droning 发音
英:[ˈdrəʊnɪŋ] 美:[ˈdroʊnɪŋ]
英: 美:
droning 中文意思翻译
droning 短语词组
1、droning on and on ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休
2、droning off ─── 嗡 ─── 嗡作响
3、droning sounds crossword ─── 嗡 ─── 嗡声听起来像填字游戏
4、droning on about ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休
5、droning robot ─── 嗡 ─── 嗡作响的机器人
6、droning definition ─── 嗡 ─── 嗡声的定义
7、droning on define ─── 喋 ─── 喋不休地定义
8、droning chain ─── 嗡 ─── 嗡作响的链条
9、droning on ─── 唠 ─── 唠叨叨地说下去
droning 词性/词形变化,droning变形
droning 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、To emit the continuous droning sound of a bee on the wing;buzz. ─── 发嗡嗡声蜜蜂翅膀发出的持续的嗡嗡声;
2、A droning, mechanical delivery of the speech. ─── 一篇低沉单调、呆板的演说
3、EUROPEANS have learned to let their attention drift when Brussels starts droning on about "process" . ─── 每当布鲁塞尔开始唠叨“进程”时,欧洲人就会学着把注意力移开。
4、First flown in 1995, the Predator is a flimsy drone that flies as slowly as a Cessna and can carry far less weight. ─── “掠夺者”于1995年首次飞向天空,它是一架非常易毁的无人驾驶飞机,其飞行速度如同任何飞机降落时的速度,而且其承载能力微乎其微。
5、A hive about to swarm is a hive possessed.It becomes visibly agitated around the mouth of its entrance.The colony whines in a centerless loud drone that vibrates the neighborhood. ─── 即将离巢的蜂群是疯狂的,在蜂巢的入口处明显地躁动不安,嗡嗡喧闹的哀鸣振动邻里。
6、Councilor Jones was droning on and eventually the chairman had to cut him short to give somebody else a chance to speak. ─── 政务员琼斯单调管味地讲个没完,最后主席只得打断了他,让其他人有发言的机会。
7、Boosted the Curator sentry drone, max Range, falloff and tracking improved. ─── “监护官”岗哨无人机的最大控制范围,失准范围和跟踪速度得到提升.
8、CHAOS is probably the most popular choice of distribution to run on a drone node. ─── 在从属节点上运行的发行版本的最普遍选择可能是CHAOS。
9、But is the drone war winnable? ─── 但是,这场无人机战役能打胜吗?
10、Nunn said, a handful of fanatics could crash a radio-controlled drone aircraft into the building, "engulfing it with chemical weapons and causing tremendous death and destruction. ─── 努思说,有一小撮狂热分子可能操纵无线遥控飞机冲进这栋大楼,"使大楼完全为化学武器所吞没,造成极大的人员死亡与财务破坏。"
11、The Targeting Drone can target one unit at a time, and increases the damage that unit takes by 50%. ─── 制导机械蜂一次能够锁定一个单位,使它承受的伤害增加50%,这个效果不可累加。
12、Without the droning air condition,the house is oddly peaceful,and the unfilter night noises seem close enough to touch. ─── “不管是白天还是晚上,没有谁会把窗户打开。”另一应朋反捍醒我说。她家的窗户封上有十来年了。“现在是九十年代,很不安全。”
13、Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered night noises seem close enough to touch. ─── 没有烦人的空调的嗡嗡声,房子里出奇地安静,还有这未经过滤的夜晚的喧杂声,似乎近的伸手可以触摸得到。
14、Stasis Drone Augmentors I &II have been seeded on the market. ─── 停滞无人机增强设备I&II都已在市场中生成。
15、However, troops can do more than decimate enemy forces, since if there’s an MCV or drone platform in the blend, they’re perfectly fine for base-building, too. ─── 如果在一支军队中放入MCV,这样会非常有利于基地的建造。
16、people droning on about "unconditional love" - what she needs is concrete help. ─── 人们总是絮絮叨叨的说“无条件的爱…”-可是她真正需要的是具体的帮助。
17、Two Neo Shifters cornbine forces to create the Split Shifter,the ultimate Tank-Walker and Robo Attack Drone to outpower the Ternplars. ─── 两款武士镭射机器人结合力量创造出狙击::战神,并可以分别变形为终极坦克漫步者和雄蜂攻击者,力量强过战士.
