you understand Ningbo dialect? ─── 你能听懂宁波话吗?
13、She speaks pure Shanghai dialect. ─── 她的上海话说得真地道。
14、In Northwest dialect, the meaning of impatience was Worry. ─── 在西北方言中,“急躁”是“烦恼”的意思;
15、Selective schools and colleges already offer Mandarin, the principal dialect. ─── 一些学校和大学已经有普通话班。普通话是他们用来沟通的主要语言。
16、essence of dialectical thought is division. ─── 辩证思想的实质是二分法。
17、Woman [in Amdo dialect to man]: "No, I came to visit my boyfriend. ─── 女子(安多方言;对老人):“不,我是来看望男朋友的。”
18、They speak a dialect of Turkish. ─── 他们说土耳其语的一种方言。
19、Can you speak the Shanghai dialect? ─── 你会说上海话吗?
20、Cockney is the colourful dialect spoken in the East End of London. ─── 伦敦方言是在伦敦东区讲的颇有特色的地方语。
21、Pls do not use dialect in your posts. ─── 一定不可以用方言回帖。使用方言的扣分很重的。请注意。
22、He is using an unusual northern dialect, which is why everyone is laughing. ─── 他说的是独特的北部方言,所以每个人都在笑。
23、The dialect of Nez Perce spoken by the Cayuse in the19th and20th centuries. ─── 内珀西方言19世纪和20世纪卡尤塞人说的内珀西方言
24、An extinct language of the Assyrians is regarded as a dialect of Akkadian. ─── 亚述人的一种绝迹的语言认为属于阿卡得语的一种方言。
25、She is speaking a dialect other than Mandarin. ─── 她说的不是普通话,而是地方话。
26、Some words in her dialect had a charming quaintness. ─── 她说过的带有方言的一些话中有种可爱的意趣。
27、Of or relating to cockneys or their dialect. ─── 伦敦佬的,伦敦东区的方言的属于或有关伦敦佬或他们的方言的
28、This is Beijing dialect, meaning boasting or chat idly. ─── 北方方言,表示吹牛,没有目的地聊天。
29、The Portuguese dialect spoken in Spanish Galicia. ─── 加利亚西方言西班牙加利西亚地区中带葡萄牙口音的方言
30、Her talk smacks of Shanghai dialect. ─── 她的言谈带有上海方言的味道。
31、He fells comfortable with those who speak the Shanghai dialect . ─── 他和将上海话的人谈话总感到很自在。
32、He speaks dialect,not standard English. ─── 她说一口方言,不是标准英语.
33、Scolded in Akita dialect over and over. ─── 一次又一次地被敌手用秋田方言辱骂。
34、Dialectical analyzing the nature of sophism, it is a mistake. ─── 从辩证法上来分析,诡辩的本质是一种谬误。
35、The Government wants the public to understand long-term view of the dialectical nature of the adjustment and high-rise block of blasting. ─── 而政府则希望市民理解,立足长远辩证地看待地块性质调整和高楼的爆破。
36、Classic scenes: an avowed dialect old woman to see a popular actress. ─── 一满口土话的老妇要见一位当红女演员。
37、The democratie centralism, which was put forward by Lenin, is dialectical unity. ─── 列宁提出的民主与集中的辩证统一原则,到斯大林时期片面强调集中,再到戈尔巴乔夫时期片面强调民主,最终导致亡党亡国。
38、The Chinese dialect of Peking. ─── 北京语一种北京的中国方言
39、The analytic method is dialectical. ─── 分析的方法就是辩证的方法。
40、The dialect of Ojibwa spoken by the Ottawa. ─── 奥塔瓦语奥塔瓦人的语言,属奥吉瓦语的方言
41、Both economic rationality and irrationality have achieved dialectical unity and can complement each other. ─── 从经济哲学层面分析,经济理性与经济非理性辩证统一,相辅相成。
42、He topped off his concert with a song in the native dialect of the villagers. ─── 他用当地村民的方言唱了一支歌结束了他的音乐会。
43、Third, in the idea idea extreme, did not understand comprehensive dialectical regards the question. ─── 观念想法上的极端化,不懂得全面辩证的看待问题。
44、The Beijing dialect uses four tones. ─── 北京方言有四种语调。
45、In the local dialect, giant panda is pronounced as "big hug". ─── 在当地方言中,熊猫的发音接近“熊抱”,谐音“拥抱”。
46、Do you speak Sichuan dialect? ─── 你会说四川话吗?