18、Now displays the upgrade cameo for drone armor. ─── 升级装甲之后会在单位上显示出来。
19、Bees are droning among the flowers. ─── (蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡叫。);
20、The sound of vomiting was heard aBove the drone of the propeller. ─── 呕吐声比螺旋浆发出的声音还要响。
21、To emit the continuous droning sound of a bee on the wing. ─── 发嗡嗡声蜜蜂翅膀发出的持续的嗡嗡声。
22、"Do you want a diploma without the dreary classes, droning profs and annoying exams? ─── " “你想文凭,没有沉闷的班, droning老师和恼人的考试” ?
23、He chanted his own praises in a droning voice. ─── 他以单调的语调反复地自夸。
24、A drone attacks and harasses the SCV building the bunker, preventing it from being completed. ─── 一个工蜂对建造地堡的SCV进行攻击和骚扰,试图阻止地堡完工。
25、With some systems, a ground unit can launch a drone for a quick bird's-eye look around with very little effort. ─── 大多数小型无人机都无需跑道助飞,在前线一般利用小型计算机控制其飞行。
26、But America's air force continued to experiment, converting a small jet-powered target drone, the Firebee, into an unmanned spy plane called the Lightning Bug. ─── 但是美国空军仍没放弃进一步的试验,他们将一架小型喷气动力的靶机“火蜜蜂”转变为一架无人驾驶的侦察机,并取名为“闪电虫”。
27、A drone technician looked stricken, realizing that he might die in the next few seconds. ─── 一名雄蜂技师看起来沮丧之极,他明白自己在后面几秒钟内很可能会命丧黄泉。
28、Also, another basic thing is that you want to build your more valuable buildings from your Drone Ship queue if at all possible. ─── 同样,另一个基本点是如果可能的话,你要多从你的主基地里造那些有价值的建筑。
29、Are you a worker, a drone, or a queen bee? ─── 你在单位相当于工蜂、雄蜂、还是蜂王?
30、A crucial part of Mr Obama's strategy is elimination of militant safe havings havens in the border region and the/ drone attacks have continued despite strong Pakistani protests. ─── 奥巴马战略的一个重要部分是在边境地区拆除军用安全避难所,但是尽管巴基斯坦人强烈反对,巡逻仍在继续。
31、The drone of his misleading whistle brings Walter back. ─── 他吹着那令人困惑的口哨,单调而低沉,把沃尔特唤了回来。
32、Mr. Gilani urged the U.S. to share more intelligence with Pakistan, and provide drone technology along with better military equipment and ammunition to fight militants. ─── 吉拉尼敦促美国更多地同巴基斯坦交流情报,向巴基斯坦提供无人飞机技术以及更先进的军事装备和弹药。
33、He himself had always been a worker and a saver, George always a drone and a spender. ─── 他自己一直克勤克俭,乔治则一直是又懒惰,又会花钱。
34、Its ability to reproduce on its host (Apis cerana and Apis mellifera ;drone and worker bee)is different. ─── 其对不同蜂种(东方蜜蜂和西方蜜蜂)以及不同职能蜂 (工蜂与雄蜂)之间的寄生能力差异很大。
35、Her sharp questions punctuated the speaker's drone. ─── 她的敏锐的问题不时地打断演讲者的话。
36、The drone's controllers,thousands of miles away on the eastern seaboard of America,knew who they were. ─── 位于数千里之外的美国东海岸的无人驾驶侦察机的控制员却知道这些人是谁。
37、Global Hawk, a large reconnaissance drone, has demonstrated the ability to take off, cross oceans and land without guidance. ─── “世界雄鹰”是一架大型的无人驾驶侦察机,对它的试验已经验证了它在没有导航的情况下具有起飞、跨越海洋与陆地的能力。
38、The droning change into a deep buzzing and I am suddenly lifting free, I feel a slight falling, buzzing sensation. ─── 嗡嗡声变为一种深沉的轰鸣,我突然感到在自由地往上升,我又有轻微的下落和嗡嗡响的感觉。
39、"Visible in the very last screenshot, the Targeting Drone is the latest ability added to the Nighthawk. ─── 从最新的截图来看,制导机械蜂是新添加的夜鹰技能,据说取代了原有的纳米维修技能。
40、To make a humming or droning sound; buzz. ─── 发出嗡嗡声发出嗡嗡的或哼哼地响声;发出嗡嗡声
41、The small sensor signature of an observer means that the drone does not have to drain its energy in order to maintain the field over long periods. ─── 传感器的精巧细小也使得它们能够节省出足够的能源来长时间维持隐形力场。
42、sounds were so different too, the constant droning chainsaw noise of bugs in the deserts were now of singing birds. ─── 声响也完全不一样了,沙漠中昆虫持续的嗡嗡声变成了鸟儿在歌唱。
43、The after-dinner speaker was droning on and on and on, boring everyone to tears. ─── 一位晚餐后的讲演者冗长沉闷地说个没完没了,以至使每个人都烦得哈欠连天。
44、A next-generation combat drone, for example, might loiter for hours above a potential target on elongated, low-drag wings. ─── 举例来说,新一代无人战斗机就可运用外张的低阻力机翼,在预定目标上空盘旋数小时。
45、With the targeting drone currently removed from the Nighthawk, we'll have to wait to see if another unit takes it up as an ability. ─── 夜鹰的释放靶机的能力目前被移除了,我们会观察看看,是否将这个技能给予其他单位。
46、A humming or droning sound; a buzz. ─── 嗡嗡声或哼哼声
47、Issues with the Stasis Drone Augmentor I &II modules have been resolved. ─── 停滞无人机增强设备I和II装备问题都已解决。
48、A plane was droning in the distance. ─── 飞机在远处嗡嗡地响。
49、The droning change into a deep buzzing and I am suddenly lifting free, I feel a slight falling, buzzing sensation. ─── 嗡嗡声变为一种深沉的轰鸣,我突然感到在自由地往上升,我又有轻微的下落和嗡嗡响的感觉。
50、In a sign of post-war tensions , Georgia claimed it had shot down a Russian drone over its territory. ─── 在战后的紧张局势中,格鲁吉亚方面声称击落一架飞越其领空的俄罗斯无人驾驶侦察机。
51、Everybody at the meeting is a droning pedant. ─── 会上人人都是语言乏味的空谈家。
52、It passed slowly out of sight, but still he heard in his ears the laborious drone of the engine reiterating the syllables of her name. ─── 他还能听到嘈杂的引擎在他耳中述说她名字的回声。
53、A vibrating, humming, or droning sound. ─── 嗡嗡声振动、哼哼或嗡嗡声
54、A mosquito hums and hums. Two flies drone and drone. ─── 一个蚊子哼哼哼。两个苍蝇嗡嗡嗡。
55、But now the wildlife is stressed from the noise and air pollution of the exploding munitions and the drone of military aircraft, Hani says. ─── 但是现在这些野生动物受到炸山和军机嗡嗡作响的噪音以及空气污染压迫。
56、A mosquito wheeled its droning flight over his head. ─── 一只蚊子嗡嗡地在他的头上方盘旋。
57、ZERG 9: "THE INVASION OF AIUR"||- Bring a Drone to the Khaydarin Crystal Formation. ─── ->虫族 9: "入侵艾尔"||- 将一个雄蜂带到柯亥达林水晶构造体.
58、For example, the queen bees and worker bees of cells in the 32 chromosomes, but Drone's somatic cell, only 16 chromosomes. ─── 例如,蜜蜂的蜂王和工蜂的体细胞中有32条染色体,而雄蜂的体细胞中只有16条染色体。
59、He reads through endless details of goblin uprisings and other events "in a flat drone like an old vacuum cleaner" which puts everyone into a stupor. ─── 他没完没了地读那些小妖精起义的细节而其他的事件,“沉闷单调的声音像是一台老掉牙的吸尘器”,让每个人都昏昏沉沉的。
60、I nearly fell asleep while he was droning on! ─── 他啰里啰嗦地讲个没完,我差点睡着!