47、This article holds that the attitude towards post-modernist concept of truth should be comprehensive and dialectical. ─── 对待后现代真理观的理性态度应是兼容并蓄,辩证扬弃。
48、Good at analysis and dialectical thinking, and a strong organization and coordination. ─── 善于辨证的分析和思考问题,具有较强的组织协调能力。
49、Key words:Nation , dialect , China-Japan cultural exchange , totem. ─── 关键词:民族性,方言,中日文化交流,图腾。
50、He is currently engaged in dialect research. ─── 他目前从事于方言的研究。
51、In his hands, comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon. ─── 在他的手里,诙谐的方言,俚语成了完美的文字武器。
52、A regional dialect or language that becomes the standard language over a wider area, losing its most extreme local features. ─── 共通语一种地区方言或语言,它成为广大地区的通用语言而失去了最显著的地方特征
53、The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. ─── 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言
54、A rationale for dialectical materialism based on change through the conflict of opposing forces. ─── 基于矛盾引发的冲突的辩证唯物主义解说。
55、The Minnan dialect of Chinese spoken on Taiwan. ─── 台湾方言台湾所讲的中国闽南方言
56、The proportion of the population still speaking the dialect is very small. ─── 只有少数居民仍使用这种方言。
57、They speak a strange dialect. ─── 他们操一种奇怪的方言。
58、He speaks Wu dialect, which is why you can not understand him. ─── 他说的是吴方言,所以你会听不懂。
59、A system of vowels used in a language or dialect. ─── 元音系统用于语言或方言的元音系统
60、The Fujian dialect is spoken also by the majority on Taiwan. ─── 台湾的大多数人也讲闽方言。
61、Do you understand the local dialect? ─── 你懂本地方言吗?
62、The students speak the Shanghai dialect frequently. ─── 学生常说上海话。
63、In the course of the discussion, we impinged on a theoretical problem of dialectical materialism. ─── 在讨论过程中,我们接触到了一个辩证唯物主义的理论问题。
64、The ancient Greek dialect of Ionia. ─── 古希腊爱奥尼亚方言
65、Is Canadian English a British Dialect? ─── 加拿大英语是英国英语的一种方言吗?
66、His state theory is at most dialectical conception, lacking practicability, dynamism and sense of history. ─── 其境界理论多属思辨性的构想,缺少实践性、动力性和历史感。
67、The year before last, our class made a survey of the local dialect there. ─── 前年,我们班在那儿搞过汉语方言调查。
68、The ancient or modern Greek dialect of Cyprus. ─── 塞浦路斯语塞浦路斯古代或现代的希腊方言
69、The dialect of Nez Perce was spoken by the Cayuse in the19th and20th centuries. ─── 内珀西方言是19世纪和20世纪卡尤塞人的语言。
70、Which was that dialect group? ─── 他们是哪个方言团体?
71、The dialect of English spoken by Geordies. ─── 北英格兰语北英格兰人说的英语方言
72、His narrative is a super rendering of dialect speech and idiom. ─── 他的叙述是方言和土语最成功的运用。
73、While talking to his families he fell into their dialect. ─── 与家人谈话时他很自然地说起了家乡方言。
74、The standpoint of practice is the primary and basic standpoint in the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge. ─── 实践的观点是辩证唯物论的认识论之第一的和基本的观点。
75、The official language is French, generally speaking Creole dialect. ─── 官方语言为法语,也普遍讲克里奥尔方言。
76、Born a Provencal,he easily familiarized himself with the dialect of the south. ─── 他出生在南部,所以很容易掌握南方的各种方言。
77、Eaks a dialect, not the Queen's English. ─── 她说一口方言,不是标准英语。
78、Nowadays Assyrian is considered a dialect of Akkadian. ─── 今天的亚述语被认为是阿卡得语的方言。
79、There are always two sides to a coin,which is the essence of dialectical thinking. ─── 凡事都存在正负二个方面,可谓物极必反,就是所谓的辩证。
80、His main concern was with clear dialectical exposition. ─── 他主要关心的问题在于明确而辩证地阐明情节和人物。
81、What other dialect do you understand? ─── 你还懂哪种方言?
82、If the dialectical-materialist movement of knowledge were to stop at rational knowledge, only half the problem would be dealt with. ─── 辩证唯物论的认识运动,如果只到理性认识为止,那末还只说到问题的一半。
83、Cockney is a dialect of English. ─── 伦敦方言是英语中的地区性语言
84、I have already spoken about the dialectical materialist view of motive and effect. ─── 关于动机和效果的辩证唯物主义观点,我在前面已经讲过了。
85、Among them is a relationship of dialectical unity. ─── 它们之间是辩证统一的关系。
86、Every now and then he would lapse into the local dialect. ─── 他讲话中时而不自觉地冒出地方方言。
87、The dialect of Phoenician spoken in ancient Carthage. ─── 古迦太基语古迦太基人所说的腓尼基方言
88、I don't speak Shanghai dialect. ─── 上海话我说不来。
89、A dialect of Malay that is the official language of Indonesia. ─── 印尼语马来语的一种方言,被指定为印度尼西亚的官方语言
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