61、I would often get up early to watch sunrise when it was not yet quiet light and all was quiet except for the droning of the ship engine. ─── 为了看日出,我常常早起。那时天还没有大亮,周围非常冷清,船上只有机器的响声。
62、This gave rise to the word "drone", which is still used to describe unmanned planes. ─── 于是“无人驾驶飞机”就如此产生了,这个词到如今还是描述那些无人驾驶的飞机。
63、Prejudice is a drone's excuse to avoid thinking. ─── 偏见是懒人逃避思考的借口。
64、Oslash; They set gigantic drone robots loose over the planet and then infest it with organic monsters. ─── 五面怪安插巨型机器人于塞伯坦星上,以作骚扰。
65、The tonic pitch is played as a drone that runs throughout the performance. ─── 主音音高作为一种低音调奏出,在整个演奏中贯穿始终。
66、The drone is set to detonate its warhead just above the target, to generate the highest damage to the antennae, and surrounding facilities. ─── 如果目标被确认,无人飞行器进入一个攻击模式,它过渡进入近似垂直俯冲之内,瞄准在信号源上。
67、The drone's controllers, thousands of miles away in a bunker on the eastern seaboard of America, knew who they were. ─── 位于数千里之外的美国东海岸的一个掩体中的无人驾驶侦察机的控制员却知道这些人是谁。
68、Visiting American students are often startled to attend lectures with no visual aids, out-of-date hand-outs and droning, inaudible speakers. ─── 访问经常赫然出席讲座与美国学生没有视觉辅助,配合最新的施舍和音,听不见的扬声器。
69、It might prefer, for example, to strike the fugitive Pakistani Taliban there using American drone attacks. ─── 它可能更愿意,打个比方,利用美国的无人机打击逃亡的巴基斯坦塔利班。
70、Overhead, bumble-bees flew hither and thither in the thickening light, their drone coming and going like the sound of a gong. ─── 天空里嗡蜂也在渐渐强烈的阳光里到外飞动,它们的嗡嗡时闻时寂,仿佛是打锣的声音。
71、He can drone on for hours about his pet subjects. ─── 他能就他的宠物侃侃而谈几小时。
72、To make a low droning or vibrating sound like that of a bee. ─── 嗡嗡叫象蜜蜂一样发出低沉的嗡嗡声或振动音
73、Snake: The drone's been shot to hell. It's up in flames. ─── 副机已经被轰至渣了,成了团火球。
74、It intervals the drone of an insect bored the air. ─── 不时有只昆虫嗡嗡嗡地打破这阵寂静。
75、It often droning to tell, it is the day-yo in the pool of white flowers, as snow holy beautiful. ─── 它常喋喋不休地诉说,它本是落落于天池边的白色花朵,如雪圣洁美丽。
76、To emit the continuous droning sound of a bee on the wing; buzz. ─── 发嗡嗡声蜜蜂翅膀发出的持续的嗡嗡声;嗡嗡声
77、Their music is built around deep, droning tones and thundering rhythms that support dark songs focusing on science fictional and cyberpunk themes. ─── 他们的音乐由浑厚、懒散的音调和雷鸣般的节拍组成,主题则是科幻。
78、An unmanned drone identified anti-Afghan forces "joining the attack against coalition forces," the statement said. ─── 一架无人驾驶无人驾驶飞机确定的反阿富汗部队“加入攻击联军部队,”声明说。
79、To speak in a monotonous tone of voice; drone. ─── 以单调的声调说;低沉单调地说
80、To speak, repeat, or recite in a monotonous tone of voice; drone. ─── 以单调的声调说、重复或背诵;低沉单调地说
81、In mating season, Chinese bee drone and Italian bee drone have the same mating tour time. ─── 在交尾季节,中蜂雄蜂和意蜂雄蜂交尾出游时间相同。
82、No gusts.All systems go for drone detachment. ─── 一切稳定,所有系统作好副机分离准备。
83、The Obama administration has continued Bush's secret policy of drone strikes against extremists inside Pakistan. ─── 奥巴马政府继续执行布什秘密的摇控政策,在巴基斯坦境内打击极端主义分子。
84、To emit a continuous low droning sound like that of the speech sound(m) when prolonged. ─── 嗡嗡声,哼哼声发出一种持续、低沉的嗡嗡声,类似m被拖长后的声音
85、If her thousands of drone offspring hatch, the daemons will once again have an unstoppable army, which they will use to decimate the human population and subjugate the survivors. ─── 如果她的成千上万的雄蜂子孙孵化,那么恶魔将在一次拥有庞大的部队来毁灭人类以及征服幸存者。
86、Don't drone away the precious years of youth. ─── 别虚度青春年华。
87、To make a low droning or vibrating sound like that of a bee. ─── 嗡嗡叫象蜜蜂一样发出低沉的嗡嗡声或振动音
88、ERAST;high altitude;long duration;Predator surveillance drone;General Atomics/Aeronautical Systems Inc. ─── 学 科: 航空、航天科学技术 关 键 词: Altus I;
89、He wouldn't drone when he may live by honest labour. ─── 他可凭诚实的劳动生活时,他不愿游手好闲。
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